“Human history seems logical in afterthought but a mystery in forethought. Writers of history have a way of describing interwar societies as coursing from postwar to prewar as though people alive at the time knew when that transition occurred.”Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning


Watching pompous politicians, egotistical economists, arrogant investment geniuses, clueless media pundits, and self- proclaimed experts on the Great Depression predict an economic recovery and a return to normalcy would be amusing if it wasn’t so pathetic. Their lack of historical perspective does a huge disservice to the American people, as their failure to grasp the cyclical nature of history results in a broad misunderstanding of the Crisis the country is facing. The ruling class and opinion leaders are dominated by linear thinkers that believe the world progresses in a straight line. Despite all evidence of history clearly moving through cycles that repeat every eighty to one hundred years (a long human life), the present generations are always surprised by these turnings in history. I can guarantee you this country will not truly experience an economic recovery or progress for another fifteen to twenty years. If you think the last four years have been bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Hope is not an option. There is too much debt, too little cash-flow, too many promises, too many lies, too little common sense, too much mass delusion, too much corruption, too little trust, too much hate, too many weapons in the hands of too many crazies, and too few visionary leaders to not create an epic worldwide implosion. Too bad. We’ve experienced horrific Crisis periods three times in the last 250 years and winter has arrived again exactly as forecasted by Strauss & Howe in 1997. The linear thinkers will continue to predict a recovery that never arrives. We have awful trials and tribulations, dreadful sacrifices of blood and treasure, and grim choices awaiting our country over the next fifteen years. Linear thinkers will scoff at such a statement as they irrationally view the world as a never ending forward progression towards a glorious future. History proves them wrong. We stand here in the year 2012 with no good options, only less worse options. Decades of foolishness, debt accumulation, and a materialistic feeding frenzy of delusion have left the world broke and out of options. And still our leaders accelerate the debt accumulation, while encouraging the masses to carry-on as if nothing has changed since 2008. Sadly, millions of lemmings want to believe they will not drown in the sea of un-payable commitments. Truth is a scarce resource on the planet today.

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” –  Friedrich Nietzsche


Entire populations taking comfort in their illusions transcends centuries. This is because all humans are driven by their emotions and react to events and danger in a predictable manner depending on their stage of life. Strauss & Howe in their 1997 opus – The Fourth Turning – utilized decades of studying generational dynamics to anticipate when our next Crisis would arrive and what core elements would precipitate it:

“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.”Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

The American people are mentally ensnared by their decades of indoctrination from propagandists in government and on Wall Street, spoon fed to them by the corporate mainstream media. Many are afflicted with the diseases of normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance.  Normalcy bias refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. The American people are mentally incapable of accepting the facts of our impending economic collapse. They somehow are able to convince themselves these facts as normal:

  • We’ve increased our national debt by $5.6 trillion in the last three and a half years. It took from 1789 until 2000, two hundred and eleven years, to accumulate the first $5.6 trillion of debt.
  • Our average annual deficit from 2000 through 2008 was $190 billion. Our average annual deficits since 2008 have been $1.3 trillion. Our deficits never exceeded 4% of GDP prior to 2008, but now they exceed 9%.
  • The national debt will reach $20 trillion by 2015 and if interest rates normalized to the same level they were in 2007 (5%), annual interest expense would be $1 trillion, or 45% of current tax revenue.
  • There are 242 million working age Americans and 100 million of them are not working. But don’t concern yourself. The Federal government reports that only 13 million of these people are actually unemployed. The other 87 million are just kicking back and living off their accumulated riches.
  • The economic recovery has been so great that the 7.5 million people added to the Food Stamp rolls since the recession officially ended in December 2009 isn’t really an indication of severe stress among the 99%. Only 46.5 million Americans (15% of the population) need food stamps to survive.
  • The unfunded liabilities of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security exceed $100 trillion and cannot possibly be honored, leaving future generations to fend for themselves.


  • Our leaders have fought two undeclared wars of choice since 2001 that have resulted in 6,400 unnecessary soldier deaths, 47,500 badly wounded, $1.3 trillion of borrowed treasure, with unfunded liabilities of at least $2 trillion more, and we are itching for more of the same with our coming war with Iran. A bankrupt empire still trying to police the world is the ultimate act of hubris.
  • After causing a worldwide financial collapse in 2008 with their extreme risk taking, tangibly fraudulent mortgage schemes, and reckless pillaging of their clients and the American people, Wall Street used their complete systematic capture of our political and economic system to shift $8 trillion of toxic debt from their books onto the backs of American taxpayers. They have since become even more flagrant in their disregard for human decency by using the hundreds of billions in free money funneled to them by Ben Bernanke to take even bigger risks and pay themselves grander bonuses. Total unregulated derivatives (real WMD) outstanding now exceed $700 trillion.
  • Since 2001 the Federal government has used fear to assume unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the citizens of this country. They can now use surveillance to monitor your phones calls, emails, and websites visited, without warrants. You can be imprisoned without charges for as long as the government decides you are a threat. TSA agents molest little old ladies and children trying to fly on airplanes. The President can take over the entire economy through presidential decree. Predator spy drones can eliminate suspected terrorists whenever a general gives the command. An order for 30,000 spy drones to be flying over U.S. cities should make you feel safe. The $2 billion NSA Utah Data Gathering Center (code name Stellar Wind) will be able to intercept and store every electronic signal on the planet by 2013. Sacrificing liberty for perceived safety and security isn’t working out too well for the American people.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skill would conclude our current situation is far from normal. We’ve become a cognitive dissonant nation. We convince ourselves the best way to solve a debt problem is to create more debt. We believe we are made safer by attacking foreign countries. We have convinced ourselves it makes sense for Too Big to Fail Wall Street banks that create systematic financial risk to get even bigger, after their fraudulent frenzy of greed virtually crashed our economic system. We actually believe the two party political system offers us a choice, when both parties genuflect to Wall Street, gratify corporate special interests, fight never ending wars, and spend money they don’t have.  We choose to believe government statistics that claim inflation is running at 3%, when our everyday reality attests it to be 10%. We trust the Federal Reserve to maintain price stability even though their policies have resulted in a 97% depreciation in the U.S. dollar since 1913. We believe the future will be bright, even though 60% of workers have less than $25,000 in total savings.

In the ultimate example of cognitive dissonance the majority of Americans scorned and ridiculed the young people being beaten, maced and arrested for protesting the rampant criminality of the Wall Street 1%ers while supporting a billionaire banker bailout, 0% interest rates that punish senior citizens and savers while encouraging further debt accumulation, and not be outraged that not one criminal banker has gone to jail. They somehow are able to observe the data in the table below and still believe that America offers equal opportunity to everyone.

Americans have thus far been unable to deal with the reality of our desperate circumstances. They remind me of people who see the ocean recede from the shoreline and curiously venture out where the sea had flowed to pick up trinkets and pretty shells with no sense of what is truly happening. The deadly 20 foot high tsunami headed their way will be a complete shock when they are swept away in a torrent of bad debt and worthless currencies.  We are about to enter phase two of this Fourth Turning Crisis still in denial and terribly unprepared for the frightful trials that await our nation. It’s not as if it hasn’t happened before, just like clockwork. William Strauss and Neil Howe were able to document turnings in Anglo-American history dating back to the 15th century. The life cycles of human beings and the moods of generations at different stages of their lives are consistent across time, resulting in predictable responses to events during a particular time frame. Fourth Turnings are a time of Crisis, danger and vulnerability. The Crisis periods in modern history are as follows:

  • War of the Roses (1459 – 1487), Late Medieval Saeculum
  • Armada Crisis (1569 – 1594), Reformation Saeculum
  • Glorious Revolution (1675 – 1704), New World Saeculum
  • American Revolution (1773 – 1794), Revolutionary Saeculum
  • Civil War (1860 – 1865), Civil War Saeculum
  • Great Depression & World War II (1929 – 1946), Great Power Saeculum
  • Millenial Crisis (2008 – ????), Millenial Saeculum

Using a seasonal analogy, the Crisis is the wintry bitter dark era, where deadly blizzards rage and the citizens are pushed to the brink. In retrospect the three previous American Crisis periods seem easy to predict, but one year prior to their onset NO ONE could have predicted the epic sacrifices and horrific casualties of war to follow. In 1772 there were few people expecting America to declare independence and fight an eight year war for independence. In 1859 virtually no one expected the election of Abraham Lincoln as president and an ensuing war that would kill 700,000 American men. In 1928 no one imagined the stock market losing 89% of its value, an eleven year depression, and a world war resulting in over 60 million deaths. History is only logical in afterthought. The mystery of forethought is where we find ourselves today.

In a recent article, Neil Howe provided insight into why he believes the current Fourth Turning began in 2008, sixty-two years since the end of the Depression/WWII Crisis, which was sixty-four years after the Civil War Crisis, which was sixty-six years after the American Revolution Crisis:

“I believe the catalyst occurred in 2008. The year 2008 marked the onset of the most serious U.S. economic crisis since the Great Depression. It also marked the election of Barack Obama, which could yet turn out to be a pivotal realignment date in U.S. political history. In fact, if I had to give the catalyst a month, I would say September of 2008. The global Dow was in free fall. Banks were failing. Money markets froze shut. Business owners held their breath.” – Neil Howe – Dating the Fourth Turning

Howe uses the term catalyst to describe the trigger or event that initiates the Crisis. Strauss and Howe determined that a Crisis progresses through four stages during its life cycle, as described below:  

  • A Crisis era begins with a catalyst – a startling event (or sequence of events) that produces a sudden shift in mood.
  • Once catalyzed, a society achieves a regeneracy – a new counter-entropy that reunifies and reenergizes civic life.
  • The regenerated society propels toward a climax – a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and birth of the new.
  • The climax culminates in a resolution – a triumphant or tragic conclusion that separates the winners from losers, resolves the big public questions, and establishes the new order.

We have countless valleys to cross and mountains to ascend before reaching our ultimate destination. There are no guarantees the outcomes will be positive or that the nation as we know it will even exist. It is certain that in twenty years the social order of this country will not resemble what exists today. The transformation could be positive or negative, depending upon whether we make the right choices during this Crisis.


“The nation could be ruined, its democracy destroyed, and millions of people scattered or killed. Or America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. The rhythms of history do not reveal the outcome of the coming Crisis; all they suggest is the timing and dimension.”  Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning



Notify of
April 5, 2012 5:25 pm

Every so often all the tumblers are thrown up in the air and fall down in a completely different configuration. A necessary realignment of world values and conditions to live by. Some will make it thru the chaos and some won’t. The consequences of the realignment could go several ways, including extinction of species homo sapiens.

April 5, 2012 6:42 pm

What do you all think of the Federal reserve? Nice name for a private corporation.
How do you like paying higher taxes because of this Rothchild owned company?
I have read that the gov. is just able to meet the interest payments on all the money
they have borrowed. Some reports say less but I bet the former is true. When the
founders wrote the Constitution they wrote into law that the gov. was to be the only
entity that was able to mint coins for commerce (gold/silver). The unconstitutional
congress changed that in around 1913. Hence the Federal reserve. Now we get to
pay higher taxes to enrichen this abomination. What is up with that? The Federal
reserve going away would reduce our true debt by trillions. Lower our taxes and
strengthen our economy. Who do you think prints money for the majority of nations?
ROTHCHILDS FAMILY. Who do you think is responsible for all the wars in the
world? This cartel works both sides to get people angry enough to go to war.
Guess who finances both countries when they are fighting a war. This same family
that decimates peoples lives when their brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers are
killed. The human condition is wired to fight and taught to have national pride. There
is not anything wrong with being proud of your nation when people are doing the
right thing. Going to war and killing another human being does not bring honor to
anyone in these circumstances. People and nations are being manipulated under
cover so to speak. You only get honor by protecting your families/friends, not
getting them killed for a greedy World Corporate entity. This family has over half
the wealth of the entire world! These people are responsible for the deaths of
countless millions. These people are responsible for you not having enough money
to help others, buy the new car you need for work, pay your house off sooner etc.
This family lives like kings of the world and sit and laugh at ALL the people of the
world. Now they want a world war to kill even more people. Think New World
Order. It has been stated that this New World Order will bring peace to the planet.
It will do that after hundreds of millions of us die. Those that are left will work for
slave wages just to get enough money to eat while this family will own everything.
In this “brave new world” the living will only be left to live if they work hard enough.
Your overseer will kill you for not producing enough widgets. You can kiss any
freedom goodbye. Good B movie material but it is coming to fruition.
It is time for a New World Order but not the Rothchild version!

As always, best wishes to you all!

Lawrence Sarsoun
Lawrence Sarsoun
April 5, 2012 7:54 pm

Why there is no large “Trillion dollar national debt”. A casual exploration of two sections of the Constitution can quickly get us out of the so-called national debt quagmire. Article 1, section 8, is that section where we, the people, tell our elected SERVANTS what WE want them to do regarding things like borrowing, and money (we want coins for money), and article 1, section 10, the money can only be gold and silver coined money. Debts, like borrowing, can only be coined gold and silver. Now, since there is a finite amount of gold and silver available to planet earth to find, dig up, refine, send to the mint for them to coin, and lastly, for that coin to be borrowed, there is therefore a limited amount of money that can be borrowed.

Now, we know that, at some time or other, some bright person came up with the idea of paper notes for money, so that we wouldn’t be encumbered by the old fashioned concept of dealing with coins. Coins were good insofar as they were HONEST, you could weigh them and check for their purity. Notes for money could be honest only if you could convert the notes (redeem them), but once no longer redeemable, they failed miserably as store of value money. We were at the mercy of the printer, the more they printed, the less the notes were worth (it’s called inflation). Our own Greenbacks were honest notes, it took awhile after the Civil War for all the notes to be paid off, but they were (to Mr. Lincoln’s credit). But not so with the Federal Reserve Notes issued since 1965. These notes made a claim to legitimacy, the legend on the 1965 note said “These notes are legal tender for all debts, public and private, and are redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve bank.” So your reporter went to such, and sought to obtain his lawful money. He was rebuffed, and sent away. The lawful money was the gold and silver coin. The gold had been stolen in 1933, and the silver was stolen in 1965. Therefore, I can say with certainty, there is no money in the U.S. And because there has been no money in the U.S. for decades, there has been no legitimate borrowing for the last 45 years or so.

Lawrence Sarsoun
Author of “America’s Monetary Mess”
[email protected]

dandy dale
dandy dale
April 5, 2012 11:06 pm

I have to say this is one of the most accurate, straight forward and honest articles I have read.
Rates – Outstanding

April 6, 2012 11:24 am

I only wish the mainstream sheeple were even slightly aware of the drama you explained perfectly in this 3 part series. Well done!

I have lost all faith in the MSM, the bomb is ticking and all they can talk about is Treyvon and the GOP primary circus. I started watching BBC for at least some type of global perspective, our MSM is brain-washing the sheeple into a numbing illusion of “all’s well” hypnosis.

I was watching this series the other day, and I thought it was well worth the time, check it out:

April 6, 2012 6:33 pm

The Hunger Games is what our future might resemble if we allow the ruling class to manipulate us into believing that human sacrifice as entertainment is required to maintain security as thanks for stability. We are becoming a depraved and immoral society unwilling to face the critical choices necessary to sustain the republic. Personal wealth in one’s lifestime seems to be the primary motivation for ignoring the destructive implications that such behavior creates. The passing on of intergenerational wealth will not be sufficient to hold back the masses from revolution, only delya the inevitable.

April 6, 2012 10:24 pm

There is no fourth turning.

There is only one repetitive, convulsive history of our species. The overwhelming majority of us are most often willfully ignorant of, or actually embrace, the corruption within our own lives, and among those around us, if it be perceived we can make personal gain from it. Eventually, as Mencken said, we get not what we wanted, but what we deserved.

April 7, 2012 4:20 am


I commend you, an embodiment of Popper’s falsification, as a legend in your own mind. I have yet to see one of you drive-by cunts who’ve read the book and can refute the ideas with logic rather than bombastic agendae of your making.

Your ‘we’ certainly deserves it, good and hard.

Have a nice day.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 7, 2012 2:33 pm


Perfect Popper reference.


April 9, 2012 6:54 am

It is apparent that some people sterotype groups instead of defining groups
more precisely.
To gerneralize a group shows only ignorance, a lack of education, or a lack of
critical thinking and possibly that of the IQ. This seems to be the tool most used
by those that like to hear the sound of their own voice etc. A group can be
defined as a whole in the correct context but individuals in a group can be put
into many subgroups. Thoughts or beliefs in subgroups are not the same
in all subgroups or even in each individual. Thoughts or beliefs depend on the
understanding of each by the individual. It is how our brains process the
information that we read or hear (or want to hear through selective hearing)
that can define which subgroup we as individuals more closley belong.
Therefore, with this knowledge we can define the overall thoughts or belief of
a group with the realization that subgroups have many different beliefs as well.
These thoughts or beliefs make us what we are and how we act. However, there
are those that say they belong to a group that do so only for some gain such as
money or power. There are those in pollitics that do this and any person that
would qualify them by their actions can see the truth. Many people do not take
the time to be sure that these people are who they say they are. The people will
just vote as they believe and not qualify the candidate.

April 9, 2012 12:01 pm

Each civilization is born in some inexplicable fashion and, after
a slow start, enters a period of vigorous expansion, increasing its
size and power, both internally and at the expense of its neighbors,
until gradually a crisis of organization appears… It becomes
stabilized and eventually stagnant. After a Golden Age of peace and
prosperity, internal crises again arise. At this point, there appears
for the first time, a moral and physical weakness.

The passage from the Age of Expansion to the Age of Conflict is
the most complex, most interesting and most critical of all periods of
the life cycle of a civilization. It is marked by four chief
characteristics: it is a period:
a) of declining rate of expansion;
b) of growing tensions and class conflicts;
c) of increasingly frequent and violent imperialist wars;
d) of growing irrationality.

~Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quigley

Prof. Quigley? Interesting. I can see he had done his history homework viz. The Roman Empire.

April 11, 2012 9:39 am

The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

Eye opener for some here. What do you think?

April 11, 2012 9:14 pm


I think the NWO fertility control has failed with the FSA. And most of the third world. Why is that?

April 12, 2012 12:49 am


As I did not write the article I do not have an answer for your question other
than what little I have read. I know the Chinese Gov. limited the amount of
children a couple could have years ago. If I remember correctly, especially
how many female children they could have. It also seems that couples were
rewarded by having male children only.
I can only speculate on 3rd world nations as I have not done any research
and have not seen any information anywhere on the issue.
If you want more information I would recommend contacting the author of
the article.

April 12, 2012 6:12 am


If you offer an eye opener, you should be prepared to defend it.

China had a one child policy. Like most top-down edicts, there were exceptions, caveats, and provisos. Namely, if you could afford it. The male child option was an artifact of the culture. A lot of female infants died prematurely …

To amplify what I thought about the article, I reckon the NWO master plan is an epic fail.

40 Shades of Green
40 Shades of Green
April 12, 2012 9:38 am

Could I suggest you have add an email subscribe feature.

Having just found you, I will most likely forget about you now as there is no way for me to ask you to remind me.

40 Shades

April 12, 2012 12:16 pm

Very solid work. Bravo! Inflection Point posted excerpts (a large part) of your piece; part one. We provide full credit and links to the piece as well as links to part two and three.

This is our commentary:

In this mind bending piece Jim Q again provides a clear long range vision of possibilities in an increasingly myopic and deluded world. Among the emergence of a new honorable Fourth Estate, is a standout. The editorial insight provides a vivid account of history book Turnings as they unfold before our very eyes! Today’s challenges bring to mind JFK’s prophetic words of truth in his attempts to End The Fed, stop the war in SE Asia and battle organized crime;

“A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough, compassionate if we care enough, successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.” – JFK

Below are excerpts from part one. Be sure to study all three parts. See links below. – IP

The excerpts were posted at Inflection Point here:

And at Don’t Tread On Me


If this is against your better sensibilities please let me know and I will take them down.

Keep up your outstanding work!

– EC

April 12, 2012 8:42 pm


I posted the link for interest only. The question I asked when posting
the link was rhetorical I did not write the article. It is what it is.
I have no reason to defend it as you have proven…people have made
their minds up already about the NWO one way or the other. I thank
you for reminding me of the facts about China and population control.
However, if you wanted me to defend the article why did you not also
discuss the BPA,LFA,NOAA,GMO,DU,and agenda 21, and enlighten
me on the statistics of 3rd world nations as well? Also, What are the
statistics of Chinas population control from the time that it was implemented
till now? You reckon that the NWO agenda is an epic fail. Tell me,
what is the NWO agenda as you see it? I have not seen the last act of
the play being over as of yet. So…are you saying that all is well with the
world now?

April 13, 2012 2:19 pm

For anyone who is on Linkedin, the ‘Future Trends’ group posted this Neil Howe interview opportunity:
‘To: Lloyd Conway
Subject: Exclusive Interview with the legend who coined the term Millennial

————Group: Future Trends

Subject: Exclusive Interview with the legend who coined the term Millennial

America’s rising generation embodies confidence, community and trust in a better tomorrow. This new generation has been coined, by Neil Howe, Founding Partner & President, Lifecourse Associates, as the Millennial Generation.

Join Neil Howe and other industry experts at the Millennial Mega Mashup to discuss the future of the Millennial Generation, the role other generations will play in that future, AND what this means for you, your brand and your business.

Check out the video from last week’s preview of Neil’s presentation at Millennial Mega Mashup:

Plus, don’t miss out on your Day 1 Intensive Options – Hispanic Millennials & Firmenich’s TrenzWalk.

Space is limited – reserve your spot today!

• Hispanic Millennial Intensive offers a full day intensive on this important group, from “fusionistas” and bilingual influencers to Hispanic shoppers and cultural touchpoints

• TrenzWalk: Firmenich’s Trenz Walking is a unique system to detect trends in their infancy (mostly 3-4 years before they globally manifest themselves). It allows not only signalling the new trends early, but business opportunities, from branding to product development to delivery.

Your peers have already signed up to future proof their business by more deeply understanding the most powerful generation – will you be there?
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Join our communities to stay connected:

Visit the Millennial Mega Mashup Home Page:

Posted By Michelle LeBlanc

Go to the complete announcement

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
April 13, 2012 8:21 pm [Dallas Fed Res. Report]
A second example of divisions in the banking sector comes from the Federal Reserve Board of Dallas which released a report from its chief researcher, Harvey Rosenblum , “Why We Must End Too Big To Fail Now,” cites statistics showing that the five largest U.S. banks hold 52% of all bank assets. The report points out that “American workers and taxpayers want a broad-based recovery that restores confidence. . . The road back to prosperity will require reform of the financial sector. In particular, a new roadmap must find ways around the potential hazards posed by the financial institutions that the government not all that long ago deemed ‘too big to fail.’” In an introduction to the report, Dallas Fed President Richard W. Fisher calls for “downsizing” these megabanks because the continuing cloud of ‘too big to fail’ hanging over the economy is simply too costly.

Too big to fail might just be the straw that breaks the sheoples backs.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
April 13, 2012 8:55 pm

You might try the RSS feed 40 Shades.

April 21, 2012 4:20 pm

Hmm, heard of Bleeding Kansas? There WERE people who were aware. They’re the ones that took advantage of it! Either by profit or getting the heck out of Dodge. It’s like economics – if you know something and tell everyone, then the timeline is skewed so keep it under your hat to take advantage. But the cycles are going to happen even if they take a different amount of time or happened differently. Also, even Volcano cycles have cutoff points. Life is not much different since it also relies on entropy principles. If the sun went nova, all cycles in life would end, after all.

The conclusion can be right, even if some of the premises are flawed. The major premise – that people ignore history overall and that this in fact causes the next stage to happen, is pretty much 100% proven by history. The exceptions kind of prove the rule.

Mr. Fishgrunter
Mr. Fishgrunter
October 1, 2012 1:24 am

Speaking of destroyed illusions, lemmings don’t jump off cliffs. That was a Disney scam (the fact that they rigged up a turntable to fling lemmings off the cliff for the camera is pretty damn funny, though).

If we’re talking history, then who gives a fuck if the USA survives? The world had existed for millions upon millions of years before it came to be, and some form of life will live long after it is gone. Please be honest: the only driving force is a preoccupation with your own continued existence (this includes your children, because they’re “yours”), and frankly, in that regard, history could give a sloppy shit. Humans are so fucking boring most of the time, living so much in their tiny little heads.

October 26, 2016 3:43 pm

Having read this I believed it was rather enlightening.
I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this article together.
I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and posting comments.

But so what, it was still worthwhile!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 30, 2018 11:23 pm

It is all manufactured crisis by the Fed now and bankers in the past. Anyone who believes otherwise isn’t dealing with a full deck. Iceland has a 1,200 year old democracy.