When something becomes so big its failure would cause systematic financial collapse, do you make it smaller or do you let it become even bigger? In 1990, the five biggest U.S. banks held less than 10% of industry assets. At the end of 2017, the top 5 held more than 40% of all deposits.

The ruling oligarchs allowed Wall Street banks to become far too big by 2008. The result was global financial catastrophe caused by these Wall Street banks and their puppets at the Federal Reserve. They should have been liquidated and their assets distributed to smaller banks who had not committed the fraud of the century.

Instead, the Obama administration, in conspiracy with the Wall Street cabal, not only bailed out these motherfuckers but allowed them to become bigger and more powerful than ever before. Do you think this will end well for the common person in this country?

Via Twitter

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JR Wirth
JR Wirth
August 31, 2018 2:34 pm

Don’t forget what “The Decider” and his cue ball criminal Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson did on their way out the door. They actually set up the TARP. We tend to gloss over this man in our justifiable hatred of Obama.

Fuck George W., and the dimwits who still like him. And fuck his idiot wife too. Never liked that bitch.

  JR Wirth
August 31, 2018 2:53 pm

Thank you for pointing this out…Dubya and Paulson got it going…

Remember Dubya calling all the heads of the major banks together in private.
I believe this is where Wells Fargo was forced into taking bailout money even though JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and B of A largely dealt in derivatives and were leveraged waaaaay more than 10 to 1

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 1:35 am

Agree 1000%, Admin.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
  JR Wirth
August 31, 2018 3:00 pm

You didn’t know the bushwacker is a faggott? And Laura is a lisbean rent a wife?
Just as the bomber is a fag Michael is a man and that “pair” had rent a daughter’s. And now it is reported that Paul Ryan and Pence are child murderers. Gotta love that DC crowd.

  Jack Lovett
August 31, 2018 3:26 pm


Fuckin’ third graders are hilarious.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 31, 2018 9:49 pm

Get a life doggy boy POS.

August 31, 2018 2:41 pm

Where is Barney Frank when we need him? Speaking of fraudsters, I just got back from the Back from a VA clinic. Watched 20 seconds of Paul Ryan praying, yesterday Joe Hair Plugs. When will it end. Flags at half staff on Reserve Centers, Post Offices as well the VA clinic.
McCain has been room temperature for a week and wait there is more. Googled JFK funeral, died at about 2 PM Friday, under the sod at a little after 2 PM on Monday. I was in awe of President Kennedy at the time.
In McCain’s case I feel as sad about his departure as I did about his buddy Teddy the” Beached Whale” who presided his expiration nine years to the day.

August 31, 2018 9:36 pm

mccain & kennedy died from the same disease also,brain cancer–

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 1:47 am

I hope the McCain charade will be over soon. ( as in now!)

Do you think they’ll have an eternal flame like they had for JFK. who they knocked off? It wouldn’t surprise me due to the way this monster is being celebrated. The propaganda needs to end. Five days to worship McShitstain (as many call him here.)? Get it friggin’ over with!!!

You know what’s funny? Nobody will know McCain in 25 to 50 years except idiots being taught about him at the McCain Institute. 🙂

Maybe it’s time to end institutions founded by politician and their ass kissers (including Lindsey Graham, though what he did for McCain is up for depate).

August 31, 2018 2:43 pm
August 31, 2018 5:33 pm

StackedStock, your viddy explains much I did not understand. Thanks.

September 1, 2018 2:16 am

Excellent indeed.

August 31, 2018 2:59 pm

Bad history that shit was republican greed bullshit Obama was hamstrung before he started and a brilliant way to fuck everyone and depend on poor education and short memories to blame Obama for Cheneys war mongering money grab and I voted for them cock suckers twice and all republican before that . I have a long memory I will never vote republican again ever ever ever. I would put a communist in office before I would vote for that fucked up facist war mongering money stealing party

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
August 31, 2018 3:16 pm

Obama was “supposedly intelligent.” Just like Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the greatest scientist who ever lived because he can deliver a smooth talking monologue. Just like James Earl Jones is the greatest actor of all time because he could deliver a baritone line on celluloid. This country has spent 200 years being enamored by the “wise negro” routine.

The fact remains, and HL Mencken, among others, pointed this out decades ago, democracy can never produce a true elite that commands a county, only, at best half-wits (Reagan) and at worst total maniacal thieves (Obama). Yes, Reagan was a half-wit who spent like a drunken sailor. Broken records like Sean Hannity can chirp endlessly otherwise, but facts remain.

August 31, 2018 11:01 pm

There’s that word again. Quick, cure HSF!

September 1, 2018 1:59 am

That’s quite a post. 10 thumbs up

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 2:23 am

Do you know what Communism even means? You have a lot to learn, Comrade!

Do you realized that in Communism you own nothing.? Not a thing! The state (government) owns everything. You don’t own a pot to piss in. And the people at the top get everything. (Read “Animal Farm,” if you missed it: “Some are more equal than others.”) Those more equal are not you! You’re a tool that will be deposed of at a future date, after the takeover.

Under Communism, you are given a meager salary as you work your ass off. And that’s only at the beginning. As time goes on, you’re given even less and less. You’re lucky if you’re not killed when you rebel against the life Communism gives you but, then again, which many have suffered in the past for the same reason.

You want Communism? Visit North Korea, you ass! And don’t just stay in Pyongyang and the designated areas the Communist government says you can visit. Visit the other areas, where the real people live, where the people are starving to death.

And if you see that part, which I doubt due to the multiple military men there to keep you away from it, and if you survive the dodging of bullets, you will encounter real Communism in its purist form!
And under this system, you starve to death or you are worked to death for the elite who get it all.

I want you to think about that life as opposed to Capitalism where you were free to open a business, even with the help of the government in some circumstances, or you are able work for another and make money and support your family.

You people make me sick! Do some damn homework on what you’re promoting. Even reading “Animal Farm” would be a step up for you,. And that’s pathetic!

  Vixen Vic
September 3, 2018 12:51 pm

Your right Communism was the wrong thing to say. But the pendulum has swung too far the other way. lobbist and corporations have too much power now. We need to bring back a progressive tax and get income inequality straightened out.

August 31, 2018 3:01 pm

Pay this no never mind. Don’t you worry bout nothin..


Watch and you’ll see…
Q said so.

August 31, 2018 3:28 pm

What’s it like to have Trump and Q living rent-free in your head?

By the way, public or private school?

August 31, 2018 3:55 pm

School of hard knocks

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 2:30 am

Rdawg. I say private or home school but never government school.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 2:28 am

I have to thumbs down until you elaborate.

September 3, 2018 12:42 pm

When America was great we had progressive tax. and a livable wage. Lets bring back progressive taxes

i forget
i forget
September 3, 2018 12:50 pm

Maybe it was great, or less un-great, before americans got here? Or maybe that’s just correlation, too…. People is people, whatever the tribal colors…fewer of them seems greater, to me. Too many cooks, who can’t cook, in the kitchen is a bit stronger than correlation.

August 31, 2018 3:54 pm

“Do you think this will end well for the common person in this country?”

It could, if only there was someone strong enough to let the banksters fail…
All tee’d up, next crash, should be just around the corner, Trump the worlds top Bankruptcy cat, tellin’ them sorry, letting them all crash, rebooting the Treasury. Would be damn good for the common person, after a bit of initial discomfort.
A boy can dream.

August 31, 2018 4:04 pm

A bit of “initial discomfort?”


Because the can has been kicked so far down the road to perdition, there would be major disruptions in millions of Americans lives for much longer than would be tolerable.

August 31, 2018 5:33 pm

What makes you think anything else is possible?
The current insanity is UNSUSTAINABLE, to steal back a word from the worthless “environmentalists”. Printing TRILLIONS in unbacked currency to pillage assets from the ignorant CANNOT BE SUSTAINED. Wasting real work and real productivity on GENDER STUDIES DEGREES cannot be sustained; subsidizing reproduction of ignorant, low-IQ mongrels cannot be sustained.
“Major disruptions” are coming to everyone, and even that (“major disruptions”) is a euphemism for massive death tolls, loss of the handicappped and diseased (when the medical cartel breaks down and treatments are no longer available), and self-defense as a lethal art becomes a lifestyle.
I don’t want to kill anyone, ever; but I will be forced into it, as those who cannot provide legally for themselves turn to crime to stay alive.
We will be a better nation, because all the malefactors will be six feet under (if they get a grave at all).
Get used to the idea of killing to defend yourself and those you love, as those who know how you should live your life refuse to leave you alone.

August 31, 2018 6:02 pm


I agree with much of your Assessment, just not your nonchalant way of describing the deaths of the elderly, men, women and children….

One point I don’t completely agree with is when you said,

“those who cannot provide legally for themselves turn to crime to stay alive.”

That is what is happening already, but more importantly after this engineered reset , anyone who refuses to give over their God given rights to privacy and freedom of movement by refusing the CHIP WILL be considered criminals and will have to turn to crime or the black market to stay alive.

August 31, 2018 7:00 pm

Like last time when heaps of common people lost their home? And now where are we, lookin at the exact same shit but worse, having to create even more debt to get strait.
Fuck them, let the fuckin banksters burn this time.
Declare national emergency and let the Federal Gov and the Fed both bankrupt, with the Fed Gov seizing both currency under Tresury and ALL title, as its souvreign.
Why does the fed get all interest on all loans again?
Fuck them.
But yeah, if your looking to pass worse debt servitude on to your descendents and future Americans, lets keep it going, maybe we can get the number down to 1 bank,one ring to rule them all.

August 31, 2018 4:58 pm

It will never happen. AIPAC runs DC.

i forget
i forget
August 31, 2018 5:05 pm

New to youse, along with everything else, is nothing new. Groundhog day, everyday, forever. Faces & names change, but players, gaming groupie groups, is perennial. *That’s* whats too big to fail.

If your biggest instinct is to join, gang up, you are somebody’s meat. And you & they are each others’ diseases. Let them eat each others cake is baked in.

The bakery ovens, they burn.

Learning has nought to do with it. Cuz when pat tellers reflexes are tapped, their knees jerk. And no amount of reading, or experience, can change that. Wherever you go, there you are.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
August 31, 2018 6:13 pm

Boomers supported the bailouts 100%. They’ll gladly sell their children to the devil just to get a second childhood/retirement.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
  Mr. Frosty
August 31, 2018 8:24 pm

Yes they did! Even so called “conservative Republican” ones. There wasn’t one boomer, not one who didn’t give me a song and dance about how this was “the right thing to do.” Of course to them the “right thing to do” was to steal time, literally, from the generations beneath them so they could have another decade of nesting comfortably while listening to Gordon Lightfoot albums and chugging Cabernet which they think will unclog their arteries.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  JR Wirth
September 1, 2018 2:39 am

That’s because they don’t want to lose their Social Security.

  Vixen Vic
September 1, 2018 1:32 pm

And due to their ignorance to the significance of the current levels of our national and privately held debt, on top of the near total destruction of our purchasing power since 1913 they demand things that are unrealistic.

This is why they demand such things because the majority of the baby boomers, indoctrinated in public schools, and bought off with best times since the roaring 20s lack the necessary knowledge required to see how late in the game it is for the overall system, nationally as well as globally. And many think they have it figured out like most of us do because they have been successful, living their American dreams off of their parents and children’s backs.

It is what it is!

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  Mr. Frosty
September 1, 2018 2:01 am

This “Boomer” objected as did many others; your Red Baiting is obvious. I wanted the big (bad/stupid/greedy) NYC Fed Res Jew banks to go broke and the smaller wiser local banks to benefit; instead the ZOG gave the Banksters about 700 Billion TARP to feast on and part of that feast was to buy good smaller local banks. Congress demanded to see where the 700B went so the Treasury released two pages and was working on more lists to release when Congress demanded an immediate halt. The list had maybe 50 names, two were big Bankster’s wives, each got 200 million no recourse loans (ie, no repayments, no problem); the receivers of the “loans” were only required to invest the money in certain approved products (securities, bonds etc). Did you ever wonder how the Chosen became so Elite?

  robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 2:52 am

When I was 20ish, I got a job as a lab technician at an oil refinery near Houston which primarily made Jet Fuel for the USAF on a government contract. “Small Business” and all that, the USAF built the pipeline to channel the fuel to Ellington AFB (was it Ellington? I think so)

Boom to bust in a couple years, with the company buyer purchasing an enormous amount of high dollar crude days before the boom busted. The company was kaput and we all knew it, but so were a lot of refineries in the same boat.

A big conference occurred where the owner asked us all to stay for 6 months to try to give him time to regroup and figure out a way to keep the contract going. Rah rah rah… you are like family to me.

When you signed the agreement to stay (to show the government his good intent), you got a three month paycheck minus the taxes. It was called a retention bonus. A big hunk of cash (I was making 12 bucks an hour!!!!) to stay on and come to work and pass the time playing cards or scrabble or whatever. Some of us were brave enough to take turns clocking one another in/out so we could sneak off and not really even be at work! I spent a whole weekend on graveyard shift at a Texas A and M game.

Well, after a few months a few of us got bored on night shift and started nosing around. I was friends with the HR lady, who had given me the password to her very newfangled computer that was, GASP, linked to corporate offices in Dallas 1983ish. It had a game on it that she and I loved to play so that is how I had access to her computer. Access to the company connection was trickier, but if you know a lady’s kid’s name and birthdate, you pretty much can figure out passwords. At least you could back then.

It didn’t take me long to discover that while us hourly employees got three month “bonuses” to stay on board the sinking ship, the corporate employees received bonuses in the tens of thousands. The “owner” and company president’s wife was company treasurer. She received multiple bonuses totalling more than a hundred thousand dollars to “stay” and ride it out.

All quite legal.

At the six month point we were let go. My old mechanic pal who helped me get hired there told me that pipeline just sat there for years beside the abandoned refinery in the middle of the old pasture near Pearwood? I think that was the name of the nearest little town which was a bit southwest of Houston.

  robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 1:35 pm


What you point out is WHY I STILL AM OUTRAGED all these years later.

We witnessed the GREATEST wealth transfer in history and NO BANKSTERS swing for it!

Bernie Madoff excluded….in his book he mentions that the “whole U.S. economy is a ponzi scheme.”

Personally, I think he knows one if he sees one.


I believe this issue, which gave rise to the 99% occupy wall st. Movement, is something that brings both sides of the spectrum into agreement!

This is why I say all this other divisive shit is being spewed, to refocus our attention on one another instead of the cocksuckers who profited from this heist and their cronies who covered it up working within the halls of government.

Find the issues that unite more people against the enemy instead of focusing on the bullshit like ridiculous laws being passed about banning straws…

The powers that shouldn’t be are counting on us turning on ourselves, throw em a curve ball and unite under the right cause

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

i forget
i forget
  Mr. Frosty
September 1, 2018 10:52 am

Boom is a word that, conveniently, struck some deaf, dumb, blind. & not like Helen Keller, either.