Guest Post by The Pessimist Chemist (TPC)

I attended a “pro-Bernie” rally yesterday. Not to lend my support, but to study the opposition. The main speakers were from out of town and had no idea who we were, so they spoke more candidly then they might have had they known we were “the enemy.”

My wife and I showed up a little late so we could get spots around the edge of the crowd and not end up buried in it. It was obvious our presence made some of the locals anxious. They know where we stand, and don’t like it, even if they do want to like us as people.

Long story short: The Socialists are in this for the long haul. They are targeting local/small elections and wish to build a popular movement to grant the government even more control. In order for this plan to work they absolutely must shift the narrative as far away from social programs as possible.

These people view the fruits of my labor as their god-given right, and will fight tooth and nail to prevent themselves from being held responsible for any of their own choices.

The longer our country allows this movement to go on, the more dangerous it gets. It does not take very many people of action to make sweeping changes in history.

The American Revolution had a paltry percentage of the popular vote, let alone active participants. The same can be said of the rise of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich.

The unfortunate nature of the Libertarian-leaning conservatives is that we just want to be left alone, and thus don’t actively recruit or rabble-rouse. The days are fading where we could say “leave me alone” and expect any semblance of compliance with the request.

But as Socialism rises, so too must Capitalism. We cannot work with the Socialists to bring a Reckoning down on our Crony Capitalist rulers, we must strive to tear down both movements as they are equally evil. We cannot allow the failures of Socialism in South America, Asia, and Europe to be swept under the rug. We must loudly parade them out in the open, mocking a decaying system and putting forward true American ideals as the only way to win.

Despite its corrupt rulers and government, America is still the Greatest Nation that ever existed, and its an ideal worth fighting for.

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May 12, 2016 10:19 am

“They are targeting local/small elections and wish to build a popular movement to grant the government even more control. ”

That wouldn’t be anything to worry about in the top-down American political system, as demonstrated by the LP’s use of this tactic for decades, but you’re right to be concerned.

The LP’s stated goal was the exact opposite: to deny government any more control and to roll back their current level of control. That’s what kept the LP down. The socialist goal will get the blessing of government, media, etc.

Socialists get a leg up from TPTB, but their name brand will have to be hidden, so they can disassociate themselves from the record of failure socialism has racked up. Watch how they do that.

May 12, 2016 10:41 am

Everything I ever read about socialism, except what was written by scared 1%-ers always mentioned the word “workers”. It had to do with protecting their rights (read The Jungle -poor workers in the north were treated way worse than slaves in the south….).

Nowhere was the word “slackers” ever mentioned.

The welfare state of today is not socialism, it is slavery. Remember – The “best” kind of slavery is where the slaves demand it.

May 12, 2016 10:43 am

@Ed – Nothing lasts forever. Revolutions happen. Violence and Wars happen. I’m not stating that this movement will head down that path, I’m stating that it has the potential to do so. They are gathering a populist movement. They are organized. They have funding. They have written off this Presidential election and are chasing the long game.

These are the earmarks of a movement that will not quietly fade away under the strain of its own apathy. These people care.

Occupy was co-opted and murdered in its cradle, Same with the Tea Party.

This movement has gone so much farther than either of those. Socialism is dangerous. It is completely anathema to our way of life, and everything that it means to be American.

“The Lord helps those who help themselves.” – I will not stand idly by while this movement threatens the very bones of our Great Nation.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 12, 2016 11:10 am

Chemist it is so far gone now I’m not sure the Republic can be saved. Uncle Bernie is proof that the younger generation has gone pinko and the old school Americans who understand the communist world government plan for all it’s evil will be going on to glory in the next few decades.

These young people should have been taught about the evils of communism at home by their parents as I taught my children, but alas they let the government schools mold their perception of what is a good system for the people. They are making the choice for the totalitarian state and they will have to live in it. Wait til they find out there is no plan for a FSA built in just hard labor and misery.

May 12, 2016 11:22 am

@Bea – Ron Paul’s movement was built on the backs and minds of disenfranchised Millennials, much like Sanders. Don’t lose hope just yet.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 12, 2016 11:57 am

As I have said, the sonner real American understand that this is a war the better. These so-called “socialists” belong in prison or work camps, period. They are the Domestic Enemy and have to be dealt with as such. Now, we are not at the point where this is a realistic option even if Trump wins. Our ultimate objectives should be:
–Defeat them politically and drive them from public life, to the extent possible. Remove them from schools, universities, corporate boards, elected office. Outlaw their NGO´s.
–Talk sense into the ones who will listen and demand that they get their minds right
–On the local level, watch every elected official carefully and organize to push back hard against leftist organizations trying to intimidate or recruit them
–The stiff-necked, recalcitrant ones will eventually have to be dealt with using very harsh methods. But remember, as Stalin said, “Kill one, terrorize a thousand”. We do not have to kill them of course, unless they are foolish enough to resist, but seeing a goodly number sentenced to long prison terms at hard labor on short rations will motivate all but the craziest or stupidist to cease and desist.

This is a war and the future of our nation is at stake. No time for mealy-mouthed nonsense, hair-splitting or ridiculous John Kadsich-like calls for a “unity” that does not and can´t exist with criminal elements whose goal is to destroy our country, steal our property and abolish our freedom.

We can do this within the law, but WE will write the laws.

May 12, 2016 6:38 pm

Things are going to change soon, and many of these people are going to end up like the aristocracy in France that thought they were safely entrenched in their positions just before the French Revolution broke out.

May 12, 2016 6:42 pm

Most “socialists” in general society are dumbasses. They want
everything to be fair…by taking $ from a hardworker and give it
to a freeloader. The adults? They want to identify with a “safe”
group…the “caring group.” Care = good…libertarian = horrible.
“They don’t care about anyone but themselves.” All others are
just to be fleeced.

May 12, 2016 7:21 pm

Once our system collapses all the special little snowflakes, metrosexual males, FSA and other various parasites will fall fairly quickly. The real men and the self sufficent will be left to pick up the pieces and start the game over. Another 80 to 100 years we will all do it over again. It’s just part of the cycle of man. I am kind of glad I get to see it all happen since history is one of my favorite subjects.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
May 13, 2016 5:44 am

What the hell do they think Bernie is going to do for them? Transqueer bathroom bullshit, check. Pay you to sit on your ass, cjeck. Devalue a college education even more than it is already, check. Guarantee he wont give free education to doctors and engineer

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
May 13, 2016 5:47 am

Students, but queer studies, rught this way. I cant believe so many of these scumbags want to be victims instead of getting ahead.