Perhaps this why 32+ million Brits have been jabbed?


Here is perhaps what the vaccinated believe.  Many of us want to be led. As children we look to our parents to protect us, to soothe our fears, to relieve us of responsibility.  As adults we seek the same protection – we want powerful leaders, leaders who appear fearless and resilient.  Our narcissistic culture also demands that our leaders are charismatic, self-assured, and eloquent – we want leaders who can perform on the world stage.

And so trustingly, time after time, we relinquish our power to those grandiose individuals who covet high office, unaware that their determination – their sheer, dogged, winner-takes-all ambition, their superficial charm and seductiveness – may suggest that many are psychologically unsuited to these roles.  These individuals form a psychologically distinct minority group; although their numbers are limited, their reach is extensive, and the destruction they can cause is immeasurable.

Yet while their lies and manipulations, their recklessness and their lack of remorse can make them appear insane, most are not; the more highly functioning thrive in professions and corporations that value the opportunistic and the ruthless. Their ‘madness’ – such as it is – lies in their lack of conscience; their absolute freedom from ethical constraints. These disturbed and disturbing souls are more fittingly characterised as morally insane.

Take heed. The global influence of many of these high-profile individuals is growing. Together they have been forming grandiose plans. They will vaccinate the entire world. They will block out the sun. They will Build Back Better.  We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be politicians.

So, we blind ourselves, as many abused children do, to the reality of what our leaders are asking of us. When they separate us from our loved ones, suffocate us with masks, inject us with experimental vaccines, remove our civil liberties, crash our economy, close our schools, harm our children and lock us up ‘for our own good’, we justify their behaviour; we accept their lies and their attempts to control us. We reassure ourselves that they are keeping us safe.

We also look to the media for reassurance – to journalists and ‘public health experts’ to inform and guide us, to put our nascent feelings into words, to do our thinking for us. We may suspend our critical judgement in our desire for ‘news’ and reliable ‘facts’. And so we overlook the scandals, the cover-ups, diversions and corruption; we absorb their distortions and propaganda; the artfully conceived scapegoats that keep our hatreds focused elsewhere and our society divided. We may fail to notice the relentless construction of a world that benefits the predator class.  We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be journalists.

So, we heed their warnings about the virus, which accord with those of our leaders. Though they might confuse us with their reporting of ‘cases’ and ‘positive tests’ and ‘hospitalisations’ – with their graphs and statistics and relative risks – we are reassured that the message is a simple one: that the jab will be our route to freedom; that our vaccine rollout is the fastest; that our NHS is the finest in the world: clap clap clap clap clap!

And we probably believe, if we give it any thought at all, that the pharmaceutical industry develops products that relieve suffering and save lives. We are unaware of the institutional corruption; the crimes that have led to millions of deaths and adverse reactions, the billions paid in health fraud settlements; the flagrant distortions of the medical literature; the falsified trials, the targeting of whistle blowers. We don’t imagine that psychopaths produce vaccines.

For we dare not imagine that we have been entrapped by an unaccountable psychopathic elite who have subverted our democracies; have captured and undermined our institutions; have caused economic devastation the world over; have spawned a global mental health crisis which will reverberate for generations. We dare not imagine.

And so terrorised by fear and shame and relentless propaganda, we fall back on the protection of our psychopathic programmers: far easier to accept their virus narrative, to play the game, to submit, than to acknowledge our protectors’ abuse [classic Stockholm Syndrome]

Closing ranks against outsiders we huddle together in our virtual pens; we relinquish our autonomy, we disregard our intuition – our primitive, essential wisdom – and accept the increasingly infantilised role that the pathocracy has created for us. We visit our doctor and accept our jab and we are rewarded with a sticker.

And although others warn us that the testing regime is flawed; that the deaths are misreported; that the vaccine is unsafe; they cannot penetrate our defences. How they enrage us when they disturb our illusions! When they try to force open our blinded eyes! ‘Wake up’ they plead, but we are not sleeping; ‘think!’ they cry, as if we cannot hear.

They don’t know – nor yet do we – that we are shielding ourselves from an existential threat more overwhelming to us than any virus, using the only weapon we have in our wretched armoury: denial.  Because deep down, deep deep down, we do know, we do know and we’ve known all along about the danger we are in, but we ignored the warnings of our inner compass, we ignored the red flags and the brutality and the glaring inconsistencies.

We shielded ourselves from the horror of acknowledging that we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe. And because a life of servitude seemed preferable to one of existential terror, we collaborated with our oppressors. We stayed safe.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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Rusty Pipes
Rusty Pipes
April 19, 2021 1:24 pm

Doing the right thing just isn’t as profitable as preying on human weakness. The masters of propaganda have been polishing their fear-mongering tactics for decades. It works.

April 19, 2021 1:24 pm

Check this out for those too young to remember…

April 19, 2021 10:31 pm

Great find.

April 19, 2021 1:53 pm

Marley put it well
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery….
…none but ourselves can free our mind”

April 19, 2021 4:46 pm

Amen and Amen. You can ONLY be free if you free your mind.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
April 19, 2021 1:58 pm

If only your countrymen had listened to Oswald Mosley.

But I bet your refrigerators are just amazing.

Nothing but the truth.
Nothing but the truth.
April 19, 2021 2:14 pm

This is a brilliant summation and excellent piece of writing. But still the Covidian sheeple continue to trust their governments unreservedly.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
  Nothing but the truth.
April 19, 2021 2:54 pm


  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
April 19, 2021 3:17 pm



April 19, 2021 3:26 pm

I came to the conclusion long ago that people who get a little power want even more. So yes, I believe there is a significant portion of the genpop that are sociopaths or psychopaths. Especially entertainers and politicians

April 19, 2021 4:12 pm

Are there more of them these days? I left a church a half dozen years ago when a narcissist was installed as “pastor”. Since then I’ve found evidence that about 30% of new candidates coming from seminaries are probable narcissists. Granted some fields like the pastorate attract them but it sure seems like I see more of them every year.

If these narcissistic psychopaths crash the system then the ones at the top of the heap better invest now in a loyal bunch of thugs for their own protection. Maybe that is why so many current police officers are being discouraged and are quitting, the gliteratti are making room to install their own thugs.

April 19, 2021 6:07 pm

Not sure what has changed. Or maybe I’m getting wiser and it was there all along. I have a guy I report to who is as disgusting as it comes. Had a heart attack got a stint and probably gained another 50 lbs on top of the 275 he was at. But he is smug and arrogant, i.e. a narcissist. I think what has happened is 30 or so years ago you screw with someone you could get your clock cleaned.

But you are right. The trash needs to be taken out at a lot of levels. But these people sit behind a 2 sided justice system. Theirs and ours. Elite and plebe. 4 years of this crap in your face and every one of them walk the streets. Instead, they should be tarred and feathered and run out of town or incarcerated for the crimes they have committed.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 19, 2021 3:48 pm

Fine piece of writing, AP….but I need to ask if you’ve got a mouse in yer pocket with all that “we” stuff, lol

Mark posted a great clip that’s from the 70’s. I remember it vividly. My mother was disgusted at the report, because she has believed that Dr. M.D. is god’s gift to humanity….still to this day. I just learned yesterday that she has proudly rec’d her 2nd (and she couldn’t tell me which company).

I’ve questioned every authority figure since little league baseball. Couple that with my mother’s unquestioning submission to the advice of Any M.D. USA, and ‘buckin the system’ came natural to me.

[We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be politicians.]

I did then, and now.

[We reassure ourselves that they are keeping us safe.]


[We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be journalists.]

Psychopaths? Some. Liars? ALL of ’em. You may already be aware of this clip from 1990 under “thousand points of light” Bush.

[…that our NHS is the finest in the world: clap clap clap clap clap!]

Until recent years, never gave it much of a thought. Our medical system seemed to be top notch….until Freemason Obama started shuffling the final pieces into play with obamacare.

[We don’t imagine that psychopaths produce vaccines.]

I always have.

[We visit our doctor and accept our jab and we are rewarded with a sticker.]

That’s an important sticker, but unless I steal one……ya know?

[And because a life of servitude seemed preferable to one of existential terror, we collaborated with our oppressors. We stayed safe.]

“Do the best you can, and don’t be afraid to tell them to kiss your ass”

Advice given to me about 50 yrs. ago. Of course, now as an old man, I’ve barely got three pots to piss in.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–==== The Plan

Freemason Ben Franklin who provide the core of the recent handbook posting…

"Another Error very common and highly disagreeable, is to be ever speaking of our selves and our own Affairs."

I feel real good about breaking the rule, but I'm takin a big risk cause the Platform Templar is already ragged at me.

  ordo ab chao
April 19, 2021 4:51 pm

What Ordo said!!!!.

  ordo ab chao
April 19, 2021 11:02 pm

“[We visit our doctor and accept our jab and we are rewarded with a sticker.]”

this afternoon i was in the park when one of my tenants came rolling in from work,a guy who is literally between 450-500 lbs—-he’s one of those guys who wears a little wallet/purse like container hanging from his neck–
he asked me have i had my vaccine yet,”hell no,i’m not getting the’re not,are you?”
“i already got it.”
“i hope you’re right w/god,people are dropping like flies.”
“oh no,i got the ……… (i don’t remember which one),it’s only one shot so i’ll be ok.”then he laughed & pointed to his hanging container,”see the sticker they gave me.”
i left it at that–

April 20, 2021 2:50 am

That is the J&J one. It is the one that I thought on back of the envelope biochemistry was most likely to result in autoimmune disorders including sterilization. But I think some of the others are going to be more lethal in the long run. I would be happy to be wrong. The RNA therapy business has been exciting everyone in related fields for a long time. There have been a lot of missteps so far, but a lot is known about their potential risks, too. Vaccines are a whole different ballgame from a metabolic disorder though, and I don’t think anyone saw that as a safe potential (except the psychopaths at Big Pharma) and it remains to be seen if they work at all.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 20, 2021 9:34 am

Good article. During my government service I had the opportunity of meeting with a large number of our senior elected officials (senators and Congressmen, as well as senior bureaucrats). About ten percent were normal, serious, competent and, apparently, honest people. A few were goofy but generally OK. The great majority, however, were obviously sociopaths with a sort of creepiness it is hard to describe. To say they were fake is to insult fakes the world over. This article hits the nail on the head. Most of the people who strive for high office are sick in the head and it is obvious. A few are arrogant bastards, like Rockefeller of West Virginia. Harry Reid is a full on moron. Shelby of Alabama is an all right guy but scary as hell. Former Senator Graham of Florida is totally nuts but smart and decent. Old Senator Hollings of South Carolina was a down-to-earth, merry old soul. Mind was gone, but who cared? Nancy Pelosi. Very smart and cynical as hell. She called her constituents “leftist kooks” (pretty apt description). Without exception, Congresscritters from New York City were nasty, vile people, as you might expect. With a couple of exceptions, the blacks were of the “Will Guam capsize” variety.

April 20, 2021 10:30 am

“we want leaders who can perform on the world stage”

With all due respect, Peter, we choose our leaders by how well they can hide in basements, and if the have a second in command that can greet world leaders while trashing America at the same time. USA, USA, USA!