Teen Boy Kissed Girl on a Dare. Now He Faces Assault Charges.

A Pikesville, Maryland, 13-year-old will be charged with second-degree assault for kissing a 14-year-old girl on a dare. The “assault” happened at Pikesville Middle School on Friday. Police were called to the scene.

According to WBFF:

School officials took a report regarding a 13-year-old boy who kissed a 14-year-old girl during school hours. The unwanted kiss was allegedly the result of a dare made by students.

Police confirm that the boy is now facing a second-degree assault charge as a juvenile. No one was injured during the incident, police say, and disciplinary actions related to suspension or expulsion will be handled by the school system.

No one was injured. Is that really surprising?

It’s of course true that every 14-year-old has the right not to be kissed. I’m not saying the boy’s transgression should go unpunished. What I’m saying is this: he should not be charged with assault. He’s 13. Thirteen-year-olds do stupid stuff. They screw up. And when the consequences of their actions are as minor as this, it’s better to reprimand them in a manner that does not involve the criminal justice system.

By all means, give this kid detention. Make him apologize to the girl. Tell his parents to teach him better manners.

But don’t charge him with assault. That would be a far greater crime than a stolen kiss.

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George Gallagher
George Gallagher
September 15, 2015 11:39 am

NWO Tavistock Institute Mind Warfare – While the Bankster steal Trillions $$ – they get the sheeple to obsess about nothing…Have a Gruber Day!

September 15, 2015 11:42 am

Maybe he kissed her between the legs?

September 15, 2015 12:05 pm

He did not have sex with THAT girl!

What a fucked up country. SEX SEX SEX is used to sell …. EVERYTHING. Sex in movies. On TV. Commercials. Songs. Art. Soft porn, hard porn, a multi billion dollar industry. Generals and Admirals jerk off to porn all day long. Priests fuck boys. Men fuck horses. Tits are everywhere, especially on MSM newz bimbos. Cleavage sets you free. Congress fucks everybody.

And they worry about a kiss? Hypocritical cocksuckers.

September 15, 2015 12:32 pm

By all means this boy needs to be jailed in a juvenile detention facility until he is 18. Unless that is done, parents wont understand how assinine the liberal agenda they have voted for has become. MADD started with one irate female mother. One crazed woman changed the dwi laws to the point of complete insanity. One irate mother will be needed to change this shit back. Hint, it aint going to be me.

September 15, 2015 12:41 pm

Thought about it for a bit and my first reaction still rings true: “Aww, fer krissake, get a grip on yourself!”

Yes, double entendre intended.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 15, 2015 12:48 pm

All this kid has to do is go into the office at this school draped in a rainbow flag dressed as a tranny with red high heels on and they will drop to the floor and worship at his feet. Then all will be forgiven…it’s a sick world. Oy Veh

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 15, 2015 12:57 pm

People need to start litigating against these sick asswipes PERSONALLY, not just the school boards but the sick teachers/principals etc. If they think they will be held accountable with their pocketbook, you would not see any more of this lunacy.

September 15, 2015 12:59 pm

He needs to be water boarded and then transformed into a eunuch…or at least a Caitlan .

Good Lord…what have we become as a society or a Nation. Lord help the future because it will be ruled by village idiots .

September 15, 2015 2:58 pm

Not only is that boys life going to be distorted by this, I’ll bet that girl has a rather difficult time attracting any desirable guys to date during her teenage years.

this sort of stuff is just plain stupid, but it does accurately demonstrate what our country has become over the last several decades.

September 15, 2015 3:12 pm

If he had kissed another boy, no one in the school administration would have cared or said a word.

September 15, 2015 3:13 pm

This is a brainwashing campaign by the left.I would never put a child in public communist school ever!

September 15, 2015 4:55 pm

I can still remember the first time I was assaulted by a girl. Come to think about it, it may well be the only time.

I was about 7 years old and a girl by the name of Wanda (why do I still remember her name??) wrestled me to the ground and sat on my chest (Wanda was a little over weight,- ah – NO a lot overweight, maybe that’s why I don’t like fat girls) and then- Yuck- kissed me.

Unfortunately I didn’t have a clue about legal recourse and so I dealt with it the only way I could think about at the time. I spit in her face.

Wanda never bothered me again.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 15, 2015 11:03 pm

Maybe this experience will help him think twice about getting married; the system really goes crazy screwing over a guy when his wife files for divorce.

September 16, 2015 12:38 pm

We have to be the most easily butthurt animals to have ever inhabited this big blue marble.

What used to be afterschool detention, or a note to parents, is now a crime punishable by destruction of your adult life.

Once again, unless people start demanding the cries of fear and outrage over EVERYTHING stop, then this is just going to get worse and worse.