We’re Not in a “Culture War” Anymore

“He who controls the language controls the masses.” – Saul Alinsky

I often tell friends that I regularly check in to MSNBC’s YouTube page “so (they) don’t have to.” (Seriously, it IS hazardous to your health. But how can you know how the enemy thinks if you don’t study him?) At any rate, on Friday morning, the sun rose, MSNBC began transmitting their ruling class propaganda again, and Mr. and Mrs. Brzezinski (I’ll leave it to you to decide who’s who) brought on yet another conniving ruling class jagoff…in this case, trough-feeding Illinois governor JB Pritzker. Not content to let Pritzker plug his own recent oped in Politico (as if he EVER waits to be fed), Mr. and Mrs. B threw him a line he had used in the oped title to get him going: “culture war”.

Ah yes…the authoritarians of the American Left accuse their opponents of a “culture war”, for the 18,764th time. Whether it’s “cruelty”, a “war on democracy”, a “war on history”, a “war on rights”, a “war on decency”, or a “war on America”, the peaceniks of our ruling class live to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing. But if we’re being totally fair, they’re not the only ones who use the term; a number of Fox contributors and conservative personalities have used it recently also. And if the applicability of language does in fact matter, the term doesn’t apply to what’s being done by either side.

How can that be, you ask? Because we’re not in a “culture war” anymore.

The term “culture war” has been in use for so long that we completely take its ubiquity for granted. Many know it dates to the early ’90s, but it didn’t start with Pat Buchanan; Buchanan picked it up from a UVA sociology professor and author named James Davison Hunter. (I expand on its origins in the video you see in the link above.) In The Fourth Turning, Strauss and Howe referred to the entire third turning that began in the mid ’80s as “The Culture Wars”; whether the years preceding Davison Hunter’s and Buchanan’s use of the label merit the designation also is a matter of debate. But what seems clear, is that the term “culture war” was far more appropriate for the third turning, as such, than for the fourth turning we are living through today.

One of the principal hallmarks of the period when the term “culture war” came into common use, was that arguments over politics in America were seen as fundamentally low in stakes. (Remember that?) In 2023, people aren’t arguing over right and wrong or over purely symbolic meanings anymore. When our ruling class invokes the term “culture war” and various related iterations today, it’s to preempt debate and defame the opposition while pretending not to; it’s fundamentally passive-aggressive. It’s not about argument and persuasion; it’s about denunciation and force. And as the intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the Pentagon, the blue state governors, the blue city mayors’ and DAs’ offices, and the White House continue to beat the drum to indoctrinate unconverted Americans in wokeness and trample what remains of popular and political resistance, they’ll no doubt continue to call every front of opposition to them a “culture war”, as if the cultural side of their agenda isn’t being imposed on the other side through political means.

Don’t be fooled. There is no “culture war” in America anymore. Call it “woke tyranny”, “the fall of Rome”, or whatever you wish. But we’re living through something else, and the end is nowhere on the horizon.

Paul Zimmy Finn

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April 23, 2023 11:25 am

Words Influence Thoughts
Enabling access to bioweapons is a 1st or 2nd degree felony in the United States and an international war crime in nations across the globe. Do we not see the insanity of this messaging?

Censorship in the UK
Big Brother is watching and punishing in the former cradle of free speech.

April 23, 2023 5:23 pm

I MUST put it to you, sir…

“Who’s to Judge, when the Judge himself is dragged before the bar?” Captain Ahab, Moby Dick

April 23, 2023 5:26 pm

I know God. I know His Mind as He has revealed it to me.

Here is Truth: Everything Created contains the Seed of it’s own Destruction.


Do with that as you will. It changes nothing.

April 23, 2023 5:31 pm

Oh, look. Another gnostic claiming he knows God.

April 24, 2023 12:43 pm

The arrogance is epic, isn’t it?

Can you image the godly facepalm at those who claim to ‘know’ and speak for god?

I figure that kind of thing would get one cast out. Would if it were me deciding. Maybe a simple “What exactly am I thinking?” test question at the gates.

i forget
i forget
April 24, 2023 12:07 pm

here come da’ white whale. ~ flip wilson

April 23, 2023 11:34 am

“RFK, Jr. will unite us?” Like any other whimsical dictator? The man is evidence-based and reasonable about the depop shots, but not the climate scam?

According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail

Abolish the state.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
April 24, 2023 12:36 pm

An enormous strike against RFK, Jr. … he needs to be rejected solely on this one issue … let alone others he may follow against US and our Constitution and Bill of Rights …

April 23, 2023 11:54 am

“He who controls the language controls the masses.” By repeating what the fanatics on the left say, we are submitting to their will and whim and admitting defeat.
Do not quote them. Do not repeat their talking points. Do not use their words and phrases.
So let us begin to take control of the conversation and stop using the left’s words and definitions:
It is the democrat party, not the democratic party.
It is mental illness not trans anything.
The left are not progressive, they are passive aggressive.
They are not immigrants, they are criminal aliens.
Biden is not president, he is a traitor and a crook.
There is no financial easing or anything other than financial failure bordering on collapse.

If so called journalists on the right weren’t so lazy they would do more than cut and paste radical left wing articles and in so doing would be able to easily edit out offensive and incorrect language.

April 23, 2023 12:37 pm

America is an IDEA,not a race,if you don’t accept the idea,how can you call yourself an an AMERICAN???

April 23, 2023 12:50 pm

The idea of america and of being american as a singular entity is dead.
What that used to mean has been fractured into thousands of different pieces.
There is no “culture” or language left to defend. Those that wish to defend it are dead or will be soon, father time is undefeated. “They” have already won.
It was fun while it lasted.

April 23, 2023 5:29 pm

America is a country with laws, not an idea. How stupid are you?

April 23, 2023 1:54 pm

They’re not lazy , they’re controlled. They’re paid to sell lies.

April 23, 2023 12:24 pm

Much of the woke tranny-tyranny is from N.G.O think tanks and the U.N.
Excellent interview with Alex Newman of The New American , on USAWATCHDOG.com

The U.N. is at the top of the Deep State, and it’s setting itself up to take control during any global emergency.

It get’s worse, and the Deep State global demons are attacking humanity from all angles, and people don’t even know it. Now, the U.N. is pushing “pedophilia as a human right” and wants to decriminalize sex with children. Newman says, “‘Queer Theory’ was born almost 40 years ago, and the point was always to try to legalize any kind of perverted sex.

( C.F.R. owned press will not tell you about U.N. peacekeepers raping and trafficking women and children. The ‘ spiritual head ‘ of the UN is – Lucis Trust , formerly Lucifer publishing. )



The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 23, 2023 12:27 pm

The war was over long ago. You were ALL born into enemy occupied territory.

What you do about that is up to you.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  The Central Scrutinizer
April 23, 2023 1:58 pm

The world has been enemy occupied territory since the exit from The Garden.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  hardscrabble farmer
April 23, 2023 2:40 pm

I can see the garden from my house.
The gates and guards are still there.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
April 23, 2023 4:50 pm

They don’t scare me. I’m just not done here yet.

April 23, 2023 5:51 pm

Guards have no power over those with proper credentials.

I get an official “pass”.

And, yes. I “EARNED” IT.


  hardscrabble farmer
April 23, 2023 4:20 pm

The Enemy was in the Garden too, else there’d have been no exit (expulsion).

April 23, 2023 4:51 pm

In Through The Out Door?

Did Zeppelin have it right after all?

  hardscrabble farmer
April 23, 2023 4:49 pm

Your words exceed your your station, and you are glorified in the delivery thereof.

Blessed are you, in this, for it is a revelation.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
April 23, 2023 2:39 pm

Words can spell.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
April 23, 2023 4:59 pm

…and spells can do most anything…until God takes Notice.

Spell casters are truly and soon to be well screwed.

NEVER MESS with shit you don’t FULLY understand.

Spell Casters! You’re put on notice. You can’t cannon ball into a septic tank and not get some on you.

Stop believing the hype!

April 23, 2023 6:00 pm

Feel it pulling at your soul?

That’s how you know it’s working!

EVERYTHING that tugs on your heart is SUSPECT and due for Spiritual Inspection.

The smoking lamp is now lit.

Trust me. I’ve tripped every trap known to satan. He’s an annoying pussy.

April 23, 2023 6:12 pm

At least it’s a test that measures your pulse. If you listen to this and have no reaction? you’re already dead.

April 23, 2023 6:21 pm


GOD simply desires it…and HE Created you.

Fork in the rod, folks. Decision time!

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
April 23, 2023 3:22 pm

The end of the ‘culture war’ would imply we have reached the forth stage of ideological subversion, normalization, a process that may last indefinitely..

Da Monk
Da Monk
April 23, 2023 4:50 pm

GOD in Heaven has got a surprise for all these Christian haters ans deceivers. 1st the fishers of men, then the hunters. Even Rothchild’s banking cult is in His sights be placed under Christ’s feet.

  Da Monk
April 23, 2023 5:07 pm

The Judgment of GOD begins IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. It then spills over the Earth as a cleansing Flood.

ALL will be tried, as iron is tried. In Fire.

Purities collected. Dross discarded.

END of story.

The common belief is: “if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

The Truth is…if you can’t take the heat?


We all are what we are. GOD holds the Measuring Rod.

Comply or die…eternally. It’s a choice.

“Choose wisely.” – Josephus

Jonah Kyle
Jonah Kyle
April 23, 2023 5:23 pm

Just call it a real war. In the end, the result will be the same. Actually, worse, but I digress.

April 23, 2023 5:53 pm

The fact is, that the US government has no respect for the intelligence of the US citizens. The sad fact is that the US government is right. The US citizens have little or no intelligence and are for the most part incapable of rational thought. The US government knows that by controlling the US main stream media and the content of the news they can control the thoughts and opinions of the vast majority of the American public. They can therefore lie and deceive the American public to a degree that would make Lenin extremely jealous. The US public are being lied to about Ukraine the same way they were lied to about Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Inflation, COVID, and everything else and yet, they never have the intelligence to question either the media or the government and continue to consume whatever lies the government / media collusion decide to feed them. There was a time when I believed that nations failed due to corruption, but now I realize than nations fail due to the stupidity of their populations who fail, not only to fight corruption within their government, but to even understand that it exists….

April 24, 2023 7:17 am

Well said.

April 23, 2023 8:27 pm

Admin, you’ll never guess how I found this post … a link from The Liberty Daily.