Stucky’s Most Mundane QOTD Ever: Bear Shit

Perusing Shitfuk News looking for a QOTD is hard work, cuz it’s all shit all the time. Yawn. Then I read the below article, about a guy who prefers becoming bear shit, and I knew I hit the mother-lode of who-gives-a-shitness.

When I was little we went to the Bronx Zoo on a regular basis. There were three exhibits I loved more than all the others combined; giraffes (elegant and graceful)), bears (cuddly and adorable), and monkeys (funny as shit).

You don’t have to read the article to answer the questions. Many of you, — such as giraffe killers, bunny murderers, and other badass hunters — will think the guy is a big fat pussy cuz he doesn’t like killing animals just for the fuck of it like some of you fuckers here.

Today’s questions may be mundane but, on the other hand, I believe it reveals certain psychological aspects about yourself.

Q1: What are your Top 3 favorite animals? (Land, sea, or air.)

Q2: If reincarnation is real (just fucken play along, ok?) which animal would you want to come back as, and why? (Only ONE.)

Q3): What do you call a person who at no risk to his own life kills a helpless animal from hundreds of yards away with a high powered rifle loaded with lethal bullets; hero or pussy?


Q1: Whales. Giraffe. Polar Bear.

Q2: Elephant. Nobody fucks with them. Nice vegetarian diet. They live a long time. They have huge schlongs. Family / community is important to them. After humans, they are arguably the most intelligent species on the planet. Below, elephant paints self portrait … freaking amazing.

Q3: Definitely big fat pussies. You wanna kill a grizzly bear? Fine. Do it with a bow/arrow/knife. That’s a real man! Of course, you might wind up like the bear victim dude below … which is the fucken price you SHOULD BE willing to pay to play the game!



by David Mattson

I have had my share of close encounters with free-ranging fully-autonomous grizzly bears. I emphasize free-ranging and autonomous to differentiate these run-ins from instances where people who trap bears are up close and intrusively personal with a subjugated, immobilized, sedated, anesthetized grizzly.

I have never been much interested in drugging a grizzly as preface to sticking my hand in its mouth, extracting a tooth, tattooing the lip, then pulling out hair, drawing blood, perhaps attaching electrodes, applying an electric current, fitting a bulky radio-collar, affixing a large plastic ear tag, and posing for the concluding dramatic trophy shot—positioned well back so as to magnify the size of the ferocious (under other circumstances) bear in front. But there is no apparent shortage of people who want to run their fingers through the fur of an otherwise powerful animal totally at their mercy—which I suspect is an act of domination short only of killing the beast at a safe distance using a scope and high-powered large-caliber firearm.


Growing up in South Dakota and living in the Intermountain West my whole life has given me frequent cause to wonder whether I am a freak for being so disinterested in dominating wild animals, even plants…or, better yet, killing them. My gardens inevitably end up out of control because I am loathe to pull up the many volunteers seeded in from last year’s crops.

I perhaps exhibited my tender sensibilities as a youth when I lost interest in hunting because I had seen too many guys barreling down forest roads drunk, with guns hanging out the windows, or trespassing on our ranch; or seen too many deer gut shot or stuck with broad-head arrows by poachers and licensed hunters, then left to die a miserable death. A softy I guess. Although, come to think of it, a lifetime observing hunters has only confirmed my early impressions despite the many apologias of the many apologists.

But I digress.


Of my many encounters with grizzlies, the most attention-getting occurred during day two of a 3-day series of run-ins. On day one, my partner and I were surprised at close quarters by an inattentive grizzly casually digging roots 50 yards away. Shortly after that we surprised two adolescent bears that then ran towards us—out of curiosity—only to turn and flee after my back-peddling partner alarmed them by tripping backwards over some sagebrush. On day two I jumped a female with two cubs at close range in a small depression of a windswept ridgetop. She came after me intent on severe chastisement, head down, ears back, fast, only to come to a screeching halt within a few feet, reverse direction, and head back to her temporarily abandoned cubs. All because my partner happened to appear behind me at the moment of crisis, and probably not because I had raised a clipboard over my head yelling “Get back you son-of-a-bitch.” Not my smartest move. The third day we stumbled across a large grizzly on an elk it had recently killed along a noisy stream. After a moment of indecision, it ran away.

I suspect that the tally would be 5 dead grizzlies plus 2 orphaned cubs if the clueless wimps that pass for hunters these days had been the ones involved in these encounters—armed to the teeth, scared to death, and waiting for the opportunity to, as one benighted gun slinger put it, “sling lead.” Over 70 grizzlies have been killed by such hunters during the last four years in the Yellowstone ecosystem—roughly 18 per year. I suspect that few of these deaths were meted out in genuine defense of life and limb, and were more likely spawned by fear, over-active adrenals, and an urgent need to use the firearms that had been carted around in anticipation of “slinging lead.”


I have never carried a gun. I never wanted to carry a gun. I never felt the need to carry a gun—even mixing it up on a frequent basis with grizzlies and, later, mountain lions. I was among the first who carried pepper spray, back in 1984. My compadres and I thought of it as a novelty item. I never used it, although one workmate—Doug—successfully deployed it to save his life when attacked by a large boar grizzly that he and some others had deliberately approached as part of a stupid study I was part of in Yellowstone Park during 1984 and 1985. We were fliply called the Suicide Squad by other National Park Service employees because the study design required that we approach grizzlies in the backcountry until either we elicited a response, or our nerve failed. But none of us carried guns. Nor did I ever see pepper spray as a figurative silver bullet—a burning mist as likely to be blown sideways or back in my face as at a charging bear. Although, as in Doug’s case, when a bear is about to eviscerate you, it can be highly effective.

After a number of years and lots of encounters with grizzly bears I’ve concluded that common sense, alertness, and a settled feeling in my gut are more important than firepower. Nor, as one friend put it, is pepper spray “brains in a can.” There is no substitute for attunement to smells, sounds, and sights, as well as a working seasonal knowledge of how bears use a landscape. If out hunting elk, you would be foolish to think that bears were not working the same area for gut piles. Avoidance is the first line of defense.

But if the inevitable close encounter happens, there is also no substitute for staying calm and responding appropriately to the unfolding situation. As with people, an encounter with a grizzly entails lots of non-verbal communication that mediates moment-by-moment negotiations. If you are scared, if you are walking around outside of yourself, you will probably radiate your fear to the bear while doing something stupid. If you are walking around settled in your gut, in the center of your body, you will probably do the right thing, which will vary from one encounter to another. There is no pat formula for emerging unscathed.


Inevitably, though, people get hurt. Some get mauled by grizzlies. Some get killed. Given the enormous strength of a grizzly bear and the thin-skinned feebleness of humans, even an attack intended as no more than chastisement can turn out badly for the involved person. Grizzlies in areas such as Yellowstone are strongly inclined to assert themselves to protect their space, their offspring, or their food, primarily because aggressive self-defense was the only option for an animal such as a grizzly bear trying to survive in the wide-open tundra of ancestral Asian haunts. And sometimes “their” food is food we lay claim to as well—like an elk we recently killed, or dog food we left on the porch. Allowing for the existence of psychopathic grizzlies, I tend to honor the motives of aggressive bears, especially if the involved people have been inattentive, ignorant, or stupid.

More than that, I like having animals around that can tear my head off. I love having mountain lions killing deer within a few yards of our house, and black bears wandering through the yard stripping fruit off the branches of our chokecherry, hawthorn, and crab apple bushes…or wolves giving my dog the hairy eyeball when we encounter them during our morning walks. I look forward to the day when the grizzlies a few miles up-drainage from us make their way down to check out our yard.


Bears are special for me, more so than wolves or lions. An ambling bear concentrates the space around it into something essential. It’s easy for me to imagine, as the ancients did, that a bear is a shape-shifting shaman wrapped in a pelt; that bears and people once married and had offspring who carried messages between the human and animal worlds. Bears, especially grizzlies, create a sort of magic. They contest the pathological obsession we humans seem to have with dominating everything, of turning the wild into some pliant extension of our will—a passive dumb cow, or an obsequious slavish dog, or rows of corn as far as the eye can see.

I guess there are certain people in the world, perhaps people who aren’t as terrified of death, who like the idea of ending up as bear shit rather than an embalmed corpse churned out by the medical industry on the lee side of a drawn-out battle with some sort of degenerative disease. Count me among those aspiring to be bear shit.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 21, 2017 12:22 pm

“When I was little we went to the Bronx Zoo on a regular basis. There were three exhibits I loved more than all the others combined; giraffes (elegant and graceful)), bears (cuddly and adorable), and monkeys (funny as shit).”

Giraffe meat is excellent. Probably got an edge on beef but leaner. Certainly richer. I’d eat it weekly if I could get it imported into the country. And I’d post pictures of it on the blog just to make you whine bitch and moan.

Bear meat is greasy and has a sort of tallowy taste to it. I’m not fond of it but I’ll admit they are fun to shoot. Also, bears moan when you shoot them. It’s hard to get used to but after you tip a few over you learn it’s a good thing since tracking them in thick bush is a little touch and go. At least you know where they are when they go down so hopefully, as you’re crawling through willow you don’t end up looking like buddy in the picture above. I’ve almost been chewed on a few occasions. But then, that’s part of it.

I haven’t shot a monkey. Yet.

My favorite animals?

#1 The lowly Common Impala. They are beautiful and symbolize Africa in a way that no other animal can for me.

#2 North American Elk – A big bull is a beautiful thing to behold and represents, in my mind, everything that was once great about our amazing continent.

#3 Raccoons. And if I ever come back as one I am coming for your murdering ass.

Hero or pussy?

It’s got nothing to do with either. If you think it does then I’d suggest you quit consuming PETA propaganda and Disney flicks. Go spend some time in the wilderness and simply observe. Think about what life is like in the natural world (for real). Then think about your place in it and choose. Once you have made an educated choice one direction or the other then quit your bitching and moaning. You dirty raccoon killer!

  Francis Marion
December 21, 2017 1:31 pm

You made your point ! ! !

I always say that Nature is God, and as such she is a cruel heartless god. Every day — in Nature — half of all animals are predator and half are prey ( roughly ) . And on the most delicious irony, today’s
most successful predator may be tomorrow’s tastiest prey. (Think about fish here ). Nature is red in Tooth and Claw.

Predator today, prey tomorrow. And in death, the bacteria, the insects, and carrion eaters disappear the dead: predator or prey, both.

So I get it : IF we, as humans, exist IN HARMONY with nature, we will be either predator or prey ( or both ). Pick a side. Easy, I eat meat.

But I still favor Stucky here. Hunting ANY animal with a Winchester Model 70 PLUS a Scope is the act of a pussy.

The counterargument is that the Claws of a Grizzly — or the effective Shark’s Teeth — are Nature’s version of a powerful rifle with a scope.

So this will go round and round, and the argument admits of no end.

I end it with this : The world is becoming deforested, the Big Cats and Incredible Gorillas are nearing extinction in the wild, Elephants and Rhinos are being destroyed in the wild, the Right Whale is down to mere hundreds, and there are few Cod left in Massachusetts Bay.

All of the Scientific evidence that I have seen or read proclaims that Stucky is 100% correct.


December 22, 2017 5:19 pm

So you eat meat. Cool.

Where do you get your meat? If you buy it, you’re a pussy; you let others do your killing for you.

If you hunt for your meat, I assume you make your kills with your bare hands since using weapons makes you a pussy, right?

December 21, 2017 7:40 pm

Is that a REAL picture of a guy with his face eaten off by a bear?

I do not think this is a bullshit QOTD.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 22, 2017 1:57 am

I wondered why there wasn’t any blood.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 22, 2017 11:24 am

It’s not retarded.

I thought about posting an interview I did on a podcast about the issue. There is a lot of emotion tied up in the topic and it is one of those things where facts are more important than feelings. But in the grand scheme of the universe, there are much bigger things going on that require more attention and energy. Getting into this topic these days seems like a waste of time when stacked against other issues like finance, politics, and culture. Conservation, hunting, and all their related topics just don’t seem as important to me these days when stacked against the corruption that infects the rest of our lives.

If I thought there was a demand for the discussion here I’d initiate it and write a piece on it. I just don’t think there is given the times we live in and the interest of the blog in general. I’d prefer not to trot out my personal hobby horse and try and steer the direction of the blog to suit me. That’s not what this place is about.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 22, 2017 9:02 pm

Thanks Stucky – I’ll think about it. Maybe as I finally take a break over the Christmas season I’ll see if I can muster the energy and the inclination.

  Francis Marion
December 22, 2017 9:08 pm

Tell him, Bungalow Francis…

December 21, 2017 12:25 pm

German Shepherds, horses, donkeys

I don’t care enough to play along

I hunt for the meat-never take an animal so big I can’t pack it out-never have had pictures taken nor have any trophies. I never take a shot over about 150 yards and almost every time, they never knew what hit them. I have never had to track down a wounded deer or antelope-as I mentioned, elk are just too big for me. If a bear charged me, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill it. If I saw coyotes near my property, I would drop them.

If you buy meat in neat, bloodless, plastic wrapped styrofoam trays and never have come home covered in blood with a still warm liver for your dogs, don’t fucking call me a pussy.

Cats, Dogs, Humans
Cats, Dogs, Humans
December 21, 2017 12:25 pm

Q1. Top 3 favorite animals = Cats, Dogs, Honey Badgers
Q2. If reincarnation is real, which animal would you want to come back as, and why = Eagle; they are not generally hunted by humans like Land and Sea animals, including Elephants.
Q3. What do you call a person who at no risk to his own life kills a helpless animal from hundreds of yards away with a high powered rifle loaded with lethal bullets; hero or pussy?
= a hero if providing meat to a starving family
= a pussy if doing it for fun or a trophy

December 21, 2017 12:30 pm

This is far from mundane. This is more like FM’s own stories of the great outdoors. We should get a sperm sample for YoBo’s growing collection of (white) eggs and semen.

December 21, 2017 2:46 pm

Starfuck wouldn’t have it any other way, so long as you learn your lesson.


lacking interest or excitement; dull.
“seeking a way out of his mundane, humdrum existence”
synonyms: humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, unexciting, uninteresting, uninvolving, uneventful, unvarying, unremarkable, repetitive, repetitious, routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, workaday; informalplain-vanilla, ho-hum
“her mundane life”

December 21, 2017 12:48 pm

Stuck, that was a brutal picture of the bear hors d ouvre. Damn. He could’ve been just hiking, and come across a sow & her cubs. Sucked to be him. Horrific.
Q1. Dolphins, crows, and border collies, because they’re all more intelligent and deserving of respect than a TON of humans surrounding us.
Q2. A male tomcat. Gets all the pussy he can handle, an occasional donnybrook w another Tom, and gets 8 fuckups before he transitions to that Chinese restaurant as Kung Pao chicken.
Q3. I’d never call him a hero, so pussy it is, if those are the choices. But deer hunters (Maggie) and elk hunters thin the herd, eat what they kill or donate to food shelters, and they respect animals & the outdoors more than tree huggers. Big game safari hunters? Not so much.

December 21, 2017 5:27 pm

Thank you for pointing out I am not a murderer.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
December 21, 2017 1:18 pm

Q1: What are your Top 3 favorite animals? (Land, sea, or air.)
-Wolverine (Small package big attitude) Bears won’t fuck with ’em.

-Bottle nosed dolphin, because they’re smart and hate sharks. Like me.
-Eagle. National symbol with the benefit of free housing and the best views on earth.

Q2: If reincarnation is real (just fucken play along, ok?) which animal would you want to come back as, and why? (Only ONE.)
-Sloth. I’ve worked hard enough.

Q3): What do you call a person who at no risk to his own life kills a helpless animal from hundreds of yards away with a high powered rifle loaded with lethal bullets; hero or pussy?
Neither. I call him/her Well fed. I can tell you don’t hunt. There’s plenty of risk while hunting. Wild game isn’t helpless.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Smoke Jensen
December 22, 2017 2:02 am

That hunter is lucky he didn’t get skewered by antlers.

December 21, 2017 1:22 pm

Q1:Whale, Dolphin, Octopus (I love the ocean and those are arguably the most intelligent)
Q2: Dolphin (Cuz, well Dolphin’s are just cool)
Q3: Hungry 😉 (My grandfather’s rules for firearms: 1.Don’t point it at something you don’t plan on killing. 2. Don’t kill something you don’t plan on eating)

i forget
i forget
December 21, 2017 1:36 pm

Some people; some dogs\cats; there’s a donkey in the neighborhood that’s cute.

Something that flourishes in a milieu too harsh for most other life forms. That’s the niche•an for me.

If it’s for food, fine. Trophies? That’s micro-weenie, where it counts (what dangles ain’t what counts.) The Jon Lovitz character – bought the stuffed menagerie, then claimed to have been the great white hunter, so a micro pretending to be a micro – this flick:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 21, 2017 1:41 pm

#2 Bonobo monkey.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 21, 2017 2:36 pm

Q1: Hunting dog, quarter horse, cow Q2: Eagle Q3: hero

December 21, 2017 2:37 pm

Q1 – Grizzly bears, American bison, golden eagle
Q2 – Probably the golden eagle. Only something stupid jacks with a bird hoss enough to kill wolves.
Q3 – I’d call them practical.

Golden Eagles also hunt goats.
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December 21, 2017 3:09 pm

EDIT: I initially only perused the article. After going back through it I definitely understand where the guy comes from.

People live in a good deal of fear of the natural world, forgetting that we evolved in that same world. They think if they don’t have perfect control over the world around them, then they are goners. Perfect food. Perfect water. Perfect shelter. Perfect defense.

Perfect perfect perfect. Or at least the appearance of it.

For all of that, the natural world is first and foremost to be respected, because even in a “perfect” society, mother nature’s laws are sacrosanct, and as red in tooth and claw as they’ve ever been.

Hundreds of thousands of years of invention, progress, and history, and still the best feeling in the world is a dry toasty spot next to a fire with a full stomach after a hard day’s work.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
December 21, 2017 3:22 pm

Is that a feinting goat or goat feinting?

December 21, 2017 4:04 pm

1.) Lion, 2.) Wolf, 3.) predator birds like Falcon, Hawk, or Eagle

# 3 above because flying (and attacking and eating) = damn satisfying.

Heroes. Hunting is hard work.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 21, 2017 4:37 pm

My dad always used to say once the shooting is finished the fun is over and the work begins. I thought him a liar until I dumped my first moose in a spot that no lone hunter should dump an animal that size. Two days later I decided that moose hunting was something better done in packs of three or four.

Some people learn things the hard way. I guess I’m one of them.

γνῶθι σεαυτόν

December 21, 2017 4:31 pm

#1–Ring-tailed lemur, horny toad, aaaaaannd kangaroo rat.

#2–A rabid coon (the furry kind) that you come upon unexpectedly Stuck.

#3–I shot my first deer (4 x 4 muley buck) this year. Hit him behind the rib cage with a 150 grain soft point from my new Tikka 270 with the Vortex Diamondback Scope. The slug passed all the way through the beast and blew out his right lung on the way. He dropped, kicked once or twice, and then shuffled off this mortal coil. Good thing too, cause I’m sure he had it in for me. Dangerous critters, especially when they’re running away. Anyway, gutted him, ate the tenderloins that night and now he resides only in my memory…oh and in my garage freezer in equal parts breakfast sausage, summer sausage and jerky. Mmmmmm!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 21, 2017 4:45 pm

I used to hunt with a Baptist preacher who was a micro biologist by trade. His favorite part of the hunt was always the postmortem. He was fascinated with bullet performance and ballistics, particularly after the point of penetration. It was always an education whenever we were cleaning an animal.

“Now you see Francis, when the bullet struck the front shoulder it split into three pieces taking out the blah, blah blah and the blah, blah blah at which point the blah blah blah and would you look at what happened here, blah blah blah and that’s what killed it.”

Funny. I always just figured it was a piece of lead moving at 2500 feet per second that caused the deer to fall over…. what do I know?

December 21, 2017 5:00 pm

This summer I’m thinking of standing in a river in Alaska and shoot momma grizzly bears with cubs from a safe distance.
No guns, just a tripod.

I’ll be using a Canon, 5DIV and a 400mm. I’m told sometimes the bears get quite curious and move in a lot closer where you have to switch to a smaller lens.
I hope shit washes out of waders…

December 21, 2017 5:07 pm

There is something wrong with this place when you can post a picture of a dead guy whose face has been eaten off by a bear, but not the naked body of a beautiful woman.

i forget
i forget
December 21, 2017 5:29 pm

Some, not a few, master-abaters do get their kicks via snuffing. Not just humanimals, either. A possum murdered all our pheasant one time. Bloodthirsty pogo’s.

December 21, 2017 5:51 pm

Ask a Nazi

December 21, 2017 7:51 pm

No nipples.

December 21, 2017 7:22 pm

In the Old Testament a pack of kids got eaten by a bear for making fun of Elisha’s bald head. I told my Sunday School class to always be nice to bald guys.

I actually went back into deer camp to check camera footage. I had planned to take some buck bait but that shit is expensive. Is mostly sugar so I made my own with rabbit feed, apples and sugar. We will see.

I would be one of my dogs. Pampered and adored. But ferocious and a little intimidating. Like me.

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Maggi with ?
Maggi with ?
December 21, 2017 11:40 pm

Stucky. Can you tell me the moral of the Elisha story. The one about the she-bear attacking the rude xhildren.

December 22, 2017 1:23 pm

Thanks for trying. I was braver then when my son was an ittybitty. We had a great game of picking up Elijah’s mantle and walking for the Lord. Then…the next lesson God sends a couple bears to maul kids.
And I was determined to figure out how to present it and when my own son 4ish said “that wasn’t a very Christian thing to do” I was stuck telling a pack of 3 to 5 kids that God had just sent a chariot of fire for Elijah and that was amazing. And then a bunch of kids started making fun of Elisha. I told my son God decides what is Christian. And that the disrespect shown His prophet required punishment. I remember one very solemn girl Katherine asked if the bears killed the kids for calling someone names. Since that little gal lived with the church secretary (foster care for hideous sexual abuse by family…oh the stories that child told me on Father’s Day)…I didn’t lie. I told her they probably died. She was such a serious and solemn (and heartbreakingly lonely) little girl. She nodded her head and said they must have been really bad. I gave her extra cookies. And grapes. I traumatized a dozen kids that day.

I wanted it to have a real moral. I was sure u would have a.good answer.

I am not a fundy. But.I think the stories that made it shou0d make sense

  Maggi with ?
December 22, 2017 10:05 am

They were rude and irreverent teenagers or even young men. It’s the bear that confuses you. What does that symbolize? It means they were in the woods, they were off-grid. It’s not strange that they would encounter a bear. They obviously had no faith of any sort. They wanted to see a miracle for no reason other than entertainment. They teased the prophet, goading him to go up like they heard Elijah did. In fact, they believed Elijah had really just catapulted to another location and they encouraged Elisha to go find him. Elijah had had a bunch of heathens killed, so killing is not the strange part. Elisha had the same personality as Elijah and John the Baptist, they weren’t very patient with fools. They were a lot like Stucky.

i forget
i forget
December 22, 2017 2:00 pm

I’m a prophet. I got sovereign immunity. Laws, like the one prohibiting murder, don’t apply to me. I’m above all that. ~ Rev Jim Jones, the Hale-Bop guy, Charlie Manson, etc ∞

Doesn’t take a prophet to recognize what drilling these sorts of double-standard inculcations into formative brains “prophesies.” You’re looking at it. You’re living in it. That is “the grid.” And it is locked.

December 22, 2017 3:04 pm

I suspect Elijah was bipolar. C’mon..he shows up 400 priests of Baal and runs away like a puss to hide from Jez. She sorta got et by dogs.

Why u talking trash ’bout me EC?

December 21, 2017 7:26 pm

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Eagle, bobcat, wolf

If I cannot be one of my Pyrs, I will become a turtle…a seagoing tortoise.

I will say This Buck’s for Stuck if I get a shot at the Prince of my Valley. He is a 14 point buck…probably 250 lbs at least but hard to tell on deer cam

150 lbs of lean meat. Tastes like rabbit.

December 21, 2017 7:50 pm

1) Jaguar – pound for pound the baddest ass animal on the planet.
2) Dog – pound for pound the most loved animal on the planet.
3) Wolf – nothing like a wolf makes me think of nature more.

I think elephant is a pretty damn good choice.

Pussy. Although, I can see how a hunter could believe he/she is a steward of nature. Personally, I don’t buy it. Humans are the cockroach of the planet now. We have no right to lord it over other animals by killing them or culling them imo. No, I am not a vegetarian.

December 21, 2017 7:59 pm

I think pound for pound, the Parakeet is the most badass animal on earth.

December 21, 2017 8:08 pm

Q1 Elephant, shark, hawk

Q2 Hawk because flying.

Q3 Call that man with the rifle a harvester.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 21, 2017 8:17 pm

1) Moose (several hundred pounds of veal-on-the-hoof) Ruffed Grouse (tasty and helluva fun to wingshoot in the deep north hardwoods) Snowshoe Hares (shotguns and snow-slippers…. quiet bliss)

2) Fischer… anything that can knock a porkie out of a tree and gut it on the way down is badass

3) What kind of Citiot asks a dumbass question like tha…


December 21, 2017 9:51 pm

(Q1) Horses, KY wildcats/regulah cats and Nubian goats.

(Q2) I forgot the second question.

(Q2) If you must shoot something ………make it a liberal Democrat or a Yorkie/ drop-kick dog.

I too do not find this QOTD mundane. We are soon to be in the year 2018, should we continue in the ways of the past? What would Jeebus do? Perhaps Stucky can explain if JC would kill for sport.

4th Turner
4th Turner
December 21, 2017 10:59 pm

I been readin’ a lot of crap from all over the internets for the last month. Thank you Stucky –your prequel QOTD & answers (plus the elephant paints video) were the best fucken things I’ve seen all of December!!

  4th Turner
December 21, 2017 11:42 pm

Great name btw.

December 22, 2017 12:15 am

Q1: Orca, dog, sasquatch

Q2: dog

Q3: neither.

December 22, 2017 1:52 am

1 – trouser python
2 – dog
3 -pussy unless soley for meat

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 22, 2017 1:53 am

The author of this article sounds like a psychopath to me.

1) Favorite animals, dogs, cats and deer, things that don’t normally attack. I hope domesticated animals count.

2) I would want to come back as a fox, smart and wily.

3) I would call that person a hunter. Although I don’t agree with killing an animal if you’re not going to eat it unless it’s in self defense of a person, livestock, pets.

December 22, 2017 5:33 pm

Q1: What are your Top 3 favorite animals? (Land, sea, or air.)

Sea – Orca Whale cuz they are badass
Air – A Bald eagle cuz they have claws
Land – A Polar bear cuz I want to scare the shit out of TampaRed…

Q2: If reincarnation is real (just fucken play along, ok?) which animal would you want to come back as, and why? (Only ONE.)

A housecat. Cuz for at least once in life I want to be the Boss in a house I think I own…

Q3): What do you call a person who at no risk to his own life kills a helpless animal from hundreds of yards away with a high powered rifle loaded with lethal bullets; hero or pussy?

A hero. Why? Well someone needs to melt the hearts of snowflakes… and Stucky

December 22, 2017 9:45 pm

Is this at your cottage?

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