The Rodney King verdict provoked racial pandemonium in Los Angeles in 1991. The O.J. Simpson trial revealed a huge gap in how white people and black people view justice. I was in a company conference room when the O.J. verdict was announced. The white people gasped and the black people cheered.

If the George Zimmerman trial ends in a not guilty verdict in the next couple weeks, the L.A. riots are going to look like a walk in the park. The urban kill zones, with real black unemployment exceeding 50%, and temperatures exceeding 90 degrees, will explode in violence. Buildings will burn. Businesses will be looted. Cops will kill some rioters. This will spur more violence.

We’ve already got extreme tension between the 99% and the 1% caused by the looting of national wealth by bankers and corporate titans. The generational divisions have grown wider and wider as millenials are saddled with trillions of debt, no jobs, and no hope. Religious tensions are out of control around the globe. China and Russia are actively challenging the U.S. whenever possible. Now we will potentially see the country explode in racial violence.

This will just be another catalyst for this ongoing Fourth Turning. The tensions and cracks in our societal makeup are expanding rapidly. Will the Zimmerman verdict be the grain of sand that causes the collapse of the sand pile? This Fourth Turning is approaching a point when all the tensions lead to a major confrontation.

The article below calls for whites to respond with violence to match the black violence. I wonder if this is exactly what Obama is hoping for. He would use it to push through his gun control plans. My commute through West Philly could get interesting in the near future. 

The Zimmerman Trial: A Civil Rights Lynching

June 29, 2013


The trial of George Zimmerman is a travesty of justice. I cannot refer to the trial as a lynching, considering that most lynchings that occurred in Dixie were done with just cause, as exemplified in the proper execution of the Jewish child rapist and murderer Leo Frank by the citizenry of Georgia.

What is being pushed by the Leftist media and elites is a clearly designed attempt to turn a thuggish and brutal criminal into a Saint, while demonizing a man who by all standards of “American” society should be the ideal. While countless numbers of our folkish brothers and sisters languish in prison cells and we all must bear the slings and arrows of the forces of darkness for our love of our people, the Left seems to have overreached on the case of Trayvon Martin, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

The media jumped on the case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman because at first glance it seemed like a home run to the Left. As reports first came out about the case, like sharks who smelled blood, the media swarmed.

The media portrayed the story in their framework before actually examining any of the evidence. On radio, internet, and television the media told us a story of a guy with a white sounding name who went on a vigilante murder spree that left a poor and defenseless black child dead in the gutter. This obviously was racist, it was a modern day case of Emmett Till, and we must have justice! George Zimmerman was probably a local Republican who secretly burned crosses in his time off, while Trayvon was a budding scholar who was cut down in the prime of his life by a murderer, who probably was still upset over Obama’s election. This narrative had the potential to give the Left a bully club to attack gun rights, Stand Your Ground laws, white people (as usual), and the whole host of other Leftist initiatives. The problem with the Left’s story was fundamental, the narrative wasn’t true in the slightest, and from the beginning, things began to unravel.

The first hole in the Left’s narrative about the case was the fact that George Zimmerman wasn’t white. The calls of a “hate crime” began to seem a bit foolish. While actual ethnic cleansing between black and Hispanic groups is occurring in California as witnessed in the Hawaiian Gardens gang case, that does not fit the media framework of racially motivated violence. George Zimmerman had black ancestors, was himself a mixed Hispanic, and was definitely not the white supremacist the media had been hoping for.

The mainstream media decided to create a new racial group “White-Hispanic” but that quickly floundered. The foundation of the Left’s narrative, a racially motivated hate crime, was a foundation built on sand. While the New Black Panther Party marched in the streets demanding Zimmerman’s capture, classic race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton cried crocodile tears on television, and the black community was in a frenzy over another slain martyr in the never ending battle against “Amerikkka”, it seemed profoundly hollow. The facts just weren’t there, and America knew it.

Alongside the attempt to make the undeniably non white George Zimmerman into an Aryan ubermensch, the media began to portray Trayvon as being a young innocent child. Using pictures from years prior to the incident, the world grieved over photos of an adorable young black boy. The media of course forgot to mention that Trayvon at the time of his attack on George Zimmerman, was 6’2, a football player, and a wannabe gangster. Photos he posted online flashing gang signs and other classic thug behavior were hidden from the public until members of the alternative media, like the Council of Conservative Citizens Kyle Rogers, broke the photos to the public.

Trayvon’s social media messages about drug usage, partying, guns, and crime all undid the narrative of an innocent young High School student. Trayvon’s trouble in school, drug possession, possession of burglar tools, suspensions, suspected criminal activities, and frequent instances of getting into both legal and school trouble all indicated that Trayvon was far from the angelic picture the media presented of him.

The pictures of George Zimmerman’s bloody and bruised body following the altercation with Trayvon only cemented that this was not a vigilante killing of an innocent child, but a man’s struggle against a violent and habitual criminal.

Through social media websites and alternative media outlets, the narrative of young innocent Trayvon was torn apart. When pictures of a bloody and bruised George Zimmerman that were taken moments after the shooting were released , it effectively ended the crusade of the media and renowned anti white activists like Al Sharpton. No amount of crocodile tears and candlelight vigils can hide the fact that Trayvon was a street thug who ended up on the wrong side of a gun, not a victim.

The witness statements that confirm that Trayvon was on top of George Zimmerman and beating him, the coroner reports that show the busted knuckles of Trayvon that were consistent with what happens when you beat another person, grass stains on Zimmerman’s clothing, and the close range in which Zimmerman shot Trayvon all confirm Zimmerman’s story, but now it was too late to stop the circus that the media had created.

Due to public outcry, not wrongdoing, George Zimmerman was charged with murder. As farcical as the charges are, they have nothing on the trial. Personally I could not have scripted a more blatant travesty of justice if I tried. The trials held by the deranged Jonathan Crane in the film The Dark Knight Rises actually had fairer charges towards the elite of Gotham City than what George Zimmerman is facing.

In the face of clear evidence, the mob has been able to get the trial that it called for. The autopsy, photos, and witnesses all confirm that this trial should not be happening in the first place. The greatest witness (and most entertaining) is the prosecution’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, deserves her own reality show. Besides uttering multiple racial slurs in court, defending hating white people because of her culture, being unable to read, bragging online about frequent drug use, and about every other black stereotype, she has been the defense’s best witness, albeit accidentally.

The laughable witness is a few I.Q points short of functional and has been obviously coached by the prosecution. All of this is for naught due to the wise words of Forrest Gump’s mother “Stupid is as stupid does.” This trial was over before it began.

As the George Zimmerman trial continues, it is becoming increasingly clear that he should be acquitted. The only thing that would cause his conviction would be if the jurors are threatened or they are totally blind. The black community is preparing for the possibility of his acquittal however, by preparing to kill white people.

Preparing to riot is the proper response to things happening that you dislike, apparently. The black community is preparing for their own miniature RaHoWa. I remember clearly the time that my class in High School got a bad grade on a test and we proceeded to light our houses on fire and break into local businesses. This all seems like the rational and mature thing to do by all accounts. All jokes aside, white people seem to be unable to understand the almost animalistic reactions of the black community. While the conservative media tries to bring out facts, figures, and arguments, the black community remains united in defense of one of their fallen. This strength of racial solidarity is something white people should learn from, not insult. Voting white, rallying around white people, and rioting when our people are harmed would be far more effective than a million letters to the editor or confused conservative articles.

Tweets by the thousands, public declarations, and flash mob violence all show that there is a strong possibility that this court decision will be the same as what L.A saw in the early 1990’s As conservatives get a good dose of fake indignation, the real world realizes that tribalism is going to determine the future, not reality. The black community has firmly rallied around Trayvon and they will not budge. He is one of theirs, and they will get their pound of flesh, either through the court system or through rioting. If white folks had a tenth of the racial solidarity that blacks do, we would have put every ghetto and barrio to the torch a long time ago in revenge for the relentless assaults upon our people by the non white communities

.A tit for tat is what the black community believes in, and that is exactly what whites should embrace. For every white woman raped, home invasion, or murder by non whites, we should exact a revenge so harsh that it would make a Soviet commissar blush. Non whites do not respond to reason, they respond to strength and action. We should take a lesson from the black community, from Al Sharpton to riots. The black community sticks together and fights together, that is what we need more of. Racial solidarity is why we are facing a series of race riots if George Zimmerman is found innocent, and we must be prepared.

The next Watts race riot could be headed to a city near you, all because a black thug got exactly what he deserved. If this is 21st century America, only a crazy person would want to live here.

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June 30, 2013 6:04 pm


It’s perfectly okay for Blacks and Mexican to have their own race based groups that promote a racial agenda that benefits THEM like Mecha, Aztlan, La Raza. The same with Muzzie fanatics. It’s okay for them to have offshoots of the Muslim brotherhood operating in the U.S. and to promote shariah law across the land.

But it’s bad for Whites to have any sort of organization that promotes their interest according to the ACLU, ADL, and SPLC.

You wonder why Whites are balkanized, because groups like the above wanted it that way.

June 30, 2013 6:08 pm

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600,000 Americans died in the last civil war

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June 30, 2013 6:37 pm

I don’t see riots breaking out in the south. After living in both the south and Michigan, I can say most racial hostility is in the Northern region of the US. Mainly due to strong numbers of the FSA and union thugs.

June 30, 2013 6:55 pm

Children, one must remember this is first a spiritual war.The gospel of John, Psalms, Isaiah ,Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation tells us exactly what is happening today.Most important thing to do is to get right with God,your family and your neighbors.Truth is, most of you will not survive through these hard times.So plan according and remember the true power is with God.

June 30, 2013 7:18 pm

BB ,I could not have said it any better myself.Think any these idiots believe in the spiritual world?Or will they forever be lost in the wilderness of this world.?

June 30, 2013 7:23 pm

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Williams: I just want to say to all the listeners on this phone call, that if you are having any doubt about getting suited, booted, and armed up for this race war that we’re in that has never ended, let me tell you somethin…the thing that’s about to happen these honkies, these crackers, these pigs, these people, these motherf*er…it has been long overdue.”

Kweli: “Ya, what she said was right– we got to suit up and boot up…and get prepared for the war that we’re in…this stuff got to boil over, and all your great’s talked about that happened to be bloodshed involved with revolution- true revolution means some bloodshed, so there‘s blood being spilled because there’s a new life that is beyond this bloodshed. There is a new reality that is built upon your original African principles and spiritualities and values and norms that is beyond this bloodshed. But we gotta go do it.

“And as the Scripture said, you gotta to cross it. We gon’ have to cross the Red Sea….I know y’all thought it was talking about some sea in some Middle Eastern part of the world- hell no. We’re talking about some blood. You’re gonna have to cross some blood, and go through some blood and some battles.

“And there are those who wish they could stand in this hour, to see the destruction of the devil‘s world and the devil’s society- and I‘m ain’t talking about no dude underneath the ground with a pitchfork and pantyhose. I’m talking about that blonde haired, blue-eyed, sometimes brown-eyed, Caucasian walkin around with a mindset, a demonistic mindset, and a nature to do evil and brutality.”

June 30, 2013 7:38 pm

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Biggy Mofo
Biggy Mofo
June 30, 2013 7:48 pm

Yo we’s is just waiting. we’s be all strapped, we’s gots 40’s, we’s gots our Cadillac gunships ready, an’ when we’s git da “go sign”, it’ll be on. we’s been waiting ta hear if our pimp-tight buddy Holder iz going ta supply us wif weapons, just like he did our Mexican brothers. You crackers think you safe out in da suburbs, but you aren’t. we’s be not just going ta burn down da city, we’s be coming afta you honkeys. an’ we’s be coming in gangs, big old posses; you may git some o’ us, but you aren’t going ta git all o’ us. It’s gonna be on, you whitey cracker devils, an’ you ain’t ready. we’s gonna make Rodney King peep like uh cake walk in da park Don’ make me come ova there bitch..

June 30, 2013 8:02 pm

UFO, they all believe in life after death even the ones that claim they don’t.I pray for them but seems like my prayers just don’t do any good.I keep telling them the reason this world system will destroy itself is that it is a man made system and anything man made is temporary at best.They look to leaders like Ron Paul or a new banking system or a new government but in the end it would be more gods that failed them.They would become even more disappointed and the bitterness more profound.So I am glad all the idols will be crashed and destroyed.Maybe just maybe that is what we all need.

June 30, 2013 8:21 pm

Regarding race, wars, etc., etc.,

I never forget that most (if not all) of the people who claim membership in so-called “white supremacist” organizations are actually on the FBI’s payroll.

Every tax-paid satrap must justify his budget.

The FBI, ATF, FDA, DEA, etc., all clearly amplify, if not outright create, “targets of opportunity” to trot out before the Presstitutes’ TeeVee cameras.

Imagine if there was no crime? Every tax-supported monopoly “law enforcement” organization would go out and organize some, just to keep their jobs.

Government isn’t like a business. A business without demand for its product disappears. Not so with political systems and their components. They PERPETUATE whatever it is they are supposed to address.

This is why EVERY czar, every “letter agency,” and all the rest NEVER cure the ills they are created to eradicate. Anyone who does not understand this should stop and wonder why cancer isn’t cured, poverty is vanquished, illegal drugs proliferate, and foreign “enemies” seem to multiply like rabbits.

June 30, 2013 9:35 pm


“The Krugmanist” … LOL!

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A little light relief, great comments, though.


Tampa Bay, eh? My birthplace. What’s the demographics of Davis Island these days? Hmmm, it struck me a race riot with MacDill in the mix could be more than a little chaotic.

June 30, 2013 9:38 pm

@ Biggy Mofo (Stucky). I don’t give a fuck what Chris Rock thinks. Post some relevant comments if you’re going to make personalities up.

“Riots have to be put down. SSS seems to think they’ll be put down, but common (sic – come on), really?”

I never said the riots would be put down. I implied they would be very violent.

June 30, 2013 10:26 pm

I say again:

People (like me) prefer order to chaos, and if those to whom we pay taxes won’t provide the former, we’ll do it ourselves.

One way cops on Second City Cop blog talk about telling the gang-bangers from normal folks is that the former stuff their guns in their waistbands, the latter use holsters.

Another way is to note that the latter belong to gun clubs and *practice.*

The only caveat to this is that many former military were CURRENT gang members during their time in the Army. They return to their turf with a whole new set of skills, and it is these folks who represent a fairly significant risk.

The Too Big To Succeed USA has to break down into smaller social/political units. I doubt the time is right for this to occur (wait for the DJIA to be sub 1000, gold to be sub $200, oil to be sub-$40, and the POTUS to be subject to impeachment proceedings and then I suspect the brew will be ready to boil).

Give it 3 years.

July 1, 2013 12:51 am

TheCynic says:


“Don’t like the info about Mexicans ethnically cleansing Blacks in Los Angeles do you? …I had you figured when you started defending your criminal cousins who looted during the King riots”

go back and read it, i said the mexicans joined in the looting, i doubt they were protesting about the innocent verdict. blacks attacked any non-black, we even watched them on the tube, removing a hispanic man’s pants and spray painting his dick, what the hell? but then you have to understand that one of the defendants was a hispanic cop.

i have to wonder about people who suddenly figure me out like I have been hiding something from them. I am a middle age beaner with boomer prejudices and interests. i am not on this site to argue with people, i am here because i find people (boomers) who I agree with.

as for the ethnic cleansing, i said it was salvies who replaced blacks in compton. I also mentioned a writer who said neighborhoods in LA change residents every 4-5 years, it seems to me that happened in compton. my aunt in law saw her ‘hood in west covina and prior to that, alhambra go from hispanic to chinese.

you said the residents had hired ms-13 to drive out blacks from compton. actually, mareros are salvies and they probably took it upon themselves to drive out the competition. also, the housing boom enabled a lot of black residents to move to the high desert where prices for a new home were half as much as what they could sell their homes in LA for.

July 1, 2013 1:01 am

TheCynic says:

“You defended criminals and scumbags. That makes you one, Pedro.”

glad I didn’t defend gay marriage. anyway, fuck you cynic, you were getting to be too nice to be true.

July 1, 2013 11:25 am


July 1, 2013 11:46 am

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July 1, 2013 1:01 pm

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July 1, 2013 1:04 pm


July 1, 2013 1:31 pm

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July 1, 2013 3:17 pm

Too much credit is given to Lincoln above ….. but I voted thumbs up anyway.

July 1, 2013 3:44 pm

ON a side note; but along the same lines of thinking in regards to the timing aspect of these verdicts….The end of the fiscal year was yesterday for most…in a few weeks reports should be “coming” available??? What better distraction from this “fudged” and still ugly numbers than riots in Miami after the Heat went and repeated!

The Lakers would have been champs if it weren’t for the Bulls and Michael Jordan in 1991; same year as the Rodney King Riots…

Did any of you catch the Gay Pride Parade this past weekend in The Bay?? C’Mon! The timing of the Supreme Court’s ruling about the Califonia court’s decision didn’t neatly and nicely occur a few days before the annual parade? and this is supposed to instill faith of competency in our governing system in me and others who use their critical thinking skills?

July 1, 2013 4:20 pm

CNN and all the other MSM outlets will do whatever is necessary to foment a race war. Ratings would skyrocket, more ad money. All MSM outlets are owned and run by Jews.

I wish Clint Eastwood (a real American) were younger.

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July 1, 2013 4:28 pm

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Race War A’Comin’?
By John Dale Dunn MD JD

I was stunned a few weeks ago when a black professional colleague told me there were all-black cruises that featured speakers such as Louis Farrakhan. Mr. Farrakhan is a Muslim black nationalist, formerly a security officer, now successor to Elijah Mohammed of the Nation of Islam. He is a racist, an anti-Semite, and an anti American to the core.

Prosperous American blacks pay good money to go on a cruise with a racist like Louis Farrakhan? Mr. Farrakhan is more hateful than other race agitators, hustlers, and shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. He is in concert with the Congressional Black Caucus, who slavishly support communist regimes like Cuba and anti-American projects, who are angry at Whitey, but claim to be the conscience of the Congress. I couldn’t help but think, What would be the public outcry if there were all-white cruises with David Duke, or the formation of a Congressional White Caucus? But blacks can’t be racist in the new order of things, can they?

Speaking of racism and accusations of racism, most properly raised Americans are committed to civil rights for all and elimination of discrimination, so what is this constant badgering about race directed at whites and led by the president? Keep rubbing the race sore — to promote what? Stir blacks and whites to violence?

Unjust accusations of racism should not be used just to gain a political advantage. Such accusations are despicable and ultimately tragic, but they are particularly dangerous when approved or permitted implicitly by the President of the United States. There is an army of talking heads who, with tacit approval of the White House, accuse Tea Party people of racism. If the president is leading this cabal that uses calumny and scurrilous accusations of racism directed at any white person who opposes the president’s policies, what is the remedy?

Can a president foment conflict among the people and be president for all Americans? Can the president be a race-baiter? How much of society has to be destroyed before a president is admonished to stop his destructive conduct? Will Obama incite blacks to riot or force whites to defend themselves against violent attack for his perverse political purposes? Obama has no sense or judgment, runs his mouth, and has the bad habits of a community agitator.

Racial politics has poisoned this society and the affairs of this nation. President Obama was fraudulently presented as a race-uniter and elected by white people, but he couldn’t put down the race issue as a weapon, and he can’t control or redirect his belligerent and bellicose posturing. His agitation is destructive, hateful, and malignant. Is he intent on destroying America? The president eschews the standards of conduct of MLK, Booker T. Washington, and George Washington Carver, who will not be forgotten when Obama is gone, we hope.

The media insist that opposition to the leftist political plans is racist, so debate on political issues is stifled and unhealthy. In black-on-white situations, the news always skips to racism and excuses the black parties. Blacks are blameless, victims of racism. A black guy fired because he was caught on camera stealing shoots and kills all his coworkers, and the report is that he was the victim of white racism. Washington Post headline: “Beer warehouse shooter long complained of racism.” He is excused by the Post? Post blames dead whiteys?

July 1, 2013 4:42 pm

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July 1, 2013 8:49 pm

TheCynic says:

“It’s perfectly okay for Blacks and Mexican to have their own race based groups that promote a racial agenda that benefits THEM like Mecha, Aztlan, La Raza.”

those are old attempts at unifying the often divided hispanics. you are turning out to be a class act race baiter, Cyn. may I suggest you apply for employment at CNN?

July 2, 2013 2:01 am

Look what I’m missing by not watching CNN, or any other TeeVee that isn’t force-fed to me, such as the CNBC that plays in our office for the benefit of our clients, who demand it.

I can’t believe it is even legal to broadcast someone’s SS number, and it sounds like something this Zimmerman guy could sue and win very big for. My opinion of the over-reaching punk and the black punk he shot has nothing to do with it. For the record, I wouldn’t want either Martin or Zimmerman living in my neighborhood. Nevertheless,someone accused of a felony has just as much a right to have his most private information protected as anyone else, and I hope Zimmerman peels a big wad of money off CNN when this is all over.

July 2, 2013 11:35 am

I’m also in SoFla (Miami). This is local news, as Trayvon is from Miami Gardens, so it’s also all over the local media. There will be no “hispanic riots” here. Hell there probably won’t be any in other cities. If you think Chicago or LA Mexicans care about Trayvon you’re delusional.

Black riots possibly down here, but likely not the Haitians who look down on American blacks. May be some more liberal usage of the “stand your ground” law as a result. This is a really weird and unpredictable city.

July 2, 2013 11:44 am

My Dear Dr.,

You poor, deluded Uncle Tom…

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… No black ‘man’ can bring anything upon himself without first having received it from a white kraker bastard from his Demokrat masters.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man…for Black on Black Krime! Through Demokrat social welfare programs we have taught generations of Black Men that Krime PAYS! “If deys gots it, and ayes can takes it, is mine!” That’s our glorious welfare system without the Government middle man.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… for Single Black Mothers. Through Demokrat social welfare programs which subsidise irresponsible behavior – sexual pleasure without regard for the consequences of fatherhood, we have conditioned the Black Man to be little more than a breeding stud to fill ourplantations voting rolls with plenty of new voters. WE the Party have become their Father! Our investments are posting returns in spades (if you will pardon the pun).

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… for Black Male Failures, because he has undermined the public education system making Equal Opportunity a mirage. He has reinforced soul-destroying low expectations through quota systems.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… But tread lightly! It has all been done for YOUR OWN GOOD!

Do you think you will receive even a FRACTION of the compassion from the RethugliKKKans that we have shown YOU ingrates in the past 50-odd years! It is a cold cruel world outside the Kollektive when one is expected to rise or fall by his/her/its own efforts. Brotha’, you jus don’ knows how goods you done gots it!

Just remember, every time a Black man votes for a RethugliKKKan… a Black Church gets burned or a Black Man gets dragged behind a Redneck’s pickup truck!

It was a RethugliKKKan who discharged you all from the snuggly security of the plantation where you all received a roof over your heads, clothes on you backs and food for your bellies. Now they actually expect you to WORK for your very survival… How can one call this “right” or “fair?”

So, do not ask Black ‘men’ to stop wallowing in their self-pity…it is far too much stress for them to handle.

I mean! The mere thought that a Black man can pick himself up by his OWN boot straps and make something of himself without the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the Democratic Party is an abomination.

July 2, 2013 12:13 pm

Man Charged For Stopping Youth Gang Vandalizing Family’s Home

Now that war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength – as predicted in George Orwell’s novel, 1984 – Big Brother’s news-loving medicated welfare sheeple will sleep better at night under their new Police State Utopia.

And before you assume there is more to this story…there isn’t. Just another victory for convenient ‘victims’ preying on the few producers that remain in Amerika.

Get this, four black kids vandals thugs are of ages 8 and 10. They and their ‘parents’ should be taken out to the woodshed. But they won’t, because today’s ‘entitled misunderstood youth’ and their morale-less guardians are free to destroy anything that offends their parasitic reality-TV lifestyle.

Man Charged For Stopping Youth Gang Vandalizing Family’s Home

(13) A Wayne County man is now facing four charges for Endangering the Welfare of a Child after he interrupted an act of vandalism at a home he was renovating for his father-in-law.

The incident unfolded around 9 p.m. Saturday when Jesse Daniels said he told his wife to call 911 after he heard loud noises coming from the home next door and saw an individual striking a wall with a hammer.

Daniels tells 13WHAM News he ran next door and found four children, ages eight and ten, doing damage to the property. Daniels said he took a hammer from one of the kids and corralled them into a closet while he waited for police to arrive. Daniels estimated that the damage to his father-in-law’s property exceeds $40,000.

Clyde Village Police took the children back to their parents and filed felony criminal charges of Burglary 2nd Degree and Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree. Those cases will be handled in Family Court and the results of each case is likely to remain sealed.

On Monday police returned to Daniels’ home and arrested him on four counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

July 2, 2013 12:56 pm

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‘He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.’

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

July 2, 2013 12:59 pm

#1 Google Image Search Autofill: “Obama Satan”

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July 2, 2013 9:00 pm

Cynical30 says:

“There will be no “hispanic riots” here. Hell there probably won’t be any in other cities. If you think Chicago or LA Mexicans care about Trayvon you’re delusional. Black riots possibly down here, but likely not the Haitians who look down on American blacks.”

it seems to me that Cynic00 (not30) is the only one promoting the idea at the same time others are saying blacks are going to be attacking hispanics. I tried to tell Cyn that the mexicans in LA were merely joining in the looting, they were not protesting anything. the cubans in Miami probably will not favor blacks rioting, nor the puerto ricans in new york or chicago.

black yutes are a special situation of privileged poor with access to drugs and pussy. they have modern housing, plenty to eat, advanced electronics and a protected victim status. it would be a shame if the children of haitian immigrants were to adopt the victim mindset and concomitant hatred of crackers. a dumbass black, brown or white can go a lot farther in life with a positive attitude than a smart black, white or brown with a victim mentality.