9 Dead Black Church Folk = Hate Crime

I need to go to my parent’s house very shortly. Some quick thoughts;

1)  This truly is a tragedy.  People praying in church do not deserve to be shot.

2)  I wonder where the all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful Creator was? I guess Da Lawd works in mysterious ways.

3) What the fuck is this “hate crime” bullshit?  The MSM whores are getting orgasms that is now now being classified as such.  Is there such a thing as a “love crime”?  Pure politically correct horseshit. But wait, there’s more ….

4)  They said this could be a case of … wait for it …. DOMESTIC TERRORISM!

5)  While it IS tragic … is it any more tragic than blacks killing whites in large numbers? I guess when 9 people are killed in one location we’ll now get 172 hours of non-stop coverage from CNN.  But when thousands of whites are raped and killed by blacks in thousands of separate  locations across America, well, that’s no big deal.

6)  Race wars are coming. This may or may not be the opening battle. Stock up on guns and bullets.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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petro bras
petro bras
June 18, 2015 9:51 am

Hmm… yes it certainly seems that disruptive events and the pace of madness or provocation is speeding up. To what end? For whose benefit? Are these events simply to provide distracting cover for TPTB and their peripheral activities? I’d better learn to sleep with one eye open…

June 18, 2015 9:57 am

There’s no atheists in foxholes, so think long and hard ’bout line item #2. Frankly, I don’t give a shit if you get right with God, and while thats in and of itself a sin – I’m sick of not saying nothing. Otherwise, yeah.

June 18, 2015 10:40 am


There may be no atheists in foxholes–a dubious claim by a semi-anonymous someone on a out-of-the-way discussion board on the vast Intertubes, but it’s a stretch to presume there’s a One-True god those faceless soon-to-be-dead soldiers call on in their ultimate moment (with BILLIONS of active counterpoints actively proclaiming THEIR deity is better) and there exists a corresponding “sin” for not proselytizing your particular choice of Big Daddy as being the One-and-Only.

ALL religion is bunk. ALL humans are agents of entropy (intelligent-as-yeast destroyers.) Try being honest about who and what you are, and leave the stand-in for Santa Claus out of it–not saying nothing doesn’t undercut your credibility, at least.

June 18, 2015 10:52 am

Is this the Harpers Ferry of our 4 th Turning?

June 18, 2015 11:03 am


You’re being a fuckstick. Meaning: You’re being dishonest.

Tommy ain’t “proselytizing”.. He clearly said he didn’t give two shits what you believe. He stated his belief, which countered Stucky’s snark. Then he moved on. The End.

He’s not preaching. Or trying to convert you.

Which means you just made that shit up, then try to use it to club him about the head and shoulders with.

I’m with Tommy. I don’t particularly care what Stucky believes in, but his swipe at the Almighty doesn’t really have a place in the article, and I think he was soap-boxing. I won’t try to convert him or you – I have my beliefs.

You are, of course, free to call my beliefs “bunk”.

And I’m free to call you a godless heathen, a hypocrite and a dishonest fuckstick.

June 18, 2015 11:22 am

The man has been identified as 21-year old Dylann Roof, of Lexington.

More, from IBTimes:

Roof was arrested on unspecified drug charges in Lexington County, South Carolina last March, local television outlet WIS reported. A Facebook page purportedly belonging to Roof identified him as a Columbia, South Carolina resident who attended White Knoll High School in Lexington, South Carolina.

Roof’s uncle, 56-year-old Carson Cowles, said he recognized his nephew in the surveillance footage authorities released Thursday. “The more I look at him, the more I’m convinced, that’s him,” Cowles told Reuters.

Cowles said Roof was “quiet” and “soft-spoken,” Reuters notes. Roof’s father, whose name has not been released, purportedly gave him a .45-caliber pistol for his 21st birthday, though it’s unclear if that was the weapon used in the shooting.

Six women and three men were killed Wednesday night when the shooting suspect opened fire at the church. The victim’s names have not been released. The suspect may have disguised his appearance with a fake nose and wig, an anonymous law enforcement source told the Los Angeles Times.

Chilling eyewitness testimony from USA Today:

Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Pinckney, the pastor, said one of the survivors told her that the gunman reloaded five times during the ordeal.

At point, as he was reloading, members of the group tried to get him to stop, Johnson told WIS News.

“He just said ‘I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go,” Johnson said.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 18, 2015 11:37 am

I was amazed that there was a perfectly clear picture of the gunman as he entered the church. When did black churches start making security camera photos of everyone entering the church? That photo was posted on Drudge this morning………..interesting.

  Bea Lever
June 18, 2015 11:55 am

What are the odds he was taking a psychotropic drug?

June 18, 2015 11:56 am

He was always such a happy go lucky kid. Look at that big smile.

June 18, 2015 11:38 am

Man, the media, anti-gun nitwits, the NAACP and damn near every ghoul out there is gonna have a field day with this…

How many draconian new knee-jerk reaction laws will result from this?

Not defending what dude did. This is some fucked-up, heinous shit and I DO NOT approve… dude needs to fry for it. No justification for going into a goddamned church and opening fire… dude is off his axle…

Just opining about how much traction this will give the ghouls – the people waiting for something like this to happen… they have legislation pre-written… just the events and dates left out.

They sit back and wait for some new and egregious outrage to happen, just so they can use it as justification for inflicting their bullshit on the rest of us… they’re vampires. Ghouls.

Oh, they might wait a couple days for the candle-light vigils and funerals to be over with, but then they’ll break out their draconian legislation – suitably named after the most sympathetic of the dead victims – and have it rammed through using people’s emotions to grease the passage…

How else do you think they get the legislation written so fast? Because it’s already written…

Damn vultures… ghouls… advancing a political agenda on the bodies of the dead… just despicable.

Mark me… it will happen. Just a matter of “when”.

This ain’t gonna end well… for anyone.

June 18, 2015 11:38 am

Naturally, the news headlines identify him as a white gunman.

June 18, 2015 11:41 am

It won’t be long now before Obama and his political posse start beating the gun control drums as loud as he can. This event has put that whole discussion on a tee again and he will be swinging for the fences.

June 18, 2015 12:03 pm


I’m thinking you’re onto something… if he was on psychotropic drugs, he probably had a psychotic break.

Pump him full of drugs, he goes off his axle, does some heinous shit and the rest of us have to pay for it…

June 18, 2015 12:07 pm

No sympathy from me .I go to the websites that track black crime against whites. Whites are killed , raped and beaten every day by blacks across the country and this crime toward whites has been steady for about 50 years now.Giving those bastards civil rights was the stupidest thing whites could have done.Most whites are not aware of hate most blacks have toward them therefore making whites easy targets.
They can piss and cry a river .The white liberals can go fuck themselves.Stay away from blacks especially the young ones. They hate you and no amount of good will will change that fact.

June 18, 2015 12:19 pm

Well…this is in my neck of the woods.

I lay a little blame on the South Carolina Senate . A few weeks ago the house passed a bill that would have allowed concealed carry without a permit as long as you were legally able to own a firearm. The Governor said she would sign the bill if it was put on her desk. The bill was tables by the Senate until next year .

Now maybe,just maybe if they had passed that bill a few weeks ago perhaps one of these folks would have had a firearm in their possession and killed this animal .

The anti-gun folks won’t get far in this state…heck we just passed a law that allows you to carry a gun in an establishment that sells alcohol ……you just can’t drink if you have your gun on you .

June 18, 2015 12:23 pm

Black population of the US: 41,700,000.

9 down, 47,699,991 to go.

June 18, 2015 12:27 pm

Sorry BB, Dutch. The churchgoing ones ain’t the problem. Might want to rethink those statements

June 18, 2015 12:34 pm


You forgot to add: I am also free to say I fuck your god in the ass (old Testament, sheep-herder style, raw and painful.)

Suck the Easter Bunny’s cock. Put a strap-on into Santa Claus. Take a bath with Jesus and the Apostles (you know, one of those dust-rolls lonely men-in-the-desert pretend didn’t happen when in polite company.)

You know why none of this is blasphemy? Because He doesn’t exist. All you “believe” is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Calling me names won’t make you any smarter, or your false idol any more real.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
June 18, 2015 12:47 pm

Chances are good that he was on some kind of psychotropic drug, but that doesn’t explain the complete disconnect. Why the fuck go into a church full of good, potentially productive black people when he could have gone to Baltimore and shot a bunch of deserving thugs? Church goers=unarmed, thugs=armed. The church does not guarantee omission insane fuckwads, so arm yourselves. Smells like some sort of mind control psy-op to advance an agenda. Sandy Hook, anyone?

Billy, +1000 at 11:38.

June 18, 2015 12:53 pm

On Stucky’s thought #2, it’s a serious issue that has caused a lot of sincere Christians to question or even abandon their faith. See Bart Ehrman’s book God’s Problem. Stucky is permitted to express all of his thoughts here, far as I know. It’s disingenuous to say that Tommy isn’t proselytizing, or he wouldn’t have said “it’s a sin not to care”. In a debate between Christians and Deists, only one side thinks they have God’s mandate to correct other people’s thinking.

June 18, 2015 1:16 pm

Star , these same church going blacks are some of the most theologically illiterate idiots in this country. These blacks never speak out against violence done by blacks . They vote for liberal democrats 90%.
Of the time then piss and moan about how bad things are while begging for more tax money to piss down one rat hole after another.The vast majority of black crime against white people is /are hate crimes but you never hear a Damn word about it.I guess I just got negrow overload.I’m sick and tired of the liberal bullshit.

June 18, 2015 1:21 pm

me, too, BB. But those were probably decent people. Don’t let yourself get that jaded

June 18, 2015 1:35 pm

MPA: Be careful with your words. IF there is a GOD I would not want to face Him ever, if I were you.

June 18, 2015 1:44 pm

So how many lone gunmen were involved here?

June 18, 2015 1:47 pm

On a more serious note – some portion of these spree killings are probably as simple as they appear to be (though probably caused to a great extent by SSRI drugs), but some portion are more than just one lone person going snap. The Aurora CO theater shooting is one where I’m 99% sure it’s most than just a crazy guy acting alone. I don’t know yet which category this falls into, but like many of them the timing is politically convenient. This will be all the news for the next week, meanwhile NATO is trying to provoke Russia into war (see the ZH article on Belgium and France freezing Russian assets) and I’m sure the TPP nightmare zombie creature is going to be back before Congress before long.

I’ve been digging down the rabbit hole since 2008 and I’m sure that I’m not nearly at the bottom yet, but the more you dig, the more you find.

June 18, 2015 1:54 pm

Mars, I don’t give a fuck what you believe or what you think. You seem to think your ridicule is a currency I value.

I don’t need a church or an entity, pastor, priest, or establishment standing before and between me and my God – in fact, everything in between is noise, including you and your Godless fuck friends. So like I said, I was growing weary of not saying something – so I did. Now, go troll on over at your ass clown savior’s page of hope and change and worship the man himself you wants to see you in complete servitude. Until then, enjoy his cock up your ass and get ready for the money shot. Or, just fuck off.

June 18, 2015 1:57 pm

Obama says, ‘It is in our power to do something about gun violence like the ‘heartbreaking’ church violence…………here we go, by Obama going first the door is wide open for, like Billy said earlier, ‘ the media, anti-gun nitwits, the NAACP and damn near every ghoul out there is gonna have a field day with this…

June 18, 2015 2:02 pm

Agree with Tommy, Mars. I have heard, studied, researched plenty of Atheist thoughts from its actual thinkers. Hitchins, Krauss, Dawkins, hell Penn Jillette, to name a few. Screaming their arguments does no one any good here or anywhere. Say something useful, say something original or fuck off.

June 18, 2015 2:07 pm

bb, Dutchman, you’re right that blacks commit crimes all out of proportion to their numbers. Still, guessing there’s maybe a million violent black-on-white crimes a year, that’s maybe 300,000 perps, or less than 1% of the black population. I have direct experience of black-on-white crime, but I still don’t hate all blacks.

June 18, 2015 2:13 pm


Heh… your pathetic, feeble attempt at “shocking” me or getting me to lose my shit over some bullshit like that is a complete waste of time. You overestimate your own alleged importance and underestimate my ability to withstand almost any amount of abuse…

In point of fact, other than me calling you a “fuckstick” – I’m calling you out as a fucking HYPOCRITE and a phony…

You live in Western Civilization?

Our laws – the malum in se ones, anyways – have their roots in the Ten Commandments, which eventually morphed into English Common Law. Must really grate on your ass every day to have to obey those laws that the Jews and Christians came up with, yeah?

The fact that we have secularized them does not change the fact of where they came from, if you follow the bread crumbs back far enough…

Us deluded Christians, telling you what to do… must really burn your heathen ass to have to abide by them, every day, all day…. sucks to be you.




See, because other than “fuckstick”, the rest are completely justified. You are a hypocrite and a phony. Belling the cat isn’t ad hominem. “Fuckstick” is just my opinion, albeit one that is shared by probably everyone here…

Stucky takes a sideways swipe while soap-boxing (but hey, it’s his article, not mine. When Jim decides to post my rants, then I can do whatever…), and you use it to try and advance your own particular agenda – which has fuck-all to do with the subject of the article, all the while abiding by laws thought up by us poor Christians, etc…

You’re as bad as those fuckin’ ghouls who pray for heinous shit to happen so they can foist their insane laws on the rest of us…

Opportunistic piece of dogshit fuckstick that you are… which betrays a serious moral and ethical vacuum with you…

I hope you are made to lick moldy peanut butter off a pig’s ballsack…

Laters, fuckstick.

June 18, 2015 2:13 pm

“Hate” is a progressive term tossed into legislation that would never stand up to constitutional scrutiny. A “hate” crime is the vast majority of domestic violence and murder, but it is only assigned to bring heightened emotion into the social engineering arena for violence that doesn’t involve partners but rather black-on-white/white-on-black or some ideological head-to-head.

If there’s a journalist left in the world, they should start reporting about the AME churches which operate to facilitate political meetings. Take a look at that Pastor who happens to also be a State Senator. It ain’t by coincidence.

In the meantime, turn off the boob-tube and stop reading the propagandized garbage that will inundate the net for the next week.

June 18, 2015 2:21 pm

IC….what you say is true. A friend who went from being a liberal to a conservative told me tbat his AME church taught them how get stuff from the gooberment.It was sold to them as payback for slavery.

June 18, 2015 2:22 pm


Sorry man. You’re on your own on this one…

I might not like certain folks, but that’s light years from condoning some halfwit rolling up on a bunch of unarmed folks in a church and spraying bullets…

That is some fucked up, heinous shit right there… dude needs to hang for what he done.

What makes it worse is that it was Holy Ground. That is just…. man, words just do not describe how fucked up that is…

Even during the darkest times in Europe, if someone was in a Church, they were off limits, pretty much no matter what they done…

Dude crossed a line. Fuck him. He needs to fry.

June 18, 2015 2:34 pm

Gotta agree, this kid is on his own – just needs to go. But, I’ll bet more on this story (a/k/a the truth) comes out over time.

June 18, 2015 2:36 pm


Feel free to stomp on Mars, but it’s just wrong to say that the 10 Commandments are the unique and irreplaceable source of the laws of Western Civilization. Unless you want to argue that non-Christian civilizations didn’t, and don’t, have laws against murder, theft, bearing false witness, and a whole bunch of other things that are at best only implicitly forbidden by the 10 Commandments. Good luck with that.


June 18, 2015 3:24 pm

Feel free to stomp on Mars, but it’s just wrong to say that the 10 Commandments are the unique and irreplaceable source of the laws of Western Civilization.

1. Mars opened that can of worms himself. Any abuse suffered is on his own head. Not my fault and I don’t particularly care about his butthurt.

2. Well, it’s good that you say that the Ten Commandments are the unique and irreplaceable source of laws for Western Civilization… because I didn’t say they were. You’re literally arguing a point I never made.

I never said other civlizations never had any prohibitions similar – or even the same, word for word – as the Ten Commandments. Again, you are arguing a point I literally never made. You are making your own points up and then rebutting them… seeing what you want to see instead of what is…

I said that OUR laws – those used by our earliest ancestors, which gave way to the laws our own country, and our parent country, England, had – were based on the Ten Commandments. Which were probably borrowed from even earlier civilizations (Code of Hammurabi comes to mind), but that’s not what we’re arguing, is it?

That OUR laws have been secularized does not negate their origin. Like it or not, there it is.

Now, you going to invent some more shit up out of thin air and attribute it to me? Or can we get back to the subject at hand?

June 18, 2015 3:42 pm

@ C54,

I’m not in the least worried: there are many gods, and I have taken care to offend none of them. The statist pretender Yahweh–an amalgam of cast-off ideas strung together by clever psychopaths so empires could be built with the bones of his “followers”–is a phantasm. If you’re smarter than Billy, you might call it the Demiurge (but I imagine you’ll need a lobotomy to get as empty-headed as him.)

People today have hot and cold running information at their disposal. The only reason anyone with even a modicum of intelligence subscribes to the “big three”–Judaism, Islam and Christianity–is laziness. Those pestilences are primitive psyops created to control the less-than-educated and gullible–and they’ve been VERY successful. Just look at this thread.

@ Tommy,

Like others here (looking at you, Drud), you presume “if it ain’t Christian, it must be “. Sorry, but that shows your ignorance, not mine. At least you hold to your limited guns, though, where Drud goes full “I done did this”, and completely humiliates himself. You may be stupid, but at least you’re consistent.

@ Drud,

i’m not an atheist, thanks for playing. And good for you that you wasted your time reading Hitchens and his ilk’s claptrap. They’re worse than the satanists (who at least have a sense of humor.) But don’t mistake your “research” for anything meaningful; it doesn’t represent anything more than the opinions of those assholes. I suggest you go home and study some more.

@ Billy,

AnarchoPagan already laid out what I might have said to you, and probably said it better than I would have. Re-read that post again, and you might walk away from this discussion with something more than your amorphous, addled anger.

But, yes, of course I was being inflammatory, and you rose to the bait like the Pavlovian salivator you are. Nothing you say about me or to me, however, will EVER put you on the right side of the religion argument. You’re defending the indefensible. YOU ARE THE MONSTER, not me. Your racism, your misogyny, your lack of self-awareness may be native to you, but your infantile belief that your “kind” is better than the rest of us as a result of some muddled belief that you’re on god’s side puts you in the same category as history’s greatest torturers and murderers. You pretend to be anti-big government, but you’re a god-loving statist at your core and are therefore nothing more than just another worthless mound of protoplasm. My only concern about you is whether or not the principle of quantum entanglement applies to message boards as that would mean–oh, the HORROR–we’re forever connected in some way.

Now, on a more serious note, we are ALL of us star stuff. Can’t we all just get along?

June 18, 2015 3:48 pm

Apparently he may have been on suboxone (aka buprenorphine).

Some of the potential side effects: cognitive and neural inhibition.


June 18, 2015 3:51 pm

21 huh? Probably another millennial who got SSRI drugs pumped into him since he was old enough to walk.

June 18, 2015 3:59 pm

Charleston Shooter Recently Faced Drug Charges

Was Dylann Storm Roof also taking SSRI drugs?

by Steve Watson

It has emerged that the suspected shooter who killed nine people in a Charleston, S.C. church last night was recently arrested twice on a drug charge and a trespassing charge.

Researchers familiar with the patterns of high profile shootings in the US will immediately be asking if 21 year old Dylann Storm Roof was a user of SSRI drugs which have been linked to many cases of mass murder and suicides.

WISTV reports that public records show Roof was most recently arrested in March in Lexington County on drug charges.

The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department told reporters that Roof was booked in the detention center on February 28 and again on April 26 after being arrested by the Columbia Police Department.

The shooting occurred during a prayer meeting at the church, which Roof had been sitting in on for an hour, according to witnesses.

One witness said that a victim attempted to talk Roof out of the shooting spree. According to the witness, who garnered the information from the mother of the victim, “her son was trying to talk [the shooter] out of doing the act of killing people,”

Roof “had loaded — reloaded — five different times.” according to the witness, and “he just said, ‘I have to do it.’ He said, ‘You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

A Facebook picture of Roof (see above) being widely used shows a clearly disturbed individual wearing a jacket with South African flags associated with the Apartheid era.

While the Charleston Mayor and the media immediately blamed the Second Amendment, and used this latest tragedy to advocate further gun control, those familiar with the MO of mass shooters in cases like this will be asking whether anti-depression drugs are once again involved.

As CCHR documents, psychiatric drugs have been involved in at least 31 different school shootings and other massacres over the last 25 years.

Despite it being reported that prescription drugs were found in the apartment of ‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes days after the Aurora massacre, it took nine months to find out exactly what those drugs were. Like Columbine killer Eric Harris, Holmes had been taking Zoloft, an SSRI drug linked with episodes of mania.

The connection between Zoloft and violent outbursts is well documented. Countless studies identify Zoloft as being responsible for more than 1,000 suicides and hundreds of episodes of mania and aggression.

There was also an apparent attempt to shield information concerning whether or not Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza was taking psychiatric drugs. In September 2013, we reported on the State of Connecticut refusing to release Lanza’s medical records over fears that divulging the identity of the antidepressants he was taking would, “cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications,” according to Assistant Attorney General Patrick B. Kwanashie.

Fort Hood gunman Ivan Lopez, who shot dead three colleagues and injured 16 others before turning the gun on himself in April last year, was also taking psychiatric medication before the shooting. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales was also taking anti-depressant drugs when he massacred 16 Afghan civilians in 2012.

As the website SSRI Stories profusely documents, there are literally hundreds of examples of mass shootings, murders and other violent episodes that have been committed by individuals on psychiatric drugs over the past three decades. The number of cases is staggering, but the media has completely failed to generate a national conversation about the issue due to its obsession with exploiting mass shootings to demonize the Second Amendment.

Pharmaceutical giants who produce drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend around $2.4 billion dollars a year on direct-to-consumer television advertising every year. By running negative stories about prescription drugs, networks risk losing tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue, which is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why the connection is habitually downplayed or ignored entirely.

Whether Dylann Storm Roof was a user of such drugs remains to be seen, but as they have been an instrumental factor in so many previous cases, it should be an immediate consideration for police and federal investigators.

June 18, 2015 4:11 pm

This is a powerful distraction while Congress takes a second shot at passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “Fast Track” legislation that failed mightily a week ago:


What’s that about? Whoop – SQUIRREL!

I’m not saying Obama caused this shooting. But I am saying that things like this often seem to happen when DC needs some media distraction so they can do something terrible and unpopular.

June 18, 2015 4:20 pm

I knew this guy was on drugs before he committed this crime and I know the next person who does this shit will be on drugs too…..and the next one……and the ten after that……and the MSM and our so called leaders won’t ever talk about it.

June 18, 2015 4:22 pm


But, yes, of course I was being inflammatory, and you rose to the bait like the Pavlovian salivator you are.

Uh huh… even after I called you out for what you were doing. Obvious fuckstick is being obvious. But, you deserved my foot broke off in your ass anyways…

Nothing you say about me or to me, however, will EVER put you on the right side of the religion argument.

Your opinion. Your sphincter isn’t sphinctering anymore, fuckstick… you’re spewing your shit everywhere… might want to cork your ass up before we drown.

YOU ARE THE MONSTER, not me. Your racism, your misogyny, your lack of self-awareness may be native to you, but your infantile belief that your “kind” is better than the rest of us as a result of some muddled belief that you’re on god’s side puts you in the same category as history’s greatest torturers and murderers.


Now I know I’ve won – you’ve resorted to hurling your whiny assed Words of Power like “raaaycciisss!” and “muh-soginy!!”… words that have no more mojo because they’ve been overused to the point of being tiresome… words only designed to be used as a last resort when you can’t argue anything on merit, so you try to shut down the conversation…


[imgcomment image[/img]

You pretend to be anti-big government, but you’re a god-loving statist at your core and are therefore nothing more than just another worthless mound of protoplasm.

Prove it.

Onus probandi. Not my job to disprove your ravings – you made the assertion, so now you get to back it up…

But you can’t. You know you can’t. So, you’ll probably resort to more Words of Power…

Now, on a more serious note, we are ALL of us star stuff. Can’t we all just get along?

No. Mostly because you suck more than a collapsed star… perhaps that’s the “star stuff” you were made from?

June 18, 2015 4:31 pm

Anyone else want to play?

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 18, 2015 4:33 pm

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June 18, 2015 4:39 pm

I got $20 mars is some assistant’s bitch for some snarky msm media machine. Huffington called, they want to know were the fuck their laundry and lattes are.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 18, 2015 9:20 pm

9 Dead Black Church Folk = H̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶e̶ Pharmaceutical Drug Industry At Work

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 18, 2015 10:19 pm

I’m shocked by MPA’s comment because the little voice in my head sounded out his words and it bothered me more that my reading voice said them than that he wrote such words.

It doesn’t take much brains to come up with the written equivalent of finger-painting with shit, whatever it is, it isn’t art.

Nice try, MPA. Now back to your padded cell.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 18, 2015 10:23 pm

Bea, glad to see you back here, buddy. I said some nasty things to you last time. Please forgive me. I meant fuck off and diet. And, no, I was not picking on you about my syntax problem, I was picking on myself. Sometimes I go back and read my shit and it is like trying to decipher my handwriting; it makes sense when I write it but later I can’t make out what the fuck I scribbled.

June 18, 2015 10:28 pm

Another “Adam Lanza” skinny, dysfunctional twenty-something kid goes nuts and kills in a burst of anger (again). But this time it’s worse: it’s a white person that kills black people you see. Hmmm. Sandy Hook II with a racist twist, just in time for JADE HELM and systemic, financial collapse. It’s probably just pure coincidence though I’m sure.

Since when are high-resolution security cameras installed at the front doors of churches? That’s a new on me. Of course, I don’t really keep up with current events like I should.

Some in the alt-media are already calling this incident BS. Just another event that doesn’t quite pass the smell test. Meanwhile, the MSM are creaming all over themselves covering it.

June 18, 2015 10:32 pm

Fuck off Stucky. You don’t have to believe, just do not attack. You’re always taking swipes at God, and you fucking know it. Don’t like the result, then just leave it alone. Simple.

June 18, 2015 10:32 pm

Stucky says:

” ….which countered Stucky’s snark ….. his swipe at the Almighty …. Stucky takes a sideways swipe while soap-boxing” ——— Billy

How about you go fuck yourself ya fukstick.

It’s a legitimate question! People IN A CHURCH … praying TO GOD … one assumes God must have been aware, listening, and watching …. yet, he does nothing (he never does, does he?) ………… and I want to know, WHERE WAS GOD?

Or, are you in that brainwashed group where questioning God is strictly verboten?

BTW … neither you, nor anyone else even attempted to answer that question. Not that it matters, cuz you really don’t know, do ya?

Stalin said one death is a trajedy, but a million is a statistic. So true. Where is God when the Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Nigerians…etc., need him?

There are two possibilities. One is that there is no God, the second is that God does not interfere in human affairs.