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Was Andrew Jackson A Fraud?

by Anton Chaitkin

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Look back, from our present national disintegration, into the defiantly optimistic thinking of the Americans of the 1776 Revolution. They foresaw their grandchildren prospering, with power over nature beyond all prior experience.

Understand them by reading the prophecy of Benjamin Franklin, in the accompanying box.

The founding Americans’ passion for improvement could bring a profound result for prosperity, but only if the Revolutionary country could control its own economy against the global power of the British Imperial enemy.

Acting for their grandchildren’s survival, the Founders set up the Bank of the United States to guide the economy and foster the necessary fundamental change.

This founding nationalist framework of our first Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, disputed by Thomas Jefferson and his allies, was nevertheless retained by them; when it expired, they revived it.

Britain’s American political agents made Andrew Jackson President, and with populist noise, he took down the National Bank, ceding control to the Money Power centered in London.

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