I bet you thought I was talking about me being white in West Philly. Nope. We had 6 inches of snow last night. Public and Catholic schools were closed today. I, on the other hand, had the fastest commute to work in over two years. I got here in 42 minutes versus my normal 1 hour plus. There was virtually no one on the roads. This is another example of why were are doomed. We’ve become a bunch of mamby pambys and jackwagons. Did all these people stay home, huddled in a fetus position because a few inches of snow fell on the ground? There was no snow on the roads. The snow stopped at 3:00 am and the snow plows did their jobs, at least until I arrived in the City of Phila.

The good thing about snow in West Philly is that momentarily, the dirt, trash, garbage, dead bodies, rats, and other vermin are blanketed in the relaxing color of white. Snow can make a slum look beautiful.

The beloved mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter, put out a long press release yesterday announcing that the city was fully mobilizing all forces to battle this winter storm. He proudly declared that 450 trucks would hit the streets and save the day. Somebody must have foregotten West Philly. Every road I travelled on until I reached Phila had been completely cleared. From the time I exited the Schuykill at the Zoo, every road I drove on or observed was completely 100% snow covered, 5 hours after the snow had stopped. I swear to God I passed two huge plows PARKED on Chestnut Street (which was snow covered). Both trucks were filled to overflowing with salt.

What Mayor Nutter failed to take into account was that he directs an entire work force made up of union workers.

You can bet your ass that 25% of the union snow removal workers called in sick yesterday. Union workers see sick days as vacation days. Every time they earn one, they use it as soon as possible. This is the union mentality. When these drones called in sick yesterday, the old timers with the most seniority filled in and got paid double time. This is how you end up with garbagemen raking in $200,000 in a year. We all know that union workers are so much more productive than non-union workers.

I pay thousands of dollars per year in wage taxes to Phila and use absolutely none of the City’s services. This money is pissed down a bottomless pit of union wages, benefits and pensions. The one thing that would slightly benefit me would be a cleared street after a snowstorm. I can guarantee you that the streets I use in West Philly will still have snow on them next Monday when I drive into work.