This One Is Going To Be A Bit Complicated

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) June 2019

We have discussed this before.  Just recently, a post decried the slow progression of a robot that was learning how to pick raspberries.  The robot was mocked as being incapable of even matching the picking rate of mexicans.  But that post missed the point.  Your future is not in your control.  As the timeline progresses along, as it inevitably must, you will grow old and die and others will grow up to take your place.  Their world will not be your world.  Their raspberry picking machines will not be your raspberry picking machines.

We all define ourselves by what we do.  Some of us are still working, some are retired.  Some are healthy, and some are face advancing decrepitude.  And yet we all seem to revel in the contribution that we ourselves make on a daily basis or in some halcyon past.  We define ourselves through our efforts.  We promote ourselves through our accomplishments.  We are what we do.

I don’t even want to try to argue that this is the most appropriate state for a human to exist in because now is not the time to have that discussion.  We have lived in a time where most people either worked for others or hired others to work for them.  We all had jobs.  We denigrated those who were not capable of contributing as we ourselves did and do.  We look upon the weakest as non-contributors.  The Free Shit Army.  Those less among us who refuse to contribute.

We measure the success of our very economy based on the numbers of “jobs” that are being created.  We revel in increasing jobs numbers and bemoan decreasing jobs numbers.

What happens when that all goes away?

Don’t be silly you say.  It is always been thus and always thusly it shall be.  I worked, my father worked, my grandfather worked.  How could it be any other way?  Well, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the world is evolving in a direction that will almost assuredly take us away from the concept of a job.  More and more we see jobs being taken over by technology.

Not to belabor the point, but it actually started with gas pumps.  Not that long ago you had people who came to your car to pump your gas.  You got your window washed and your oil checked while the gas went into the car and the attendant wished you well as you drove away.  Not any more.  Technology has made it possible to do away with all of those jobs.  Now you pump your own gas and save for the few idiots who drive off with the hose in their tank, the whole system works very well.  The gas gets pumped.  Nobody dies.  And hundreds, no tens of thousands, of gas station attendants were replaced by card readers.

What did those gas station attendants do?  Well they went to work at McDonald’s for the most part.  But now, those jobs at McDonald’s are being taken over by the exact same technology.  So are the librarians, the secretaries.  Now you find your own book.  Now you type your own report.  OK, but those jobs were lost and the people who were smart enough to do them, but not smart enough to write the books or write the reports, what are they going to do now?  And that is just today.

Today that machine can’t pick fruit as fast as a good field hand.  But in time that machine will pick faster.  The farm hand will never get any faster.  In time, all work from ditch digging to fruit picking will be done by machine.  The fruit will be picked green so it won’t be damaged and it will taste like cardboard, but it will be picked by machine.  If you want a raspberry you will have to shut up and eat the cardboard ones that big ag offers.

Today, there are almost no legal assistants hunting through libraries of legal documents to prepare the lawyer for trial.  Legal assistants are now just used to make coffee and look good in the office.  There is no longer a need to paw through endless books.  It is all done with computers and search algorithms.  Those jobs are gone.  The people who were smart enough to do them, but not smart enough to write the legal books, what job are they going to do?  Who is going to pay them for what job?

Today, in America, the largest single job category is truck driver.  There are more people who receive a check for driving a truck than for anything else.  What will the truck drivers do when the trucks drive themselves?  What are they qualified to do?  What are they smart enough to do?  If the trucks can drive themselves, why would you need people in the truck building plant?  Why would you need people in the tire plant.  OK, today you need people in the truck building plant, but eventually, no matter how you think about it, those jobs are going to be handed over to robots and computers too.

So how many of you have been to the doctors lately?  How did it go?  Did the doctor understand what was wrong with you?  Was he an expert in whatever malady you happened to come up with?  No, he looked it up on a computer in his office.  The computer took his observations as inputs and correlated the symptoms with every disease known to man.  It then came up with a diagnosis and he read that to you, along with the prescribed treatment regime that your insurance company would pay for that specific diagnosis.  What value did he add?  He owned the computer.  He has already been replaced.  He just benefits from support that keeps him in business.

Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs.  All will go the way of the dodo.  Right along with them will go your job, no matter what you do.  No matter how important you are, your job can now be or very soon will be, done by a computer.  If you do anything physical, you can add a robot to that.  So now it looks like we are evolving our society away from the current “I am what I do” type of society to a “nobody has to do anything” society.  This is going to be very disruptive.  You don’t have to take it from me.  Lot’s of smart people are pointing out this basic dilemma.  Right now you might think you are safe, and maybe for a while you will be, but in the not too distant future you will have to give up on that pride of work ethic.  There just won’t be any.

And less you think that this won’t affect you, believe me, it will.  If you are lucky, like me, you will be old and irrelevant in this evolution, but your children and their children will definitely have to deal with this.  They already are.  You had jobs, your grandkids have gigs.  You measured your success by the number of years that you managed to stay in your job.  Your grandkids will never stay in a gig for more than a few months, and they will laugh at anyone who seems to be invested in a career.  Think this sounds silly, it already exists in China today.  And that is a country that still provides a vast workforce with manual labor.

So sure, what do I know?  You might think this is all bullshit.  Believe me, it is not.  Just because there are jobs that a computer can’t do right now does not mean that those jobs will never be taken over by computers.  Right now, without any trouble, and some of you know this is true, I could go out and buy a block of Carrara Marble and program a robot to carve me an exact copy of the David.  Of course, you could argue that it wouldn’t be THE David and you would be right.  But in my house, for me to see every day, would be that statue.  Visually, physically, in every way, right down to the oversized hands, it would be just as good as standing in a museum in Italy.

Now, perhaps you don’t want an exact copy of the David.  Neither do I.  But in the end, you see, there is almost nothing in this world short of procreation that can not be done eventually by a computer and a robot.  So we have to have thought about that evolution very hard.  That is not to say that robots will kill us all or turn us into batteries, just that we will not have our jobs to rely on for our life’s work.  And when that day comes for you, or you child, how do you suspect that you or they will be able to put food on the table?  Shoes on the feet?  There had better be a plan.

I haven’t read Martin’s book and he is clearly not an economist, but much of what he says in this interview is clearly going to come to pass.  You might well want to be ready.

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old white guy
old white guy
June 10, 2019 7:06 am

Finding something meaningful to do gets more difficult with each passing year. When I stopped working I found boredom came on very quickly. Many people seem to have little or no difficulty doing nothing but I find myself doing menial tasks just to be active. I still play golf, yet not daily as I envisioned doing as age changes that. I read voraciously and even that becomes boring, as the ideas and plots become redundant no matter how many different authors or so called points of view there may seem to be, there really are not that many. I have found one must be “happy in one’s own skin” as has been said. I am fortunate that my mindset allows me to be that way. We have very little time on the planet and lamenting one’s circumstances rarely improves those circumstances. What others will do I have no idea but if you live long enough and are intelligent you will find a way.

  old white guy
June 10, 2019 10:31 am

Sometimes teaching others what we have learned is something meaningful.

June 10, 2019 2:47 pm

I learned that Hollywood Rob is a woman-beater, a scoundrel and a liar with no sympathy or empathy. Maybe I can teach that to others.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 7:54 pm

Long ago, you achieved tenure as Professor of Woman-Beater Studies and Dean of Scoundrels. You’ve had a love affair with lying since your first diaper change.

Which means you must reserve all your sympathy and empathy for yourself.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:23 pm

DDung, you are certifiably nuts, why should I believe you?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Mil Mascaras
June 10, 2019 9:47 pm

Because we share a padded cell?

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 11:07 pm
Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Mil Mascaras
June 10, 2019 11:12 pm

Your juke box got you locked up. It’s why there’s padding on the walls.

  old white guy
June 10, 2019 10:41 pm

old white guy,

When my Father turned 60 he was two years from a long planned, looked forward to retirement. He hated the factory he had spent 34 years in (although it was better than the coal mines) and wanted OUT.

I was 40 and bought him a book about people who re-invented themselves at 60. I can’t remember the title and it is long gone…but I know he never read it.

Soon after he retired all my worst fears came to pass…it’s a sad but common story…cigarettes and alcohol can get worse in inactivity. Inactivity is rust and rust for people is death. Stroke, 8 years of horrific impairment…four months of even worse horrific home hospice = a family with broken hearts.

Four years later my Mom could no longer stay alone in the home she and he treasured, and she had to move in with my sister, with regular visits staying with me in a different region of the country.

When cleaning my boyhood home out I found the book. I kept it to read when I turned 60…and I did 9 years ago.

I FOUND IT INSPIRING. One powerful story after another…real people living vibrant lives, taking risks, biting hard into the juicy sweet apple of LIFE!

Every chapter was a different story about someone who at or soon after turning 60 amazingly reinvented themselves…and that is exactly what I intentionally did.

old white guy, your post reminded me of how important it is for me to find ‘multiple things that are meaningful to do with each passing year’…I just updated my list…it’s a long list.

old white guy
old white guy
June 11, 2019 6:08 am

I have had several friends who went as your Father did. they just stopped and as you said cigarettes and alcohol consumption increased and they too died long before they should have. I tried not to make my list too long as I know I will eventually run out of time.

June 10, 2019 7:09 am

This is just an example of linear thinking. Here’s an alternative: the coming civilian wars will disrupt technological advancement, and the ensuing”New Luddite” movement will force new development of skills based craftsmanship, farming, medical treatments, etc. Ethical humans will shun robotic takeover in favor of humanity based toil. Remaining tech will be cordoned off and used more judiciously by committee. Or, of course, the robots will be giving everyone rim jobs until we become completely infertile and pass away as a species. Or globe wide EMP weapons result in global China Syndrome meltdowns, causing humanity to quickly wither away. Or the coming pandemic makes remaining humans the most valuable asset on the planet.

June 10, 2019 7:53 am

Yumbo , kicking butt and taking names this morning!!

Meatballs is right about trucking driving. Probably within the next 20 to 30 years driver less trucks will be on the road. He is also right about the numbers as truck driving employment is one where alot of men work. It used to a white male job and now white males are being replaced by mud puddle people who will work for nothing. I am leaving FedEx for greener pastures because they keep replacing white guys and with mud puddle people and the pay keeps going down. This will be my last week. I own my truck and trailer so I’m going to go it alone . I’m 58 so I might as well do something I like cause I don’t know how much longer my health is going to last.
Meatballs ,you better say away from wands and witchcraft. God really hates rebellion.
1 Samuel 15:23 ” For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and arrogance like the evil of idolatry . Because you have rejected the word of the Lord ,He has also rejected you “.
Think about that Meatballs . God doesn’t play around. America is under God’s Judgement. We as a nation decided in the 60s to be rebellious against God and just look what has happened to our once white ,safe, Happy and beautiful nation. Multiculturalism and diversity is where nations come to die . They are a plague and curse we have bought upon ourselves as a result of our rebellion. The worse is coming . God is going to take away every blessing he has given us. We will end up in poverty with nothing. Of course God is using the Rockefeller types to do this but the worse judgements are coming. Only a civil war will save us now and war is itself a judgement. I kinda like you Meatball so stay alert and use situation awareness as a habit. You never know when our once God fearing nation is going to come apart.

June 10, 2019 8:14 am

Good luck BB. Hope you do well with your new endeavour.

June 10, 2019 8:46 am

BB, what Llpoh said.

June 10, 2019 1:36 pm

I third the motion.

June 10, 2019 9:18 am

The ‘driverless’ idea, is nothing but a fad, a pipe dream. First there is liability. Then too, the northern US has ice and snow – off and on for about 6 months. Think those trucks/cars an navigate that? these vehicles can’t ‘see’ in a heavy rain, or lack of lane markings.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 9:58 am

Dutch, all true for now. Charlatans like Musk are obscuring the development by promoting bad product. But eventually there won’t be any problems with ice and snow. And even if there is, once the bulk of the driving jobs have been eliminated there will be no incentive for Amazon to deliver those inflatable sex toys in three days or less. If it snows, the trucks just stop and wait for it to clear. Why rush?

BB is far more knowledgeable about this industry than most of us are and he see’s this coming too.

June 10, 2019 10:35 am

G.P.S & radar

June 11, 2019 12:10 am

If companies think they can save money? A robot that never stops. Years ago I could see the push for teams to keep the truck rolling. It’s a matter of time.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 10:03 am

Hahahahahahaha…Expert like you. Spewing filth from your fevered mind. Plagiarizing others. Mindlessly drifting from moronic statement to moronic statement.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 7:57 pm

Hardlywood Rod…

…I can’t be more creative than plagiarizing Maggie’s comments.

Can ya help me out here a little?

June 10, 2019 5:05 pm

Kranky Kunstler envisions a “World Made By Hand” … 🙁
The first couple books of “Dies The Fire” takes us back to the 14th Century.

We have to keep in mind that what we see around us is the result of a century of “Elegant Counterfeiting” and slightly longer period of strip mining the Earth’s petroleum. Together they fertilized approximately a doubling of the sustainable limit on human population. And the quality of life – cultural enrichment – emergent in Califruitopia.

Now, our dysgenic population is feasting on depleted soil tax cattle feed, and growing weaker and dumber by the generation. Ironically in the midst of the revolution in knowledge and techno-wonders, but not much wisdom, our children and grandchildren’s best case outcome may be harvesting small farm organic and grass-fed food … by hand.

June 10, 2019 8:12 am

the world is evolving in a direction that will almost assuredly take us away from the concept of a job

Niggers are way ahead of the curve here.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
June 10, 2019 12:18 pm


Dutch, too damn funny!!

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 7:59 pm

Anybody here got any ideas about how white folk can catch up with the niggers?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:49 pm

Wheelchair-riding downthumbers who never caught a turtle?

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 10, 2019 8:28 am

Technology creates redundancies and displaces workers. In the immediate short term it is disruptive but oddly despite all of the exponential technology progress of the last 200 years……more people are working than ever before. Shocking.

I am sure similar thinking has been applied at every inflection point and paradigm shift……moving from horses/animal power to mechanized power for transportation and agriculture probably lots of folks writing articles like this…….turned out we need more workers than ever to make the cars, trucks, and tractors!

But but but the robots will be making other robots!

Over time entirely possible but there will be new roles opened up in industries we simply don’t imagine today. Work is not going away as selling of labor, in turn, generates the salaries needed to buy the products and services produced by the robots……Robots are not going to be consumers or customers……so the owners of robots will find a way to attract customers and if part of that attraction process involves hiring them…..well.

Henry Ford understood the cars he made were going to be sold to the workers who made those cars!

This is not a new problem….things will look different, activities will be different but the standard economic principles will apply……

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 9:18 am

“I personally think that HSFs approach to life is going to be the one the changes this dynamic. Once everyone finds out that there are no jobs left that they can do, they will revert to the land and grow their own food. It is a rewarding life and the food you get to eat is far better than anything provided to you by corporations. “

This will be the future for many. Even in my suburban home I have a small garden and take immense pleasure in reaping its meager harvest.

June 10, 2019 11:45 am

To truly be self-sufficient you need to be working 24/7. I garden, this year I got some mold on the squash and a strange blight in the tomatoes. Now, I can always go to the grocery store, what happens when that option isn’t available? What happens if I’m relying on that garden to feed me and mine and it has a poor harvest? We are presently fortunate that we have the food and the delivery service for same.
I’ve watched the machines harvest corn and wheat, sure beats walking down the rows with a scythe or dragging a huge sack to put the hand-picked corn into. Ditto for cotton, maize, hay and a host of other agricultural products.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 3:02 pm

Hollywood, unfortunately few seem to be getting the point, and are just criticizing the messenger. As a former business owner myself, I do see where this is going. Due to the expense of hiring an actual human being for just about any task now – thank your local, state and federal politician – it is impossible to make any kind of a profit in just about any industry these days. If Amazon, Facefuck, IBM and many other large corporations that have access to any resource they need simply by writing a check, have to resort to accounting fraud and buybacks to show a “profit”, then what hope does the small business have? None, as the entire cost structure of human labor (white or blue collar) is completely upside down.
About the only thing that will “save the beast” of business IS automation. Not by preference, but by necessity. Humans have been larded up with so much liability costs and taxes just for walking in the door, that even a resistant owner will have to succumb to automation just to keep the doors open.

Again, blame the government, and primarily libtards (although the repubs are every bit as bad) for this state of affairs. NOTHING is ever enough for these politicians, and as they play the monetary shell game, YOU are the loser, regardless of political bent – because YOU are NOT THEM.

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 10, 2019 8:43 am

In your dystopian view, we carbon units are making ourselves obsolete. How to fight it? Stop being ruled by the profit margin and create non automated work for the sake of your kids and the generations to come.

Yeah, I know, greed always wins. This is why in its most basic terms, the word of God reveals mankind needs a savior to save man from their own destruction; AI is just the latest form, after nuclear bombs and the wasting of our natural resources (Notice I didn’t include global warming/ climate change).

Anyway, what to do in a society run by robotic artificial intelligence?

Fix them.

Repairman of automated systems will be the last profession of mankind, especially since you cannot proposition a robot* (or can you?). And as an added bonus, putting the bot together means you can also take one apart, should the need arise to rise up against the machine. Just sayin’.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Not Sure
June 10, 2019 9:36 am

* I’m sorry, I can’t help it:

Prostitute: Hey, want to go around the world with me?
Robot: Yes please, deposit $20 dollars.
Prostitute: Hey wait a minute, I’m propositioning you!
Robot: Yes please, deposit $40 dollars.
Prostitute: why you piece of s#*t and proceeds to kicking the machine where she thinks the testicles would be.
Robot: Intrusion alarm! Intrusion alarm! And proceeds to fire taser and pepper spray at the woman, who collapses into a quivering ball.
Robot: please remain in fetal position until authorities arrive.

  Not Sure
June 10, 2019 9:55 pm

When people start talking about robots I like to provide this link:

IMO – a great read, but don’t scare yourself.

June 10, 2019 9:15 am

While the writers vision of the future looks very bleak, it reminds me of the very old story of John Henry, the rail driving man. Replaced by a steam operated spike laying machine. This automated thing has been going on for generations.

June 10, 2019 9:16 am

At least 40 years ago there were many knowledgeable people talking about how the world was turning from a production-based system to a service-based system. That has come to pass. There have been as many warnings about the continuing refinement of the industrial revolution; more and more machines replacing more and more humans. Whether in the areas of physical labor or mental labor, that specter is now here. And lo and behold – now you can even have sex with a machine, the ultimate replacement.
What’s the answer?
There is no one-size-fits-all human-based solution, not for the global population as a whole. The solution, imo, will present itself as a natural consequence of human nature, in all of its tainted glory. The only real solution is individual and how each person decides how to focus on unfolding their own life.
I personally have seen this coming for a long time, and lo and behold, there’s actually some authors who wrote about this a long long time ago.
But most don’t want to take that last red pill and actually investigate it with an open mind. It’s just one step too far.
So enjoy the fallout of a total release of a no-limits human nature that is NOT healthy but, by the evidence all around us, twisted and running hell-bent-for-leather after every perversion and fulfillment of every desire/lust of which we can possibly conceive.
I deal with it because, with ample evidential experience, I believe the final solution is God-based, not human.
As I’ve written before, I’ve seen a lot of things that were horrific and have a very pessimistic view of what this world is moving into. But I sleep good at night and if someone is my enemy it’s because THEY make themselves so, not because I do.
Life goes on until it doesn’t.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 9:56 am

Perhaps Yo, but not actually the point of the post. I appreciate your comment though, thank you.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 10:33 am

Do you do black dicks also?

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 10:43 am

There my specialty.

  Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 12:10 pm

They’re….if you’re going to clean dicks then at least do it grammatically.

June 10, 2019 1:15 pm

Is that how you do it, sweet cakes; grammatically?

June 10, 2019 1:48 pm

Hola chihuahua, I now realize that you are no coyote, nope, you are a pathetic little yapping chihuahua…..You want someone to clean your tiny dick? First, one must locate the tweezers, then the magnifying glass and then the tiny q-tip and then the battery acid….

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:03 pm

Goyim grammar for the uncircumcised and Yiddish for baldies

June 10, 2019 9:59 am

A fine thought provoking piece, HR.

I am convinced, and history shows us, that The Evil Fuckers shall use Technology – especially A.G.I. and robots – as they want without a scruple of consideration of the consequences to the natural world; mineral, plant, animal , or Human populations over which they rule.

The Matrix and Terminator films are just the coming attractions.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:09 pm

AI has, since 2015, been unbeatable in ‘heads-up’ Texas Hold’em.

I see only good things on the horizon. Another twenty years and everyone will prefer programmable company that doesn’t require a birthday or Valentine’s Day to make you feel special (and never farts in bed).

June 10, 2019 10:06 am

There are solutions. Some people could and will live like the Amish, for example. Even if a robot could do a certain job, people can and will refuse to have a robot do it. Would you go see a play with robot actors for example?

This is Doom porn. People and society will adapt.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 10:33 am

How each of us adapt will define how we proper in the years to come. I have started a new business: dick cleaning, your dick cleaned and polished while you wait.

  Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 10:43 am

Enough all ready. This bullshit’s getting really old, from both sides. And HR, how do you know it’s Mag?
Pathetic is the keyword here. Pathetic and infantile. Grow the fuck up, assholes.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 11:47 am

Then I will leave you to your lonely hill. So be it.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 11:55 am

Fuck off, Transient Star

  Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 12:10 pm

I see you…

June 10, 2019 12:34 pm

Yes but if you never showed up in Maggie’s defense, we can’t be friends. At least not in this regard.

June 10, 2019 12:58 pm

Ask Mag if she feels like I left her high and dry. I’ll only take her view on that as pertinent.
As far as being ‘friends’, well, I still have my reservations about you, too. I always play it like it’s played to me.
Not looking for yet another diatribe, just being transparent.

June 10, 2019 1:22 pm

Trans substantial, your not a bad egg. I didn’t know I was on probation with you. Don’t be so petty. Your defense was a little weak, that is the gist of my complaint. See, in these kinds of things, you go all in, just like sex.

June 10, 2019 1:41 pm

Not so much probation as much as taking things with a grain of salt. Thread by thread.
I was raised with strong women and generally figure they can take care of themselves. Maggie seemed to be doing alright by herself. I did input at what I thought was appropriate times.
Of all people I shouldn’t have to tell you that TBP is not for the faint-of-heart, if one really wants to get involved. Regardless of age, gender, opinion, etc.
A Shit-Fest free-for-all. A self-regulating microcosm of free speech.

June 11, 2019 7:37 am

You gave me an encouraging word, though not in the direct line of fire.

I saw it. Big Joe’s little girl doesn’t miss much. He taught me too well.

What a strange jester The Fireman chose to train us to fight nonsense.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:13 pm

Are you in yet?

  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:22 pm

DD –
What bug’s up your ass?
If that was sent my way. If not, have a good evening.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:52 pm

EC: “you go all in, just like sex.”

Thank you, having one!

(I know it’s impossible to tell, in the last tranche, who is talking to who. Probably why the shit-fest is interminable.)

  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 10:04 pm

True, true, surfer Dude. I had a great come back but I figured it would be amiss if I wasn’t the target.
‘What, is that the last thing a woman said to you?’
It was also the punchline for an old joke. “What signifies something very small? – Is it in yet?”
That was a joke for when women said that all our jokes were only for men.

June 11, 2019 7:36 am

I certainly saw your support, TS. I don’t miss much. I missed all this on purpose. I was informed via email I might want to take a peek.

Tee hee. So, I haven’t visited this thread until this morning, when I posted the TED talk about lying.

Then, the WALL came down.

I am traveling to Cape today to film the cresting of the Big Muddy. With the Grooch riding shotgun.

Literally. (Not carrying the AK… that would be asking for trouble. Those Cape Copfuks can be nasty.)

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 11:44 am

Take it to the logical extreme to see the fallacy. OK…Bezos owns Robot Inc….producing self-replicating robots capable of any task, performing any service and fixing themselves. Nobody will be working because there are simply no jobs as the Robots do everything better and faster. I think that is your argument.

The fatal flaw or bad premise is that Bezo’s operates in a vacuum….he is a capitalist and will only invest in the robots if he can get a risk-adjusted return on that investment. In your scenario Bezo’s would simply never build the robots because the massive capital investment is a total loss……the robots don’t earn anything for him because nobody has a job to buy any of the products and services they produce!

So no your scenario is never ever going to happen.

What will likely happen is that as I pointed out this will be a significant inflection point along the lines of the original transition from hunter/gatherer to fix agriculture or the industrial revolution replacing the power of muscle with the power of hydrocarbons (Coal, Oil).

There will be new industries and Schumpeter’s creative destruction will serve us well.

  Martel's Hammer
June 10, 2019 12:07 pm

The transition from hunter/gatherer to agriculture, and then from agriculture to the industrial revolution occurred during stable and sloooow population growth.

It took literally thousands of years for world population to hit its first billion (around 1804). We humans are breeding like rabbits. It won’t last forever because it can’t.

IMHO, the inflection point is a massive die-off of human beings.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:20 pm

Ergo; adapt or die.

Machines won’t bring humanity to its existential crossroads; that occurred with the destruction of the family. Machines replacing jobs is a logical extension of government governing parenting. The only ‘survival’ solution the ‘entitlement’ generation can imagine is machines – giving everyone everything without working. And a Basic Living Allowance from taxes on the machines.

Societal delusions don’t have to be logical for them to saturate our petri dish and start a die-off.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 8:12 pm

How do you spell S A B O T A G E ?

Machines will have to be more clever than Satan to keep sand out of their gears.

  Diogenes’ Dung
June 11, 2019 12:25 am

What happens if the purpose of artificial intelligence is to design machines where disembodied entities variously known as fallen angels can dwell? I think that’s called a main topic in The Book of Revelation according to St. John the Divine.

June 10, 2019 10:33 am

I was thinking the same thing. I figure sometime down the road, labels that include ingredients, hazards and point of manufacture will contain the percentage made by humans.

June 10, 2019 11:13 am

Yes, some will adapt and others will not; what does it all look like is the question.

June 10, 2019 10:22 am

It’s a good discussion Rob. It’s WAY more than a bit complicated.

Martel’s Hammer makes a good point that everyone has always thought that the latest technology was going to destroy the economy, take away all the job’s, etc. and it always works out. Your counterpoint is also valid, that we are at the point in history where the RATE of change of technology is faster than ever and ACCELERATING…for those mathematically inclined folks out there, that is a third order function.

credit’s point of this being linear thinking is also valid. I have always had that same criticism of Kurzweil and his ilk…assuming that Moore’s Law is a universal constant and not an ridiculously rare anomaly, only to be found in the rarest of rare conditions that we happen to have stumbled upon in the later 20th and early 21st centuries. After all, it must have seemed that technology would never stop growing during the height of the Roman Empire, then came those pesky, centuries long “dark ages.” Nothing can grow forever.

And to play my own Devil’s advocate to the above, current technology is so radically different than Roman technology, the analogy is DOA. Plus, I’m not entirely convinced there is a physical ceiling to what computer’s and robot’s can do. Eventually you run up against the Speed of Light and Quantum absolutes like Planck’s Length, but people are great about navigating impassible barriers when it comes to technology.

It’s the human element that really is the game changer. People like to think that intelligence and logic rule the day now that we understand so much about science. NONSENSE. We are emotional beings, with impossibly complex psyches, run mostly by forces of which we are mostly unaware that con overwhelm our higher brain functions with ridiculous ease. “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” Misquoted or not, this is an actual concept held by actual human beings. And you know what is worse…it has a kernel of truth. Humanity does this thing called war, which is stupid and destructive beyond belief…yet we do it over and over again. The strangest thing of all, many terrific things come in its aftermath…a sense of unity and brotherhood, lifelong bonds, a chance to rebuild and possibly not make some of the same mistakes of the last iteration. None of it is strictly rational, all of it is true in at least some sense.

I have no idea where this will go, all the paths I’ve imagined and surely many I have not all have sound arguments both in their favor and against. I will say this, Human Being need a sense of meaning and purpose. For millennia, this was mostly found in finding sustenance, then in work. Where else can it be found? Will there be a great rediscovery of the land? Will we destroy the village to save it or will we destroy the whole planet wither by accident, ego or just because we can?

We shall see.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 12:17 pm

Obviously you have not read many comments on TBP. Unless what you are doing is groveling for strokes.

June 11, 2019 7:52 am

Or stroking his grovel.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:34 pm

DRUD. Thank you. That was exceptional.

Few act as their own Devil’s Advocate without flubbing it; you were honest.

I cannot say I agree with your comment, “Nothing can grow forever.”, even though I respect entropy’s inexorable outcome with all things material. We are spiritual beings who have no final perfection, no limits to our growth.

But your macrocosm: “We are emotional beings, with impossibly complex psyches, run mostly by forces of which we are mostly unaware that con overwhelm our higher brain functions with ridiculous ease. ‘We had to destroy the village in order to save it.’”… fit perfectly with your microcosm:

“Human Being need a sense of meaning and purpose. For millennia, this was mostly found in finding sustenance, then in work. Where else can it be found?”


If one doesn’t love working for their sustenance, they won’t survive our future no matter what other qualities their character possesses.

  Diogenes’ Dung
June 11, 2019 9:54 am

Thanks for the compliments Dung and Rob. I try to simply say what i think is true. The thing is that truth itself is dynamic…a process not a thing. In a search for Truth, one must often hold contradictory ideas in mind and attempt to find a balance between them.

It’s funny, when done involuntarily, this is cognitive dissonance…very destructive. When done voluntarily, it is genuine critical thought. Eric Weinstein put it as having the ability to hold long/short positions rather than simplistic buy/sell positions.

I thought more about the roman empire part of my post and the reason two different things seem true is that from the Human Nature side of things nothing had changed. From the tech side of things so much had changed we may as well be discussing differnt planets. BOTH things are True, yet they conflict.

June 10, 2019 10:26 am

All the more reason to be examining our programming and beliefs. However, most people are too intellectually lazy and or dishonest to even start; maybe they are too scared as well.
Once you start peeling the layers back there is no going back or stopping. After a while you begin to see what an illusion most of the things in life really are. You also find out that you are not “what you do”. The other benefit is: you find out what you really ‘need’ to exist and be happy in this life.

June 10, 2019 1:50 pm

Sounds kind if Zen to me. One is not what one “does”; one simply “is”. What one does follows on that. I grow my own raspberries and will continue to pick them until I can obtain teeny gardening gloves to give my little grandchildren who will take over the task with glee. Hell, I didn’t have gloves when I picked them as a kid, so maybe I’ll get them started sooner then I thought! Blackberries, however, well, I’ll wait for the gloves.

June 10, 2019 10:34 am

“We measure the success of our very economy based on the numbers of “jobs” that are being created. We revel in increasing jobs numbers and bemoan decreasing jobs numbers.”

“We” do no such thing…Only idiot politicians and media whores do that…..It’s totally retarded, even if the numbers weren’t plucked out of thin air…

June 10, 2019 10:37 am

So how many of you have been to the doctors lately? How did it go? Did the doctor understand what was wrong with you? Was he an expert in whatever malady you happened to come up with? No, he looked it up on a computer in his office. The computer took his observations as inputs and correlated the symptoms with every disease known to man. It then came up with a diagnosis and he read that to you, along with the prescribed treatment regime that your insurance company would pay for that specific diagnosis.

Never happened in my life…and isn’t happening now. Where do you get this nonsense?

June 10, 2019 11:11 am

Just wait a little while longer pyrrhus:

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 11:24 pm

I’m always thrilled when my gynecologist says,

“Ummmnnn… this one goes in your mouth.”


  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 11:57 am

What part of LA, shitbird, San Pedro?

June 10, 2019 10:51 am

Lots of good points in this article. However, it’s also accompanied by a bit of hyperbole. For example;


“So how many of you have been to the doctors lately?”

I have … with Ms Freud.

“How did it go?”


“Did the doctor understand what was wrong with you?”

Absolutely. In fact, he diagnosed her heart issues within minutes after listening to her heart via his stethoscope. All the followup tests and and analysis confirmed his initial diagnosis.

“Was he an expert in whatever malady you happened to come up with? ”

Absolutely. Recognized as one of the top heart surgeons in the area.

“No, he looked it up on a computer in his office.”

Nope. Never looked up anything “on a computer”.


See what I mean?

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 11:47 am

Personal anecdotes (like mine above) probably don’t give a fully accurate picture.

I understand fully what you are saying. My mom’s experience is more in line with your comment — “heartless HMO health care model”. And, yeah, it sucks ass big time.

It’s probably not as bad (yet) as you depicted it, and neither as rosy as I depicted it. But, I think the trend-line is absolutely headed in a downward direction … and no turnaround in sight.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 3:50 pm

Do you mean HOMO? Get a lot of rectal exams?

June 11, 2019 7:53 am

He just opens his eyes.

June 10, 2019 11:05 am

While reading this article —- again, many good points were made —- still, I couldn’t help but think of Chicken Little and his cry that “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!”

I think the problem can be summarized by the following two facts;

— Fact#1: Automation IS growing and affecting virtually EVERY industry to some degree (from minor impact to major impact, in terms of employment). There will be no slowdown in the foreseeable future of what can, and will be, automated.

— Fact#2: Current world population is 7.7 BILLION human souls!

———- This is an unbelievable number when you consider that when I graduated high school in 1970 world population was roughly HALF of what it is now!!

———- At current population rate of growth we’ll hit TEN BILLION in about 25-30 years.

Given these two facts …. where the fuck will another 2.5 BILLION JOBS come from in the next 30 years??? Not to mention the billion or two jobs that WILL disappear due to automation? This will not end well for most of humanity. Shit …. maybe the sky IS falling!

Lastly, I am deeply grateful to the author for not using the word “anywho”.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 12:00 pm

Do you have a list of words that can’t be used here?

  Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 10, 2019 12:19 pm

Stucky’s List of Words that CAN’T be used;

—1) Anyhoo

Acceptable words; cunt, dickface, cock sucker, faggot, copfuk, asswipe, nigger, chink, joofuk, beaner, etc. etc.

June 10, 2019 1:13 pm

Anyhoo, as you were saying…
I just LOVE breaking a taboo.


June 10, 2019 3:52 pm

You forgot “dot head”, “clit licker”

June 10, 2019 5:47 pm

‘clit licker’ is bad?

June 10, 2019 6:05 pm

Dutchy is adding to the list of acceptable words, please try to keep up.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:37 pm

There are no unacceptable words in an insult. Don’t bother keeping up if you think ‘clit licker’ pushed any boundaries except yours.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 12:13 pm

I am the boss of no one, not even myself. But, you’re doing quite fine.

The area in which you are not doing so well is your feud with Maggie. It’s gone on way to long, adds nothing of value, damages your own reputation, and is no longer enjoyable for probably 99% of us to read. I would heartily encourage you to find out some way to resolve it.

June 10, 2019 12:29 pm

It is not a feud, it is HR’s vendetta against EC/Maggie. He is determined to prove she is a fraud and questions her very lifestory, that is the lowest thing a person can do. To nullify somebody is deep state shit but he projects his crap on her and accuses her of the communistic tactics he uses against her. This is one sick puppy, he has no reputation to salvage. He is scum.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 1:18 pm

Plagiarize much?

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 8:38 am

Seems HR is being a dick…

June 11, 2019 8:45 am

That’s good heart-pumping bass. My brother plays bass guitar. You are probably surprised. LOL

We needed a drummer.

EC - deplorable disrupter
EC - deplorable disrupter
June 11, 2019 1:38 pm

It’s his article, stay on topic, quit disrupting.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:38 pm


Did you just admit that Hardlywood Rod is using your tactics?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:55 pm

Dang. Equity demands I upthumb you.

June 11, 2019 8:20 am

Hiya Stuck – I have found that I just skip entirely over the articles where HR is bitching with Maggie. Don’t know what started it, don’t know why it is going on. My tantrum recently was pointed, the issue was highlighted ad naseum so at least there was a point of reference, and in the end, and it did not take days to resolve, and with a bit of your, WIP’s etc., intervention, we reached an accomodation. HR would be well served to heed your words.

Glad you found a good quack for your missus.

June 11, 2019 8:08 am

How about anywhichwaybutloose? Is that an acceptable word?

How about we turn the topic to something we can all agree upon?

I think Julianne Moore did a wonderful job, but it may just be that the subject matter was so personal to me.

Dear Stuck in NJ… get your ass out to Appalachia, but come over the Big Muddy anytime and see the Ozarks, okay?

This shit will end soon. I just want it to STOP. So, I have a little journey to make over the summer because the loathesome blight couldn’t assist a publicity stunt dreamed up by a guy named Dannie Boone everyone around here LOVES. But, nobody here could help get the Flat Stuck “skin in the game” out of Misery. Sigh. I will just do it myself.

And, as the boys around here say? Just Hide and Watch.

I’m bouyed by the spirit of true patriots who called me “daughter.”

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
June 10, 2019 11:05 am

Paycheck slavery aka “work” or “defining yourself by what you do” belongs in a museum next to things like war and fiat money.

Just sayin’

  22winmag - The South was Right!
June 10, 2019 12:03 pm

We will get the future that is scripted for us and our offspring. It was planned a century ago. We have little control but the construct has to bend to our opinions and desires. In your lifetime , you have lived in the world that was planned/scripted for you and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. The future will be no different.

Humanity needs to stop jumping on the train and then complaining that they didn’t enjoy the ride. Any technology you are aware of is completely outdated in reality here in the matrix. The wizards can make almost anything possible even if most of it never happened…….think moon landing. It is the grandest of theater.

June 11, 2019 8:47 am

Great Bea Attitudinal response!

philly cheese
philly cheese
June 10, 2019 11:31 am

Sorry, Rob. But it’s simply a question of cost. Robots are super expensive and they run on super expensive eneryg. It’s just that, as of now, employing a human is more expensive, even just considering wages. When you add legal expenses to protect the employer from lawsuits, and a personnel department to recruit humans and deal with their whiney bullshit, than, yeah, robots are cheaper.

Human and animal labor can be much cheaper than robots, though. Under our current system, this would be tantamount to slavery for the humans, though. However, if you changed the system, by let’s say, letting price deflation do its work, than you can actually start reducing wages, and people could work less as well, and be happier. But, let’s see, what is preventing that from happening?

  philly cheese
June 10, 2019 5:44 pm

Let’s see here, I can take my dirty laundry and put it in a machine, add some soap and push a few buttons and the machine washes the laundry. I also have a machine that will dry this laundry. Once upon a time washing laundry kept many people employed, today very few people wash someone else’s laundry and get paid to do so. There are also these machines that wash dishes, clean floors, and there’s another machine that I climb into, turn on the engine and said machine will carry me great distances in a short period of time. I much prefer using these machines instead of scrubbing laundry by hand on flat rocks, or saddling up a horse that had to be trained before I could use it to take me anywhere.

Let’s have a show of hands for all those folk who would rather wash their laundry on flat rocks in stream beds.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:42 pm

No ticky, no washy, Gwai-lo!

Yoo put chinyman out of laundly job! Mus work for lailload!

B. D. Miller
B. D. Miller
June 10, 2019 11:43 am

Do not worry, when you are sent to the gulag they will have plenty for you to do.

June 10, 2019 11:46 am

You steal HSF’s thesis, start off with some rambling intro, paint a sky is falling scenario while cribbing off a couple of comments on HSF’s article and only until the end do we find out that you never even read the book. You wrote a whole article based on a video. You are a shitbird.

Most peole who write articles here will state right off the top that they recently read an entire book and are now summarizing it. Or, like Maggie, they cover bits and pieces of their life experience. So far I have not read who the fuck you were. All I learned here is that you are an irrelevant old asshole who has very little to add to the knowledge base.

June 10, 2019 12:04 pm

…and the horse you ride in on.

Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 12:14 pm

Aw Howwywood Wob resorting to sock puppets.

  Hollywood Rob, dick cleaner
June 11, 2019 8:49 am

Sucking puppets penises too? that’s just icky… kids might want to play with those puppets.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 12:21 pm

Rob- Let’s say Maggie is a multiple personality here on TBP, so what? She can talk to herself all day if she likes, I just don’t like the 1500 word comments that blob up the threads. Can you get past this?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 8:48 pm

Tedium didn’t ‘drive’ you over the edge.

You followed your 1500-word cut/pastes mental lemmings.

June 10, 2019 1:12 pm

No, he can’t get past this. Admin has told him twice now that Maggie is not EC or mygirl, yet, like a queer to dick, he keeps coming back to the same damn point. He needs to insist on that fallacy because it’s his way of believing that she is lying.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 8:50 pm

Not sure who’s panties you just pulled down and turned into a short-dicked liars, but all those downthumbs on a perfectly logical, emotionally balanced comment?

You must’ve pipe-thumped some already bruised manhood.

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 8:42 am

nobody cares… in your own mind maybe!

June 11, 2019 8:50 am

See? this is what we all see. You have incredible wordsmithing talent. Like a queer to dick is going into my lexicon.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:45 pm

As TBP recognized authority on “Irrelevant Old Assholes”, your judgement in these matters should be given every respect and honor. Here, here!

Please add me to your list if you haven’t already.

June 11, 2019 8:48 am

Is why I call Admin the Fireman. 401F fireman. Collecting stories and storytellers.

And a court jester.

June 10, 2019 1:19 pm

Fine, the robots and AI are coming. The olgiarch’s have had a boner for replacing labor with automation forever. Lets say they get to that point. Who will have the currency to buy what they peddle if only 10% of the populations work maintaining the AI’s and Robotics? The Oligarchy may say “Let them eat cake” but the millions of masses will start asking if “eat the rich” is viable. All it takes is one really good orator to start a genocide. If that happens labor markets will reset because we will be in a new dark age, but at least the leftover people will have employment. Probably some radiation too but hey, all three of their hands are employed.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 2:41 pm

That was uncalled for, Rob. Is this the way you want to go out, like an asshole? Old Fart made a simple comment with a bit of humor and you fuck him over, you fucking half-brain.

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 5:52 pm

Is that what you do, take drugs to balance yourself? You beat Maggie to a pulp with your verbal cane last night and then today you deplore my language. Go back and read your comments to Maggie, your own language in front of a lady was, to put it mildly, despicable. You need the drugs, I sleep quite well without them.

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 8:31 am

I know you have completely LOST YOUR MIND but could you find it long enough to decide whether EC and I are the same person or whether we are separate entities.

Let’s just be civil. I can do that. I stayed off this post until this morning. I would have stayed off completely but was told it was being used to trash Maggie.

I am M G. I will only post here as M G. If I post from another computer, I will try to make sure I make it clear I am M G.

I will refrain from calling you anything but a BIRD.

Read enough to know it is time to say “buh bye.”

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 8:59 pm

do you ask yourself that question every morning?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 8:58 pm

As long as you don’t fart in bed, you’ll be forever popular.

June 10, 2019 2:41 pm

wake up you silly people…if there are no more jobs, and the populace is in debt you put them to work building pyramids.

June 10, 2019 4:16 pm

This is the populace that cannot read a map, use a can opener or tell time on a watch with hands and you think they can build a pyramid? Really?

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 5:36 pm

Well honey, just what ARE your feelings about lil’ ol’ me?

  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 5:57 pm

She doesn’t know better, she’s a rookie. Poor girl won’t know what hit her when you get ahold of her. LLPOH, bless his heart, tried to harden her up but she’s still too virginal, if you will, and not ready to be verbally raped continually for several hours by the likes of you.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 9:12 pm

You accuse others of the very things you practice. You play the innocent victim well. You gaslight and lie like a pro. You taunt Maggie, call her a liar and generally fuck up her article. You conflate people to make them defend against other’s comments that you claim are theirs. Then you complain when commenters don’t stay on task on your own post. You are dishonest. Since we hardly have any information on you, I can only guess that you are rich, you have the lying cheating personality for thievery. Have you ever made an honest dollar?

Hollywood Rob
You still haven’t proven that you are not the same person. Hiding behind the anonymity of the interwebs has it’s upside, and it’s downside. Each of us gets to decide if we believe you or we don’t believe you. I personally prefer to deal with people who are not afraid to reveal their true self. You know, Jim, Marc, Doug.

Hollywood Rob
I’m sorry but I really didn’t understand any of that. I get that you cruise the internet and that you copy pictures that you like and intersperse them with pictures that you take, but Jebus do we have to see you in your wedding dress? How is that even legal. And how does any of that relate to maps of the US?
Please don’t feel that you have to tell that story (I can’t tell which story you are referring to). I can’t even tell what point you are trying to make in your response. You really are losing the thread here.

Hollywood Rob
Even if you do know where those cans are buried, I wouldn’t bother to try to dig them up if I were you. (Thankfully I am not.) Those cans rusted away years ago and any money that was in them has turned into mulch. Unless of course it was quarters from your old hooking days. Then they might still be in the earth, but there won’t be much of anything left of the cans themselves. And even at that, big metal ammo boxes really don’t hold an impressive amount of cash if it is in quarters.

Just trying to be helpful.

Hollywood Rob
Wow, we sure are wandering a bit aren’t we. Drifting along like brush on a river to quote an old bluegrass song. Our mind flits from thought to thought like a butterfly dancing on gossamer wings. Oh look, squirrel.

Hollywood Rob
Oh, then when you tell me to suck my own cock or fuck myself in the ass you aren’t telling me what you think? Honestly, I figured you were being about as honest as any communist troll could ever be. You and your fake stories about your fake diploma for your fake son. On and on you go. Thinner and thinner becomes your illusion. You suggest that I have no self control! You who scream about foul bodily acts. You who lie through your teeth. You who have fooled the good people. You the purple haired harpy and your socialist agenda. You probably spend your spare time hitting old people with your protest signs when you are not publishing scholarly pieces from your college education..or is it night school classes in pornography, I can’t remember.

I have a suggestion. If you want me to stay away from your posts you could just find another place to post them. I am sure that I wouldn’t be able to find them even if I tried, but you probably think that I would hunt you down to haunt you. Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t that interesting. Even after I incite you to write more articles, you simply cut and paste pictures from other peoples work and add a few lines of drivel from some leftest blogger or some poor patriot who actually served in the military.

I have to say that I don’t remember ever suggesting that you should suck your own cock. I don’t think I ever suggested that you could probably get your cock into your own ass. (Oh, I offered up just those two so you would go back through all of your comments to see where I did suggest that you suck your own cock.) That was you sweetheart. You are the lair. You are the con-artist. You are the antifa troll.

If you have any friends in flyover country I am happy to hear that my confrontation has done wonders for you. It is my little gift to you. The gift that keeps on giving. Just like that creaky old queef that you keep offering up. How do you clean the dust out of your drawers?

Hollywood Rob
Sorry, I just can’t understand what you are trying to say. Perhaps some drugs can take the edge off.

Hollywood Rob
Maggie I truly worry for your mental health. Your delusions are taking over and they are becoming more incoherent. Perhaps you still have some folks confused, but that does not mean that this charade is good for you.

And by the way, thank you for reading every single comment that I posted. It makes me feel like I might be having some positive impact on your condition. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Hollywood Rob
Sure you did. You meet all kinds of wonderful people, whom you lie to repeatedly. I am truly glad that someone in a MAGA hat has offered to pay some of your travel bills. And it is a shame that you have conned him into funding your apparitions. I can’t tell you how impressed I am that you wrote an article for Women’s Circle twenty some years ago. I am sure that you have it framed on the wall next to your one page summary of Finnegan’s Wake. I am really impressed that you, of all people in this world, have divined the meaning of a book that to this day has defied interpretation by all of the greatest minds in literature. Your intellect must be dizzying. Perhaps I have been too critical of your talents. It really is a shame that the world has suffered for the loss of your insights. I am sure if you had only concentrated you could have guided us all to whirled peas.

Hollywood Rob
Does antifa issue that soul to you? Are you authorized to have a soul at all. And yes, I have sold my writing, which is available on Amazon, and many paintings, both oil and water color. How about you? Are you published as well?

You see EC, your writing is amazingly similar to maggies. Your reference to pornography. Your foul mouth and your inability to maintain a coherent thought through a comment. Can’t you see how I could confuse your writing with maggies?

Hollywood Rob
Sure ya did sweety. And all of those nasty emails, who were they from? And where did you find that old picture of the man on the tractor.

Honestly, if you are rushed in getting on your way to, what was it, Alaska, you should feel free to forgo that last post. Really, you don’t need to do it for me.

BTW, I have to commend you for your photography skills at the age of twelve. You truly must have been gifted…before all of those horrible illnesses. And how you must have suffered through those horrible illnesses of your loved ones.

Oh and don’t take your antifa shirts to Alaska. They are a lot more conservative there than you might be comfortable with.

Hollywood Rob
Well, actually you didn’t. In all likely hood, even if you did take those pictures back in the 30’s you most certainly didn’t use a 35 mm camera and if you did take that picture you probably used a digital camera, or your phone. Well I guess I really don’t know if you have cell phones where you live. But that sure looks like a digital photograph to me. But then what do I know?

Hollywood Rob
On deck! Hell your sitting in his chair. Really poor work there guys (guy).

Hollywood Rob
Sure EC, but mg accounted for 50 of those comments. So really she only got 15 comments from people who were not mg.

Hollywood Rob
See why I think you must be maggie. You even use the same silly slights. You seem to think that hurling insults in some way makes your argument stronger. You and your blue haired harpy socialist scum can go find another blog to infest with your filth.

And have a nice day.

Hollywood Rob
Sure maggie. Whatever you say. Weren’t you going to Alaska?

Hollywood Rob
The name on the actual book is Joseph Rust Brown. How is max involved? How are you involved? How does your story and the pictures that you posted from somebody else’s book related to the book that you allege to have written?

Just wondering. Seems like plagiarism to me.

Hollywood Rob
I don’t like this new name as much as the last, but I do hope that you don’t intend to continue the harassment under a different alias.

Hollywood Rob
Your eloquence is matched only by your good looks and picture perfect health.

Hollywood Rob
This is actually a step to far in your fabricated reality construction. It is when you make claims such as this one that you lose your audience. This is a common mistake that you see from communists and antifa. They claim to be against fascists and then turn into fascists themselves. They spew their chants because they are not smart enough to construct their own arguments. You have fallen into the same trap. Your lies are in print for all to see so when a logical inconsistency arises it damages your credibility.

Hollywood Rob
Yay. Does that mean that you won’t need to take the time to construct another post before you leave for Alaska? I for one applaud your extraordinary creative writing. Not that it makes much sense, but you are trying and with all of those brain operations it must be difficult to keep it all straight. One thing was a bit confusing though. So your dad, who was Joe, who is not buried in the cemetery with the flags, who didn’t write the book, who was not in the picture waving, where is it that he is buried? I kinda got lost in your narrative. You might have mentioned it and if you did I apologize. You know we all are dying to know where he was finally planted because it really ties the whole story together. You know, kinda like Captain Marvel heading off into space at light speed because “you go girl”. Over all, your spamming efforts have been quite successful over the years so you shouldn’t fret. You haven’t stop the far right wing hatred that this site is full of, but you have diverted quite a few contributors and you have driven many away. There is that.

Oh and you do know that the VA will give you estrogen pills so you can curb those violent mood swings. I assume that you are over the hot flashes although some wymen seem to have them for the rest of their lives. It is quite unbecoming for a lady of your advanced years to be using the type of language that you have been showering on us.

Hollywood Rob
Keep trying. Nothing you show makes any reference to you, or your story. None of your dribble proves anything so I am free to draw whatever conclusions I might wish. Your foul mouthed offerings do not bolster your position. Your videos do not bolster your position. Your pictures from some book do not bolster your position. But the more time you spend defending yourself on this post, the less time you have to pollute other posts.

There is that.

Hollywood Rob
You are, of course, free to draw your own conclusions. I am unlikely to take your advice, but thank you for your concern.

Hollywood Rob
Not your best sweety. Take another swing at it.

Hollywood Rob
I fail to see how you could consider your opinion to be humble. That aside, showing a video on vimeo is something that any of us could do. Rambling from wound vacuums to amber syrup through safe spaces and nipple rules in an incoherent fashion does little to support your lofty claims. I don’t think of this as virtue signalling, but it is related to that. Maybe you could call it hubris signalling.

Hollywood Rob
Hahahahahahaha…Expert like you. Spewing filth from your fevered mind. Plagiarizing others. Mindlessly drifting from moronic statement to moronic statement. Please give me the mygirl clone any day.

Hollywood Rob
Yay. Although I am pretty sure that I won’t be excited to see your next drug induced offering. I am, however, glad that you think that this mindless dribble from you has run it’s course. I will gladly support you further if you need my help.

Hollywood Rob
Now that was just unkind maggie. Truly you devalue yourself when you sink to such low levels as this. Even your choice of mexican wrestler is not as creative as EC’s. Honestly, your feeble efforts just make you less and less of a human. Now you are just whimpering in the corner. Blindly lashing out in a vain effort to assuage your damaged illusion. You are not nice. You are not talented. You are not the daughter (if you are a daughter) of a brave man. You are a coward and a lair.

But keep at it if it makes you feel better. I really don’t care and you obviously need the masturbation for your poor bruised ego. You have tried all of your obfuscations in this one article alone and none of them have worked. Your powder is gone and all of your balls have been shot and not a single one of them have hit their mark. I am done with you.

Have a nice day.

Hollywood Rob
And you, being female, are the wicked witch of the west I suppose? What are you trying to contend? I thought that you attributed to me a great manliness that enabled me to fuck myself up my ass. If that is what you think then how can you suggest that I am a green woman? Or am I supposed to be the lovely young girl who throws the water on the green woman? I think you are going to have to supply some further explanation.

Hollywood Rob
Sure maggie, your dried up old cunt is queefing again. If you want to continue with your communist trolling you are going to have to get yourself some lube. WD40 just isn’t going to cut it.

EC - deplorable disrupter
EC - deplorable disrupter
  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 12:57 pm

I bet you didn’t read your verbal vomit, did you Hillary? Not one iota of intelligence spewed forth during that bender.

  Mil Mascaras
June 11, 2019 8:32 am

Thanks… if I’d known you had it all in one place, I would not have wasted scrolling time.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:06 pm

I’ve spent a handful of hours being verbally ‘adjusted’ by MyGirl… and you don’t have a clue what sort of tornado these idiots are trying to lasso.

Any bent dick that doesn’t retreat after the first ‘clang’ deserves its demise.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:16 pm

“I’ve spent a handful of hours…”

Someday, somewhere, I’m using that line.

June 10, 2019 10:06 pm

Sweetie, I can fight my own battles and your silly interjection just saved a certain someone from a ‘verbal adjustment.’ the likes of which haven’t been seen nor heard on this side of the Mississippi in a very long time.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 11:32 pm

Dayum. I HATE it when I deprive TBP of it’s favorite desert.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:01 pm

If only the entire world understood that surfer humor unites all clans…


Alas, they are too concerned about their daughters.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 9:08 pm

comment image

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 9:59 pm

the aliens made those, they used their special machines…

Rick Happ
Rick Happ
June 10, 2019 4:23 pm

I’ve wondered what the economy will look like when robots do all of the work. Maybe it’s not even correct to call that an “economy”. Some have said we’ll all be out of a job, so we won’t have any money to live. But that doesn’t make sense to me. Who will buy all of the stuff made by robots if the vast majority of people have no income? Follow it further. Who will invest in robots and make products when there are no customers? Or do we implement that govt basic income for everyone, paid for by taxing the robot profits? I have no idea, but it sure will be a different sort of economic system.

  Rick Happ
June 10, 2019 6:09 pm

Society would implode… very quickly. And this is assuming the radical upheaval of so many people loosing jobs so quickly doesnt crash the world economy (machines wont run without electricity and fuel). See, human nature never changes, and one important aspect of that is humans need a struggle, something to push them. Contrary to the Utopian visions of a totally automated future (ie- Start Trek), humanity would self-destruct. Disagree? Think of it this way: when everyone has all they need & want, we will all live like the spoiled rich brats on The Kardasians. How long do you think humanity survives THAT?!?

June 10, 2019 5:57 pm


I read this in the morning and skipped-jumped through the video watching less than a minute. At one point, the guy said “no one really knows when….” and, since then, I’ve been deciding what to post on this thread.

I thought about something someone once said about “work being a source of dignity”. Although they cited the Bible, I couldn’t find the exact verse.

Then I thought about that 1984 Superbowl commercial for Macintosh computers that said: “and you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like 1984”.

It seems like every prediction is never accurate, ya know. You would think, by now, they would have an algorithm that could predict the future, but I doubt it will ever happen. Do you know why? Because of the human “X Factor”. It doesn’t compute.

It’s possible, one day, humans will weigh robotics and AI in the balance and find it lacking. If so, it could go the way of corduroy pants and pet rocks.

Or not. Thanks for the post

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 7:13 pm

I’m glad I didn’t jump in at the beginning.

When I posted the link to the robot raspberry picker there was no intent to mock the robot-although it richly deserved it- but rather the end result of looking for a robotic/technological/industrial solution to every human need simply because we can. It is- in the purest sense of the word- Satanic.

To completely deconstruct the human species and remake it into something…what exactly? What is the underlying principle in replacing ourselves and the experiences that have always given purpose to life with a device that that can neither feel satisfaction in, nor experience life at all? It is like some sick joke that is being forced upon an unsuspecting audience and the entire time the ones behind these occult practices repeat their mantra; that it is unstoppable, an inevitable progression towards some nebulous future where we simply fade from existence, because you cannot stop it.

I reject that categorically and I suspect that many others do as well, far more than the fraction leading this march towards self-annihilation. No robot is going to replace me.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 7:32 pm

Satanic? Drama much? How about dumb?

June 10, 2019 7:49 pm

Although there is something satanic about the dissembling of mankind.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 8:49 pm

Obtuse much?

The opposite of what Nature intended.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 10:49 pm

“Ye too shall be as gods…”

It like when I consider the “evolution” of man. First we were slime, then multicellular organisms, basic vertebrates, mammals, monkeys and now men. I wonder what’s next on the list…?

The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.

  grace country pastor
June 11, 2019 9:40 am

A pastor preaching evolution – we wuz slime – sounds like a progressive church. Heh.


  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 8:22 pm

Hollywood Rob:

In the last year of the 20th century, Sun Microsystem’s Chief Scientist Bill Joy pondered similar questions in his Wired magazine essay: “Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us”, which may be of interest to you.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 8:05 pm

” …. looking for a robotic/technological/industrial solution to every human need simply because we can. It is- in the purest sense of the word- Satanic. “

Wow!!! Your image/view/belief about Satan is rather unique.

For the life of me, I don’t see the connection. Perhaps you can explain it, if so inclined.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 9:01 pm

Things have a nature given to them by a Creator. I’m in no mood to argue theology so let’s just say whatever anyone happens to believe is behind Life and the design of its creations. The intentional perversion of their purpose, their Destiny, in order to eradicate it’s existence is the antithesis, the opposing force in the Universe. The word that best describes it- for my mind to fit around- is Satanic. It involves mankind and his behaviors, his choices to turn away from what Nature intends in order to pervert those ends to his own design. Something drives it.

Call it whatever you like.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 5:18 am

“You can, if you wish, believe that things have a nature given to them by a creator, but you have not proof of that.”

And that’s an opinion shared by those who craft The Narrative. In fact it is their core principle.

I reject it.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 10, 2019 9:17 pm

How did you arrive at your non-sequitur?

I ‘kind of’ took exception HSF’s description of doom pornographers’ redundancies as “occult practices repeat their mantra’. Maybe that’s where your wheels left the rails.

Because I use mantras for good reasons, to good effect, and my wheels skipped a beat. What HSF was opining, if I read correctly, is that the human spirit is insuperable, no matter what AI mantras are repeated as our inevitable doom.

You need counseling if you think machines will winnow us into subservience.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 11, 2019 8:50 am


To what end?

G.R.E.E.D and Mammon.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Donkey Balls
June 11, 2019 9:15 am

Neither of those are logical ends to unemploying the entire species.

From whence will the mammon come from to satisfy their greed if no one has an income?

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 11, 2019 9:45 am

The latest of my many failed attempts to write an essay eased about capital T truth. The biggest point was that we typically fail before we begin when we search for Truth because we think we’re are looking for a thing… but real Truth is a process.
One critical aspect is that True things-Natural things if you prefer–iterate well over the longest possible timeframes. Greed and mammon definitely do not. (Satanic? More below).

This leads into a concept to which i was recently introduced… ther notion of finite and infinite Games (as in Game Theory). A finite game being one in which the players and rules are well defined and the object is to win. An infinite game is one in which the players change, the rule are always in flux and ther objective is to continue playing the game for longest time possible. Traffic is a simpler example. But one can think of business or politics or diplomacy in this way. How about marriage, friebdship, or stewardship of the land? A me way to think about such things perhaps.

as an aside your use of the word satanic was very thought provoking. Thoug I tend to look for evidence and reproducibility, i recognize the limits to such thinking. The notion of man trying to replace (or perhaps subjugate?) God or Nature may be best described as satanic. However, there is certainly a pandora’s box nature to technology, inevitable and irrevers… but remember the last thing out was hope.

The Truth will out.

June 11, 2019 9:57 am

Wrote all of the above on my phone. Many bad autocorrects to go along with my propensity for typos. Hope you get the idea.

” was” not “eased” in 1st graph was most egregious .

June 10, 2019 9:14 pm
Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
June 10, 2019 9:24 pm

You just made me a believer of all Doom Porn. My doom.

Especially the chain sequence…

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
June 10, 2019 11:39 pm

Is that you on the bike, mygorilla? You looking hot!

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 2:07 am

HR: For the last time, EC, mystico, mascara, whatever is a guy! He’s not maggie, but the rest of the insults directed at him are dandy, keep up the good work.

June 11, 2019 4:53 am
  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 12:55 pm

Your right Hillary, I have no morals. You arrived at that conclusion from one simple comment. Excellent, are you a pastor?

  Mil Mascaras
June 11, 2019 2:05 am

Ah, now you’re back to being a cosmetic. What next, senhor eyeliner? Mr. Lipstick? I do believe you are gay. Want to talk nail polish? Hair spray? Sparkly eye shadow? Hair extensions? Douche?

  Mil Mascaras
June 11, 2019 4:55 am

Perhaps I’ll drag that one out for you too…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 10, 2019 10:59 pm

I just want to thank you all for distracting me from my seemingly insurmountable problems today. At least I thought I had problems until I read this post and the comments. You all need to see a mental health specialist. Sheesh!

Good night to all of you monkeys.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Mary Christine
June 10, 2019 11:36 pm

My mental health specialists all meet together weekly to compare notes on masturbating monkeys.

I have 17 of them in my cranium. All are happy that you tucked them in.

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 4:29 am
Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  M G
June 11, 2019 5:26 am

She is a horrible speaker pretending to be a polished one.

She’s addressing a room full of older adults and using stock photos to illustrate her points that are geared to 10 year olds.

Couldn’t get through it.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
June 11, 2019 6:18 am

I don’t like her style much either.


She served MY purpose.

See what I did there?

And, before some other monkey points it out? Lily was indeed a Lesbian. But, she didn’t ADVERTISE it. She just kept her private life private.

Some do.

First light and you know what that means, Funny Farmer!

EC - deplorable disrupter
EC - deplorable disrupter
  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2019 3:08 pm

Nice, Hillary. Stay classy.

  Mary Christine
June 11, 2019 4:52 am

The bead counting lunatics made room for one more, sister.

Jeffrey A Friedberg
Jeffrey A Friedberg
June 11, 2019 4:04 am

Article ends abruptly and tiredly, with somebody named, “Martin Ford.”


Did I miss something?

Who? What?

June 11, 2019 7:39 am

Sometimes, you just have to bide your time and show up fashionably late.

EC - deplorable disrupter
EC - deplorable disrupter
  M G
June 11, 2019 12:49 pm

A dedication to La Maggie