Has there ever been more proof the liberal MSM is completely in the bag for Hillary Clinton? Sanders absolutely crushed Queen Hillary in Washington, Alaska and Hawaii. They weren’t just victories. They were landslides. Bernie got 76% of the vote in Washington, 79% of the vote in Alaska, and 70% of the vote in Hawaii. And still the liberal MSM blathers about how popular Clinton is. They concentrate on how she will crush Trump. If she is getting her fat ass handed to her by a decrepit old socialist in her own primaries, why does anyone think she would win a landslide victory in November. Democrats don’t like her and Republicans despise her. She bought off the 400 super delegates in the utterly corrupt Democratic method of selecting a candidate. The voters have not selected Cankles Clinton.

Bernie Sanders Crushes Hillary Clinton in Washington Caucus

Bernie Sanders Crushes Hillary Clinton in Washington Caucus

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March 28, 2016 10:59 am

In February I made a bet with our Malay PhD that Bernie Sanders would get the Democrat nomination, not Hillary Clinton.

If I lose I have to quite publicly and embarrassingly admit I was wrong. If I’m right? Well I’m a smug little asshole, so being right is its own reward. Plus, every time I’m right about shit like this it feeds my reputation in my company and community that I know what the fuck I’m talking about.

The only thing keeping Clinton in this race is her bought and paid for superdelegates, and as the popular tide continues to surge against her you can expect to see delegates come out and support Sanders.

His ruinous policies will do some fairly spectacular things to this country. Fourth Turnings are never pretty.

March 28, 2016 10:59 am


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 28, 2016 11:02 am

“…why does anyone think she would win a landslide victory in November. Democrats don’t like her and Republicans despise her. She bought off the 400 super delegates in the utterly corrupt Democratic method…”

Question both asked and answered in the same passage.

Utterly corrupt.

And that’s the way you win an election in Amerikwa.

March 28, 2016 11:12 am


This entire article is not just disingenuous, it is flat out dishonest. Every single major online media outlet in America led with Sanders victories the following day. And as of this morning his picture are articles related to his “victories” were still prominently displayed on the front page of those websites.

Your entire underlying premise that the media is not supporting Sanders is false.

March 28, 2016 11:21 am

It’s the delegate count that matters, I’d like to see that take a more prominent role in reporting.

(not that it will necessarily mean anything to the Republican side, but worth knowing anyway)

March 28, 2016 11:30 am

I always counseled my boys to choose women with very

slim and fine boned ankles. First they laughed, now they

really agree.

March 28, 2016 11:35 am

None of this stuff makes any difference. Only Jesus himself can get this country out of the mess we have created. Whoever gets elected will preside over a continuing decline of America. It may make a difference in the speed of the decline but not its ultimate end. This baby is going down ( it is a fourth Turning) and nobody knows how it is going to work out. Being an eternal pessimist I don’t think it is going to be good.

March 28, 2016 1:59 pm

“Only Jesus himself can get this country out of the mess we have created. ”

Where do you get this “WE” shit? WE’s ass. This shit was done TO us, not BY us.

March 28, 2016 2:26 pm

@Ed – Hardly. “We the people” took everything we had and threw it away. Don’t blame the uber rich and politicians when it was the stupid, lazy average American that truly sold us all to slavery.

March 28, 2016 2:48 pm

This dumb ole redneck called a Sanders POTUS nomination on June 8, 2015, because, as a Jew, he didn’t blow the donkey.

This dumb ole redneck called Trump nomination on Aug 17, 2015, because, as a jewish-ass-kissing sycophantic Likudnik, Trump will get the Israeli jew blessing.

March 28, 2016 3:14 pm

Thanks for pointing this out Admin. The OTHER thing people need to know is in a head-to-head matchup, Bernie Sanders beats Trump by a much wider margin than Hitlery.

“Bernie Sanders beats Trump by an even larger margin: 18.5% (49.9% to 31.4%)”


March 28, 2016 3:29 pm

@Leftcoaster – Sanders’ disastrous policies will finish breaking the back of the already faltering middle class, because we are the ones who will bear the brunt of his increased taxation and cost.

All of the truly rich will hide their wealth in other locations, and find other ways to dodge the tax laws.

Not only that, but one of the biggest problems we have right now in this country is government corruption and Mr. Sanders plan to fix that is…..drumroll…..
[imgcomment image[/img]

So let me get this straight, we are going to fix government corruption by giving the government more power.

[imgcomment image[/img]

You want to free Americans? Curtail the power of both the corporations and the government, and let people be free to live their own lives.

Such a novel idea.

I’d like to thank Animal for helping me out on the drums, and Admin for helping me out with the jaded views and old man persona.

March 28, 2016 3:49 pm

She is known as Bill’s loyal wife
She has led a treasonous political life
Though she now feels the Bern
She knows it’s her turn
And in our nation’s back, she sticks her knife


March 28, 2016 5:01 pm

” when it was the stupid, lazy average American that truly sold us all to slavery.”

When did that happen? When did the “average American” ever have a say in anything? Wait, I see that you’re one of those people who thinks that casting a vote that isn’t even tallied somehow makes what the “elected officials” do the fault of the benighted voters.

Wake up, anonymous. Get a screen name, then go out and try to buy a clue somewhere. Clues might be on sale at WalMart.

March 28, 2016 5:17 pm

@The PC: Okay, you’re on. Name one viable candidate for President who has a plan to do what you suggest? And name one of his “disasterous policies” and explain why it’s such a “disaster”?

I see, there isn’t one, certainly not Trump who probably couldn’t name the 3 branches of government if his life depended on it. Yes he spouts off that he’s dismantling this agency and that agency, but (1) that’s not within the power of President, and (2) if he could convince a Congress to do it, what would happen to all those Fedgov workers? Oh yeah, they’d be on the dole. See-more government!

Bernie wants to break up the big banks, tax Wall St. speculation, make multinational corporations pay their U.S. taxes, and get rid of Obamacare with a modern single-payer system like EVERY OTHER developed country in the world. Oh, and he want’s to end crony capitalism and end big money’s influence in our elections. Oh, and he wants to end the Wolfowitz doctrine and use our military for defense, not regime change.

Bernie knows how things work in D.C. and he’s been SERVING THE PUBLIC for the past 25 years. Hitlery has been around for about as long and has learned how to SCREW THE PUBLIC. Trump has been around business for at least that long and has 4 bankruptcies to demonstrate his success. Such a “dealmaker”!

See, reality is no one but Ron Paul supports your point of view, and you see how far that got him. And I don’t disagree with the Libertarian point of view, in fact I was part of Harry Browne’s team in ’96. But we have big problems that we may not be able to fix, at least not without guidance from someone who speaks the truth, won’t engage us in more conflict leading to WWIII, AND knows how to get things done.

The choice is yours, but if you love this country as much as I do, I hope you vote in your own best interests, and vote for Bernie Sanders.

March 28, 2016 5:55 pm

@Westie….”Bernie knows how things work in D.C. and he’s been SERVING THE PUBLIC for the past 25 years.” and…”But we have big problems that we may not be able to fix, at least not without guidance from someone who speaks the truth, won’t engage us in more conflict leading to WWIII, AND knows how to get things done.”

Admit it, you’re on his payroll..writing TV commercials…
So, you harp about Bern not being an insider But then you sell the fact that he is, indeed, an insider. He’s been there 25 years..He knows how to get things done…

He is an insider and an insidious one at that. He wants to raise taxes and not just on the one percent. He believes in using the power of government to steal your personal property/wages and giving it to whomever will vote for him come next election. No, he did not create the 16th Amendment, but he does wish to use it for all it’s worth and you seem to believe, or come across as one who believes, that somehow, you will be one of the “un-sheered” when we get Bernie-Ball. Sort of like not “having to pay my mogidge or put gas in ma car”…what gives?

March 28, 2016 6:17 pm

Y’all do know that Westcoaster is beyond help. Right? Not that you shouldn’t keep trying, though. It’s entertaining watching folks piss up a rope.

I think the only hope is to constantly make fun of him. A holy jihad to try to shame him into submission.

March 28, 2016 6:40 pm

Vote Socialism for a better future. What can go wrong?

March 28, 2016 7:44 pm

@Nkit: Fair enough, I’ll tell you “what gives” first & answer your second question later. And by the way in my former profession I DID write Radio & TV commercials and infomercial scripts and I booked TV airtime for Harry Browne in ’96.

ANY increase middle-class income folks might see would be to help cover a “Medicare for all”, single-payer health plan. Isn’t that better than funneling monthly premiums to a private health insurance company for a dog-shit plan that won’t pay out until YOU shell out $5 Kor $6K, or with deductibles and co-pays well beyond your ability to pay? For Christ sake, Bernie is trying to solve the problem, and I can tell you the current “system” won’t survive long. Hell, my Obamacare premium increased 100% this year! The reason? “Well, that’s what the algorithm says”. Can’t you imagine all the money we’ll save by eliminating most of the bullshit paper-pushers involved in denying you private healthcare?

Q2: Bernie is an INDEPENDENT. Got that? He’s not a part of the bullshit political party system. He’s running as a Dem so he can get press and get on the ballot. In his real job as a Senator he’s known for adding amendments that serve his constituents to bills the big guys want passed. His Presidential campaign relies on donations from folks like us, not millionaires, billionaires, or SuperPacs (like Hitlery, Cruz, & the rest). His voting record is courageous, he was among a handful that voted AGAINST invading Iraq. He voted against the Keystone pipeline, he voted against fast-tracking the TPP. He voted against NAFTA. In fact, he proposed a bill to make Congress paid the same amount as their Mexican counterparts if NAFTA passed. As you might expect, THAT bill didn’t pass, but he got his point across (see link). Now that you know something about him, I hope you’ll consider voting for him.

When Bernie Sanders Trolled Congress over NAFTA

March 28, 2016 8:02 pm

I love it when Westmoaner cries about his Obamacare premiums given he cast his votes for that motherfucker. Bwahahahaha!

And please, point out, Leftcoaster, anywhere in the world where socialized medicine is working well. And where there are not long waiting lists for basic things like knee surgery, or bypass surgery. In Australia, where there is socialized medicine, sort of, waiting lists can be years for knee surgery, and can be months for critical surgeries like heart or cancer. People die waiting for care. If you do not have ancillary private health insurance in Oz, you are screwed if you need “elective” surgery like knee surgery, or back surgery, or whatever. Hell, even if you have a burst appendix, you could wait 24 – 48 hours, and hope you do not get a life-threatening infection.

You see, there just is never enough of other people’s money.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 28, 2016 8:43 pm

I’m not leaning toward anybody. I anticipated a Trump/Sanders match.

You don’t need to consult your Ouija board to figure who to vote for.

The choices are, Vote for Sanders, go full socialist and stick it to the Oligarchs or
Vote for Trump, go full Oligarch and stick it to the Repukes and Demosnots.

Voting for Hilly is like saying, we know we’re getting punked so here’s our top vagina.
Voting for Cruz is saying, we know the USA punks the rest of the world so here’s out top dick.
Voting for Kasich is saying, we know we are toast so here’s our top weak dick.

March 28, 2016 8:53 pm

” Now that you know something about him, I hope you’ll consider voting for him.”

I’ll consider it………….OK, then, the answer is…nope.

I befoul myself in the milk of The Bern.

March 28, 2016 8:56 pm

Westie, I get it that you are a good person. Why do I have to pay for you’re being a good person?