Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity

By Doug French, Contributing Editor

The minimum wage should be the easiest issue to understand for the economically savvy. If the government arbitrarily sets a floor for wages above that set by the market, jobs will be lost. Even the Congressional Budget Office admits that 500,000 jobs would be lost with a $10.10 federal minimum wage. Who knows how high the real number would be?

Yet here we go again with the “Raise the minimum wage” talk at a time when unemployment is still devastating much of the country. The number of Americans jobless for 27 weeks or more is still 3.37 million. And while that’s only half the 6.8 million that were long-term unemployed in 2010, most of the other half didn’t find work. Four-fifths of them just gave up.

So, good economics and better sense would say, “make employment cheaper.” More of anything is demanded if the price goes down. That would mean lowering the minimum wage and undoing a number of cumbersome employment regulations that drive up the cost of jobs.

But then as H.L. Mencken reminded us years ago, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Which means the illogical case made by Republican multimillionaire businessman Ron Unz is being taken seriously.

We Don’t Want No Stinkin’ Entry Level Jobs

Unz says the minimum should be $12 and recognizes that 90% of the resistance is that it would kill jobs. So what’s his answer to that silver bullet to his argument? America doesn’t want those low-paying jobs anyway. In his words, “Critics of a rise in the minimum wage argue that jobs would be destroyed, and in some cases they are probably correct. But many of those threatened jobs are exactly the ones that should have no place in an affluent, developed society like the United States, which should not attempt to compete with Mexico or India in low-wage industries.”

He doesn’t think much of fast-food jobs either. But he knows that employment can’t be shipped overseas, so Mr. Unz’s plan for those jobs is as follows:

So long as federal law requires all competing businesses to raise wages in unison, much of this cost could be covered by a small one-time rise in prices. Since the working poor would see their annual incomes rise by 30 or 40 percent, they could easily afford to pay an extra dime for a McDonald’s hamburger, while such higher prices would be completely negligible to America’s more affluent elements.

The Number of Jobs Isn’t Fixed

He believes that if all jobs pay well enough, legal applicants will apply and take all the jobs. This is where Unz crosses paths with David Brat, the economics professor who recently unseated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

Brat claims to be a free-market sympathizer and says plenty of good things. However, in his stump speeches and interviews, Brat says early and often, “An open border is both a national security threat and an economic threat that our country cannot ignore. … Adding millions of workers to the labor market will force wages to fall and jobs to be lost.”

That would make sense if there were a fixed number of jobs, but that’s not the case. An economics professor should know that humans have unlimited wants and limited means, which, as Nicholas Freiling explains in The Freeman, “renders the amount of needed labor virtually endless—constrained only by the economy’s productive capacity (which, coincidentally, only grows as the supply of labor increases).”

An influx of illegal immigrants may or may not drive down wages, but even if it does, that’s a good thing. Low wages allow employers to invest in other things. More efficient production lowers costs for everyone, producers and consumers, allowing for capital creation. In the long run, it is capital investment that creates jobs.

Employers Bid for Labor Like Anything Else

Mr. Unz claims that low-wage employers are being subsidized by the welfare state. “It’s a classic case of where businesses manage to privatize the benefits of their workers—they get the work—and socialize the costs. They’ve shifted the costs over to the taxpayer and the government,” writes Unz.

It makes one wonder how the businessman made millions in the first place. Wage rates aren’t determined by what the employee’s expenses are. “Labor is a scarce factor of production,” wrote economist Ludwig von Mises. “As such it is sold and bought on the market. The price paid for labor is included in the price allowed for the product or the services if the performer of the work is the seller of the product or the services.”

Mises explained that a general rate of wages does not exist. “Labor is very different in quality,” Mises wrote, “and each kind of labor renders specific services. each is appraised as a complementary factor for turning out definite consumers’ goods and services.”

Not every job contributes $12 an hour in production benefits toward a finished good or service. And many unskilled laborers can’t generate $12 an hour worth of output. The Congress that created the minimum wage knew this and carved out the 14(c) permit provision in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, allowing an exemption from minimum wage requirements for businesses hiring the handicapped.

That Congress included in the act this language:

The Secretary, to the extent necessary to prevent curtailment of opportunities for employment, shall by regulation or order provide for the employment, under special certificates, of individuals … whose earning or productive capacity is impaired by age, physical or mental deficiency, or injury, at wages which are lower than the minimum wage.

Entrepreneurs must purchase all factors of production at the lowest prices possible. No offense to labor—that’s what customers demand. All cuts in wages pass through to customers. If a business pays more than the market wage rate, the business “would be soon removed from his entrepreneurial position.” Pay less than the market, and employees leave to work somewhere else.

Who Picks Up The Tab?

First, Unz says, “American businesses can certainly afford to provide better pay given that corporate profits have reached an all-time high while wages have fallen to their lowest share of national GDP in history.” So, instead of taxpayers supporting the poor, Unz wants business to pay. No, wait: later he writes that consumers will support the poor by paying higher prices.

“McDonald’s and fast-food places would probably have to raise their prices by 8 or 9 percent, something like that. Agricultural products that are American-grown would go up by less than 2 percent on the grocery shelves. And those sorts of price increases are so small that they would be almost unnoticed in most cases by the consumer.” Walmart would cover a $12 minimum wage with a one-time price increase of 1.1%, he says, with the average Walmart shopper paying just an extra $12.50 a year. So it’s consumers—who are also taxpayers—who get to be their brother’s keeper either which way with Unz’s plan.

Walmart Must Be Offering Enough

Fortune magazine writer Stephen Gandel appeared on Morning Joe this week, making the case that Walmart should give its employees a 50% raise (his article in Fortune on the subject appeared last November). According to him, the company is misallocating capital by not paying higher wages. He says investors are not giving the company credit for the lower pay in the stock price, so they should just do the right thing and pay their employees more.

But Walmart does pay more when it has to compete for employees. In oil-rich Williston, North Dakota, the retail giant is offering to pay entry-level workers as much as $17.40 per hour to attract employees.

Walmart isn’t alone. McDonald’s is paying $300 signing bonuses to attract workers. The night shift at gas stations in Williston pays $14 an hour.

By the way, whatever Walmart is paying, it must be enough, because it has plenty of applicants to choose from. In 2005, 11,000 people in the Bay Area applied for 400 positions at a new Oakland store. Three years later near Chicago, 25,000 people applied for 325 positions at a new store.

Last year a new Walmart opened in the DC area. Again, the response was overwhelming. Debbie Thomas told the Washington Post, “It’s hard to live in this city on $7.45 or $8.25 an hour. I’ve lived here all my life, and I want to stay here. In the end, I’m just glad Wal-Mart’s here. I might get a job.”

Throughout history, people have had to relocate to find work. Today is no different.

In the long run, as the minimum wage increases, capital will be invested to replace labor. We’ve seen it for years. Machines don’t call in sick, sue for harassment, require health insurance, or show up late. Now patrons pour their own drinks. Shoppers scan their own groceries and pump their own gas. Soon we’ll be ordering from electronic tablets at our tables in sit-down restaurants to cut down on wait staff, and the cooks will be replaced by automated burger makers.

Unz may well believe what he proposes would be doing good; however, it means kids and the unskilled go unemployed and in the end, are unemployable.

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The article Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity was originally published at
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June 30, 2014 2:49 pm

If you have never had to make payroll, pay taxes and insurance then go get a real job and tackle those responsibilities as a small business person, it won’t take long to alter a” give away mentality”, if you have one., once the buck stops at Your desk. John

June 30, 2014 2:53 pm

@bluestem, right there with ya. Regardless, more bullshit for the masses to bicker about and fight over while the gold is humped out to the waiting jets.

June 30, 2014 3:21 pm

There is a real minimum wage…and it’s not the one legislation gave us. Right now where I live it’s about 12-13 bucks an hour. That’s the price of hiring an employee who will actually show up dressed and sober and ready to work. Any less than that and you get a problem on two legs.

Trained employees who actually make me money? They go for twenty bucks and up…but they’re a priceless asset.

June 30, 2014 4:08 pm

This minimum wage thing is getting to be a joke. Nobody can live on $15 dollars an hour, and nobody is going to be able to afford the inflation caused by raising the minimum wage. Our economy has been gutted, 56,000 manufacturing facilities have fled the country because the criminals in Washington, taxes, lawsuits, and unions. How exactly is paying people more to to jobs a monkey could going to help anyone? The Fed has inflation at 6% or more a year, Obamacare has wiped out millions of full time jobs (converted to part time), and the kooks keep talking about the minimal wage. Pretty hilarious.

June 30, 2014 4:09 pm

Shit, I’ve caught myself thanking people to show up…..late. Being responsible for the outcome with no control over the inputs is hands down the source of the stress in my life.

June 30, 2014 4:29 pm

Hmmmm, Ron Unz, Harvard grad, worked in banking and software development, sold his company to Moody’s.
Hardly makes him a expert in the plight of middle America.

Unz is correct that we can’t offshore service jobs like McDonalds, but we can automate them. And then he thinks if we raise minimum wage to $12 per hour that’s it?
What about all those people at $12 or $13 or $14 per hour, they will all demand a raise as well, then watch his 8 or 9% increase blow up.

Raise the minimum wage and there will be a decrease in unemployment for older more conservative minded workers with job experience and a increase in unemployment for the inexperienced more liberal minded young, especially minority’s.
People who arbitrarily throw out what business can afford to pay employees to just show up make me laugh, fucking clueless.
obama said small business will just have to learn to live with less. Fucking clueless.

June 30, 2014 6:06 pm

I can’t believe people can’t generate $12/hr worth of useful labor :-/

I can generate that much in just a couple of minutes.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 30, 2014 6:30 pm

Can’t wait for push-button fast-food ordering. That’ll show the fuckers. Stucky may enjoy his Wendys fare a tad more, too.

Karl M.
Karl M.
June 30, 2014 6:47 pm


Of course comrade, people can generate $12 worth of useful labor, or even more in untold riches. It is those Greedy Capitalist Pigs that exploit the proletariat and will have them working for pennies if they can so they can inflate their profits and tread on the common man.

We must unite against them so we can lead the proletariat to prosperity and growth. (Yes, as leaders of the people, our bellies will be full and our thirst will be sated, at least for a few minutes. Certainly the people can afford a pittance to us to guide the state in all its wisdom, so we can rest our weary bones on rare occasion that the people’s business does not require our full attention.

Onward and upward, we will lead the transformation of society through the harnessed hope of the proletariat,

Karl M.

June 30, 2014 8:27 pm

The whole system is fucked up. The transfer of responsibility from individuals and family is nearing completion. Low skilled workers cannot be paid equivalent to high skill workers, and that is what the entire notion of middle class is all about. If by middle we mean the middle fifty percent, that band covers folks a lot of folks. A lot of very, very modestly skilled/talented/educated folks are in that band.

The family structure/community structures used to support those folks. The family would combine resources, and together they would survive, and often even thrive. I have seen my employees from Asian backgrounds band together in family units, and live together and pool their resources. They would do that for years. And I have seen them become rich as a group – they would buy one house, build another, then another, etc. Paying cash of course, from their poled income. The elderly would watch the kids, the adults would watch over the elderly, etc etc etc. And in the end, they thrived.

But that unit, that work ethic, that commitment has disappeared. The expectation is that no matter how modest one’s skills and talents, a person should be able to earn enough by him or her self to attain the same level of prosperity as that described above. Bullshit. It was a pipe dream. It is a failed experiment.

There will be an affluent/rich/megarich pecentage of perhaps ten percent. There will be a middle class of perhaps 20 or thirty percent. The rest will struggle. Those in that lower band can either return to the family units and make for themselves decent lives, or they can be desperately poor.

Minimum wages will not change this. It will happen. The welfare state is failing all over the world. It will collapse.

July 1, 2014 4:54 am


I’ve been opposed to the minimum wage for years. I brand myself an anarcho-capitalist and I’m always surprised when other anarchists demand government enforced wage and price controls. Of course, many people that call themselves anarchists are actually communists but just don’t know any better. Still, I’m convinced that an end to the minimum wage would result in in more jobs and people could better take care of themselves and actually need less government.