You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone.  To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.

Aldous Huxley

Hat Tip:  John Wilder


…. This entire pandemic scheme has been designed as a divide and conquer undertaking… We are in the midst of this struggle for the future of our country and the world.

– Jim Quinn (11/28/2021), “THE WALL WAS TOO HIGH, AS YOU CAN SEE”


The Omicron® virus has arrived right on schedule and, of course, quite propitiously for those promoting The Great Reset®.   Fortunately, for them, each new wave has its own trademarked classification designed for maximum advertising impact within the ever-expanding COVID® brand.  Accordingly, the Omicron® campaign comes just in time for kids getting jabbed and will potentially distract from the spate of gift-wrapped Faucigate books lovingly laid under living room trees this Christmas.  Furthermore, Omicron®, will likely be used to conceal Covid vaccine failure and convince the Double-Jabbed to take that third swing.

As I’ve stated before, the Elite won’t turn back now. They are completely committed. This is because the Covid offensive either ends up with them lined up against walls or the We the Plebeians in digital chains.

Many reading these words were, certainly, in varying degrees, concerned at the announcement of Omicron®.  But, the concern was not likely over the “virus”, per se, but regarding the reactions to the propaganda by governmental agencies and dupes alike. This is how incrementalism works: trauma and reward are the tools utilized by tyrants to train their subjects.  Sadly, the fear-based lockdown and pressure-release method has most people responding like puppets to masterfully manipulated strings.

It seems Covidism has, indeed, become an international Punch and Judy Show as the puppet masters have created a new reality.  But, to be completely honest, the new reality was stage-crafted years before Covid.

Now, the Big Lie has mostly prevailed.  Why?

The Insularity of the Hive Mind

Big Lies are effective because The Hive Mind has an innate “self-defense” mechanism designed to protect its reality unreality. This mode of insularity was, quite recently, observed as Trump Derangement Syndrome and during the productions of Russiagate, Ukrainegate, et al.

As in any good narrative, the story arc is best appreciated when the protagonist overcomes the antagonist on the way to a fairy tale ending.  In the current Covid zeitgeist, as in previous times of revolution, the episodes arrive in waves until the antagonistic scapegoats are finally objectified for purposes of peak polarization.

The Collective has always engaged in some grand struggle and will never cease fighting to right perceived wrongs. After all, there can be no “two minutes of hate” without some sort of a Goldstein. Right?

Hence the cathartic scapegoating and this is why, during previous revolutions, portions of the population were consistently identified, vilified, and objectified – then sent to death camps. In The Great Reset, it appears Anti-vaxxers are the population currently targeted for complete extermination. This occurs because the road to hell has always been mostly paved by those well-intentioned and just following orders.

In June of 2020, I wrote an article entitled “Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult”, describing the Cult of Covid and how it was initiated.

To be sure, over the last five decades in America, the ground has been made fertile for harvesting the bold dreams of secularist utopians.

In Ayn Rand’s classic novel, The Fountainhead, there existed a minor antagonist by the name of Ellsworth Toohey, whose raison d’etre was to undermine self-reliance and individualism.  Toohey was an effete intellectual who worshipped at the altar of Collectivism. He hoped to make the “ideological soil” infertile to the point that young heads would explode rather than to express any sort of individuality.

Call it “group think”, “peer pressure”, or “herd instinct”, it’s too powerful for most to overcome.

In like manner, Covid has extinguished both individual and national autonomy.  Entire countries are now subject to the whims of non-elected health authoritarians as children are forced to wear masks in schools.  None of this would have occurred in America if the ground was not first made fertile for such ideological treachery over the past several decades.

I have written about my politically liberal friends and acquaintances in previous articles such as “Dining with Friends” and “Personal Politics, Public Impeachment, Persuasion and Post-Apocalyptic Planning”. In the former “Friends” article I concluded with these words:

In truth, my friends long for a new nation; a completely different America than was founded.

It seems they are the end result of the Frankfort School, the Fabian Socialists and the modern American educational system that, in the last four decades, has abandoned the curriculum which taught United States citizens the fundamentals of what made America unique over the past two centuries.

….They don’t seem to realize how their utopian dreams have been tried before in history; like the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, the People’s Republic of China under Mao Tse-tung, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge and, most recently, North Korea under Kim Jong-un.

How can Americans, especially the younger generation, be made to understand what is occurring now when they have never been taught to think for themselves, understand history, or question mainstream narratives?

This is the ultimate dilemma of our time and it explains why nothing will stop the coming economic and societal waves. In fact, the waves have rolled through already, they are growing larger, and nothing has slowed them.

The waves have delivered devastation and tyranny:

  • The corruption of younger generations via school and university curriculums
  • Cloward-Piven-driven debt bubbles funding an ever-expanding welfare state
  • The dismantling of spiritual foundations
  • The encroachment of the Surveillance State
  • Class warfare now manifesting as identity politics and Covid divisions
  • The nationalization of health care through Covid incentives, stimulus, and mandatory vaccination
  • Gun confiscation

Certainly, Covid has facilitated and accelerated, all of the above. Even if attempts at outright door-to-door gun confiscation have not materialized yet, we know measures such as red-flag legislation is catnip to politicians and the worst is yet to come as resistance to tyranny grows.  Admittedly, the only reason America is not under tyrannical lockdowns such as seen in Australia and New Zealand is because the Covid authoritarians fear what will happen if they try.

Mao was right:  Political power does, indeed, grow from the barrel of a gun.

Still, the authoritarians will try. Of course they will try; and every mass shooting is just another crisis for pandering politicians, and their handlers, to never waste.

Even so, the financial Elite and their puppet politicians could not succeed without the dupes on their side. Together, they are The Collective. The Borg. The Hive Mind. The Covidians.

They want their unreality and they want it now.

Crowd Psychosis as Derived From Mental Narratives

So what must be done to withstand the tide?

I the Age of Pre-Covid, I used to think local communities could be fortified in a balkanized America, simply by reorganizing current civil administrations. But, now, I’m not so sure.  It appears the waves of fear and deception have become too large to overcome.

Still, “community” will be necessary to survive the incoming larger waves.  But how can community be built when The Hive Mind is a cult?

Years ago, I actually researched cult deprogramming.  In so doing, I was surprised by the extensive recovery process involved.  One might think the simple clapping of hands into the face of a cult member and yelling “wake up!” would work. But that is not enough. Effective deprogramming tactics include helping a cult member to identify their authentic identity as opposed to their cult identity.  Other methods involve sharing information on the cult and demonstrating how the cult member’s power of choice was taken away from them.

In 2017, I even wrote an article on “How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake”.  At that time, my hope was for the Trump movement to overwhelm the globalists and stem the tides of “domination via Agenda 21, the demise of constitutional law and the abolishment of national sovereignty in order to implement their final plans for worldwide depopulation.

Well, it didn’t happen that way and, instead, Covid swept away any dreams of nationalism and constitutionalism in a tsunami of voting software wizardry and duplicate paper ballots.  As a result, the narrative of “Make America Great Again” has been replaced by “Build Back Better”. An entirely new system is being built upon the foundation of vaccination passports, digital cash, and social credit scores.

To change the future, mind narratives must be changed.  But what if a majority of Americans have been, actually, programmed to desire the new world order? Then what?

Other challenges are these: The Elite’s narratives may be too big, the lies too legion, and the deception has inundated the entire global population all at once, in a tidal wave of collective madness.

In the 13-minute video below, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, addresses the Covid “Mass Formation Psychosis”, also referred to as “crowd psychosis”:

Since I expect YouTube to take the video down at some point, here is a brief summary:

1 – Our society has been fragmented by the internet, social media, and smartphones. This has led to a free floating anxiety – a chronic sense of anxiousness and discontent in people

2 – COVID was made to become a point of global focus – this formed something akin to hypnosis as people’s attention became solely focused on the Covid virus

3- Once everyone concentrated on their discontent together, leaders simply stepped in to seize the moment as the crowd believed everything the leaders said

4 – Now that circumstances have progressed to this point of global saturation, when anyone speaks out against the main narrative(s) they must be attacked. This is because “these situations MUST have a common enemy”  –  Think of Orwell’s “1984” with Oceania always fighting Eurasia and East Asia, and with the citizens constantly fearing attack. Also consider Orwell’s “Goldstein” and Big Brother driving fear into crowds

5 – Finally, when people reach this state of devastating delusion, facts cease to matter and the dupes won’t accept logic or reason

6 – A sobering conclusion in the video is that the mass psychosis CANNOT be stopped. It will sweep over all of us and run its course

7 – All that can be done is to TRY and breakthrough to people by….  A.) substituting the fear of the virus with a greater threat such as totalitarianism as being more frightening than Covid… and… B.) Thinking globally and acting locally; by building community through messages of healing instead of division

A Local Online Exchange Demonstrating Strategy in the Information War

In my February 2021 article entitled “The Lies Of The Borg Are The Glue That Binds”, I proposed becoming the “anti-borg” as follows:

If the Borg binds The Collective through fear and lies, the anti-borg responds with random dismantling, on an individual basis, with courage and truth. When areas of vulnerability are identified, the anti-borg questions what can be won, separately, and in the right places at the right times. The anti-borg is a randomly accidental array of anonymous glitches in the system.

What can be won?

The anti-borg acts individually to defeat deception with truth while esteeming courage above cowardice, and faith over fear. Unlike The Borg’s beastly concern for dominance as its means to survive, the anti-borg enjoys the Long Perspective of Eternal Principles; as these transcend death.

The anti-borg values fundamentals like constitutional law, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness over political correctness and political party dialectics. The anti-borg appreciates the grand inevitability of historical and generational transitions with clarity and humility.

Correspondingly, in my previous two articles entitled “The Best Things in Life are Free” and  “The Anecdotes of an American Nobody at the End of Things”, I described taking a public stand in my local community.  In the latter article, I mentioned my ability to access public, online, and print platforms in order to reach key people in my area.  This what I have been doing: engaging in The Information War. At least, for the time being.

In each battle, I’ve chosen to practice forbearance, empathy, and patience instead of derision and sarcasm.  My modus operandi has been (as described above and before) to be the “anti-borg” by seeking consensus rather than magnifying division(s); and, given the resistance I have met recently, I can tell I am “over the target”.

My latest battle was with the editorial board of a regional publication on the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. I wrote an opinion questioning the potential of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) to explain the rising number of cases in 2021 despite the governmental and corporate vaccine mandates, locally and nationwide.

For those who are unfamiliar with ADE I will just summarize it as follows:  During Donald Trump’s “Operation Warpspeed” (note: this type of framing confuses liberals in an amusing way), many honest doctors and scientists warned the COVID vaccines could deliver a “Trojan horse” mechanism which occurs when the mRNA spike protein in the COVID vaccine fails to neutralize the infectivity of virus variants. When this occurs, what happens is the variants are, instead, actually expedited to replicate within the immune system’s cells.

That is ADE in a nutshell and my initial offering to the regional publication discussed only the POSSIBLITY of ADE now occurring throughout the most-vaccinated counties, states, and nations of the world.

Perhaps, unsurprisingly, the article was summarily declined by the editorial team.  Although my column included citations from those holding doctorate degrees in molecular and cellular biology, the publication’s denial letter cited only a medical doctor from a Midwestern university who claimed ADE was a non-issue for the current Covid vaccines and an Associated Press (AP) source saying 99% of all current Covid deaths are occurring in unvaccinated people.

Instead of giving up, however, I argued back to the entire editorial team the gist of the article was not so much about ADE, per se, but, rather, this question:  If the vaccines don’t work, then who is behind the lockdowns and the vaccine passport initiative?

Evidently, that perspective must have been right over the target because the resistance eventuated into a vigorous debate.

Eventually, I was able to identity the key decision maker, a moderately prominent member of my community, and the debate continued between us as the others were included on the e-mail distribution.

In our exchange, I brought up the July 2021 outbreak of COVID-19 in Barnstable County, Massachusetts (mostly reported on in the media as the “Provincetown” outbreak). This was an event whereby 469 people tested positive for Covid and 74% were fully vaccinated. Five people were hospitalized and 4 of them were fully vaccinated.

If the vaccines don’t work, then how do lockdowns and vaccination passports make sense?

My primary opponent’s reply referenced a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) paper published on July 30, 2021 (in the agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) explaining the extenuating circumstances to that outbreak as follows:

– It came after large public events in the first half of the month.  And, although not mentioned in the report, the outbreak overlapped with July Fourth weekend and “Bear Week,” Provincetown’s annual gathering of gay men; 85% of the identified infections were in males.

– In the summer, the town’s population swells to approximately 60,000 people.

– 90% of the subset of people who had sequencing performed on their samples were infected with the Delta variant

– The report noted that at the time of diagnostic testing, the amount of virus appeared to be about the same in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, a finding that the CDC cited in its decision on July 27 to recommend masks for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor public spaces in areas with “substantial” or “high” transmission.

In addition to the above documented citations, my editorial opponent included the following percentages from the CDC website:

For all adults aged 18 years and older, the cumulative COVID-19-associated hospitalization rate was about 9 times higher in unvaccinated persons.

Although weekly rates can vary, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adolescents ages 12-17 years was about 10 times higher than fully vaccinated adolescents aged 12-17 years.

Although weekly rates can vary, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 18-49 years was about 14 times higher than fully vaccinated adults aged 18-49 years.

Although weekly rates can vary widely, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 50-64 years was about 13 times higher than fully vaccinated adults aged 50-64 years.

Although weekly rates can vary widely, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 65 years and older was about 6 times higher than fully vaccinated adults ages 65 years and older.

In response, I resubmitted a revised column. It was pretty much the same but, instead, included the verbatim statements from the testimonies of doctors and scientists in the congressional record.  Since these were a matter of public record, as opposed to scientific abstracts, the editors are printing the article. I wasn’t informed as to the logic behind their decision, but, perhaps, they feared future disclosure and the fact I had a digital paper trail.

After some more minor quibbling and in what became my third resubmission, I included a note to my primary editorial opponent and said:

If you do run this final version and wish to add the [PUBLICATION NAME REDACTED] notations regarding the extenuating circumstances of the Provincetown outbreak and the CDC notes regarding the percentage of Unvaxxed COVID hospitalizations that is your call. The thrust of my article is more about the public statements of experts, the efficacy of the COVID vaccines in preventing infection and transmission, and the questioning of lockdowns and vaccine passports.

In addition, I included the below photo, two Bitchute videos on the public flip-flopping of NIH Director Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Rachel Walensky, along with the following statements:

The above photo was supposedly taken in Dublin, Ireland. Could it be an online hoax? Perhaps. I’ve not yet been able to vet the photo. REGARDLESS, I do fear this is where we are being led and, in so doing, our immune systems will have been monetized by Big Pharma (through booster “subscriptions”) as entire populations are herded into a global society of digital gates and switches. They’re calling it “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” but whatever it is, I don’t believe it is being pushed out of a genuine concern for people’s health.

This is what I am questioning in my column (and my previous published columns) and, of course, and you may disagree. Again, all I am doing is asking questions to generate discussion in our community.

Now, on another note, you appear to be operating on the premise that the vaccines legitimately prevent hospitalizations by reducing COVID symptoms. In reviewing the CDC data you have e-mailed me, I can understand your reasoning.

Yet…, a couple of concerns with the CDC’s mathematical conclusions:

1.) As shown in the Bitchute videos, the “scientific” claims of all of the COVID policy makers have been moving targets since the start of the pandemic ranging from “15 days to flatten the curve” to “masks don’t work” to “the vaccinated can’t get, or transmit, COVID”.  Hence my skepticism.

2.) The CDC data is surely not including all of the Unvaxxed who have recovered and now have natural immunity.  For example, [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] is [AGE REDACTED] years old, has cancer, and still smokes.  He got COVID last year, had a mild cough for two weeks, and is now recovered.  I wonder IF, perhaps, all those Unvaxxed were included in the computations… if…. those percentages would be reversed? If so, it could be argued the Delta wave is a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” instead.  And, if so, it would align with many of the ADE claims by prominent doctors and scientists – including Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine who now claims the most vaxxed nations of the world currently have the highest number of cases and mortalities.

Of course, you may disagree and completely side with the CDC on their percentages and I DO appreciate why you might believe the way you do – even if I am more…. shall we say… less trusting.

3.) Finally, what about all of those who the CDC has NOT accounted for?  For example, [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] died two weeks after her 2nd Pfizer shot this summer and [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] has been to the emergency room three times since her 2nd Moderna shot last spring. Her nose will not stop bleeding despite the fact she was never prone to nosebleeds before her COVID shots.

Coincidence? Or just collateral damage?

I don’t know and neither does anyone else at this time.

Another example:  Someone close to me was taken to the emergency room recently for a mysterious bleeding from their digestive tract. I know they weren’t vaxxed but here’s the point:  As far as I know, NONE of the above people were asked by the hospital as to their COVID vax status – so how is the CDC compiling its data? Unless the data is being already being compiled into a universally-accessed database?

Anyway, thank for all your time and efforts and if you have any other questions or concerns regarding my column, please feel free to e-mail me back.

Is it all a wasted effort?  Maybe so.  But  if my community is to survive the forthcoming tsunamis, then certain people must change the stories in their heads. Otherwise, it will soon become every man for himself.

In other words, the stakes are high. Very high.

The Wave is (probably) Too Large

I must admit, I have an instinctual pessimistic side that believes this Wave of Time and Circumstance is too large to stop.

The Big Lies are too big and The Borg owns the biggest bullhorns.  Furthermore, the amplification of each wave, so far, has augmented within populations because the ideological “ground” has been so thoroughly diluted through the Cultivation of Crap.

Even when dealing with individuals face-to-face in my community… even with those who know me… the grand deception of our time seems impossible to set straight with our limited daily engagement.

And time waits for no one. The tidal waves rise upon the horizon.

Perhaps, until the final deluge, all that can be done is to tear down the mental “walls” brick by brick and try to dissolve each delusional “wave” drip by drip.  Yet the daily flood of propaganda can only be evaporated with patience and by utilizing specific techniques on compartmentalized topics; and, admittedly, it is often difficult choosing where to begin:

– Lockdowns and vaccine passports integrating entire populations into a new cashless system.

– Event 201.

– Election Fraud.

– PCR testing.

– The hijacking of flu numbers.

– The withholding of effective remedies such as Ivermectin and other treatments.

– The governmental/financial incentivizing of Covid in health systems ranging from cases to ventilator usage and the subsequent deaths.

As most reading these words likely understand by now through their own experience: Too much information too fast activates the Conspiracy Theorist Defense Mechanism within The Hive Mind and… conversation over.

So I always focus on what can be won and part of my strategy involves acting less informed, in order to make it seem the dupes and I are figuring things out together. Call it the “Socratic Method of Making Friends and Influencing People”, if you will.

But what can be done with those who don’t care?  Millions of Millennials, and the younger generations in general, don’t care about privacy now, let alone in the new world order. They grew up in the internet age lacking the proper understanding of history that would allow them to fear the state. After all, these are kids who photograph their driver’s licenses and post them on social media for laughs.

Moreover, millions of middle-aged Americans still believe they will retire on Social Security as the rest of the Wal-Mart shoppers are only looking forward to their next meal.

For these reasons, I’ve developed “tests” to decide with whom I will engage, such as:  Do they have common sense? Do they have some intelligence and do they value liberty over the hoard? I also make calculations based upon how much I need them now and in the future. And, finally, I will consider their lines of inquiry, their debate tactics and whether I think they are awake – or, at least, have a chance at being awakened.

In the previously outlined exchange with the “primary editorial opponent ” (of the regional publication), my “test” is as follows:  If, after our discussion, they add the footnotes on the Provincetown Outbreak’s extenuating circumstances and the CDC percentages to my column, I’ll know they are not to be trusted at this time.  Even if they believe they are posting their editorial notes in good faith, their choice will demonstrate their desire to steer local conversations through their acknowledged faith in Fauci.

I believe it is best to know now so I can see them coming later… either with me or against me.

And this why I carefully choose when to disclose anything as well, with whom to discuss, and when to back off.  Then after I have qualified certain people, I will only disclose information with them in direct proportion with their willingness to engage.

Obviously, the exercise of caution is common sense because thoughtcrime is becoming a prosecutable offense in the Great Reset

I am convinced we are on the verge of a devastating wave that will wipe out the economy and existing legal and political systems in a final tumultuous torrent.  Certainly, the leading waves have done much damage, but the big one is coming and we know it’s the “big one” because of the overall intensity now occurring in the Information War.

The unprecedented amount of propaganda, deception, and “fact-checking” shows the Elite are not playing around. Not this time. They are leaving nothing to chance and will ride this tide to its final devastation.

Consider the following example:

On November 8, 2021 an American Heart Association (AHA) abstract was published entitled:

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Now this is exactly the type of information I would share in my community. After all, it’s the AHA.  But the True Believers cannot allow this sort of information to be disseminated because it would, no doubt, gravely threaten the vaccine agenda.

So, a little more than two weeks later, an “expression of concern” was posted to the original article:

Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.

SOURCE: Expression of Concern: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Typographical errors? Interesting. Do you get the feeling someone’s phone rang in the middle of the night?

And this is occurring all across the internet; and with no one to fact check the fact checkers.

Those behind The Great Reset are now engaged in full digital warfare and using news sources like Yahoo to flood smartphones around the globe. Their strategy employs both offensive (i.e. propaganda) and defensive (i.e. fact-checking) measures.

Here are two additional examples:

Experts: More than 70% of Americans need additional vaccine shots for full protection from Omicron

“Omicron is an immune escape variant that breaks through immunity caused by prior infection and/or vaccination,” Dr. Tom Wenseleers, a professor of biology and biostatistics at Belgium’s Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, concluded Thursday after reviewing the latest data from South Africa, where the variant was first detected and where it’s currently driving a near-vertical spike in infections and hospitalizations. “People getting a booster ASAP is the best protection for now, at least until specifically adapted vaccines” arrive.

 Did you catch that?  In that paragraph, Omicron is used to explain Antibody Dependent Enhancement’s “driving a near-vertical spike in infections and hospitalizations” while, at the same time, priming the dupes for boosters AND the forthcoming “specifically adapted vaccines”.

But, just in case people begin to put two-and-two together, the defensive measures are already in place to assure that two and two equals five:

Fact-check: Are vaccinated people dying at a faster rate than unvaccinated people?

The claim references a chart in a UK Health Security Agency report that indicates during a three-week period in October and November, England had 3,430 deaths from COVID-19. Of those deaths, 2,822 were people who had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 587 were unvaccinated people. The rest were people whose vaccination status was not known.

The article linked in the claim doesn’t include those specific data points, but cites the ratio between them — 4.8 to 1 — as evidence that “The vaccine is deadlier than the virus.”

However, “it’s not a valid comparison,” said Luke Weeks, senior communications officer for the UK Health Security Agency, which recently replaced the agency known as Public Health England.

“Well over 90% of the adult population is double vaccinated, so the vaccinated cohort is over nine times the size of the unvaccinated cohort,” Weeks said, “A very small percentage of a large population is still more people than a higher percentage of a very small one.”

Notice, however, in the above quote by Luke Weeks, the “senior communications officer for the UK Health Security Agency”, he did NOT mention the cohort of all those who have been exposed to Covid or those now with natural immunity – and this was the suggestion I made to my primary editorial opponent (of the regional publication) in the above-referenced e-mail exchanges.

Here is the point: Covid is either an illusion or a bioweapon. Either way, the vast billions of people have been relatively unaffected compared to the smaller cohort of millions of those jabbed.

This is warfare, people. Again, the elite are 100% committed because Covid is about money and power – and NOT health.  Of course, the Elite only care about money and power. It is why, in the Great Reset, they will be the “stakeholders” and you will own nothing.

If the reader has 35 minutes and wishes to understand what is happening right now in an accurately concise presentation, I would suggest the below-linked video be viewed as it demonstrates an informational offensive AGAINST The Great Reset:

Video Link (34:47):  They need your children. A new financial reset is imminent

Be assured, the above interview posed a grave threat to the financial establishment behind The Great Reset.  How can we know?  Because it was immediately censored from YouTube.

In the Information War, the truth tellers are engaged in a David and Goliath battle.

My pessimistic side believes Goliath, armed with the most powerful tools of technology, may be too formidable this time around.  At least, for the near term.

But my optimistic side sees the courage of the truth tellers and it causes me to imagine the possible.


A few months ago I posted an article entitled ”The Goal of Covidism is Communism” and wrote the following:

…as history proves, psychopathic totalitarians don’t even have to hide their true intent as the revolution commences: Because true believers love to buy after they own. It is the essence of incrementalism and how the path to hell was paved.

What I meant regarding “true believers” loving to “buy after they own” was this:  The Hive Mind never changes its beliefs until after it’s too late.  In fact, the more the mob’s worldview is challenged, the more it clings to its belief.

Stated another way:  Once a population has accepted Tony Fauci, and the Spike Protein, into its collective “heart”, it becomes nearly impossible for people to even consider the possibility they were deceived.

How could they? After all, they have submitted their own children, for no good reason, to experimental gene therapy.  Now, imagine all of the physicians facing the fact they killed their Covid patients by ignoring the genuinely effective treatments that were available. Why would they want to consider their ignorance, naiveté, and cowardice when it is so much easier, and more profitable, for them to keep drinking the Kool-Aid?

Accordingly, this also explains the intense urgency and dedication of the Elite in heralding their Great Reset: because if enough people wake up, then cold fury is coming to Davos.

Once again, the Elite will NOT back down. Their Covid offensive either ends up with them lined up against walls or the masses in digital chains – hence the global onslaught of aggressive propaganda and outright misinformation. It is a war for the ages.

Will we win?  Maybe not.  So we might as well try.  Because once vaccine passports take hold globally, it is game over for liberty; and the totalitarians possess all of the IP addresses along with every word that every keyboard warrior has ever typed.   That said, it’s never over until it’s over.

The Power of Suggestion is a primary driver of hypnosis so, perhaps, the anti-borg’s best countermeasure at this time would be to suggest different explanations for the headlines – but only to trusted, vetted individuals. Then, one day, the tide may be turned as seeds of doubt  yield a harvest of full blown skepticism and one mind at a time becomes millions more.

Until then, if my efforts so far have caused one parent or grandparent to prevent their offspring from getting jabbed, then it was better than standing silently in cowardice.

Moreover, some in my community have communicated their support of my perspectives. A few of them were jabbed and others were not.

It’s a start.

Know that wars will rage and tides roil, but time is the great healer. Whatever occurs next is sure to bring about an ending to one era and the start of another.

In closing, I will leave the reader with some words typed by my online friend and a fellow blogger, Hardscrabble Farmer.  In a recent comment, he wrote:

This morning I woke up long before dawn and read Xenophon’s Retreat. His descriptions of the ruins they encountered on their way home, of the cities that were once centers of vast empires that had so long ago fallen that the locals could not remember their names or the people who had once inhabited them. The walls of Ninevah and Babylon had long ago fallen, the once proud monuments nothing more than humps of fallen rock standing alone on the barren plains. And yet among these ghosts of pride and excess, atop the tombs of cruel tyrants and the sands littered with broken artifacts were a people who tilled the soil and tended their flocks, raised their children and sat with their elders in the morning light of a new era.

Merry Christmas, everyone, Happy New Year, and good luck.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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December 5, 2021 7:51 am

Wonderful synopsis of the covid hysteria. I’ve also noticed recently Dr Malone start to do a “Kunstler” like turn. He was always a bit reluctant to state what he really thought and appeared nervous on videos for fear of reprisal. He stated he thought the scientists and doctors pushing this narrative were just telling a “noble lie” to get people to follow the medical guidelines, mask up etc… But now, he’s veering far away from that observation and is openly stating that this is a fear based, psychological war we are facing.

There was another doctor recently on the C.Martensen’s blog who stated virtually the same thing. There are millions of lonely people in the world who are isolated and prone to this type of mass hysteria conditioning. No amount of facts and figures will awake them from their trance. They need to feel that they are a part of something bigger. I have no idea how long this can go on for, but from the headlines, it looks like we are at just the beginning.

December 5, 2021 10:26 am

Doug, you missed a HUGE rebuttal to the editor’s reply citing CDC % of cases vxxed vs unvaxxed. Those numbers he was quoting go back to January when only a small % of people had vaxxes at nursing homes etc.
When the numbers from July to currently are tabulated, the vaxxed DO make up a higher % of new “cases”.
Also, fourth of July events or gay rallies followed by a spike in cases among the vaxxed only reinforces your point that the jabs have poor efficacy…just thought you’d like to research that in case you want to give it a final try. Use the CDC numbers from the past 3 months since the “magic vx percentage” was reached… or states like VT with the highest vax rate and highest recent spike in cases.

December 5, 2021 4:23 pm

Thank you, Javelin. For purposes of this article, I only included a small percentage of our actual exchange so, yes, some of what you mentioned was, indeed, addressed. However, instead of Vermont, I used other (U.S. & European) examples

And… I was informed this morning there were no editorial notes added to my column, so I’m feeling a little like Charlie Sheen over here currently…
comment image

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 6, 2021 6:26 am

The jabs have no efficacy, zip, zero, nada. Useless as teats on a bull.

  very old white guy
December 6, 2021 8:38 am

I think they will be found to be an excellent depopulation tool.

Red River D
Red River D
December 6, 2021 9:10 am

They also bring in a few shekels, no?

Hardly useless.

  very old white guy
December 12, 2021 7:23 pm

Claims of efficacy are all cherry picked data based to a large extent on discredited data and people with even alternative platforms are still to afraid to say it, because they want to be heard. We have more solid data on that conclusion than they do, except for their preposterously designed parameters.

There is no question. Look at all cause mortality with vaxxed vs unvaxxed countries for the last 5 years plus historic rates of the adverse reactions. It is case closed. I know 2 lying ass professors retiring next year. I know 6 more hunkering in their office wringing their hands. Fuck em.

This is the end game. Vox Day posted the beast. Their 2 bit end times will peter out like it did every other time. And the faithful shall stay on to plow their labor back into the soil.

We are a long way from Revelation. Our work is far from over. The flood was only 12000 years ago. We were around a long time before that. Through an entire ice age. We haven’t even had time to get our feet. The Godless are always at the gates. I don’t know about true religion, but I know the modes and the means God has revealed to those before and to me personally. Yes I talk to God and he does answer everyday. The last 3 prayers he answered as such:

Love yourself, as I love you, so that you may love others

I will always be your guide as a kind of golden crown image

Remember me the next time you freak the hell out.

And so my prayers go. I just try to let go and see what happens without fear or ego. It’s a bit like meditation, but I am well enough practiced to know it is not the same.

For all that I am a sinner which means I just do the best I can and keep striving to increase those limits until something breaks and I have a personal revelation. Age has a way of redirecting those efforts from the physical to the spiritual, so I have to forgive my younger self for some catastrophic (only to me) choices.

December 5, 2021 10:36 am

His generation is the most heavily propagandized in world history. I forgive them being slow.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 3:29 pm

The biggest problem is that the political swamp and the government machine has become so large, corrupt and vastly woven and interconnected throughout our entire society like a metastasized stage 4 cancer that it simply cannot be tweaked a little here and a little there to be corrected but must be thoroughly dismantled from the top down and reconstructed from bottom up in a much smaller and less intrusive form that it is nearly impossible to achieve apart from a major involuntary collapse of the entire system.
It has become the parasite that is consuming it’s host.
If or when that occurs it will cause extreme pain and death to the majority of our citizens likely through a combination of major economic destruction and war.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 12, 2021 7:25 pm

We not only lost our old values, we forgot why we had them.

river view
river view
December 5, 2021 3:05 pm

Synopsis? Treatise maybe…

Red River D
Red River D
  river view
December 5, 2021 4:05 pm

Here’s the synopsis: Satan copies and counterfeits everything God does. What we’re seeing here is the satanic counterfeit of THE FLOOD.

Repeated references to floods and waves and tsunamis recognize the character of the times. And this is another FLOOD.

There was an Ark last time. There is an Ark this time.

We’re either on our way into the Ark, or we will be swept away by the billows and waves.

Right there is the only way to make this impossibly complicated situation, simple enough to handle and perhaps even to survive.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Red River D
December 5, 2021 5:04 pm

The Ark we must get on this time by grace through faith is not made of wood and pitch but of flesh and blood that was willfully broken and poured out on our behalf and then risen above the storm and His name is Jesus.

  Red River D
December 5, 2021 5:08 pm

I think we chose the Ark.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 5:31 pm

I fired the editor

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 6:12 pm

Everyone wants to blame the editor.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 6:18 pm

I am the editor

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 10:42 pm

I shot the sheriff.

December 5, 2021 10:52 pm

Yea…but why did you let the deputy get away?

December 6, 2021 12:18 am

I didn’t, someone else shot the deputy but it wasn’t me, oh no, no it wasn’t me.

December 6, 2021 1:11 pm

Other than to perhaps Eric, you guys amuse me to no end.

December 7, 2021 9:08 pm

Hey jo jo….

comment image

[Verse 1]
Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it couldn’t last
Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, Jojo

Go home

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, Jo

[Electric Piano Solo: Billy Preston]

[Verse 2]
Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
But she was another man
All the girls around her say she’s got it coming
But she gets it while she can
Oh, get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, Loretta

[Guitar solo: John Lennon]
Go home

Oh, get back, yeah, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Yeah, get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged


[Verse 3]
(Ooo, ow)
Get back, Loretta
Your mommy’s waiting for you
Wearing her high-heel shoes
And her low-neck sweater
Get back home, Loretta
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Oh, get back, get back

Get back, oh yeah

A lighthearted, fairly meaningless blues jam by Paul McCartney.

“Get Back” went through numerous iterations, many of which are publicly available. The two most noteworthy versions are the single version and the album version. In one of its earlier forms, “Get Back” was a satirical political tune, with lyrics including “too many Pakistanis living in a council flat”. McCartney later explained these lyrics by saying:

When we were doing Let It Be, there were a couple of verses to “Get Back” which were actually not racist at all — they were anti-racist. There were a lot of stories in the newspapers then about Pakistanis crowding out flats — you know, living 16 to a room or whatever. So in one of the verses of “Get Back,” which we were making up on the set of Let It Be, one of the outtakes has something about ‘too many Pakistanis living in a council flat’ – that’s the line. Which to me was actually talking out against overcrowding for Pakistanis… If there was any group that was not racist, it was the Beatles.

John Lennon believed that “Get Back” was aimed at his lover, Yoko Ono, who had begun accompanying him to many of the Beatles’ recording sessions. Paul adamantly denies that this song was about Ono, but he’s admitted that her presence during recording sessions was slightly upsetting to him at the time.

December 7, 2021 9:54 pm

“… he’s admitted that her presence during recording sessions was slightly upsetting to him at the time.”

Some people don’t like Yoko for that reason … saying she was to ubiquitous.

However, it was always John Lennon who insisted on her being there.

December 5, 2021 7:52 am

They won’t like this news about Omicron then. It is claimed that this variant is an immunizing strain and will effectively inoculate people against all of the Covid variants making the vaccines obsolete. The standard narrative around a virus is that it eventually becomes more infectious but has less of an impact which is why most reports out of Africa are of plenty of infections with mild to no symptoms. Doesn’t matter whether a person is vaxxed or not.

Of course, that doesn’t fit with the fear narrative so we have a list of ‘offficial’ symptoms produced by the Omicron variant that coincidentally match several of the known adverse reactions to the vaccines.

December 5, 2021 9:57 am

In fact, getting “Moronic” seems to be an excellent way to immunize yourself at no risk…kind of like the chickenpox parties our mothers created so that their kids would get the disease at a time when it was harmless for them…

Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
December 5, 2021 2:09 pm

An article today quoted researchers saying Omicron is basically a common cold. In 38 countries and not one death. It will also immunize against all the Covid variants so far.
ENDEMIC anyone? The evil fuqueres will need a new bugaboo and fast!
ALSO, Doug, the “borg” is huge and unwieldy. When a Luke Skywalker finds that design flaw and puts a missile up it they will be on the run.

bbbbb a.I. is evil and pervasive,love=antidote
bbbbb a.I. is evil and pervasive,love=antidote
December 5, 2021 11:03 pm

Omicron=MORONIC as an anagram.Archons and otherd LITERALLY FEED UPON OUR LOW VIBE ENERGY FROM FEAR,DOUBT,ANGER,CONFUSION,HOPELESSNESS,ETC.ARE MONSTERS,INC. MOVIE OR READ ESOYERIC OR SPIRITUAL INFO.There IS NO VIRUS,SO THERE ISNT A VIRUS VARIANT.FACT!!!!There is a eitches brew of toxic things in the DEATHJAB.THERE MAY ALSO BE A CURSE OR MAJICK SPELL IN JABS.LUCIFERASE ENZYME IN ONE OF THEM.CHANGES HUMAN POLARITY MAGNETIC FIELD,ANTENNA,DR. NOACK from Austria said nanocrap forms bladelike shape and blocks,amalgamates,shreds,inside body.Austrian dracohumanthings came for him,beat him,killed him.Beforeitsnews and other sites posted this.Theorionlines.o,corporaterapsheet.o,educate-yourself.o,dr.huldaclark.o,royalrife.o,truth11.c,henrymakow.c,matrixofgog.c,The Petestroika Deception An American Grimmoire,,Law of One,richardlighthouse.c,dr.judywood.c,Thecamelotproject.c @Telegram,The Pegasus Project,Operation Lockstep,Gardenplot,Popeye,Bluebeam,,,[email protected] Babies,chair of Destiny,Urantia book,hubrids,St Benedict Prayer and medals in EXORCISMS. Also the fact that American society began disintegration from cia drug culture freelove,chaos b.s. In 60’s.Manson and many were part of cia ops,falseflags,sandyhook,oklahoma bombing,912 as ritual sacrifice.Wake Up!!!!!!

December 5, 2021 8:18 am

(This is Guest)
Great article and very good advice to follow.

I do have issue with the first quote:
The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.

– Aldous Huxley

A ploy to make people think righteous indignation is a bad thing. While it’s true people can go into bad behavior, it all depends on who is defining these terms, etc.
You can tell people who don’t get Christianity because they always leave out the judgement/punishment part (not the the author!).
Perhaps a way to reach that group you listed as not included in discussions is through feeling words. Like I say ‘experimenting on children is disgusting and I can’t believe parents and doctors are doing it’.
It gets to people and I DO feel righteous indignation and DO want them punished.

Anyway, as said you are really fighting the fight and it’s appreciated.

December 5, 2021 8:59 am

First of all, Doug, the title is splendid. It reminds me of being “on crew” in Iceland with AWACS during the 1980s, talking about the ongoing tension with the USSR regarding the massive weapons buildup Ronald Reagan planned and partially executed to literally break the back of the Soviet Union financially.

At one point, the war games and threats were close to wartime footing, supposedly* and we had an extra crew and jet to cover the movements of the Soviet navy in the North Seas. There was an enormous amount of fighter activity and there was real concern (or excitement from weapons controller teams eager for “activity”) we were facing the real deal.

I joked seriously that if the missile were coming our way to deter the fleet at Keflavik Naval Air Station from defending the North Atlantic, I was just going to step outside and try to catch it. Because, what else were we going to do, really? Zap them with radar beams?

So, yes. Let’s try to stop that wave, if we can.

But, is there any way we might possibly get on top of the wave and ride it safely to its natural collision with the shore?

comment image

The biking biologist envisions it like this: those of us who are staying on top of the real science are riding the wave instead of waiting for it to fall upon us, like the “skilled tv watchers” blindly beneath the wave. Will we get to “shore” or will the wave break and crush us like the rest?

I saw an amazing thing in the sky and I suppose it was related to that asteroid headed our way. My son and I were putting roasting roosters into their hutch against their will when my son said “What is that?” and I looked up and it was as it a string of sparkling lights were being drawn across the dome of the sky. I ran to the house to get my camera and by the time I got back outside (two minutes tops), the string of sparkling lights had traversed the entire sky and faded into the eastern horizon. I didn’t get an image, of course. So, if I were to go on TV to tell about it, I would be one of those dumb hillbillies talking about UFOs.

My son and I agree (and you know he is a real rocket scientist with credentials from JHUAPL) it did not seem like an asteroid or falling star. We saw it in the northwestern sky and it traveled south then turned northeast. Perhaps it was an asteroid with a mind of its own.

I was hoping for a direct hit on some congresscritters, but haven’t heard.

Okay, my morning ramble is over.

Good piece that got me thinking.

*(old pal from mayberry? how much of it actually is theater? Will we, one day, like Truman, find a big wall on the horizon with a hidden doorway to the “TRUTH”?)

**the UN helicopter had gone “radio and IFF silent” in order to land safely but the weapons team didn’t realize that. In my opinion, Captain Wang got scapegoated to save the LtC on board from prosecution. Isn’t the highest ranking guy always at fault? Oddly enough, the LtC on board changed his last name and continued up the food chain in the usaf. Strange things happen when no one is paying close attention. I heard he was Somebody’s son.

December 5, 2021 9:53 am

The string of twinkly lights was the Starlink satellites launched by Musk. They are tiny, they number in the hundreds and he intends to launch thousands more.

December 5, 2021 10:14 am

I saw an article suggesting Musk controls a third of the satellites orbiting the globe… er, the Earth.

Dunning-Krueger explains a lot. Our public schools are horrid tools of the enemy.

December 5, 2021 10:40 am

English teachers have genders, humans have sexes.

Exchanging straw man arguments is not intellectual, it is dishonest. I am sure both parties mentioned in the video are guilty. I don’t believe in flat Earth.

I never thought Dunning-Krueger to be any more profound than any other common sense. The most obvious case I saw skimming through here is how Soy Boy doesn’t understand gravity beyond the equations in intro physics. I don’t think any of the arguments he deconstructs are made by serious people.

I am glad we found a place in Arkansas, because it is a bit like Oklahoma.

December 5, 2021 4:47 pm

I deleted the Dunning-Krueger video. It was the wrong example of the effect for the topic and so I removed it. I still think it was funny the way he played that little clip with the graphic to reply sometimes.

Professor Dave is NOT a professor but a smart guy with his own opinion presented in an entertaining way.

December 5, 2021 5:01 pm

This is actually more applicable and relevant, I think.

December 6, 2021 10:55 pm

Malice foments stupidity, but malice is bigger than stupidity. Stupidity is a kind of subset of malice.

bbbbb a.I. is evil,viva la humans
bbbbb a.I. is evil,viva la humans
December 5, 2021 11:11 pm

No excuse for anti-intellectual behavior and culture here.Being an avid reader,student,and former English language teacher in training,horse to water and all that.Yes,I and cohort were trained and encouraged to analyze,debate,argue,think divergently,for the most part,it depends upon school as well as economic fabric of locale.Overburdened schools or teachers will want obedient behaved students who do not challenge much or delay implementation of schoolboard approved curriculum which is controlled largely by d.s. Cabal.Such a thing as a library or even a bookstore.

December 5, 2021 10:39 am

I have a reservation for a dish. It is a government subsidized scam, but it works great for the end user who can get it. My only other choice will be Hughsnet for internet. We don’t watch any TV at all.

December 5, 2021 2:42 pm

What dish as our only options were ViaSat or Hughesnet, both suck but we went with Viasat after trying Hughesnet for half a year and they were really bad.

December 5, 2021 5:11 pm

It is called Starlink and there is a waiting list. How did you get out of Hughsnet after only 6 months? Maybe we will go with Viasat first.

December 5, 2021 11:48 am

“The string of twinkly lights was the Starlink satellites…”

That’s what I thought too, Rev, until the change of direction.

Was it merely an APPARENT change of direction from the observer’s position or an actual change of course?

December 5, 2021 4:49 pm

Perhaps it was a “seeming” change of direction since I ran a hundred yards or so (okay, a slow jog rapid walk) to the house from the barnyard, where we were shutting in chickens.

But it was definitely a completely different quadrant of the sky/horizon. We spotted it going up in the northwest and then it curved toward the east and by the time I came out of the house it was in the northeast.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 5, 2021 12:43 pm

Yes, the title is one of the best ever. That’s not to take away from the rest of it.

December 5, 2021 2:39 pm

Hey, wanted to say hi, was also in Keflavik in the navy in 1991 to 1993

December 5, 2021 4:50 pm

Ever go to the MarBar? We lived nearby in the dorms.

I was at the Top of the Rock in May/June 1992 a couple times.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 4:43 pm

“I saw an amazing thing in the sky and I suppose it was related to that asteroid headed our way. My son and I were putting roasting roosters into their hutch against their will when my son said “What is that?” and I looked up and it was as it a string of sparkling lights were being drawn across the dome of the sky. I ran to the house to get my camera and by the time I got back outside (two minutes tops), the string of sparkling lights had traversed the entire sky and faded into the eastern horizon. I didn’t get an image, of course. So, if I were to go on TV to tell about it, I would be one of those dumb hillbillies talking about UFOs.”

My son described observing the same thing in the sky last night.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 6:15 pm

Turns out to be some of Elon Musk’s antics, supposedly.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 6:29 pm

Alien abduction will be the government narrative post rapture of 100’s of millions spontaneously and simultaneously disappearing around the world in a twinkling of an eye.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2021 11:13 pm

Hubrids,clones,robitoids,draco meatpuppets.david marshall,truth11.c,,

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 6, 2021 11:00 pm

..that and swamp gas..

December 7, 2021 9:26 pm

Troll alert!

December 5, 2021 8:59 am

“Well over 90% of the adult population is double vaccinated, so the vaccinated cohort is over nine times the size of the unvaccinated cohort,” Weeks said, “A very small percentage of a large population is still more people than a higher percentage of a very small one.”

The article linked in the claim doesn’t include those specific data points, but cites the ratio between them — 4.8 to 1

Ceteris paribus, if the vaccines were totally ineffective (ZERO effectiveness); one would expect the ratio to be 9:1 if 90% of the population is double vaccinated. Instead the ratio is half that. Which puts the effectiveness of vaccines at 50%. (So, some of the vaxxed were experiencing their 4 to 6 month long sunshine period of total or partial — but waning — “immunity”)


But, more interestingly, I think, is that they ignore the point this HSA person makes when they sent you CDC “data” claiming that:

“the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 50-64 years was about 13 times higher than fully vaccinated adults aged 50-64 years.”

CUMULATIVE! In July. And cumulative what? Cumulative RATE. That is, the percent of people in the hospital with Covid who were unvaccinated. Added up since, what… March 2020?

So, in March 2020 what percentage of those hospitalized for Covid were unvaccinated? Uhh, … 100%

What percentage of Covid hospitalizations were unvaccinated in April 2020? Uhh, … 100%

May 2020?


Add up those rates for each month, and then divide by 16 months, and even if the percentage of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated were ZERO in July of ’21, you’d end up with a massive “CUMULATIVE RATE“.

Lying with farcically manipulated statistics.

December 5, 2021 12:44 pm

Statistics are like Ladies of the Night.
You can do anything you want with them.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 5, 2021 9:00 am

“Acting less informed than I really am and pretending that the dupes and me are figuring things out together.”

I will try that some time. I often feel that having 10+ years of a head start in this process is counterproductive when convincing others and only makes it appear that I belong in the looney bin (to those who are 10 years behind).

  Svarga Loka
December 5, 2021 7:01 pm

This strategy works.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
December 5, 2021 9:19 am

Well done, also really liked that vid by Dr, Robert Malone.
Viewed a piece on the phenomenon of Mass Formation at Peak that had Mattis Desmet, his discussion is worth viewing.
Simple as the turning away from God individually and by our society and pharma monetizing people, acts of the devil, free will run rampant.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
December 5, 2021 9:34 am
December 5, 2021 11:02 pm

Dostoyevsky’s The Brother’s Karamzov

The Grand Inquisitor has imprisoned Christ, demanding to know why he has bothered to return after fifteen hundred years absence.

” Free will, he says, is a devastating, impossible burden for mankind. Christ gave humanity the freedom to choose whether or not to follow him, but almost no one is strong enough to be faithful, and those who are not will be damned forever. The Grand Inquisitor says that Christ should have given people no choice, and instead taken power and given people security instead of freedom.
That way, the same people who were too weak to follow Christ to begin with would still be damned, but at least they could have happiness and security on Earth, rather than the impossible burden of moral freedom. The Grand Inquisitor says that the Church has now undertaken to correct Christ’s mistake. The Church is taking away freedom of choice and replacing it with security.”

December 5, 2021 9:26 am

The tsunami has already occurred. How to deal with it(clean-up) is the concern.

December 5, 2021 1:48 pm

The next tsunami may be from xenobots?

Scientists have created xenobots (to learn from) to address world issues.

They have faith in synthetic biology. They call it a game changer.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 4:44 pm

Will the robots be as expressive and look as happy as those people in the zoom meeting?

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 6:27 pm

comment image

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 11:29 pm


December 5, 2021 11:40 pm

Xenobots are old news,much has been hidden.Artificialbiology.Read Michael Crichton’s,Andromeda Strain=covd and Prey=xenobot swarms.Ethics,empathy,compassionheart are key to humanity.Many smart people have and still create daily horrors for fellow Earth dwellers,comes down to… SERVICE TO SELF VS. SERVICE TO OTHERS,POSITIVE VS. NEGATIVE.

Jack the Reefer
Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 9:29 am

Thank you for a very well defined, and heartfelt, perspective on where we are and the road forward. I agree with most of what was written as it comes from an experience most of us share, and therefore can validate. I have one disagreement and one suggestion to offer.

On winning hearts and minds and your apparently limitless patience with the editorial board: I, too, have been active since May of 2020 in public pronouncements in our city newspaper. There were, as to be expected, lively and at times acrimonious exchanges from the Covid Committed. I papered my columns, letters, and responses to posts with uncountable direct quotes and sources, statistical analysis, the pointing out of internal contradictions in CDC headlines vs. details, the actual data from trials, the criminal history of Big Pharma ad infinitum. I twice personally entreated the managing editor, a friend of mine, to publish just one objective article that pointed out alternative respected and credentialed medical opinion. I publicly invited the head of the department of epidemiology and immune response at our local teaching university to debate me, disprove my points and humiliate me, thus ending anyone considering me worth listening to. As they say, crickets to all this.

IMHO, at this point we have made a very fundamental mistake in how we have tried to combat this plague of lies and the tyranny just behind the smiling face of medical oppression. The more we offer factual, scientifically rational explanations, the more comprehensively the full all-mortality truth becomes apparent, the more they dig in. Give up, already. You are wasting your time and, quite possibly, reinforcing their resistance to anything like reason. It has not worked and there is ZERO reason to believe that will change.

My suggestion: a very simple two step plan. This is a psychological operation, not problem to be solved by honest dialog. If there is to be any hope of turning the tide at this late date I think we have to approach our response the way it is done in psychological warfare and propaganda.
1. That means no detailed analysis of competing claims. They don’t bother to read them and just seeing them builds resistance.
2. The use of narrative, storytelling and myth making to sew doubt, fear and confusion in the Sheep that they are on the right course.

The best way is to frame our position as questions: “Did you read about the 7-year old who died of a brain hemorrhage just after taking the vaccine? Did you see where Oxford came out in a paper and said something completely different from the CDC? I didn’t know it but have you seen the DOJ webpage where Pfizer has been fined over $3 billion dollars in the past for fraud of various kinds in its marketing? Did you hear about the people in Australia who don’t have Covid, have antibodies to it and yet are confined to a prison camp because they came in contact with someone who had it? Have you heard about all the European athletes dropping dead after taking the shot? Have you had a chance to see the websites with videos made of people with permanent nerve damage from the shot?”

There are a thousand outrages that can be put in the form of (rightfully) terrifying questions. Socrates understood the power of the question over asserting a truth. Our own brain will fill in the necessary, and person-appropriate, fear, our own Room 101. We need to start seeding powerful, simple to understand narratives, not doctoral dissertations on vascular cell lining damage. We needed that info for OUR purposes but it is useless now.

Instill fear, shock, doubt by narrating what can happen to their bodies, to their children, to their freedom. Don’t draw any conclusions, they will do that in their own quiet moments. But give up this idea it is an informational war. That is over. We get it, they don’t. This is the time to undermine and create doubt at its most fundamental, and instinctive, level. After this, the only remaining path will involve not the pen but the sword.

  Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 9:54 am

I agree with this, too.
It’s hard to not be logical, but many aren’t and decide if you want to win because it’s a war. Both tactics can be used.

  Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 10:32 am

From the horse’s mouth: “Those European athletes died of Covid.”

You can’t fix stupid.
Collapse on a large enough scale is the only thing that will get those people to seriously reconsider.
I’m starting to think the only thing left to us, is trying to assist in avoiding that the coming collapse turns into nuclear war.

bbbbb human
bbbbb human
December 5, 2021 11:47 pm

Never!!!We are having a Soul test.We must pray,meditate,reach out to SOURCE AND OTHERS OF THE LIGHT.J.SAID TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK,not because he was cowardly,but to stop the endless escalation of NEGATIVE VIBRATIONS,THOUGHTS,ACTIONS,RETRIBUTION.Of course defend yourself,even plants and bacteria do that,but negative entities are actually WEAKENED WHEN YOU PRAY FOR THEM TO FIND LIVE,LIGHT,GOD,PEACE,WHEN YOU RETURN LOVE FOR HATE,PEACE FOR VIOLENCE.THIS IS A DYNAMIC OF NEGATIVE TRYING TO BULLY,DOMINATE,STEAL OUR COHESION,LOVE,hope,positivity.Its all ABOUT POWER AND CONTROL.

  Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 4:43 pm

Good points, Jack, and I agree. However, in persuasion, sometimes it’s necessary to sell the appointment instead of the product. In this scenario I needed to overcome the editorial board’s objections, hence the focus on the minutia.

In the final product (i.e column) the primary thrust was far more accessible and I do use questions to make people think.

Here is the primary question of this particular foray: If the vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission, than what/who is behind the apparent agenda for vaccine passports?

December 5, 2021 6:28 pm

Digital currency.

December 5, 2021 11:21 pm

Yep. And that will be the next foray.

December 9, 2021 3:52 am

this might help as you’re sorting through proofs for an article.

Mark Carney lauds Lloyd’s of London in this 2015 address to attendees in “The Room” in “The City” at the invitation of Lloyd’s of London. You know; “The City” where by tradition the Queen Bee needs permission to enter. One thing I noticed Carney didn’t mention was back when Lloyd’s craftily set-up independent insurance brokers in a scheme that off-loaded Lloyd’s asbestos liabilities, unbeknownst to said very-suckered brokers who suffered bankruptcy as a result.

After reading this one, I wonder who will be left holding the bag for Lloyd’s Climate Derivatives.

“While there is always room for scientific disagreement about climate change (as there is with any scientific issue) I have found that insurers are amongst the most determined advocates for tackling it sooner rather than later. And little wonder. While others have been debating the theory, you have been dealing with the reality”

“The challenges currently posed by climate change pale in significance compared with what might come. The far-sighted amongst you are anticipating broader global impacts on property, migration and political stability, as well as food and water security”

“A classic problem in environmental economics is the tragedy of the commons. The solution to it lies in property rights and supply management”

“Climate change is the Tragedy of the Horizon”
[wonder if that’s In-the-Lodge code-speak]

“This paradox is deeper, as Lord Stern and others have amply demonstrated. As risks are a function of cumulative emissions, earlier action will mean less costly adjustment. The desirability of restricting climate change to 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels leads
to the notion of a carbon “budget”, an assessment of the amount of emissions the world can “afford”. [his quotes, not mine]

“As Chair of the FSB [Financial Stability Board – a BIS unit] I hosted a meeting last week where the private and public sectors discussed the current and prospective financial stability risks from climate change and what might be done to mitigate them”

And WIKI further informs us about what Mark Carney has later opined:

In his 23 August 2019 speech delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s 2019 annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium at Jackson Lake Lodge, entitled “The Growing Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current International Monetary and Financial System”, Carney said that the “widespread use of the US dollar—the dominant currency pricing—in “trade invoicing, in place of the currency of either the producer or the importer” has had a “destablilizing” effect on the global economy, according to Reuters.
About 50 percent of international trade relies on the US dollar as the “currency of choice.” This represents “five times greater than the US’s share in world goods imports, and three times its share in world exports.” Dominant currency pricing is not problematic when there is “synchronised growth” globally, Carney said. When “the tide is rising in America while receding elsewhere”, the system needs to be revamped. Carney cited an article by Markus K. Brunnermeier, Harold James, and Jean-Pierre Landau on the potential role of digital currency area (DCA) in redefining the international monetary system.

Speaking only hours after US President Donald Trump had posted on Twitter that he blamed Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s policies creating fears of an economic recession—and then threatened China with more retaliatory tariffs—Carney urged central banks to work together to replace the US dollar as reserve currency. He cautioned against choosing another new hegemonic reserve currency like the Renminbi and suggested instead, a “new Synthetic Hegemonic Currency (SHC), such as Libra, which could potentially be provided “through a network of central bank digital currencies,” that would decrease the US dollar’s “domineering influence” on trade worldwide.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 4:49 pm

That’s a solid tactical move.

Our biggest problem is we don’t have a strategic goal.

Getting back to normal, fixing the system, voting harder- none of those are going to solve the underlying problems. But getting more people off the fence is a smart move until then.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 8:51 pm

Some of us do have a goal. It is to cut the head off the snake. We are going to do this by seceding from the federal government, outlawing the current banking / monetary system(s), and walking away from all of the “legal” precedents that have allowed fascist corporations to have more rights than human beings.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 6, 2021 8:58 am

I consider the goal not letting health passports, etc. take hold. They are truly the end of any freedoms we have and are slavery. In fact I usually concentrate on this topic with those I talk to about the hoax.

December 7, 2021 10:04 pm

Your goal leaves the power structures engaging in these crimes against humanity in place.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Jack the Reefer
December 5, 2021 11:43 pm

Jack the Reefer,

The one area where I might disagree with your belief that logic cannot convince people of anything is in the most detailed genetic analysis of Covid. I say that with the full realization that Covid is at this point (and maybe always was) a tool to bring about totalitarian control. For example, when scientists were forced to change from “lab leak theory is racist” to “lab leak is much more probable”, it was an awakening for many – especially about the lengths that Fauci and his henchmen would go to to obscure their role in funding gain-of-function research.

Similarly, if scientists come to agree with the hypothesis that Covid, or a Covid-like illness swept across China and much of Asia starting in early 2018, it will upend much of the narrative about Covid and its origin. It will show China as even more venal than it is currently viewed, and also reveal many truths about the spread of the virus that counter current orthodoxy. For these reasons, I hope this hypothesis is spread widely and considered by those with the smarts and education to assess it:

China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018

December 5, 2021 9:31 am

Tidal wave,well……,break out your board and ride it!

When the wave hits shore and recedes you go to”ends up with them lined up against walls “.


A great article,a bit much to grasp with a Sunday hangover and only 2 cups of coffee(yet I made it thru)!

December 5, 2021 10:53 am

Have a bloody mary and a BC headache powder. Separately of course.

December 5, 2021 4:49 pm


Admittedly, it was longer then I had planned so I tried very hard to get it posted for Sunday reading. If I waited until tomorrow, it would have been more of an infringement on people’s busy week

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 9:33 am

Another great one, Doug.

Here’s the thing; no political, cultural, societal or religious system endures forever and even those that have the longest runs alter dramatically over relatively brief periods of time embracing beliefs that are polar opposites of those previously held.

We endure.

The fixation on a return to normal, as many refer to our previous life pre-collective psychosis, or even a form of stable society that would allow for day to day life without massive infringements on our personal liberty is not realistic, at least in terms of a public life. This fact cannot be glossed over.

We live in the time into which we born, it is unalterable.

In former times and places whenever a collective movement became destructive to its component parts- the individuals that make it up- the only choices to be made were to submit, fight or flee.

That’s the place where live today.

Make your decision, whatever it might be, and devote your full commitment to that effort.

Remember that the single most important thing for any living organism is to survive both in the short term- by living a full life and into the future by reproducing and rearing offspring.

Everything else is cake.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 10:01 am

A new and better society, minus the luxury of abundant fossil fuels and being much more local in nature, is coming…just a matter of time

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 10:50 am

We live in the time into which we born, it is unalterable.

Nicely put, although it would be more active to say “We are born into the time in which we must live” but that is simply wordsmithing to be doing it.

We are expecting a grandchild (Nick’s son but I’m claiming it too!) now and in spite of my initial worries, I can’t help but reach for the hope a newborn baby offers us all.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 1:42 pm

Congratulations, Ghost. That is good news.

“It is said that when God wants to change the world, he sends a baby-perfectly timed to grow, learn, and prepare and then take action at the right moment.”

I choose to believe this is true.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 4:50 pm

That’s a solid critique, thanks.

December 6, 2021 12:27 am

So happy for you, Ghost.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 10:56 am

Great comment. Thank you.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 4:51 pm


I hope to endure but, the way this one is playing out, I do wonder sometimes.

As always, thank you for the words.

December 5, 2021 11:18 pm

Shark’s teeth, one falls out and another one rolls into the space. Ad infinitum. We all die, we’re born, and that little hyphen between the dates on the tombstone is what our life was and, if not yet dead, then what our life presently is. Life is about struggle and overcoming and falling and getting up and grief and mourning and happiness and joy. It is about injustice and intolerable conditions that lead to revolution and a period of peace and prosperity followed by a downturn into tyranny and then a revolution and so on and on…. sometimes ol’ Peggy Lee sang about it….

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 11:37 pm

Hated that song as a kid.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 11:46 pm

Well, this should cheer you up…tally man, tally me bananas….dayo, etc. and so on….(\

I’ve been told I have a strange sense of humor…
comment image

December 6, 2021 6:35 am

We bowl on an old fogie league (we are the “new” kids at 60 and 65) where most of the 40-someodd members are 80s and even 90s! We have three WWII vets that hobble up to the line and throw strikes half the time!

However, the bowling alley caters to them, as they should. This is the final game song and when it starts playing a big round of Hey Oh! back and forth across the lanes starts up. It cracks me up to see all the fine old ladies and gents acting so silly.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2021 5:08 pm

Nowhere to flee to. I will not go silently into this good night. So the only thing left for me is to fight… Chip

December 5, 2021 5:08 pm

And never forget, Irish Democracy… Chip

December 5, 2021 11:42 pm
December 5, 2021 11:50 pm

Poisonpill tactic.Take as many down with tou,make it really inconvenient,expensive,troublesome,etc.Fire=purifying.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 9:39 am

“Sadly, the fear-based lockdown and pressure-release method has most people responding like puppets to masterfully manipulated strings.”

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 10:26 am

Then you must think all dystopian books/movies are “hardcore enemy propaganda”, instead of looking at it as a warning. That video symbolizes the elite/sheep relationship. It’s powerful and can be used to help others understand what they are creating with their compliance.

(“I don’t want to divert this post into oft-argued debates.” Nice way to try to get the last word. LOL.)

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 11:21 am

Hmmm…clever use of words. I’ll take that in the most positive way possible.

  Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 11:55 pm

Predictive programming=compliance and consent to some.Change the narrative.Deathjab,operating system,experimental,dna degrading gmo human,s.tanic kazharian,antihuman draco clone Genocidal attacks softkill Silent Weapons…………,

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 5, 2021 9:41 am

There is no point in engaging anyone who has an opinion on Covid®, the Great Reset, the near complete surrender of all sovereignty (personal to national), the decades-in-process financial scam, the political scam, the complete media takeover/surrender, none of it. Don’t waste your time. People who agree with you, see the scams and can be depended upon acres le deluge will not be reliably revealed until then. So do what you can to stay out of the inevitable debris field, keep as kind (but stern) a countenance as possible, and (most important) don’t EVER forget who the real enemy is. Don’t engage them at all until after the wave has swamped the system, and the real clean-up can begin.

Lastly, tend to your own rat-killing. When (not if) vermin need to be gotten rid of from your house (town, County, and so forth) take care of the job yourself. Trust no one. The corruption is so pervasive that trust may well be fatal. This applies all the way up the family/social life chain.

  Brian Reilly
December 5, 2021 2:34 pm

Yep! Keep your head down and when the time comes kill rats. Killing rats is a good thing.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  Brian Reilly
December 6, 2021 3:32 pm

Brian, agreed and agreed. “don’t engage until the wave has come and swamped the system” . Our job right now should be to endure, survive and be ready to plant in the ashes of a failed world. That’s a big enough task without wasting time and effort carefully vetting those with whom you might engage one day maybe. While we may sift an individual now and then, the constant bullhorning of the narrative negates our efforts. Indeed, there is no holding back a tsunami..

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 5, 2021 9:44 am

To those of you who are spiritually minded, if you read second Thessalonians chapter 2:11, you will note that although the antichrist will force his mark upon the world, the Lord is also has something for mankind and that is the sending of an operation of error that they would believe the lie.

Now I don’t even pretend to know when or where the mark will show up, but I’m pretty confident the delusion for the world to believe the lie is in full manifestation; just look around you and you will see the lie being swallowed by everyone.

Just remember that this delusion is the precursor to allowing all of the world to happily receive the mark and to suffer the fate of all the ungodly.

Watch and pray.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Not Sure
December 5, 2021 10:48 am

For the historically minded, my list of historical proofs before the exposing of “Build, Back, Better” is as follows

The healthcare debate shows the political infighting between red and blue to be purely theater; it was the health insurance execs who benefited most as they wrote the bills, FOR BOTH PARTIES.

The housing crisis of 2007-2008 again pitted Bush against Obama for political theater, but again the ones who committed the great con, the bankers, were also the ones who escaped prosecution and also made the most financially. This is all historical record.

Now for Covid. See “event 201” and consider the looming banking crisis that was averted by declaring a national emergency and instead of the banks crashing, the government stepped in to crash the system to”flatten the curve.” Now look at the predictions of mass casualties and compare to the actual deaths that occurred during the first wave and the lies become obvious.

BL the cur
BL the cur
  Not Sure
December 5, 2021 12:18 pm

Not Sure- Somewhere there is an ugly lizard-faced creature talking into his wrist watch saying, “We have one that can see”.

  Not Sure
December 5, 2021 11:59 pm

Bush was a Project Pegasus cia pawn.Real name is Scherff=Nazi.Obama=Barry Soetoro-adk astronaut,Andy Basiago who served with him in Pegasus,at Columbia U. And on MARS!!Clinton is really a Rothschild by direct bloidline,family story is b.s. Trumps a Black Sun,Scottish Rites Mason,beware.

  Not Sure
December 6, 2021 12:10 am

comment image

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 9:45 am

Nice work, Uncola. I’m running out of words to address this madness.

My mom informed me she is concerned her vax is wearing off and will be getting the booster…you know, because of Omicron. This is after my dad has already had two heart attacks post-jab. I don’t understand how she is the person who raised me. She refuses to see the red flags. She works for the pharmaceutical industry and trusts the medical establishment completely. I give up.

  Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 10:01 am

It’s truly mind boggling.
They want you to give up, though. Be stubborn.
I don’t mean nag your mom : ) but for you.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 10:04 am

I give up on her. I will never give in to their games.

  Abigail Adams
December 5, 2021 10:21 am

You’ve done what you could. What you needed to do.
Ezekiel 33:1-6

1 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:
3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.

December 5, 2021 11:09 am

Amen brother!!!!

December 5, 2021 11:13 am

For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battel? – King James Version (1611) 1 Cor 14:8

December 5, 2021 2:04 pm

It appears to me that we have arrived at “the beginning of sorrows”. When God removes his hand of blessing from the world it will devolve into sin and thus chaos. The “beginning of sorrows” should lead up to the tribulation period spoken of in the bible. Man’s theories and knowledge will not work against this time period, only the word of God. Those who have never trusted the shed blood of Jesus Christ will not survive, only those who have been born again will see redemption and the glory of that heavenly city. Jesus is the answer.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 5, 2021 3:30 pm

Why are you looking for a city (new Jerusalem) promised to others? We are a new creature, the heavenly body of Christ. Heaven does not come to earth for us; we go to heaven where our eternal work begins.

Of course Jesus is the answer. He is the answer for the earths problems (prophecy) and He is the answer for heavens problems (mystery). Confusion abounds when the two are combined. Let’s clear that up.

Why You Can’t Be Born Again

Steve L.
Steve L.
  grace country pastor
December 6, 2021 3:41 pm

Justin Johnson is an EXCELLENT Bible teacher. — I am in the early stages of watching videos of Johnson’s verse-by-verse Bible study on the Book of Ephesians on the “Grace Ambassadors” YouTube page.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Steve L.
December 6, 2021 6:44 pm

OUTSTANDING… share your thoughts anytime! Amazing the tremendous amount of Bible ignorance in the world. satan has surely done his job. When once we learn to rightly divide, it all becomes so crystal clear! I’m constantly amazed at the pushback from such beautiful truths.

  Abigail Adams
December 6, 2021 12:02 am

Make her read some of,Dr. Mary’s Monkey,The Poisoned Needle,Devra Davis,History of Cancer.Go,truth12.c,citizenwells.c,,,dr. Mercola,dr. Breggins,dr. Madej,dr. Zelenko,dr. Martin,dr. Cahill,dr. Vliet,dr. Tenpenny,dr. Ruby,dr. Kauffman,dr. Noack.

  Abigail Adams
December 6, 2021 12:32 am

I can empathize, Abigail. I’m not quite ready to give up on her. Must be the hopium.

December 5, 2021 10:13 am

I just don’t get all this blind trust for whatever story the government is pushing. If it wasn’t for the news or articles like this covid wouldn’t exist in my world. Life just goes on with only the fearful wearing a mask. How many locally have gotten the jab? Who knows. I think people are plenty tired of the propaganda and fear peddling. It’s a different planet here in a small town in a red state.

December 5, 2021 2:06 pm

Same here, life goes on with some fearful maskers in evidence in the stores. Seldom need a mask in medical facilities for services.

December 5, 2021 5:19 pm

I haven’t been going out much, but I see no masks and our grocery store was bulging.

Russ Wood
Russ Wood
December 8, 2021 6:47 am

South Africa is masked, because you’ll be arrested if found in public without one. And in a store? Well, the store itself may be heavily fined! Personally I HATE the face nappies!

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
December 5, 2021 10:24 am

Another in a series of excellent articles.

I am convinced we are on the verge of a devastating wave that will wipe out the economy and existing legal and political systems in a final tumultuous torrent. Certainly, the leading waves have done much damage, but the big one is coming and we know it’s the “big one” because of the overall intensity now occurring in the Information War.

Is this cause for optimism or pessimism? The answer depends on how you see government and those who would rule. I see them as people who do not direct waves but rather ride them, generally as well as a beginner surfer rides a 50-foot monster. They see this wave coming–you can’t miss it–and they are responding as one would expect, increasing censorship, repression, and totalitarianism. Tyrants are going to tyrannize, but that means trying to control the uncontrollable.

And uncontrollable this wave will be. Financially and economically, the wave is cresting if it has not already crested (h/t Elliot Wave International). Once it breaks I believe it will simply wipe out the world’s many bankrupt governments and visit unfathomable hardship on their dependents. Imagine the world looking like many major U.S. cities did in 2020 after George Floyd, only amplified by many orders of magnitude.

Chaos will be the order of the day, a chaos not conducive to totalitarians who will have neither the wherewithal to exercise control nor the productive capacity, either their own or what they can coerce, to remedy the situation. Most of the current debates will fade into insignificance as most people, other than a few hardy souls like HSF who have their own productive capacity and presumably the means to defend it, will struggle to survive. To finish on an optimistic note, out of that struggle will emerge colonies or enclaves based on the principles under which most TBPers and SLLers would want to live, principles conducive to long term survival. If not for us, our children.

I haven’t had much time to write lately so I don’t know if I’ll get an article out by Christmas. If not, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the great group at TBP. Thanks for an outstanding article, Doug.

  Robert Gore
December 5, 2021 5:11 pm

Excellent perspectives, as usual, Robert.

You wrote:

Chaos will be the order of the day, a chaos not conducive to totalitarians who will have neither the wherewithal to exercise control nor the productive capacity, either their own or what they can coerce, to remedy the situation

I’m not sure I completely concur…. BUT … rather than get into it in this comment, I’m just going to keep thinking about it.

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your article selections on and to thank you for all you do over there. I hope you and yours enjoy the holidays as well.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
December 6, 2021 9:00 am

Thanks for providing great material for SLL, and the best for you and yours during the holidays.

  Robert Gore
December 6, 2021 12:09 am

The tyrants are rhe chaos.They and minions have created the falseflags,roving,Soros-funded looters,mason police and judges,s.nist majick spell casters,etc.Operation Lockstep,R.fellers baby,1963.The Kalergi Plan.Vatican site was evil human sacrifice site for ages.We need to pray and raise our vibrations to offset evil.We need to grow our love,courage,faith,unity,peace.Dont give in to chaos and insanity.

  Robert Gore
December 6, 2021 2:38 am

“Chaos will be the order of the day, a chaos not conducive to totalitarians …”

That is where I disagree.
In the chaos, within a morally rudderless (i.e. now mostly Christianity-free) society, it will be a complete toss-up who gets to the controls next.
The by far highest probability is another and even worse totalitarian, see Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler, Mao etc…

December 5, 2021 10:26 am

Great article. Arguing with the pro-vaxxers, normies, cucks, sheeple, and other useful idiots of the Leviathan is a waste of precious time. My personal strategy is to watch and wait, while the legions of “vaccinated” fools start clogging the ERs of Amerika with all sorts of life-threatening health problems due to the jab. The MSM will not be able to spin this, no matter how hard they try. Wait until all of the jabbed children start dying.
Now it is vital to stay out of this debate. Stay prepped, focused, and vigilant. As things continue to crumble, the Leviathan at all levels will continue to lash out at those who were smart enough not to drink their purple Kool-Ade. One only has to look at the pathetic serfs in the disarmed gulags of Australia and Venezuela to see the future. Bleib ubrig.

December 5, 2021 2:12 pm

Arguing with idiots is akin to giving dead people medicine.

December 5, 2021 7:32 pm

I don’t believe in casting pearls before swine. However, I found a vaxxed man who was willing to listen, and I was careful to not overwhelm him. He is double jabbed but he is now convinced that he shouldn’t take any of the boosters.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
December 6, 2021 4:38 pm

Amen, Dweez. When the leftists and other useful idiots all know dozens or hundreds of dead no amount of spin will keep them all quiet. They’ll know they’ve been duped and THEY will start the revolution. After that good people will have to finish it and plant new societies and economies in the ashes of the old ones. Civilization resides IN us; therefore we must survive in order to pass it on.

December 5, 2021 10:33 am

I’ve gotten Steve Quayle and Western Rifle Shooters to post it so far. Sent it to a few others. Hopefully, they’ll do the same.

December 5, 2021 5:16 pm

Thank you for all you do, Man. I really appreciate it

BL the cur
BL the cur
December 5, 2021 10:52 am

Unc- Omicron has gone over like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl…..why? Where is the terror? Billed as EXTRA communicable and deadly, why are people ignoring this new psyop variant?

Me thinks the elite tidal wave has come in like a surfer delight on a Sunday afternoon. Just lofty enough to catch the attention but small enough as not to last for the long ride facing possible death. If I never watched TV or surfed the web, my daily life would be the same as before, with the exception of working at home.

Our currency is blown out, we must reset to a new one in the not too distant future. THAT is not a reason to deceive and genocide most of the population of the world. While Europe and Oz are having civil unrest, I have not seen so much as anyone around here get a parking ticket. Those who worship the MSM gleefully lined up to sacrifice themselves, that was their right and their decision. The smarter people are defying the edicts en masse and I believe the numbers are much higher than the bobbleheads are reporting.

Minions beware, right down to the clinic poison pusher for your day is nigh. The elite will be held accountable and I still hope before a firing squad at dawn with humanity watching in 4K as each body hits the ground. That will not bring back the dead, but I WILL settle for justice.

  BL the cur
December 5, 2021 5:18 pm

You may be right, BL, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Omicron still has some tricks up its sleeve

By The Way
By The Way
December 6, 2021 8:20 am

Like the above article says in its first paragraph, Omicron is coming for the children.

Posted on zero hedge this morning;

The moment children become seriously ill — as has already happened in Gauteng — the nature of the pandemic fundamentally alters.

  By The Way
December 8, 2021 1:27 am

By The Way-I give little or no credence to articles from Bloomberg. I give no never mind at all to Bloomberg writing about health.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  BL the cur
December 6, 2021 4:56 pm

BL the cur. Love that “Minions Beware”. Sounds like a good bumper sticker except these aren’t the times for bumper stickers. Ignorance should be no excuse if someone played the part in this travesty. Every talking head, politician, movie star, sports figure, cancel culture warrior and MD whore of big pharma should be accounted for..

  daddy Joe
December 8, 2021 12:52 am

daddy J- I’m serious as a heart attack….minions beware. A global genocide is the stuff of which God will level the playing field and while said leveling is occurring, we strike the purveyors of death with a taste of their own medicine.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
December 5, 2021 11:05 am

I did that at your urging a couple of weeks ago. Thank you.

December 5, 2021 11:15 am

Something about mass formation worth watching i think. An important point the guest makes is never shut up when facing a mass formation, once the opposition is removed the killings begin.

December 5, 2021 8:06 pm

A lot of additional (and expanded) insights and examples in that video, Monger. Thank you

By The Way
By The Way
December 5, 2021 11:38 pm

Monger’s video is very worthwhile. The podcast interviewer is quite intelligent and articulate as he interviews Mattias Desmet, the psychologist and statistician who Dr. Robert Malone references in this article’s ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ video above. Plus Desmet’s accent is hilarious.

December 6, 2021 9:03 am

It’s good, but one thing is they seem to think is that it is sort of a modern phenomenon and not the human condition. This leaves out some important things.

December 6, 2021 11:27 am

Thank WRSA, where i found it,

December 7, 2021 8:49 am

Amazing video!
Locally saved, for future reference.

BL the cur
BL the cur
December 5, 2021 11:18 am

Almost forgot Unc, in response to the true believers love to purchase after they’ve owned. Har, Har….if the sheep ever figure that out, we may progress as a specie.

Just as the Russian Communist revolution went into play, this global revolution is nothing more than the same preservation of MONOPOLY-CAPITALISTS with a side order of GLOBAL genocide thrown in. I said from the get-go that COVID is a cloaked new style commie takeover, on that we both agree.

December 5, 2021 11:32 am

Remember, you are not immune to the Covidianism if you are using any lies to form arguments.

That’s the act of also contributing to the evil by helping corroborate the lies.

Do you get that using lies to argue is falling for what they WANT you to do? Using statistical lies to supposedly point out inconsistencies – especially to the resistant choir – only serves to help validate the foundational lie – that IT exists. It’s utterly utterly ridiculous to write articles using any ‘this many got it’ statistics or that there’s ‘anything to develop any immunity against’, etc, etc.

ALL THEY NEED are people on both sides saying ‘it exists it exists it exists…..”.

There is NO virus.
There is NOTHING contagious OR mutating.
There is ONLY a multitude of bio weaponry effects and side effect from the jab.

We are stupidly ignoring our greatest weapon – demanding an answer to Question One!
Instead of arguing a chaos of false statistics, what if the only thing the whole world was demanding an answer to was:

What virus?

December 5, 2021 5:24 pm

I have dismissed this argument for the practical reason it is irrelevant. Their campaign against it is real and proving it is fake is not realistic.

December 5, 2021 5:27 pm

In this article, and past articles, I wrote that whether covid is an illusion or a bioweapon is beside the point.

Consider the reasons why. I identified one reason in this article but there are more.

December 5, 2021 7:43 pm

What you say is true, but the virus narrative is so pervasive that exposing the lie causes people to react the same way that they would if you told them that the earth is not a globe. That’s why we have to speak their language, at least for now. Persuade them in a way that they can relate to. Ask them questions so that they will have to think. Most of all, don’t overwhelm them.

December 6, 2021 10:46 am

Uncola, I will reread your article to catch the reasons you are referring to.

Vigilant, I’ve wondered if it’s now gone to far, and so pervasive that it’s too late to go back and start from issue number 1, but it makes us fools try to topple the baseless narrative while pretending it exists at the same time. That’s where they wanted us. Giving any of these lies weight makes my gut feel just as repulsed as a second after putting on a mask.

I think there’s a weird new ‘anything can go viral’ energy in the air that is being fully exploited by the liars and not at all being properly used by the exposers. Some clever short ‘No Virus. You got played. Here’s proof. Get mad.” followed by a short paragraph headed: Demand THIS Answer: and an undeniable biting sentence or two that puts the enemy against the wall.

I think that is a simple way to poke the hypnotized and not overwhelm them, but I don’t even think convincing the hypnotized is even necessary (or possible). A GRAND GLARING spotlight on the foundational lie is the only thing that will crack the bottom of the structure. There is NO hope of toppling the tower by throwing bricks at the top.

I would say that’s the only hope, but it appears that at least the jab deadly effects are becoming undeniable and throwing a serious wrench in at the least the jab part of the narrative.

December 8, 2021 1:04 pm

My first instinct is to not play along with the “viruses make you sick” narrative, as no virus has ever been purified and completely isolated. Here’s another case where the word isolated has come to have more than one definition. Like in a courtroom, where we think that we are speaking English, but they consider us to be speaking DOG LATIN (implying that we are dogs), when they are speaking legalese. It sounds the same, but the definitions of words are different.

That’s the only reason that I am saying to start out by speaking to them in their own language first. If you can’t convince them using their own paradigm, they won’t be able to grasp the greater truth that there are no viruses as they have been described to us.

I hate lies, but it seems that the people who we are trying to inform don’t mind deception. When a lie is exposed, they often respond with apathy.

“There is ONLY a multitude of bio weaponry effects and side effect from the jab.” TRUE.
I’m repulsed by the entire situation, also. Our frustration is part of their game.

December 6, 2021 8:57 am

Some sort of flu is making many deathly ill. For many it’s like a mild cold.
The new variant being pushed is the normal winter flu season to me.

December 6, 2021 11:27 am

Truth stands on its own, even if no one agrees. Humans hate The Truth…

December 5, 2021 11:42 am

Entire countries are now subject to the whims of non-elected health authoritarians as children are forced to wear masks in schools.” I’ve seen similar pronouncements in other articles, that non-elected officials are calling the shots. Does it matter they are non-elected? I’m asking a serious question. From what I have seen the past few decades up to now, the elected officials seem to do what THEY want as well.

December 5, 2021 12:58 pm

My county mandated masks inside buildings with signs ordered on all doors that allow public access in English and Spanish. I go to work and do not wear a mask along with most employees. The ones interfacing with the public at the counter do wear masks. I see people lined up wearing masks as they won’t receive service without. Most know it is all kabuki theater though I have observed that almost all women wear masks even outside as they walk to and from their cars while the men put it on before entering and doff upon leaving.

A friend in Sydney, AU recently sent me this:

“How has covid affected you? I was lucky enough to still be able to go into the office – all other staff in my team were working from home. When I went to my local GP for my 2nd shot, I was exposed to it in the surgery and I had to get tested and isolate. Everyday,I received a message from NSW Health to confirm I was at home and was even followed up with a visit from the police who also had a soldier with him and I had to go onto my balcony as proof that I was home. I was all clear.
Work sent my computer home so I was working from home for a couple of months.”

I don’t believe Americans who live in small towns would stand for this and the guns would come out. Though in this county deputies have killed people that stepped out on their porch with a weapon. A deputy I knew did just that about 2 decades ago in a town named Red Feather Lakes when the domestic situation turned deadly when the man brandished a weapon on his porch. It will come to that with mask checks here.

December 5, 2021 5:28 pm

Yea. There is a good bet they would get shot in my neck of the woods. Not by me, of course.

December 5, 2021 8:02 pm

Of course not.

December 6, 2021 12:14 am

U R balls deep in Dracos,beware and arm up.Many homemade weapons.Small,portable,loud alarms toss and run.

Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
December 6, 2021 5:01 pm

“Everyday,I received a message from NSW Health to confirm I was at home and was even followed up with a visit from the police who also had a soldier with him and I had to go onto my balcony as proof that I was home. I was all clear.”

Fucking insanity. I truly feel for you.

December 5, 2021 2:13 pm

We’ll never get a majority of the US on our side, in part due to the fact that some people are genetically inclined towards going along with the herd no matter what. They don’t care what is true, only what is acceptable to the Hive.

This is fine, since federal politics is out of our reach any way. We can get regional majorities, since internal migration has been sending liberals to blue states and conservatives to red states. This has been happening for some time now, and is accelerating. We need to get local and state power in these regions, then use that power to fend off federal overreach by any means. Desantis seems to be headed in this direction, but I’m not enthused about the demographics of FL for this to be a long term success.

We don’t need 50% + 1 in a locality or state to understand the nuances of vaccine science, just to understand that the Feds do not have their best interests at heart but that a regional party does. We don’t need 50% + 1 to incentivize undesirables to leave, thereby making the region even more conducive to our plans, just 3% (or less.)

December 5, 2021 2:15 pm

huxley wrote a how-to manual, not a warning. he would be happy to see what is happening.

December 5, 2021 2:54 pm

ALL the saints,prophets and watchmen were told by GOD,DO NOT HARM MY LITTLE ONES,america said BUT WE LOVE KILLING CHILDREN,so does our police and military,they LOVE killing children.remember the POSTERS the police USE for target practice?WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND OLD PEOPLE,you have doomed your self to hell america..JUDGEMENT begins shortly on america,DON’T cry,your were warned not to harm the children..NOW your pay day is about to arrive..

December 5, 2021 3:16 pm

The Dying & almost Dead Disunited States of Unamericunts is full of Stupid Morons that do whatever they’re told just like sheep. To inoculate yourself from the Covidian threat & Demonic/Communist 24hr Propaganda Psyop manipulation of Your Mind, Emotions, Spirit & Physical Wellbeing – You MUST have a belief in GOD. NEVER EVER COMPLY WITH DC – MOCK THEM, RIDICULE THEM, DENOUNCE THEM & IF NECESSARY KILL THEM. Disassociate yourself from Any & All Family, Friends, C0-Workers, Neighbors & other Zombie Fools who Comply with or Advocate Covidianism. Focus on Your Life, Family Life & Health. Only concern yourself with Your Neighborhood, Your City, Your County & if Your State is Not Fully Corrupt focus on that too – but Forget America it Doesn’t Exist Anymore.

December 10, 2021 8:28 am

America will survive the United States.

Forget the UNITED states.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 5, 2021 3:42 pm

Thank you for the recommendation!

December 5, 2021 5:06 pm

I will say it again. Covid ends when one side is dead. There will be 2 way warfare. I don’t desire this. I don’t declare any intention to participate. This is my prediction. I don’t think the masses will even survive to matter, because they will tear themselves apart or wake up to reality, so I agree with your conclusion.

December 6, 2021 12:15 am

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December 5, 2021 5:26 pm

I also questioned the provenance of the poster pic above purportedly from Dublin, questioned due to the two misspellings; the s/c “fact checkers” claim that the organization listed does not produce posters. However if one goes to the website they do indeed produce posters re: health issues, covid among them.

Perhaps the confusion is not an error, but intentional.

December 5, 2021 6:11 pm

One Hundred.

Beat you Mr. Thistle.

December 5, 2021 9:17 pm

It is great listening to like minded people. There is probably only 25% of us left but that is enough to change the tide. We just need to inform the people around us. Merry Christmas

December 5, 2021 9:18 pm

Thank you for this. We, all separated, are not alone.

December 6, 2021 12:25 am

Thank you for another thought provoking read, Uncola. I have resorted to the ask questions tactic. It doesn’t seem to work or am not doing it right. My mom is going to get her booster after the new year. She is having afib issues. I asked her to ask her cardio why six of his peers are not recommending the booster. Instead she tells him that I think that he is wrong and a booster will aggravate her heart condition even further. I only asked her to consider waiting because the shot has vascular impacts which mask as pulmonary. She relayed that part, but not the question about six of his peers.

My next question will be a variant (no pun intended) of yours. If the shots aren’t working, why are they being mandated?

December 6, 2021 6:05 am


Also, another variation on that question is this: If the shots work, than why are boosters needed?

December 6, 2021 6:32 am

Great article, thank you.

The poster from Ireland is fake, IMHO. At least, I haven’t seen one in person, nor in any of the many groups that I visit. Moreover, the “receieve” typo is very unlikely to happen on the official propaganda.

December 6, 2021 7:12 am

I love Covid and vaccinations. It is mostly the Leftists who line up for the poison and they will all soon be dead from it. What a wonderful way of culling the problematic herd. It will shift the center of power back to the Right. And for those who don’t believe it’s poison, then I suggest you watch videos of people violently shacking – a clear sign of poisoning.

December 6, 2021 9:26 am

I called our local hospital the other day to find out their Covid policies. I asked the first woman if they tell parents that the injection is experimental. She said , no, they direct them to the CDC website. Keep in mind these places all supposedly have translators for those poor, child like immigrants and migrant workers…

Anyway she directed me to the patient advocate who answered my questions (masks required, vaxxx not, tests not, visitors allowed in with patients). They’ve really loosened up if it’s true.
I then told her I would like to protest, and for her to put it in writing to the board, experimenting on children. Also that parents should be told outright that it is experimental. She said sort of under her breath, they’ll never do that. I said, that’s disgusting. She sighed.

She’s a real person in a small community. Tell them you’re disgusted and think it’s depraved, or whatever. The medical people are used to being on top of things and in fact the majority do want to help people.

Shame them. Shame your friend and family if you think doing this to children is very very bad. It only takes a few words- not attacking them personally (most times) but wha they are doing.

There are many tactics. Pick your battles and Change up tactics. Questioning is excellent but many of us don’t have these extended opportunities. I’ve mentioned before just telling people I’m against this experimentation, or simply saying I’m not a covidian shuts people down and I can tell they’ve never heard this before and now they have. Pure cognitive dissonance stating in instead of group think.

December 8, 2021 1:15 pm

The first time a doctor asked me if I’d been jabbed, my response was, “It’s too experimental.” He didn’t flinch.

Good ideas, Guest.

December 6, 2021 1:04 pm

This is definitely one of the top three reads of all TBP I’ve savored this year.
The main theme therein is a major deal for me–that is, HISTORY.
If more people read that dusty, ancient stuff, they’d be educated beyond belief.
That old chestnut of history not repeating, but rhyming, would be a mind-quake for many…which includes none of you reading these words: You know the story, and God Bless you for that.

December 6, 2021 2:53 pm

This cunt reported Richard Grenell to twatter support for spreading disinformation
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Fucken hilarious!
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empathy personified!
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a politician who wouldn’t lie!
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a unpopular Prez!

December 6, 2021 3:50 pm

Ezekiel 33:1-6

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
December 6, 2021 10:08 pm

The COVID psychosis/menticide is in full effect. The perpetrators of this crime against humanity are doubling down using Omicron to cover the fact their injections have failed, they are ineffective preventing or stopping “the spread” ( of a cold/flu like respiratory condition), their mRNA concoctions are making people sick and causing death. People know something is amiss they’ve seen family members get sick after the jabs or maybe they had an adverse reaction themselves; they are just too brainwashed for the cognitive dissonance to motivate and stimulate healing and sanity. Nevertheless, the natives are becoming restless, anxious and uneasy. They realize they were duped by Biden and the system is rigged against them. Some are inflicting self harm (alcoholism is up, so are substance abuse, overeating and suicide). Others are looking for scapegoats.
The cabalists have few options left, they have to generate more hysteria over “climate change” and mass shootings, inflation, ethnic and gender conflict so they can foster more division, an expanding sense of helplessness hopelessness about the societal change and implosion; then as crazy as it seems they will push their gun grabbing agenda. Only by creating a cowering, zonked out, dependent populous will the US ruling elites be able to bum rush us like their cohorts are doing in Australia, Austria, Italy, Canada and other nations around the world.
Logic and reasoning will not deprogram the COVID cultists but one way is to bypass their narrowmindedness is by getting them to see their protectors are conmen and snake oil salesmen. The counterpropaganda should use humor, satire and mockery against the misanthropes but empathy for them to break the COVID narrative.
Fear is a powerful weapon which is why the elites use it so effectively, they also use the other negative emotions like shame and guilt to throw us off balance and intimidate us so they can manipulate us to do what they want which is to totally acquiesce to their Brave New World agenda. They are making things more inconvenient for non-conformists and resisters, it will get worse before it gets better. Their not so subtle mantra “resistance is futile” should be openly mocked and their contradictions exposed. This is David vs Goliath big time. Time will tell whether or not we will overcome the divide and rule tactics to create a critical mass of non-conformists who will bring down the hydra. Start where you are using what you already have (your mind imagination and courage), seek out like minded people, to reinforce and encourage you, the psychosis will be with us for a while.

December 7, 2021 5:20 am

Robert Malone claims to have invented the mRNA vaccine. That is akin to saying that the Wright Brothers or Da Vinci invented the stealth bomber. Or that Jenner invented all vaccines.

In 1988, as a student, he undertook studies where he showed that RNA could be combined in lipids, and those combinations would be absorbed by cells, and that cells would create proteins in response. He was also involved in research in the 1990s.

But to say he invented the mRNA vaccines? Boy, now that is a long bow to draw. Untold numbers of people have been working on this stuff for decades. People were working on it for decades before his discovery, and laid groundwork for what he did. Maybe they invented the vaccine?

Current technology has advanced way, way beyond what he did as a grad student and as a research associate. What he did not do was create a vaccine. No way, no how did he do that. He made a significant discovery, that others then used to move forward. And maybe should not have done so, given what has happened.

Don’t believe anything you read and only half what you see with your own eyes. That is often excellent advice.

December 7, 2021 7:03 am

This pandemic hysteria has turned into a vice that’s blinding egos and views on both sides.

December 7, 2021 9:00 am

1. Start with your own spurious claim:
“Robert Malone claims to have invented the mRNA vaccine.”
(Show us a video, or a document written directly by him, where he states such!)

2. Drag in all kinds of half-assed factoids and based on that, basically make a gut-feeling call and declare that the ultimate truth.

3. Warn everyone about everything, including yourself.

4. Repeat.

December 7, 2021 9:59 am

does that observation include your own actions “m”

December 7, 2021 11:47 am

Interesting, perspective, Llpoh, and comparing the original mRNA applications to airplanes and the current vaccines to stealth bombers may quite an apt analogy indeed, in more ways than one.

It seems almost every post I’ve read on the internet has claimed Malone was either the inventor, co-inventor, or early pioneer, or similar; and, many moons, ago I did an internet search and found many (seemingly independent) sources identifying Malone as such.

But, as you write, sometimes accuracy doesn’t tell the whole story, and I, also, question how much truth can be sacrificed in the fog of war.

I couldn’t agree more with your last sentences as follows:

Don’t believe anything you read and only half what you see with your own eyes. That is often excellent advice.

December 7, 2021 12:21 pm

“It seems almost every post I’ve read on the internet has claimed Malone was either the inventor, co-inventor, or early pioneer, or similar”

From the link at the bottom of this post ……


“The tangled history of mRNA vaccines: Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.

In late 1987, Robert Malone performed a landmark experiment. He mixed strands of messenger RNA with droplets of fat, to create a kind of molecular stew. Human cells bathed in this genetic gumbo absorbed the mRNA, and began producing proteins from it.

Realizing that this discovery might have far-reaching potential in medicine, Malone, a graduate student at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, later jotted down some notes, which he signed and dated. If cells could create proteins from mRNA delivered into them, he wrote on 11 January 1988, it might be possible to “treat RNA as a drug”. Another member of the Salk lab signed the notes, too, for posterity. Later that year, Malone’s experiments showed that frog embryos absorbed such mRNA2. It was the first time anyone had used fatty droplets to ease mRNA’s passage into a living organism.

But the path to success was not direct. For many years after Malone’s experiments, which themselves had drawn on the work of other researchers, mRNA was seen as too unstable and expensive to be used as a drug or a vaccine. Dozens of academic labs and companies worked on the idea, struggling with finding the right formula of fats and nucleic acids — the building blocks of mRNA vaccines.

Today’s mRNA jabs have innovations that were invented years after Malone’s time in the lab, including chemically modified RNA and different types of fat bubble to ferry them into cells (see ‘Inside an mRNA COVID vaccine’). Still, Malone, who calls himself the “inventor of mRNA vaccines”, thinks his work hasn’t been given enough credit. “I’ve been written out of history,” he told Nature.

The beginnings of mRNA

Malone’s experiments didn’t come out of the blue. As far back as 1978, scientists had used fatty membrane structures called liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse3 and human4 cells to induce protein expression. The liposomes packaged and protected the mRNA and then fused with cell membranes to deliver the genetic material into cells. These experiments themselves built on years of work with liposomes and with mRNA; both were discovered in the 1960s (see ‘The history of mRNA vaccines’).”


Much more at the link below;

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 7, 2021 12:43 pm

Every research is like that. You stand on the shoulders of others who came before you, and with some luck you can see just a little bit further in the distance than they did. Later, others stand on your shoulders.

Importantly, Dr. Malone has a deep understanding of this technology, its promises and dangers, and therefore is worthy to be heard.

December 7, 2021 1:00 pm

alone by the fact that your linked article is from September 2021 I would take it with a cartload of salt, and instead search for unaltered (!) articles from before 2020 if possible…

December 7, 2021 4:31 pm

M – you show all the hallmarks of a left wing idiot. Make a claim that is easily refutable, someone easily refutes it, then you scream the source is no good. Too fucking funny.

How about you actually get a clue what you are talking about.

December 7, 2021 6:02 pm

Now your comment is even funnier.
The first two paragraphs that Stucky quoted basically confirm Malone (co-)invented mRNA technology, in my reading. Just the remainder is trying to downplay that into almost nothingness, as a good propaganda writer had to these days.
If you have a different reading, present a coherent argument, not hot air with an ad-hominem on top.

And I’m still waiting for you to prove your stated fact that “Robert Malone claims to have invented the mRNA vaccine.” Oh, you did below.

December 8, 2021 10:59 pm

This is a little feedback from a 10 yr+ lurker. This topic hits so close to home on many levels.
Stucky – welcome back. we NEED you and more like you. (and here is a pre-emptive FUCK YOU for calling you out as positive)
I just dealt with Covid for the second time along with several of my co workers (some vaxxed).
Ivermectin a couple days too late but still effective within 48 hours.
I live in a town where income varies from $20k – 2billion
Us workers are skeptical and careful. The other end of that spectrum (wealthier folks) tend to go along to get along – all Vaxxed – I actually lost out on a lucrative project today because we do not require vax. Watched one of my co- workers miss out on a date on a dating app cause he is not shot.
Just wrapped up a road trip through Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Folks in those parts are wondering what the hell is going on. Some really smart folks with a fraction of the net worth most of my clients possess.
We are still in the early stages of this. Matthew 25. Keep some oil in reserve and be ready for the master to return “After a long time.”

December 10, 2021 8:47 am

Definitely time to “trim your lamps”.

December 7, 2021 12:57 pm

I remember very well that Malone was at first, when he became known to the first blogs etc., touted as “the co-inventor or mRNA technology.”
Over time, and especially after the take-down of his mention on wikipedia, this was simplified/dumbed down to “inventor of mRNA” by more and more writers/bloggers.

I still haven’t seen a single claim [from a site which I would take serious for longer than 5 seconds] where he was touted as the “inventor of mRNA vaccines” (in general, or specific to Covid.)

So at this point Llpoh has to present some evidence for his claim first, me thinks.
And then we would like to see statements by Malone himself (or non-refutations, if such a pitch was made towards him.)

December 7, 2021 4:29 pm

M – how about this: “ The inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technologies”. (He is no such thing. He did not isolateRNA, nor did he develop the lipid system being used, etc. A woman is generally most recognised as the prime inventor of the vaccines, but that is also not entirely accepted). .

That came from his own LinkedIn site. I think that is proof fucking positive, don’t you? It is his fucking site, and he controls what goes onto it.

He also claims on that same site that he is widely acknowledged as such. In fact, he is not widely acknowledged as such.

That took all of two seconds to dig up. Why don’t you do some actual work before you shoot your cum holster off?

December 7, 2021 6:11 pm

Impressive research by you. (AFTER you wrote your original post.)
Did you also spend a few seconds more, follow the link from LinkedIn to his homepage, and read this

This seems to be a lot more convoluted than expected.

December 7, 2021 7:25 pm

Unlike fuckwits who comment while knowing zero about a subject, I actually had researched this stuff, because, you know, I am suspicious about every damn thing I read. Malone had triggered my bullshit detector previously.

He made early contributions. But lately not so much. He did not isolate RNA, nor did he develop or use a lipid that worked. He was a key link in the chain, but not the key link. There were others far more important, and he did not develop the tech, best I can tell anyway.

December 8, 2021 11:39 am

Robert Malone is not the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and will admit that when pressed about it. He absolutely did work on an experiment coating mrna with lipids to increase uptake in cells. However, his experiments came in 1987 and other scientists were using liposomes for mrna transport back in the late 70’s. And he did nothing to deal with pseudouridine and the terrific work of Kariko and Weismann on making mrna more stable and less likely to induce an inflammatory response.

However, he’s getting a lot of attention by showing up on newstalk shows and updating his Wikipedia entry to name himself the father/inventor of these vaccines.

As an academic friend of mine told me almost two years ago, the mRNA methodology was being used by a number of research teams in the late 1980s in several zoology and biology labs. Dr. Malone has the first patent on a successful use of the technology in animals.

Protective mucosal immune responses are most effectively induced by mucosal immunization through oral, nasal, rectal or vaginal routes, but the vast majority of vaccines in use today are administered by injection. As discussed in this Review, current research is providing new insights into the function of mucosal tissues and the interplay of innate and adaptive immune responses that results in immune protection at mucosal surfaces. These advances promise to accelerate the development and testing of new mucosal vaccines against many human diseases including HIV/AIDS.

So, Dr. Malone holds the first patent on the use of mRNA transfection by mucosal vaccination, i.e., nasal, oral, vaginal or rectal insertion. Like on a Q-tip.

Lookit all the patents Fauci has his name upon!!!!

December 8, 2021 1:32 pm

Great find! Thanks.

December 8, 2021 11:48 am

I have an unrelated question but it is something folks need to think about.

We have an unsolicited offer on our little “treehouse” undergoing renovation. The guy is interested because of the unique layout of the three acres… it has a plateau behind it where he wants to put in an organic garden as a business.

That set my alarm bells off because if he plans to be certified U.S. Organic, that implies federal inspection access to the boundary of our land.

Am I right? He cannot sell as U.S. Organic without inspection of the soil adjacent to his as well, can he?

Our soil is as organic as that soil but it is only our business.

We do not need the money and he’s being overly pushy. That’s one strike, but if he plans to invite federal people (revenuers!) to test his and possibly our soil? He’s out on TWO.

December 8, 2021 12:47 pm

Hey Maggie Magoo,

I don’t want to ask Llpoh this question because he is thin-skinned and will yell at me … and you never get mad at me, soooo ….

… what the HELL is so damned important in regards to whether or not Malone invented mRNA??

Honestly, I don’t understand this mini shitfest.

December 8, 2021 1:30 pm

He and his partner made an offer.

I cannot imagine two gay organic farmers living near my husband if he has a sayso.

So.never mind.

Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush
December 9, 2021 12:46 pm

Just say no, Maggie.

December 7, 2021 4:42 pm

Unc – the most widely accepted inventor is Katalin Kariko and her associate Drew someone or other, I forget his name. If you didn’t come across her name, then your research was….. well, flawed. Malone has been pushed as a narrative. He was part of the chain, and is pretty well trained. But he perhaps has a thorn in his side about some things that happened, was unable to finish his PHD where he did his work, and his general claims are generally thought to be overblown with respect to companies he worked for. He did have a good vision. But it was Katalin Kariko that drove this

I would not say this stuff if I had not done background research into it.

December 7, 2021 9:47 pm

Do you think Malone is an unworthy champion against Faucism?

The guy is vaxxed but still has the nads to stand on principle against those whom I consider my enemies. Ya know?

If Katalin Kariko had posted a video on Mass Formation Psychosis, I would have posted hers too.

Overall, though, I admire Malone taking the stand he has. He’s over the target, in my opinion, and that makes him a target of the Great Reset crowd.

And I don’t think any legitimate research on the man will diminish his accomplishments or his reputation.

December 7, 2021 10:56 pm

His rep is largely stuffed in the scientific community. So any good rep he has is with other groups.

I think anyone who claims to be the inventor of the vax when he is clearly no such thing is suspect as a reliable source. So, yes, I think I would prefer a different champion. I am against narrative no matter which side it comes from.

Is it nads he has? Or red ass owing to slights he feels? I am going with door number two.

December 8, 2021 12:32 am

Malone has been the tip of the spear against the vax agenda. He has been consistently interviewed on national shows by the likes of Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, and Steve Bannon.

That does take some balls. Especially given the powerful forces he is standing against.

And even this carefully crafted hit piece in the Atlantic was forced to acknowledge the following:

Robert Malone: Vaccine Scientist, Vaccine Skeptic – The Atlantic

Malone was a graduate student in biology in the late 1980s at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, he injected genetic material—DNA and RNA—into the cells of mice in hopes of creating a new kind of vaccine. He was the first author on a 1989 paper demonstrating how RNA could be delivered into cells using lipids, which are basically tiny globules of fat, and a co-author on a 1990 Science paper showing that if you inject pure RNA or DNA into mouse muscle cells, it can lead to the transcription of new proteins. If the same approach worked for human cells, the latter paper said in its conclusion, this technology “may provide alternative approaches to vaccine development.”

These two studies do indeed represent seminal work in the field of gene transfer, according to Rein Verbeke, a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University, in Belgium, and the lead author of a 2019 history of mRNA-vaccine development. (Indeed, Malone’s studies are the first two references in Verbeke’s paper, out of 224 in total.) Verbeke told me he believes that Malone and his co-authors “sparked for the first time the hope that mRNA could have potential as a new drug class,” though he also notes that “the achievement of the mRNA vaccines of today is the accomplishment of a lot of collaborative efforts.”

Honestly, Llpoh, it doesn’t appear (as you say) “his rep is largely stuffed in the scientific community.”

Even if that’s what the Atlantic wants people to think.

Ya know?

December 8, 2021 2:26 am

You are reading different source material than I am. The stuffed rep is not from his original work, which everyone acknowledges. It is from what has followed., his stints at other orgs. His failure to complete his PHD, etc. His current stance, whether true or not, is not well regarded. Mainstream science does not agree with him, and that is putting it extremely mildly.

It is not just what the Atlantic thinks. It is a widespread belief. He is the poster boy for the right wing. I am always skeptical of poster boys, especially ones who may have an axe to grind.

December 8, 2021 8:05 am

I do appreciate your perspectives. In this case, however, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I, also, don’t trust the mainstream science as it has been politically propagandized – especially, in relation to covid and climate change.

I judge people by their actions and each of our assessments of Malone may have some merit.

I get what you are saying about poster boys and…. would I be surprised if Malone sells out at some point? Nope. Because nothing surprises me anymore.

Hardscrabble once commented here regarding all of our heroes as having feet of clay.

Maybe so.

But, until then, I will take what I can get.

In closing, persuasion is a strategy in the information war and the thrust of my above article had to do with crowd psychosis. Therefore, it seemed better to cite Malone’s (commonly referenced) reputation as mRNa inventor instead of (as you say) one whose reputation “is largely stuffed in the scientific community.”

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens in the days ahead

December 9, 2021 4:23 am

> His failure to complete his PHD
> Mainstream science does not agree
> a widespread belief
> He is the poster boy for the right wing

Either I’m too dense to get your wizard-level trolling,
“STOP, you’re making it worse!” {/Monsters Inc.}

December 8, 2021 1:46 pm

“Malone has been pushed as a narrative. He was part of the chain, and is pretty well trained.”

Yes, he’s presenting vital truths, but he came on the scene late in the game. I immediately suspected him as a gatekeeper because of his background and his ties. Gatekeepers do provide valuable facts and information, but they also keep you from digging deeper.

December 8, 2021 2:18 pm

Could Malone be the nip to catfish the skeptics…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 7, 2021 7:16 am

You’re stylistic development over the years has been an inspiration.

That is precisely how to drop a truth bomb through the transom.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 7, 2021 11:34 am

And, A.P., I have very much appreciated your passion on the pages of TBP as well as your reporting skills. We may not always 100% agree regarding our observations, assumptions, premises, and conclusions on every topic, but, perhaps, we agree more than we disagree on most.

I thought many of your informational posts on current events were excellent as well as your original articles.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 7, 2021 9:23 am

Yes, I feel like I have the moral responsibility to tell others. It is my main reason I do so: for myself. So I can always say to my self that I did the right thing. If I make even one person start to question, that is icing, but even if I don’t, I will continue to do so, especially to people who are dear to my heart.

  Svarga Loka
December 7, 2021 11:34 am

That’s pretty much how I see it, too, Svarga