Alchemical Weapons for Economic Wars

Originally posted at Dispatches From

“In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken USURY and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD.”

— Ezekiel 22:12 KJV

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CBDC & You or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Digital Serfdom

CBDC & You or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Digital Serfdom


Usury is a weapon; a pernicious and unrivaled weapon, capable of bringing even the mightiest foe to heel. The defining economic minds of the ages — from Aristotle, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, to John Maynard Keynes — all viewed usury as a major vice if not an outright evil. It is a slow drip of venom in a civilization’s veins, inevitably bringing the borrower low in it’s alchemical grasp. Our enemy is keenly aware of this powerful weapon, particularly given that the Mystery religion’s temples — the pyramids and ziggurats — also served as banks & mints in which these ancient rites were practiced. The modern financial system is no less steeped in these philosophic and alchemical realities, as some of the most storied economists in history will attest to. Fiat currency is quite literally the Philosopher’s Stone made real: it is the ability to create something of value out of nothing.

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Was Andrew Jackson A Fraud?

by Anton Chaitkin

[PDF version of this article]

Look back, from our present national disintegration, into the defiantly optimistic thinking of the Americans of the 1776 Revolution. They foresaw their grandchildren prospering, with power over nature beyond all prior experience.

Understand them by reading the prophecy of Benjamin Franklin, in the accompanying box.

The founding Americans’ passion for improvement could bring a profound result for prosperity, but only if the Revolutionary country could control its own economy against the global power of the British Imperial enemy.

Acting for their grandchildren’s survival, the Founders set up the Bank of the United States to guide the economy and foster the necessary fundamental change.

This founding nationalist framework of our first Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, disputed by Thomas Jefferson and his allies, was nevertheless retained by them; when it expired, they revived it.

Britain’s American political agents made Andrew Jackson President, and with populist noise, he took down the National Bank, ceding control to the Money Power centered in London.

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Why Is the Bank of England’s Gold Selling at Unusual Premiums?

From Birch Gold Group

Why Is the Bank of England Gold Selling at Unusual Premiums?

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: BoE’s gold is selling at a premium, how silver prices should abandon their lag, and first privy-marked 2021 Morgan dollars sell out in minutes.

Gold stored in the Bank of England is selling at an unusual premium

The Bank of England’s vaults in London collectively hold one of the largest bullion stashes in the world. Much of this gold belongs to central and commercial banks which use the vaults to both store and trade their bullion, with the BoE acting as an intermediary. Normally, the gold sells within a few cents of its benchmark price, just like gold held in other London commercial vaults.

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