“Start Giving A Damn!”

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via FirstRebuttal.com,

I find it shocking how often I have people tell me the Constitution is out of date and is no longer relevant or necessary.  Then there are the vast majority of people that think about the Constitution the same way they think about religion; it makes us feel good to believe in it and we’ll even worship it on a holiday or two   The reality is that those who seem to get very worked up to the point that they are willing to act in defense of the Constitution even against the highest levels of government make up a very small minority of Americans.  This is a real problem.

You see if people gave a damn the government couldn’t get away with negating the Constitution.  But the vast majority of people just don’t give a damn and so the government very easily provides ridiculous and false legal sounding arguments to explain away why they have become a higher law than the Constitution. Now I’ve tried to understand why it is that we Americans are so damn apathetic about everything the government and government officials do.

Let me give a couple examples for which our apathy just boggles my mind.   We know they took us into wars on false pretenses resulting in the wrongful deaths of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and yet we’ve prosecuted no one.  Hell they’ve admitted to hacking into millions of our home webcams and downloading videos and pictures of us in our most private moments and maintaining those downloads on government servers and then sharing these files with foreign governments.

But because today’s American is simply a shell of a citizen none of the criminal atrocities creates even a stir from us.  Sure we all read about these atrocities and we are angered in the moment but it passes rather quickly and we fall back into our self induced ignorant bliss.  Only two things can get Americans to formidably rise up.  The first is a very direct and immediate impediment to our comfort.  For example try cutting back on the monthly social welfare checks.  You’ll have riots.   The second way is if the mainstream media relentlessly instructs us to be upset about a particular issue.  Outside of that there is absolutely nothing the new American won’t move past like water off a duck’s back.

What we’re finding out is that, and it sounds slightly over-dramatic but isn’t at all, unless we are willing to fight and die to win back the freedom our forefather’s fought and died to secure for us and all future generations we will continue to feel our chains grow heavier and shorter.  The simple reason is because our government is very much willing to kill to keep its ever encroaching control.  A free population is the antithesis to a political class.  And make no mistake the American federal government is the largest and most powerful group of aristocrats the world has known.

This group of traitors (and I mean that in the very technical sense of the word) not only behave according to a separate set of laws they have actually gone so far as to legislate a separate set of laws.  This in itself is a direct breach of the very Constitution they swear to defend.  Their intent is clear and that my friends is treason.  They are directly negating the very basis of the American concept for their own personal self interest and they are doing so by defrauding American citizens into believing their intent is to represent the will of their constituents.  Treason, Treason, Treason!  What else would you call it?

Now are you ready to fight and die to win the freedoms back for your children and grandchildren?  Hell No!  No, not at all!  And that’s kinda the problem because again the government is willing to kill to ensure your kids and grandkids don’t have the freedoms Americans were guaranteed.  The fuck of it is Americans have become so damn brainwashed that despite the founding fathers telling us explicitly our government would end up enslaving the rest of us to solidify their own power and wealth we ignore it. These were the guys that figured out the British were effectively enslaving us and decided to rise against it and create the greatest damn nation the world has ever known.  They literally created fucking America!!!  I mean holy shit, imagine having that on your CV.  And we pay them no mind, like they’re bat shit crazy and not relevant in our intellectual new world.

Today’s legislators rarely discuss the founding fathers or the Constitution beyond the very thin idea that they know we expect them to defend it.  That is, like freedom and apple pie, they love it during the campaign cycle.  However, ask them why then they continue to legislate against the Constitution and well they don’t want to talk about the Constitution anymore.  And we the people ,like apathetic morons , buy into the bullshit they feed us because we simply don’t care.  It’s to the point they can pretty much do anything knowing they can bullshit us with any damn nonsense that pops into their swollen heads.  And so they do things like hack into our webcams, take nude pictures of us and send them to foreign governments and tell us it’s for our own good.  We don’t give a shit because 1. it doesn’t impede our immediate comfort and 2. the press isn’t telling us it’s something to be concerned about.

The danger of being apathetic until it impacts our immediate day to day is that we allow the government to take away all the freedoms we are not currently using.  What I mean by that is we so far have not had to face what it means to be powerless and in chains.  But only because we haven’t yet ventured out far enough so as to reach the end of our chains.  Like a sleeping dog that isn’t aware he’s been shackled until he wakes and tries to chase a bird, we are asleep and unaware of the shackles placed around our ankles.

Some will say “wait, it isn’t apathy it is a trade off between safety and freedom”.  But the truth is freedom and safety are not conflictual we’ve only been led to believe so.  Fear has replaced freedom here in America and that is not by chance but by strategy of a government that has its own agenda, separate from its oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.  So while we should have prosecuted these recent governments for treason we’ve instead rewarded them the rights of dictatorship.

The Constitution is our freedom keeper but once the Constitution is made subordinate the precedent is set and in our legal system precedence is king.  The strength in the Constitution is just that, it’s strength.  Once we allow an exception to the Constitution’s superseding authority it no longer has any authority.  Unfortunately that exception has already been made.  With it, the destruction of the Constitution and the end to a guaranty of freedom.  Our corrupt government has created ‘legislation’ providing them a legal basis to imprison us without due process.  This is a fact.

This desecrates one of the most important axioms of America, in fact, due process is the very idea we are sold to spend $1 trillion per year fighting multiple simultaneous major theatre wars.  Yet here at home it no longer exists.  But remember our loss of due process is for our own good.  Giving a federal legislator or policy maker absolute discretion over our fate is in our best interest.  You and I have agreed with these propositions.  And you and I will have to adhere to being placed in prison for life if that is the will of our president or any delegate who will benefit by accusing us of being a national security threat.

Just by the fact the threat exists fulfills its objective.  People will not want to bring attention to themselves and thus will avoid protesting the wants of those who now have the authority to impede their freedom.  That in itself impede’s their freedom.  This is the one thing I really wish people could see.  What seem like issues too narrow or small to get worked up over are just marks of the snake bite.  Two very small holes in the skin but those holes are the gateway for the real killing agent to spread and overtake the whole system.

In March alone our beefed up and militarized public service workers killed more than 180 citizens they were meant to serve and protect on American soil.  That makes them an infinitely higher risk to our safety than the foreign terrorists to whom we’ve handed our Constitution.  That’s exactly what we’ve done.  If you listen to the terrorists’ videos that was their goal.  They wanted to end the freedom and free will that America seems to be jamming down the throats of societies around the world.  And so they won the moment Americans accepted to trade away its freedoms for safety.  That was their goal and they have achieved it.

Let’s look at Edward Snowden’s situation to see how one loses one’s freedom.  Snowden is a man that knowingly sacrificed his own freedom to expose the corruption and criminality of our policy makers and their respective agencies.  He is also a citizen that has been deemed a threat to national security.  Why would a man who exposed the criminal enslavement of Americans and citizens around the world be deemed a terrorist rather than a hero??  Because he is a threat to the power and control and really the entire system of those who can now legally classify him as a threat, removing his right to due process.

In effect, these political criminals can now legally lock away any prosecutor at will.   This is a gross conflict of interest and the hero that exposed this conflict of interest is now a victim of it.  Edward Snowden not only informed America, he recognized that he would be the first example so that Americans would see, first hand, the sort of corruption that has infected our system.  I can only infer he made himself known because he believed seeing it actually happen would get Americans to rise up and correct the moral transgression.  And what did we the people do in response to Snowden’s incredibly brave and patriotic action?  Absolutely nothing!!!  We force this hero to live in exile.  We don’t even demand the corruption to stop.  We do nothing.  How very American of us.  And why do we do nothing?  Because it doesn’t impede our immediate comfort and the media hasn’t told us we need to be concerned about the issue.

The lives of Americans have become so easy and so secure that we no longer recognize living in a utopia of freedom comes not with costs but with obligations.  We seem to believe that paying taxes indemnifies us of our real obligations as citizens who have been handed a beautiful gift and who are responsible for passing on that precious gift to future generations of Americans.   And that is a mistake that will have historians writing of us as we write of Eve in the garden of Eden.  Our lack of principles resulting in the suffering of all future generations having destroyed a gift we obviously didn’t deserve.

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May 5, 2015 7:50 am

“We do nothing. How very American of us. And why do we do nothing? Because it doesn’t impede our immediate comfort and the media hasn’t told us we need to be concerned about the issue.” ———- from the article

That is an EXCELLENT article.

Regarding the quote … many of us here have said the same thing … because it IS true … that NOTHING will happen here (in terms of a needed revolution) until the Free Shit spigot is turned off …. and by then, it might be too late.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 5, 2015 8:15 am

Constitutional government ceased to exist in America inn 1865. All the rest has been a tragic farce. We are now in the last act. The “rebel traitors” some Americans are so quick to condemn, died for you. A lot of good it did……..

May 5, 2015 8:27 am

People who give a damn ….

Flash Mobs in ‘Murika …
[imgcomment image[/img]

May 5, 2015 8:30 am

People who give a damn ….

Flash Mobs in Russia …

“Jaroslav Sumishevsky (from “People’s Mahora”) organized a flash mob at an electronics store.
“People’s Mahora” is a musical reality show where Jaroslav Sumishevsky and Alyona Vedenina seek talented singers in restaurants, cafes and bars in and around Moscow.”


Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
May 5, 2015 8:30 am

I got mad! I gave a damn! I stomped around and cursed and made demands!

So far it hasn’t worked.

What has Thad Beversdorf done?

While I do agree with his sentiments, that’s all this is – sentiment. Not one practical solution.

So rant away, brother. But if ranting is all you’re going to do, don’t tell me I’m not doing enough.

May 5, 2015 8:30 am

Ahhhh, shucks! Well …. click on the damn link ….. it’s quite nice.

May 5, 2015 8:37 am

Pirate Jo

He IS doing something. Writing!!! The pen is a mighty weapon. Many, many people have been moved by mere words. The Bible. Gandhi. Solzhenitsyn. Jefferson.

Why do you take the message so PERSONALLY …. as if he’s saying — “YOU, Pirate Jo aren’t doing enough!!” He’s not. Good for you if you are actually doing something. Really. How do you know he’s not doing more than just writing? Why judge a writer you’ve probably never heard of probably before today?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 5, 2015 8:55 am

Stucky says “The pen is a mighty weapon”.

That’s why we are here every single day to get the word out, truth will set us free. Admin is here because he cares about this country and truth. We could all be watching DWTS like the sheep but we care, and so we are here to pen our thoughts.

We do care.

May 5, 2015 9:24 am

There are a lot of things to start giving a damn about, where do we start?

Is having a loving family an unfair advantage?

“If the family is this source of unfairness in society then it looks plausible to think that if we abolished the family there would be a more level playing field.”

Fucked up….


May 5, 2015 10:01 am


People do give a damn but the next revolution may be fought with commedians, musicians and poets instead of guns. Look, I’m not gonna go fight some antiquated 2nd Generational Warfare event against Uncle Sugar as Uncle has biological and nuclear weapons. That is a war I can not win. Nope, instead I can watch the ever growing concensus that Uncle is an incompetant boob that cant accomplish anything not even a simple webpage.

I watch as person after person silently withdraws their consent and support. Don’t believe me? Try this: Walk into any public place at any time of your choosing and tell any random group of people you meet that you just happen to believe that the people in D.C. are dullard sociopaths and should be executed for their endless list of crimes. Do it a few times and see if anyone argues the point. Perhaps 1 in 20 will think otherwise but out here on the West Coast, we’re sick of the useless eaters that parade about pretending to be politicians.

May 5, 2015 10:03 am

Card ,stop following me ..Damn brother get a life…

It is already to late.The constitution is like the dollar bill and treasury notes. If people lose faith in them then they are not worth the paper their printed on.I said before the only real protection you have is the Moral Law.Our God Consciousness has been remove from society along with his Commandments.With no God in our thoughts then anything become possible. This is has been the target for leftists the whole time.Destroy faith in God ,Founding Principles of our nation and then attack private property and the traditional family.It’s to late .However, I did buy a thousand more rounds of 308 bullets and a thousand more rounds of 9mm at Bulk ammo on the internet. Good prices.

May 5, 2015 10:10 am

In an attempt to control everything, freedom, natural law, has been circumvented. We live within a ‘managed’ world, where an individual has very little power against this machine.

But what us individuals can do is support our families, support common sense, and support other like minded people such as us.

We are all waiting for the same thing: The system to stumble, crack, a horrific event, something to push the system over the edge, where it can longer manage / control human events.

When this happens we need to be ready to step in.

May 5, 2015 10:43 am

@Card802: That Adam Swift guy is really fucked up!

I can’t understand how our world could product such mental illness, from an allegedly educated man.

May 5, 2015 11:02 am

PJ – you did not die for your liberty. Until enough are so prepared, nothing will change.

May 5, 2015 11:16 am

Southern Sage–YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! When asked who was the worst prez, there were so many bad ones, I say Abe Lincoln. Funny how so many people love him. Ignorance is not only bliss, it is misleading.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Rome had its circuses, we have tv and a myriad of distractions that fade, eventually, from the present to the unremembered past. Baltimore too will pass. Then the next distraction will occupy our attention for a time, only to fade.

See, what public edukation will get ya. We have become a nation that can hardly tie their shoelaces.

And the Band Played On!

May 5, 2015 11:40 am

Hey! People live their principles. That in its self is a telling tale. I lay it at the feet of the ’60s’ generation.

Until these self-centered, selfish, narcissistic, irresponsible, baby boomer die off, I don’t see change, a comin’. The only thing that will motivate this gimme generation is if their sudden realization that their SS check won’t buy anything, their SNAP cards don’t work, and their retirement money went to money heaven. The blame will be laid at the door of everyone but themselves. There will be crying and moaning for more and more, and the hell with the future generations.

They will get less and less as debt is never transferred to the next generation, but is paid for in present time. What do you think ‘financial repression’ is all about? The bill collector is banging on the door.

May 5, 2015 12:06 pm

“Until these self-centered, selfish, narcissistic, irresponsible, baby boomer die off, I don’t see change, a comin’ …….” ————- Homer, formerly a cockroach

Amen, brutha!!

Cuz millennials aren’t self-centered! Riiiight.
Cuz millennials aren’t selfish! Riiiight.
Cuz millennials aren’t narcissistic! Riiiight.
Cuz millennials aren’t irresponsible! Riiiight.


May 5, 2015 12:06 pm

Give a crap…you bet I do .

However like Southern Sage most of the little bearing that the Constitution held was destroyed in 1865 .

The Constitution NEVER was a constraint on the power of government to grow into the Leviathan that it is today . You can read of the arguments between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to realize that fact .

Most hold the Constitution as the panacea of liberty and freedom. ( I don’t anymore )

When the government expanded the General Welfare and Commerce clauses they completed their complete rule over us .They regulate everything from aprons to zoo’s .

To quote Lysander Spooner’s, No Treason (1870): “The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it.”

May 5, 2015 12:13 pm

Homer: Cockroach++

May 5, 2015 1:05 pm

Mind if I scurry about. lol

BUCKHED–Ya, you are right. But the constitution was not so overtly trashed as in Lincoln’s tenure. Which is why liberty and freedom has to be in the heart and minds of the people. The Constitution is truly a living document. You have to live it. Lincoln, more than any prez, was the most instrumental in moving the government toward Hamiltonian ideals. FDR did his share, too.

Notice that those who preach liberty want their neighbors to pick up the tab for them. Liberty for me but not for my neighbors having a choice whether to support me or not. Collecting social security are you? Of course, you paid in to it, so you deserve your cut, right? Were so hypocritical. It is so interesting how people can compartmentalize their thinking, to serve their agenda.

Stucky–A Time cover doesn’t mean a thing. When has Time covers ever gotten anything right? The purpose of a cover is to get you to buy the magazine. It wreaks of sensationalism for that purpose. The cover is never too radical a departure from common myths or it would be rejected by the buyer. You above all should understand that. I gave up reading Time in high school.

The millennial generation is too young to categorize in any meaningful way. Hopefully, Steph S and the other millennial will be a ‘stepping stone rather than a stumbling block’ for themselves and their progeny.

Steph S seems to be an intelligent, understanding person. Hope is with them, I think. Maybe the fourth turning is right.

Stucky ever notice that when a person doesn’t have an intelligent reply to a comment, they resort to name calling. Those persons have already lost the high ground.

May 5, 2015 1:45 pm

@Homer: “Notice that those who preach liberty want their neighbors to pick up the tab for them. Liberty for me but not for my neighbors having a choice whether to support me or not. Collecting social security are you?”

This is the most warped logic I’ve heard. I have worked for over 45 years – mostly self employed – paid 12.5% for FICA and Medicare. These wage taxes are not tax deductible.

Nobody has a chance to opt-out of this ponzi scheme called Social Security. I would have a lot more money if I could have invested it at 3-4% interest. Also when I die, I would probably have some left over that would go to my estate.

The Millennial’s don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. All they care about is iCrap. They voted this Obama fuck-up in twice! Well they can figure out how to pay the $17 trillion national debt.

May 5, 2015 1:47 pm

My wife (the psychologist) calls Millennial’s – the navel gazers.

May 5, 2015 2:31 pm

“Stucky ever notice that when a person doesn’t have an intelligent reply to a comment, they resort to name calling.” ———– Homo

No, Mr. Former Cockroach, I haven’t.

“Stucky–A Time cover doesn’t mean a thing.” —- Homo

Do you have shit-for-brains because you were a dung beetle in a previous life?

You think Time is the ONLY source that says Millennials are spoiled narcissists??? Get a clue, man!! Not only that …. WHO raised these Millies? BOOMERS!! The apple rarely falls far from the tree. As a former inch-worm you should know that.

At least Boomers were raised by the Greatest Generation. Meaning, Boomers at least had an idea what selflessness and sacrifice meant. Millies don’t know what “sacrifice”, “service”, and “selflessness” means … even if there was an App for it.

May 5, 2015 2:38 pm

Stuck…didn’t the greatest generation give us in part…FDR,wage withholdings,the Great Society,Vietnam,Nixon and the removal of the gold standard ( thus allow deficit spending to infinity ),more uses of the Commerce Clause and a long list of other stuff .

May 5, 2015 2:43 pm

Dutchman says: “We are all waiting for the same thing: The system to stumble, crack, a horrific event, something to push the system over the edge, where it can longer manage / control human events.”

I sense that you look forward to this with glee. I hope not. I know that something is going to happen, historically, it always has. But, I dread it I see the great suffering and loss of life that the future holds.
I fear for the safety of my family, friends, and neighbors.

I know about the suffering of people in the last great depression. I rail against FDR on occasion, but he did many thing right. He put through programs that saved the poor and destitute, when there was very little hope. He helped during the ‘Great Dust bowel’. Don’t get me wrong, he did a lot of wrong things too.

America had a lot going for it, then. It had sound money, a principled populace, and a profound belief in Divine Providence. Today, It is different. Today were edjukated, were Modern Millie

It has been said that one can not give from an empty cup. Do you think that America’s cup, today, is as full as then? I don’t know. The poulation has grown more and there seems to be a lot more grabbing today than I remembered in the ’40s’.

Ya, Dutchman, tough times ahead, I fear. Maybe life is cyclic and we are living a bad version of ‘Groundhog Day’.

May 5, 2015 3:18 pm

The public has been conditioned for many years to become increasingly financially dependent on government. This effort went on steroids after 2008 but it started with FDR (helped by Pavlov and BF Skinner) and continued afterward with all the various tools government uses – facilitating alcohol and drug addiction, obsession with sports and entertainment, lousy education, media propaganda, etc.

However, I was exposed to much of this too but despite being clueless when I was younger, perhaps one clue as to why I gradually became informed was that I had a dad who was a non-conformist. He did his 4 years in the Marine Corps and my brothers and sisters got the Boot Camp upbringing – lots of disciplining. He said he saw how others raised their kids like “weeds in a parking lot and saw the results this achieved – ZIP” so he raised us to try to instill in us a desire to be informed and aware of the big picture. He didn’t like the Fed either or the “give me something for nothing” crowd.

I don’t know what influences intelligence and the desire to be informed more whether it’s genes or environment (especially parental influence) but today both are lacking big time which has produced a majority of citizens who don’t mind (or even prefer) to be helpless slaves of corrupt government. Our Founding Fathers and all those who fought or died in defense of our country and for the true principles upon which it was created, would (or should) be sickened by this.

May 5, 2015 3:22 pm

Stucky–Having never been young and inexperienced, I can see your disdain for the younguns.

” WHO raised these Millies? BOOMERS!! The apple rarely falls far from the tree.” So the spawn is a manifestation of the parents??? Then—

“…Boomers were raised by the Greatest Generation.” Therefore the boomers should be like apples that rarely fall far from the tree. The spawn is a manifestation of the parents, after all.. Good for the boomers in choosing their parents, wisely. Greatness awaits them.

I see an inconstancy here. Perhaps two neurons got crossed.

The truth is that your first statement is in error. If it was true, nothing would ever get better and we would spiral ever downward into a world deplete of hope.

Forget the Renaissance, forget the Russelites heaven on earth, forget the good, forget it all, for nothing will get better. I’m not a nihilist.

I don’t buy it, not one bit.

May 5, 2015 3:32 pm

ss–you were lucky. I, too, tried to raise my kids as your caring dad raised you. I believe that we were successful.

Like the mom in Baltimore who smacked her son up side the head for throwing rocks and being involved in the mayhem. That is a lucky kid. He will remember that for the rest of his life. He will know that his mom loved him and expected more from him.

Great thing come from small things.

May 5, 2015 3:55 pm

@Homer: “I sense that you look forward to this with glee. I hope not. I know that something is going to happen, historically, it always has. But, I dread it I see the great suffering and loss of life that the future holds.
I fear for the safety of my family, friends, and neighbors.”

I don’t want a catastrophe – but I think it’s bound to happen. TPTB are not going to give up their control / status quo / power / riches. They are bound and determined to ride this one into the ground.

There are too many people who have no skills, no creative thoughts, no drive. They are completely dependent, cogs in a wheel. When the ‘event’ comes, we may ‘lose’ these people.

May 5, 2015 4:11 pm

Pain is the touchstone of all positive growth. Like the article says, this country will not change until we are absolutely forced to. Until then, there’s really no point in getting angry at the citizens of our country. Why stir up revolution when there’s still so much beauty to live for in this country ?

May 5, 2015 4:46 pm

@Admin: Told ya this would be a good one! Where’s my h/t? (:

May 5, 2015 4:58 pm

save this country for the citizens we have been forced to accept from all over the world, who do not share our heritage…I think not…and that may also be the reason why others are not concerned at present…when TSHTF…the culling will start and THEN many more will be concerned and involved as too WHO will be left standing to rebuild this country or just scattered areas……..imho

May 5, 2015 5:28 pm

Dutchman, I understand what you’re saying. But, there may be another alternative. An alternative, I hope comes to fruition.

We went from the ‘Dark Ages’ to the ‘Renaissance’ in a generation. Actually, the foundation for it was bit longer.

How was this radical transformation of man possible? What happened? All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t stop it. Like a good news story it had legs.

I’ll tell you what happened as I know you are dying to hear it. Simple, beautiful, and profound–man’s consciousness changed. The old paradigm faded away, replaced by a new vision with new possibilities, a new hope, and a new future.

Looking at what may happen from the present paradigm, I, too, think that the TPTB will not, lightly, give up their advantage, their control and power and that war is the logical outcome, that death and destruction is our future.

Viewed, however, from another developing paradigm of a change in the conscious of mankind, there will be no need embark on a bitter fight for dominion. The old will pass and the new will be embraced and the turmoil of the present will be a distant memory.

The future must be God, family, nation and the brotherhood of man. The present governance of man worldwide, despite their claims to the contrary, is inimical to the ‘brotherhood of man and must fail. I’m not talking about Theocracy, here.

May 5, 2015 5:55 pm

From the article:

I find it shocking how often I have people tell me the Constitution is out of date and is no longer relevant or necessary.

The Constitution has either permitted those in power to fuck us over, or aided and abetted those in power to fuck us over. It has, since Day 1, allowed the Federals to increase their power and authority over us.

Since it is incapable of preventing us being fucked over, or aided and abetted those who fuck us over, tell me again why we have it?

May 5, 2015 6:05 pm

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, AKA Rosa Parks, one of my hero’s, Have you any idea of the bravery of this small woman to stand up to the tradition and law of Southern White supremacy? When only a few years before Negros were being lynched in the deep South for less. You have no idea of what bravery is until you stand in the shadow of mayhem of death.for an ideal.

What happened that day to Rosa Parks? Her consciousness changed She no longer bought into the Southern White Supremacist paradigm. A change in consciousness is a bunch of BS change–Belief Structure change. The world is never viewed the same again. Look what happened that day. by that one act of defiance. The world was changed.

Great things come from little things.

“Faith is the expression of hope, unrealized.” Have faith–“The old world is passing. A new world is coming. Be thankful.–D R Schoon

May 5, 2015 7:17 pm

Homer ,Rosey park was a stooge for ACLU (communist )

May 5, 2015 7:20 pm

Billy ,the constitution is supposedly the law our elected representatives are to follow.

May 5, 2015 7:35 pm

We can still buy AK’s, well most of us can, go get one.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 5, 2015 7:35 pm

I find it a little unsettling that there are so many who are cheering the demise of the boomers. Who will wipe your ass when we are gone? Better improve your lot minis because I wonder if you will ever have what it takes to replace us.

May 5, 2015 8:13 pm

Bea, I see. The exceptional nation filled with indispensable Boomers. News Flash, Bea, the graveyards are filled with indispensable people. Yet, the world moved on. Of course, it is just possible that the Boomers will blow it up and then there is no moving on.

May 5, 2015 8:42 pm

Bea says, speaking of the Millennial s, “I wonder if you will ever have what it takes to replace us.” with the emphasis on take.

Ya, the Boomers taking Social Security, taking Medicare, taking SNAP and EBT cards, taking freedom, taking due process, taking the resources of third world countries, taking life in undeclared wars and taking jobs that the millennials need to start families of their own, taking, taking. taking. I sure hope the millennials don’t have what it takes to replace you.. .

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 5, 2015 9:06 pm

Homer says: Great thing come from small things.

Home-bro, do not put the pathetic size of your tool down, we will take care of that.

May 5, 2015 10:05 pm

Back on topic

Admin says–“I find it shocking how often I have people tell me the Constitution is out of date and is no longer relevant or necessary.”

bb says, “…the constitution is supposedly the law our elected representatives are to follow.”

Homer says, The Constitution is just a yellowed piece of wrinkled parchment in a vault in Wash DC. It isn’t a sacred talisman protecting you from evil ghouls rampaging throughout the world. There are no magical powers bestowed upon the believers. Get over it. See it for what it is.

Well, what is it, Homer, if your so smart, mister know it all? —- I’m glad you asked.

The Constitution is a document penned by our Forefathers laying out the ideals found in the embroidery of the Declaration of Independence. It is a concept of how one is to relate to another and how government is to relate to it’s populace. The sacredness and magic is not in the document but in the hearts and minds of those who held those Ideals as self evident. It wasn’t perfect, but much of what man does is perfect.

Words scribbled on a piece of paper are meaningless and can and are changed to suit one’s self. The value of words scribbled on a piece of paper is as a reminder of the Ideals held by all the parties when they signed that document into existence. Bound by our sacred honour! .When is the last time you heard that?

You want to pump life back into the Constitution? Pump the Ideals in the Constitution back into each and every person. Burn it into their hearts and minds. Life comes from people and people must give it. Paper is paper. The value of the Bible is living it, the value of the Constitution is living it. That is why I call the Constitution a living document, one must live it. Others call the Constitution a living document, meaning it’s interpretation is mailable and subject to change with the times. Truths are enduring as is the spirit of man.

Rekindle that spirit our Forefathers displayed when they penned The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution or the Ideals in that document will fade into a footnote in history.

May 5, 2015 10:16 pm

Speaking of contracts–A cowboy in Texas was making a deal with a cattle buyer over some cattle.
The cattle buyer asked the cowboy if he wanted a contract. The cowboy said, “No, where I come from we just shake hands on it and shoot the welsher.”

Something about Texans, I love.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 6, 2015 12:41 am

News flash Homer

Boomers worked and paid into SS. Welfare entitlements like EBT, rent assistance, Obamaphones, etc. are soooo your generation or just live off your boomer parents.Baby daddies from our age group damn well paid the bill to raise our offspring. Own it asshole you accept your piers lowlife lifestyle…..shame, shame on you.

Minis have done more to destroy this country in the last eight years than any war this country has endured. I will own that there are bums and lowlifes in every generation but minis have turned it into a new art form.Excuse us for being successful and hard working. Like I said who will be here to wipe your behinds?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 6, 2015 1:03 am

Peer….f@$king tablet.

May 6, 2015 7:35 am

Only a very small minority have even a vague suspicion that the Constitution is more than an undefined patriotic word. Fewer yet have any idea what it says.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 6, 2015 9:53 am

Lots of interesting comments here…

Homer, your nostalgia for the Constitution is sickening. The Constitution is dead and isn’t coming back, get over it. I wish that weren’t so but if you can’t see that keep wearing those rose-colored glasses.

The author of the article is pissing up a rope if he thinks this:
“Only two things can get Americans to formidably rise up. The first is a very direct and immediate impediment to our comfort. For example try cutting back on the monthly social welfare checks. You’ll have riots. The second way is if the mainstream media relentlessly instructs us to be upset about a particular issue.”

Taking away welfare checks may produce riots but those folks don’t have a clue as to what the Constitution is or what it means. Those riots would only product anarchy, not any meaningful revolution or constitutional reform. And as to the mainstream media coming to our rescue?
That’s laughable.

Dutchman is right–only some catastrophe, natural or other, that brings down the “system” is about all we can hope for. To think any political solution will turn this ship around is useless. Yes there will be much pain, but similar to letting the “too big to fail” banks/financials tumble, the same is true of our broken government–it is far too late for any reform.

Finally, as I’ve said over and over here and elsewhere, there will be no revolution because this country is too fragmented with “diversity” of cultures which leaves us with no majority of people who can unite for a cause. That is what the government wants. Couple that with the fear they have instilled on the public with false flags, 1984 surviellance, Patriot Act/NDAA, and you have complete control.

Maybe, just maybe, there is a chance that the 3-percenters could “rise up” at the right moment.
(Homer, are you a 3-percenter?)


Rise Up
Rise Up
May 6, 2015 10:00 am
May 6, 2015 5:36 pm

Rise Up—Sorry about you being sick. Take a bromide, put a cold washcloth on your forehead and lay down.

Rise Up, you are just playing a trend. The trend is your friend. Trends have a way of fooling you because people create the trend and they can be unpredictable.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that people will endure a great deal of discomfort before acting to change their situation. They will adapt their behavior to maintain their comfort zone until it is impossible to do so. Governments and bureaucracies also try to maintain their status quo. Losing a war which destroys the govn and bureaucracies gives you a fresh start depending on the winner.

Predicting the future is the easiest thing to do after it happens. But, I am not very good at predicting the future before it happens, neither are you.

I don’t agree that the Constitution is dead. As Mark Twain said, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The reports of the death of the Constitution have been greatly exaggerated and an expressed hope of some.