They clearly aren’t asking the right people. Maybe the researchers weren’t allowed into the penthouse suites of the Wall Street oligarchs. I believe they are the happiest motherfuckers on the planet. NYC is supposed to be the booming. It’s the financial capital of the world. Why so glum? Maybe it’s because 99% of the people in the NY metro area are nothing more than serfs, beholden to the lords of the manor living in 5th Avenue penthouses during the week and the Hamptons on the weekend.

It looks like my fine state of PA and Indiana take the cake for unhappiest states. I’m sure my new governor Tom Wolf will make us much happier with a dramatic increase in taxes. It seems I might be considered rich in his eyes.

I think the lesson is that high taxes, awful traffic, declining manufacturing base, unions, and cold make people unhappy. Go South young men and women.

Source: The Washington Post