Saker calls Syria PowderKeg

The risk of nuclear war is now concerningly high

Following up on our recent warning about the situation in Syria, Chris sits down this week for a conversation with The Saker, who writes extensively on geo-political and military matters. The Saker (a nom-de-plume), is a former intelligence expert with professional and personal insights into Russia and the Middle East.

He shares our deep concern for the dangerously misdirected current state of US foreign and military policy, as well as the potentially lethal repercussions these threaten to have in the powderkeg that is Syria.

In this week’s podcast, The Saker provides an excellent distillation of the complex forces in play in Syria — as well as in the brewing friction between the US and Russia — and why the risk of nuclear war has now grown higher than it has been in decades:

I’m not convinced there is a US strategy. I think there is a CIA strategy, a Pentagon strategy, a State Department strategy. There used to be a White House strategy. Right now, I am not even sure. We should go deeper into who is doing what inside the Pentagon and the military. I mean, there is chaos. There has been chaos since at least Obama because he was an extremely weak president. When a superpower like the United States is ruled by more or less an absent man in the White House, the agencies themselves start implementing their own policies. This is happening now under Trump, who was elected under specific platform and now is basically giving it up. There has been a coup against him by the neo-cons who basically got him under control. He wanted to drain the swamp, but the swamp basically drowned him.

I’m not sure there’s anything I can identify as a US policy. There is, however, an Israeli and a Saudi policy. And those two happen to be very, very closely aligned. Because those two, first of all, are extremely powerful as we know, inside the United States. But not only inside the United States but they are also objectively aligned in the region, which is very counter intuitive. It’s natural to wonder: What would the Saudi Wahhabis have in common with the Israelis? What they have in common is an immense fear of Iran, first and foremost. And generally, the Saudis and the Israelis have the same exact interest for the Arab Muslim world, which is to keep it in chaos and weak. That allows them to rule it. It’s that simple(…)

[Provoking Russia in Syria] is completely nuts. And it is due to that fact that I ‘m convinced the neocons are not American patriots. They have their ideology. They have their agenda. They are just like parasites sitting in the United States and using that country for their own petty ideological interests. Which is the same thing the Saudis have been doing, by the way. Our government has been hijacked, and that’s the real problem.

By patriot, I simply mean a person who loves his country. Through that lens, Americans should immediately see that Russia and the United States have no conflict. There’s nothing to fight over and a great deal to work together with. This is something that the neocons do not want. And that’s why they basically crushed Trump. That is why both the Democratic party and the Republican party don’t let the people who are for a non-aggressive foreign policy — like someone like Ron Paul — get anywhere near power. If you look at the Republican and Democratic national committees they always take away money from these candidates – even if means losing a Congressional seat. There is a real problem here in the United States. And that problem could end up with international nuclear war.


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July 11, 2017 5:07 pm

I agree with him except for “Their own petty ideological reasons”. I don’t think it’s petty, I think it’s a downright evil plot. They don’t have time for “petty” except as theater to distract the sheeple.

July 11, 2017 5:10 pm

I posted the link here hoping for discussion concerning the Saker’s comments about the Russian defense systems being far advanced of ours. Longago I wrote lessons for weapons directors and wonder if the idiots in charge at the Pentagon really are dumb enough to have let that happen. For those unwilling to listen, the transcript to the discussion can be found here.

July 11, 2017 5:30 pm

Right. He’s been doing some excellent weapons reports for quite some time.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
July 11, 2017 6:44 pm

I did find his info on weapon systems informative even though I had done some research earlier this year.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
July 11, 2017 5:22 pm

“[Provoking Russia in Syria] is completely nuts. And it is due to that fact that I ‘m convinced the neocons are not American patriots.”

Yes, we know who they are (or represent).

July 11, 2017 7:10 pm

Okay, so the US is Israel AND the Saudi royal family’s bitch. Israel however has the neocons in their pocket. The Saudis just have money. Outside of the deep state, the Saudis have no influence in America or American culture. The zionists have plenty…overwhelming in some areas. Clearly Israel is a much greater threat than the Saudis.

He is right about treason and parasitism. Nice work, even if he did get that from me. 🙂

PS, whomever gave me the thumbs down is a fucking traitor.

July 12, 2017 11:45 am

Thanks Maggie.

Although I haven’t yet watched your linked videos, due to bandwidth limits, the current sophistication of our military weaponry (and maybe others?) of the EMR & laser varieties is in the Star Trek/Star Wars realm; downright scary stealthy stuff, making those utilizing gunpowder pale in comparison.

July 12, 2017 1:34 pm

Wow, that’s a lot of thumbs down for just that. The Ziocons on here must need a laxative.

July 11, 2017 10:45 pm

Amerikan’s don’t want to go to war over the shit holes that are Syria and the Ukraine. Not our problem.

July 11, 2017 11:42 pm

Well, I suppose the Saker’s suggestion that the military is running its own “show” right now doesn’t ring true with anyone? I had hoped to see a greater effort by Trump to rein in the military involvement in the region and make greater efforts at finding new pathways for relationship with Russia. I personally am SICK of the whole ‘Russia tried to influence the election’ nonsense and think maybe if he’d let Putin’s folks help, we could stop hearing the blathering on the MSM here. Another bad joke, but I do long for the days when I believed we had a reason to be proud of our country for its real effort to preserve the rights and freedoms for the individual.

And, yes… I said when I believed it because I know it was always about the money for the powers that be and not about freedom for me. But, when I believed it, I think I WAS more optimistic and less angry.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 12, 2017 1:05 am

I’ve been angry since Vietnam and the 1964 Civil Riots Act. Our country has been taken over by the ZOG; most Americans are brainwashed liberal MSM pawns. The EU is a Zionist Dictatorship and they won’t let any country escape their boot (beware Greece, England, Hungry, Poland, Austria, Czech etc).

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
July 12, 2017 11:52 am

I have pretty much quit posting and even coming to the TBP due to the constant Trump praising and worship.

You do realize who he has filled his cabinet with correct?
You do realize he has handed the military the authority to execute missions without elected civilian government oversight / permission correct?
You do realize he has publicly praised asset forfeiture?
You do realize he is favor of imminent domain?
You do realize he does not favor state rights with his ongoing war on drugs?
You do realize he proposes increasing military spending?
You do realize by conservative estimates his proposals will increase the deficit by 3-5 trillion in his 1st term?
You do realize his first overseas trip was to the ME where he gave the Saudi’s a multi-hundred billion $ arms deal to continue fighting Yemen and to later turn on Qatar?
Etc. etc. etc….

I’m no fan of the previous administrations either, but I can promise you I’m no fan of this one as well.

I honestly don’t understand the zeal in which many here willingly carry his water (that adds to the swamp).

  Ticky Toc
July 12, 2017 1:38 pm

Yes. Which is why I am less optimistic and angrier.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 12, 2017 1:33 am

I hate hate.

  rhs jr
July 12, 2017 11:16 am

and that there.