Toward a Theory of Impossibility

Sometimes Fred writes dumb stuff. Sometimes Fred writes brilliant stuff.  Today, Fred is brilliant.  C’mon Fred, you won’t say the word … the word behind all this amazing complexity, especially the cell.  Just say it, Fred!  Behind all this complexity is ………….. GOD!  See?  That wasn’t hard, was it?


Toward a Theory of Impossibility: Column Upends Science

In today’s column, we will revolutionize science, and establish that much of what we believe, at least regarding living things, is at best improbable and likely impossible. Science won’t notice, so no harm will be done.

As we explicate the Theory of Impossibility, we must begin with particle physics. This will give the column a touch of class. Specifically, the Fundamental Theorem of Quantum Mechanics states, “If a thing makes no sense at all, wait until you get used to it, and then it will.” For example, the idea that a particle can simultaneously be a wave is absurd, but is now everywhere accepted, like potatoes. The EPR effect, holding that if one of a pair of entangled photons, in Scarsdale, changes polarity, its entangled partner, in Alpha Centauri, will simultaneously change polarity, is ridiculous. How would it know? Neither of these things can happen. But they do, so we regard them as reasonable. Here we enunciate and underlying principle: A thing is not necessarily possible merely because it happens.

Unless something is going on that we do not know about.

Scientists see the universe as if it were a gigantic crossword puzzle. Crosswords are inherently solvable. While the great puzzle of life and existence has not been entirely elucidated, we assume that it can be, given time and effort. We may not know a five-letter word ending in Q that means “seventh-century Persian coin,” but we assume that it exists and can one day be found. But…is this so?

This reminds me that when I was in college, before the invention of fire, sophomores quoted Gödel’s Theorem as saying that in a logical system of sufficient complexity, there were questions that could not be answered within the system. Whether the theorem actually says this, I forget, but we said it said it, and felt very wise.

Here we come to one of my favorite clichés, by the British biologist J.B.S. Haldane, “The world is not only queerer than we think, but queerer than we can think.” Just so. Perhaps there are questions that can’t be answered, and therefore won’t be. This cannot be a comforting thought to a new-minted chemist as he rushes forth from CalTech, which may be why anything suggesting inherent unanswerability is rejected. But it may be that we just aren’t smart enough to understand everything, or maybe even much of it. Here we come to another cliché by my favorite philosopher (me): The smartest of a large number of hamsters is still a hamster.

Now, impossibility. Suppose I showed you a pair of tiny gears and said, “See? When I turn this one, it meshes with the other and makes it turn too.” You would respond with a lack of surprise. Suppose I then showed you fifty such little gears in an old-fashioned Swiss watch in which they all turned to make the hands move. You might say, “Isn’t that ingenious.” Suppose that I then told you that someone had assembled, literally, a cubic mile of such tiny gears and that they meshed perfectly for fifty years to do many complex things. You would ask me what I was smoking.

Even though each step in a cubic-mile process could be shown to be possible—gear A turns gear B, which turns gears C and D—you would sense that the entire complex wouldn’t work, however plausible each sub-process might be. You would be unconsciously applying the law that the improbability of the whole is greater than the sum of the improbabilities of the parts. The improbability is not a linear function of the number of parts but increases without limit as the number of parts goes above, say, one thousand.

Does that sound dreadfully portentous, or what? One day it will be the foundation of ponderous overpriced textbooks to extract money from sophomores. At least I hope so. I could use the money.

To a neophyte of biochemistry, the textbook description of a cell seems the mapping of a robotic Japanese factory onto a swamp. For example, in what sounds like a computer-controlled assembly line, enzymes uncoil the DNA, others unzip it, complementary nucleotides snap into place, a zipper-upper enzyme glues them together, click, click, click, whereupon the mRNA rushes purposefully off to a ribosome where, click, click, click. This is probably AP biology in decent high schools, if any, and has been verified thousands of times by biochemists. But…it sounds like mechanical engineering, not mindless undirected glop in solution.

You say, “But Fred, you don’t know anything about biochemistry.” True, but so what? You don’t have to know anything about it to know that it is impossible. Too many little wheels. You’ve got mRNA and microRNA and rRNA all rushing about, or sometimes holding still, and doing complex and purposeful things, and tRNA codons and anticodons coupling like drunken teenagers, and busybody enzymes editing this or that on the fly in the manner of bioschoolmarms or splicing this and some other thing and ribosomes and lysosomes and spliceosomes and palindromes and maybe aerodromes and really twisty long molecules with names like 2,4-diethyl-polywannacrackerene—and all of this is said to run with the efficiency of a Mexican drug cartel. All of this in a tiny space where everything ought to bang into everything else and just lie there in smoking rubble.

To us barbarians on the outside, the cell looks like a microscopic globule of goop with sticky stuff diffusing mindlessly about. I do not doubt that biochemists, whom I respect, have shown all of this to happen by careful experiments. I just don’t believe it. It’s the cubic mile of gears again. You have hundreds of reactive species in close proximity doing extraordinarily complicated things for sometimes a hundred years with what sounds like precisely coordinated purposefulness–instead of congealing immediately into a droplet of disagreeable mush. I do not doubt that lab folk have proved that it happens. I just don’t think it is possible. Unless something is going on that we don’t understand.

The foregoing is not orthodox biochemistry and may encounter initial resistance in the trade.

A problem of biology for years has been the inability of evolutionists to explain how life or many of its manifestations can have evolved, irreducible complexity and all that, the usual response being ok, we aren’t sure, but any day now we will have the answer. The check is in the mail. But in fact the inexplicability grows ever greater year on year as more and more complexity is discovered, such as epigenetics, and the more complexity, the less likelihood of coming about by chance. But we advocates of Impossibility Theory assert that not only can living things not have evolved, but also that they can’t function. Too many little gear wheels. Therefore life doesn’t exist.

Consider the retina, a very thin membrane consisting of ten distinct sublayers engaging in appallingly complex biochemistry, somehow maintaining position and function for, occasionally, a hundred years. These layers consist of millions of cells doing the impossibly tricky chemical dance mentioned above, more or less perfectly. In the rest of the eye you have the three layers of the eyeball, sclera, choroid, retina, and the five layers of the cornea, epithelium, Bowman’s membrane, stroma, Descemet’s membrane, and posterior lamina. And a lens consisting of a proteinaceous goop contained in a capsule, attached to the muscular ciliary body by suspensory ligaments, and an iris of radial and circumferential fibers innervated competitively by the sympathetic and parasympathetic subsystems of the autonomic nervous system. No way exists of explaining how this purportedly evolved—or how it works for many years without the layers of intricacy, biochemical through mechanical, collapsing. (I know this stuff because I have eye problems connected with Washington’s foreign policy.)

The intricacy of life is layered. We start with a zygote which, being a cell, is bogglingly complex. This little time bomb develops into a baby, which is impossible. If you don’t think so, try reading a textbook of embryology. The migration of cells, this control gradient, that control gradient, DGRNs, perfect inerrant specialization to form implausibly precise and complex things like incus, malleus, stapes, tympanum in the ear and (very) numerous other examples, all impossible individually and more so in aggregate.

Impossible, at least, unless we can come up with an auxiliary explanation. Magic seems a good candidate.

All of the organs of the baby are in varying degrees impossibly complicated and, even more impossible, almost always all of them are perfect at once. Everyone knows Murphy’s Law: If something can go wrong, it will. A baby should bring joy to Murphy because the opportunities of disaster are nearly infinite—yet things almost never go wrong. It is like a federal program that actually works.

The functioning of said baby is as mysterious as its formation. Babies grow. Children grow. How does this happen? For example, the baby has various small, hollow bones which grow year after year into large hollow bones. For this to work, cells (osteoclasts) eat away the bone from the inside, making the hollow larger, while other cells (osteoblasts) lay down new bone on the outside. Complex and wildly implausible communication between blast and clast purportedly makes this work. Medical researchers, honest people, no fools, assure me that this happens, and I believe them. Sort of. The idea that this evolved by random mutation is, if I may use a technical term, nuts. So, according to Impossibility Theory, is its precise, inerrant functioning. We come back to magic.

The whole baby does this sort of thing. The skull grows. Kidneys grow. The heart grows. All, with few exceptions, perfectly. Meanwhile, kidneys excrete, endocrine glands secrete, neurons weirdly but correctly link up, skin grows in perfect layers, nervous system deploys—perfectly. Do you believe this? It isn’t possible.

Unless there is something we haven’t figured out, and perhaps can’t.

I don’t know much about anything (readers delight in assuring me of this). However, I don’t know less about computers than I don’t know about biology. I want an engineering information-flow analysis of cells and a baby. Probably there are courses and books about this, and I just haven’t heard of them.

Consider a drill, perhaps in a factory, controlled by a computer. The total information involved in this transaction presumably consists of information flowing from sensors on the drill to the computer, and from the computer to the drill. Digital bits are easy to understand if you have at least two fingers. Cells are dauntingly analog.

A whole lot of things have to happen in a cell at the right time and produce the right amounts of all sorts of stuff. But to my naïve gaze, not only do processes have to produce things in correct amounts, but the systems that tell them how much to produce have to know how much that is, and these interrelationships all have to interrelate with each other. How much is that in gigabytes? Again, I am a barbarian of such things, but I wish a software engineer would reduce the whole shebang to data-flow diagrams, including how it knows when things are wearing out and the information paths needed to repair them. And why everything doesn’t just stick to everything else.

Thee you have the elements of a theory of impossibility. Doubtless it will rank with general relativity and Watson and Crick. You saw it here first.

SOURCE: Fred Reed on The Saker


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 12:10 pm

The EPR effect, holding that if one of a pair of entangled photons, in Scarsdale, changes polarity, its entangled partner, in Alpha Centauri, will simultaneously change polarity, is ridiculous. How would it know? Neither of these things can happen. But they do, so we regard them as reasonable.

They do? We have people in Alpha Centauri monitoring polarity of entangled photons?

Huh, news to me.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 1:31 pm

They do indeed.
Substitute Topeka Kansas and you have the literal truth of it.
The use of Alpha Centauri is known as Literary License. It is used in this instance to make a point that might not be immediately obvious to, say, hardscrabble farmers.
Now go and cogitate deeply on this while tilling the soil today.
If that’s possible.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 1:48 pm

To me this explains why we are alone in the universe and always will be until we go away.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 1:56 pm

Check Bell’s Theorem, Bohm’s refinement thereof with respect to EPR, then the Bell Tests, by which time a complex can of worms will have been fully opened.

May 19, 2022 2:30 pm

The universe is expanding at an increasing rate, contrary to known physics of an explosion (Big Bang Theory).
Meaning that the closer you are to the center of the universe (us) the older it is, so “advanced” civilizations will have had less time to develop than ours.
If a person wants to start adding God/sky wizard stuff into the equation … there is your can of worms.

May 19, 2022 8:28 pm

I subscribe to the unpopular but equally valid theory that the universe is gaining mass, not expanding. Thermodynamics needed to be refined to incorporate EM to mass, it doesn’t break any rules of physics.

May 19, 2022 10:37 pm

The scientific consensus is an expanding universe but new developing research in physics and electric magnetic (plasma) universe theory is proving dark matter science and expanding universe theory wrong.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 6:08 pm

I think that Cher was going there after spending some time on Jupiter. I could be wrong.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 8:26 pm

It is a reproducible experiment, but it is not done from alpha centauri. Quantum entanglement is both real and necessary. How else does God communicate with all of his creation?

Red River D
Red River D
May 19, 2022 11:03 pm

God only speaks to you through quantum entanglement?

  Red River D
May 20, 2022 1:50 pm

I don’t know how it is done, but the rest of observable reality has mechanism, this is a possible one.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 19, 2022 8:51 pm

I’m just going to have to take his is word for it. That was some highfalutin globally goop. Give that man a couple of Tylenols, keep his feet elevated and perhaps an ice pack.

May 19, 2022 12:30 pm

Thanks. Correlationsal cause or coincidental effect?

Alex Christoforou has the best summary and discussion of The Last Money Grab Out of Ukraine” and it is terrifying.

Zelensky started a Crowd fund! McConnell and his Merry Band of Traitors got their photos taken in time to get their share of the tale!
Janet Yellen is barely able to keep the vultures off Russia’s illegally frozen reserve account. When Biden was giggling about taking illbegotten gains he was drooling over his customary 10 percent of the grift.

So we are headed to Somalia? Did the Clinton’s leave something there? How are the savages of Mogadishu doing?

May 19, 2022 12:37 pm

Grifters gonna’ grift Ghost.

May 19, 2022 1:22 pm

This time they are coming for all of us, though. Bea Attitude?

I think the mad scramble is on to grab what they can grab while the grabbing is good.

I really do believe that Hillary Clinton is the human embodiment of what was called the Whore of Babylon. Therefore, her spawn can only be spawn of hell.

In case you wondered how I feel about her spawn.

May 19, 2022 5:01 pm

There was no attitude in my comment Mags, why do you always read attitude into my statements?? I was just stating that they iz gonna grift, it’s expected. Dogs gonna lick their balls and crooked pols/criminals are gonna grift.

May 19, 2022 7:03 pm

Not being smart…just wanted you to see this is the last big gift outta Ukraine.

May 19, 2022 7:09 pm

Let me assure you that this will not be the last big grift out of Ukieland. If the KM rebuild their base there, you might as well start calling that place GRIFTISTAN. 🙂

It’s gonna be the new and improved Israhell. God help us.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 19, 2022 12:45 pm

Stopped reading at “The world is queer.”

  Svarga Loka
May 19, 2022 1:38 pm

Do you not understand the traditional use of the word as a synonym for “odd” before it was corrupted by the sodomites? It is not a good thing to let the defective among us establish the norms.
Perhaps if you think on this and understand, you would be able to read the rest of the article and perhaps learn something there also. Perhaps..

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 19, 2022 2:36 pm

I do understand the word, but I think given its connotation, any number of other words would have been better, i.e. odd, weird etc.

I am just tired.

Call it Covid brain if you want.

May 19, 2022 12:55 pm

I think it is the typical “presentation” of “god” that doesn’t connect with people. If one considers all of Fred’s examples, all of everything in the universe that we can see and that we cannot see and even beyond that to be the divine, then images of old men with long beards or even young men with short beards fall hopelessly short of the proper “image” or “representation. People scoff at the multitude of god “images” that many eastern religions “worship,” but they are just human attempts at parsing the unfathomable into the “manageable.” Even the vast array of Greek and Roman gods simply sought to parse up the wide range of human existence (war, love, beauty, harvest, etc.) into frames of reference – while still acknowledging that there was a divine “presence” behind the scenes “running the show.” I think that far too many scientists fall into the same trap of negating the presence of a divine because of the “presentation” of religion to them or the promotion of imagery that falls short of what they are witnessing in their own experiments, observations, etc. I myself was an atheist for a long time and a huge believer in a scientific explanation for everything, mostly because of how I saw “god” presented. I have read the writings and seen videos of Hindu, Buddhist, and other “eastern religion” scientists who say that none of their colleagues has any issues with the “divine” being behind it all because it is implicit even in their own religions (despite the various “god” presentations). They see nothing as being other than the divine including themselves, so how could there be anything other than the divine at work in everything there is.

May 19, 2022 1:24 pm


May 19, 2022 2:15 pm

There’s no dichotmoy in believing that the “tao” of stasis and the “teh” of flux are simultaneously IS, both the cosmos and all activity–material and energetic–the state of Beingthat is usually anthropomorphized as “God”, then given an individuated identity equipped with volition: monotheistic and atheistic metaphysics part the ways here. Each and all is MIND in Zen metaphisics, for example.

May 19, 2022 9:04 pm

The anthropomorphizing of God is why he had to make a Son, both for Him and us.

May 19, 2022 7:31 pm

MahareshiMaheshStucky- You absolutely can take a picture of god….walk outside and take a picture of the trees/flowers/lakes/people/sky etc. God is within all and ALL is within God. Think of God as the program and we are in the computer.

May 19, 2022 7:48 pm

I’m sorry the truth is not as exciting as you had hoped Stucky. You’re the one getting into meditation and hippie prattle, next you’ll be using magic mushrooms to EXPAND your mind. 🙂

Again….. Greater is he that is IN me, than he that is in the world. Think being reduced to a digital point of light and inserted into a computer program.

May 20, 2022 10:40 am

I am well schooled in meditation Stuck. I believe it is the best way to commune with God other than prayer. I have nothing at all against meditation and there are physical benefits also.

Most of this divide is that it is a rare person who understands that we are not separate from God, we are as much a part as flowers and trees and God is in all things. THAT is the point that trips you up every time. You believe in the Sky Daddy version/biblical which makes us all so unimportant and lesser.

Just give it a think setting aside your biblical/man made God theology.Please understand I was not belittling you, razzing T for posting BS like it is real….yes.
This place is purely cerebral, 100% which I guess is her point but I just dislike fake internet crap almost as much as bot driven drivel like twitter.

WE are important Stucky, TPTB spends their time and effort making us trivial and small. Don’t believe it and keep on meditating.

May 20, 2022 11:00 am

You will always be my Shy Daddy here on TBP.

May 20, 2022 2:22 pm

lol. My wife thinks we should run up and meet and visit with you, Ghost.

May 20, 2022 11:19 am

So, we are on the same page. We are very important, not insignificant ants running around. OK, great….commune away friend, it’s good for the soul.

May 20, 2022 12:18 pm

Stucky- I have to admit that I don’t read most of the religious outbursts here nor do I participate because I am 180 degrees on the other side of “SKY DADDY” theology. Maybe I should read more of your arguments.

I am more into the quantum physics end of the plane, but you know this already.

May 20, 2022 2:23 pm

BL, Your thinking reminds me of me a few years ago.

May 20, 2022 2:21 pm

BL, I like what you have to say, but I believe in “Sky daddy” and Jesus Christ. I don’t think these are incompatible views.

May 20, 2022 2:17 pm

You make the mistake in assuming your experience is Truth that applies to all others. There is no wrong way to meditate. Because it can not be done with expectations.

May 20, 2022 2:16 pm

Amen the Truth is not exciting to explain, but it is to experience.

May 20, 2022 2:15 pm

BL is not wrong. The spark of Life is in all DNA and it comes from God and Life is what molds this planet.

Don’t let the propaganda fool you, there is as much value in hugging a tree as there is in harvesting it. Ask to feel the tree, and you will and you will probably be given something extra. I am an unabashed tree hugger, but I like to hug all the living things I can. I am also about to cut down hundreds of trees, because not all of them are huggable. But my hundred year lovers Oaks, I hug. A great Redwood, I hug.

May 20, 2022 5:09 pm

Ken- I’m not trying to be right and Stucky is wrong, I have no problem with meditation. I sometimes drive 4-5 hours straight in complete quiet/no radio on just to think and commune. THAT would cause the head of a minnie to explode and people act like I am strange for doing it but that is the time I spend communing with God.

To be honest Ken, I have no problem with those who want Jesus and/or the SKY DADDY if it truly brings them peace. Stucky and I have been around the block a few times over the quantum end of this and maybe he changed his thinking and is on board, I should have taken the time to read the comments in religious debate. Organized religion is now offensive to those who care about the good book.
If you remember a few years ago that there was alter/opinion discussion of that type it was most likely me and Stucky.

Way back in the day Ken, I would lay traps and do all manner of mean things to Stuck for which I am sorry. I have blown many of his articles out of the water but I hope he knows I am past that. OTOH, he did some really nasty schtick at my expense which I thought was hilarious where he is sensitive and always thinks I am belittling or laying a trap.

But don’t forget his motto, “I’m Right and You’re Wrong”. 🙂

May 19, 2022 11:35 pm

But that in no way comes anywhere close to capturing the totality. Take a selfie…same thing.

May 19, 2022 10:42 pm

Rom 11:33, O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

May 20, 2022 6:05 am

Genesis 1:26
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Make of it what you will. Free Will.

May 19, 2022 8:48 pm

There is no other path to the Father except through Jesus Christ. I wish I had learned that earlier, because every other path I sought yielded little fruit.

I know about virtuous pagans, but there is something deeper to be discovered.

Even all the professors I respected that fell to “go along to get along”, kept going to church. There is no denying a higher power, when you play with the building blocks of life, except for the very cynical. Those ones like to point out the inefficiencies of biochemistry, as if we are even close to understanding the puzzle.

I think my search for God through science is what ultimately led me to salvation through Christ some 25 years later after I was confirmed and 40 some years after I was baptized. Buddhist meditation helped me along the way. It is a secular practice that can lead to divine outcomes. Now I do Buddhist meditation with the Holy Trinity in mind, but the practice is the same. It was actually through meditation that I became a believer. God loves when we come to him in pure humility. It is only then that he can help. I suppose that is not much different than with people.

The Holy Trinity itself was a huge stumbling block. I had to work that out on my own and I am satisfied with my own understanding more than any theological branch of Christianity.

Red River D
Red River D
May 19, 2022 11:14 pm

Are you able to summarize your understanding of the trinity?

  Red River D
May 20, 2022 12:03 am

The Trinity is a mystery that we, being limited, can never plumb.

But, in a simplistic way, you might consider this:

What does God think about, and Whom does He love?

God, being omniscient, cannot learn anything and cannot forget anything. He holds all knowledge within his Thought. So He does not think like you or me. He is infinite and our thoughts are finite. So, He, being infinite, must think about Himself, since His infinite intellect can only be brought to its purpose by contemplating the infinite. So God thinks about Himself.

But this Thought is not like our thoughts, finite and indistinct. His Thought is a complete and infinite Thought of Himself. His Thought is infinite, omniscient, timeless, almighty, etc. His Thought has to be these things otherwise God would not have a clear Idea of Himself.

So, His Thought, in order for it to be worthy of Himself, must reflect Himself exactly. Which means His Thought is also infinite, omniscient, almighty, and capable of Love.

God’s Thought is otherwise known as the Word. The Word is Jesus Christ, 2nd Person of the Trinity, Begotten by God the Father from all Eternity.

God the Father, being benign and good, loves Himself. This love is poured out upon His Thought (Jesus, the Word, 2nd person of the Trinity) and His Thought responds in kind – pouring Itself out completely and entirely, holding nothing back, mutual love consisting of all the characteristics of the Godhead, together in one nature for all eternity.

This mutual congress of love and nature is the Holy Spirit. The Father and The Word give Themselves totally to each other in one, eternal and mutual absorption that is the Holy Spirit.

The Father begets the Son, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, all sharing the same Divine Nature, indivisible, three Persons, one God.

This description is from Frank Sheed, and likely comes from Acquinas, Augustin, or another saint.

But it seems to do the best job of explaining the Trinity that I have come across, and provides direction for contemplation of this Mystery, which, as all know, can never be truly understood.

May 20, 2022 6:09 am

Isaiah 55:8 Context

5Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. 6Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

May 20, 2022 2:40 pm

I seldome see Bible passages which are so relevant to the conversation, so thank you for this.

May 20, 2022 2:38 pm

My understanding is very close to that, and thank you for sharing that. I wouldn’t say it is different, just that I came to it more or less on my own, so the words are different. I like this explanation. It doesn’t seem wrong in anyway to me, but I might phrase it different.

I think the important part is that Jesus Christ literally means the Messiah and the Word, and from there I am happy to feel the Holy Spirit and worship the Father.

ran t 7
ran t 7
May 19, 2022 1:03 pm

“If a thing makes no sense at all, wait until you get used to it, and then it will.”

that’s not what happens. what happens is that people’s perception changes, or, sometimes, they come to realize that they cannot directly perceive with their human mind and senses what the data tells them is in fact true.

for example. for thousands of years the most intelligent people of every civilization studied the sky with the assumption that the earth was fixed and stable, and the sky/stars/gods/whatever marched around the earth every day and night. makes perfect sense from a human point of view. as the observers became more sophisticated they tried to explain the sky motions more and more accurately, only to find that their explanations never worked adequately, and in fact became incomprehensible. eventually one guy looked at all the data objectively and realized that it wasn’t the sun that revolved around the earth, but rather the earth revolved around the sun – and then the math and observations all started coming together. that this is the case is not visible from human senses and human perceptions, and even today we still speak of “sunset” and “sunrise”, but everyone accepts that the earth is a planet just like mars or venus orbiting round the sun, even though they can’t see it.

relativity is the same way. classical newtonian physics works great at the human-perceived level, but as it developed further it became clear it was not consistent with how the universe was actually behaving at the micro and macro levels. how it was actually behaving was a mystery until einstein simply applied a change in perspective, and then all the math and observations came together. relativity simply is not visible to human perceptions, and even today human-level engineering is conducted entirely in classic newtonian physics, but those who deal in particle physics and the gps system must take it into account in order to achieve accurate and predictable results.

  ran t 7
May 19, 2022 4:22 pm

The same is happening now with dark matter/dark energy. This is the “ultraviolet catastrophe” that led to quantum mechanics. Ultimately a new Schrodinger will emerge that can reconsile quantum mechanics and relativity.

ran t 7
ran t 7
May 19, 2022 5:27 pm

“Ultimately a new Schrodinger will emerge that can reconsile quantum mechanics and relativity”

I doubt it, the two are mutually incompatible. in my opinion what they represent is that our universe is not an independent free-standing entity, but rather consists of the intersection of two (or more) other universes.

  ran t 7
May 20, 2022 12:21 am

And now, we’re coming around to the fact that what we sense is actually true. The Earth is unmoving and in or near the center of the universe.

The Michelson-Morely experiment showed us this. So the Ary’s “Failure.” And now, the Plank probe, the WMAP data, etc. are all confirming it.

Experimental data has shown for centuries that the Earth is unmoving and the universe rotates around us. Sense data shows that as well.

The problem is human pride, distorted by sin. We should be proud that God put us in the center of His creation.

But that would mean we are subservient to Him. If we are in the Center, then we were put there by God, and that would mean that He exists. If there is a God, and He put us in the center (not to mention taking flesh and dying for us) then that means both that we owe Him and He wants something from us.

So, obviously, we’ve got to do anything to get us out of the center and Him out of our lives! (/s)

And now you have today’s science: Abortion, Relativity, MRNA “vaccines,” GMO foods, Climate Change, Quantum Physics, ‘Nucular’ Bombs, Keynesian Economics, Libertarianism, Big Pharma, Euthanasia, the Multiverse, and so on…

And for the Spiritual among us, you can have witchcraft, human sacrifice, Gaia, global warming, transgender, transhumanism, eastern mythologies, Paganism, various genders, Thelema, Masonry, Kabbalah, and so forth.

You can also have Nihilism, Hedonism, Communism, Racialism, along with various cults, sexual perversions, power, sadism, masochism, etc.

In short, we are screwed. And, as always, we are screwed by ourselves.

Only God can save us. But, funny that, that HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE!

mark branham
mark branham
May 19, 2022 1:36 pm

And hairless monkey think they will someday will create life…

Red River D
Red River D
  mark branham
May 19, 2022 11:18 pm

Rebellious meatsacks will only beget artificiality and counterfeit consciousness, which they will help draw forth from the Abyss.

Google seems to think they’re nearly there, judging from the noises coming from their quarters lately.

May 19, 2022 2:15 pm

Is this the Most Detailed Image of a Human Cell?

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No, it’s not.

The “image” is actually a 3D computer illustration of a eukaryotic cell—found in humans but also in animals, plants, and fungi—and not a photograph..

McGill said the computer rendering is intended to visualize cell components so that they can be better understood.

But the even more mind-blowing fact concerning the image….

He added that a real photograph in such detail would not even be possible since molecules at the scale in question would be even smaller than the wavelength of visible light.

May 19, 2022 2:26 pm

I can’t see the protons, electrons, neutrons, etc. So obviously the scale would need to be even smaller. At the most basic of levels, there are no division points between anything. Its all just energy at different vibrational states.

Charles King Jr
Charles King Jr
May 19, 2022 7:24 pm

Paracelsus was keen to point out there are no “inanimate” objects. Just lifeforms that have a much more circumscribed level of activity. Because, after all, where does “life” reside in the organic and is absent in the inorganic? At the antipodes, same electro/chemical processes taking place. We just recognize certain functions as being characteristic of “living” things and not of “objects.”

  Charles King Jr
May 19, 2022 11:38 pm

Indeed, everything is moving….some things just at a vibratory level of the electrons, etc.

May 19, 2022 9:16 pm

Yes, but it is not all bullshit. I used and understand the science of the machines that lead to these cartoons. They are relatively accurate, but primarily learning tools for midwits.

Charles King Jr
Charles King Jr
May 19, 2022 7:14 pm

I might as well wade in here…I have some free time.

IMHO, phenomenalism, empirical proof, and materialistic science are today’s equivalent of Dark Age superstition. It has supplanted one set of conjured assumptions with another, but this time burnished to a luster with confident references to The Enlightenment and the March of Science as a way to comfort a nagging sense, as displayed in this feature, that we may not be as on top of things as we like to believe.

A few basics: our entire sense of reality here is firmly based on our sense of individuation. All we have known since we were capable of knowing anything has been the atomizing of the world into discrete parts; it is the heritage of the Greeks to give us dissection and classification as useful tools to drill down to the discrete parts of reality. Unfortunately, like a parent assembling a complex toy for the kids, we are left with extra parts that we can’t figure out how to use…or even what function they serve. The East has provided philosophic/religio systems that are more attuned to wholeness. There is a reason particle physics begins to sound more and more like Vedantic copy/pasting and less like any world we are familiar with.

A lot of this sorts itself out if we can begin to think of reality as process; even individual entities are just processes that we conceptualize as discrete beings. As someone remarked, we are as much a part of the environment that sustains us as we are the separate being we behold in the mirror. Individuation is a temporary condition we are subject to, in a Newtonian world as well as by the fundamental polarities that are both the basis of physical sciences as well as recognized universal structures that appear in other dimensions or planes of experience. If you are a Bible believer, these words are salient:”Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. “ John 17:24 We have always existed. It’s just that existence is not primarily that of discrete individuation. And the complexity required to create and sustain us as individuals in this physical environment is indeed mind-boggling, difficult to even begin to comprehend. Others may accept the idea that 100 monkeys banging on typewriters for a million years would churn out Macbeth. I think the best they could come up with is a White House press release.

The problem with empirical proofs of direct mystical experience is that they insist on looking to the West to prove a sunrise. Physicality can never encompass or provide an answer that is, by it very essence, beyond the ability to resolve. Even if it could, it would be drawing a map of Reality at a scale of 1:1. Anything beyond that is an abstraction which takes us deep into the swirling waters of “logic”, as this essay has amply displayed.

Yes, so say it: GOD.

Very worthwhile submission and I salute you, Stucky, for bringing it to our attention. Thought-provoking!


May 19, 2022 11:40 pm

To come up with a White House press release, all those 100 monkeys would need to do is stick a finger in their ass and fling what they find on the wall.

Red River D
Red River D
  Charles King Jr
May 19, 2022 11:32 pm

“…Others may accept the idea that 100 monkeys banging on typewriters for a million years would churn out Macbeth. I think the best they could come up with is a White House press release…”

Hilarious on too many levels.

Seems you’ve been exploring the realm between the Territory and the Map. Plenty of that Good Gold of Havilah to be found there.

Top quality post.

i forget
i forget
May 19, 2022 8:24 pm

“questions that could not be answered within the system.”

And yet establishmentarians via alimentarian enteric braininess will always seek the peristaltically correct answer from another part of the smooth operator muscle that is entirely preoccupied with ~ & nothing else! ~ moving the freight from gate to gate – whilst collecting tolls at the ever-expanding booths in between. Enteric rents? Whose your doody?

“a cubic mile of such tiny gears”

How’s the sausage made? How do links & patties & ground mixtures come outta one end of that cubic/ircular mile of whirling dervish mesh-grinding gear-wheels? Honest answer could be one answer. Or an honest “dunno” answers.

But the dishonest synonym for “dunno” is “god.”

“Waiting for Godot?” & some Jimmy Dean (rock on), or maybe a sausaged egg mcmuffin. Billions & billions served, saith starstuff Sagan, & that swindler that stole McDonalds from the brothers (who shoulda known…) (~ that guy drank their real icecream milkshake…then switched to freezedried&flaked formula. Trix – not teats – are for kids!)

This perennial bloomer gathers its rosebuds while it may & all along the way, no matter how huge Mencken’s Graveyard gets, no matter how many fertilizing graves they grow over & adorn.

Or how many times lips-to-ears pierce ears, noses, or other body parts, tie leash-reins on, dragrace-ride the domesticated beasts of burden from gate to gate.

Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that’s burning
Running rings around the moon

It’s in the mito(god)chondria hijackers, that make sure the reign in spain, & everywhere else too, falls mainly on the plain, maybe, along with hypochondria’s & neuroses generally. Voodeus ex machinairlines …fuselage lit in countless coats of hand-rubbed lacquer colors of your choice (so long as they’re all black colors matter, saith mass production line gearhead Ford…).

May 19, 2022 9:36 pm

Way above my pay grade. was in my 40’s before i found out that 2% milk did not have 98% of its fat removed.

May 19, 2022 11:35 pm

The functioning of said baby is as mysterious as its formation. Babies grow. Children grow. How does this happen? For example, the baby has various small, hollow bones which grow year after year into large hollow bones. For this to work, cells (osteoclasts) eat away the bone from the inside, making the hollow larger, while other cells (osteoblasts) lay down new bone on the outside. Complex and wildly implausible communication between blast and clast purportedly makes this work. Medical researchers, honest people, no fools, assure me that this happens, and I believe them. Sort of. The idea that this evolved by random mutation is, if I may use a technical term, nuts. So, according to Impossibility Theory, is its precise, inerrant functioning. We come back to magic.

Poor Fred: So close, yet so far…

You formed my inmost being, You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139: 13-14

May 19, 2022 11:55 pm

Bell’s Theorum (or Bell’s Inequality). Relates specifically to quantum theory, but applies to all systems. What we see in our reality is the result of “non-local” events – ie. from somewhere outside our observable reality. It’s been proven repeatedly mathematically and experimentally

May 20, 2022 8:17 am

“The whole baby does this sort of thing. The skull grows. Kidneys grow. The heart grows. All, with few exceptions,”
And all this energetic growth with very little fuel just proves evolution is bullshit too.

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