The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part I

Hey there TPB’ers I finally decided to throw my hat in the ring here.

Originally posted at:

“For the first time in the history of mankind, one generation literally has the power to destroy the past, the present and the future, the power to bring time to an END.”

— Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Freemason

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Previous Entries

The Coincidence Zone, Part I

The Coincidence Zone, Part I

Scipio Eruditus · Jan 12

The Coincidence Zone, Part II

The Coincidence Zone, Part II

Scipio Eruditus · Jan 16

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

Scipio Eruditus· Feb 27


For 80 long years, mankind has harnessed the primordial forces of the universe. We have finally acquired the power of the gods — nuclear fission — the very power of the Sun or the Big Bang, capable of annihilating all sentient life with the flip of a mere switch. Military budgets have exploded in the aftermath of the fateful days of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with ever more complex defensive systems necessary to stave off the latest innovation in mass genocide. Even now, with the reality of “World War III” on the horizon, the ever present threat of nuclear Armageddon hangs over the world like the mythical Sword of Damocles.

One false move and humanity will cease to exist.

For nearly 80 years now the world has been held hostage by nuclear terror. The specter of thermonuclear war, and the resultant annihilation of all life on Earth, has been inexorably imprinted upon humanity’s collective psyche. Whether it’s through government programming, TV shows, comics, movies, video games, or books, the ever looming threat of our instant and utter destruction has been used by generations of military planners to justify their ever increasing budgets. Wars have been fought, and countless victims have died, to prevent this apocalyptic technology from falling into the hands of mad men.



That’s the story anyways.

We are ruled by dark magicians, illusionists with centuries of practice at dazzling their audience with cheap tricks and flashy stories. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the intergenerational mafioso clans running our governments are willing to tell grand lies; grander perhaps than most of us care to appreciate. The COVID PsyOp was not their first mass ritual in this mold, and as I have dug deeper and deeper into the fetid morass of state crimes perpetrated against the American people, two questions have forever embedded themselves in my mind:

What else have they lied to us about? & How deep do the lies go?

If they can lockdown society over the common cold, if they can convince 70% of the populace in a matter of weeks that confining themselves to house arrest for months on end was a necessary evil, what are they not capable of pulling off?

Like say, getting generations of schoolchildren to hide under their desks on a weekly basis, in utter fear for their lives from a nonexistent threat. To this day, most of our neighbors would argue that what occurred in 1945 and 2020 was a necessity to literally save the planet. Those of us who witnessed what occurred during the ongoing COVID PsyOp, and yet stood tall, can never forget the pervasive ability for fear to override people’s ability to rationally think or judge information critically. In the hands of a psychopath, this incredibly potent psychological weapon can be relied upon to shape humanity at their whim. Terror has been used by the Mystery religion for millennia to enforce mass compliance upon the populace.

For decades — if not centuries — mankind has been unwittingly exposed to a series of mass occult rituals, elaborate psychodramas designed to rob us of our rational faculties and agency. These dark baptisms are an initiation, an alchemical sifting of humanity; an essential step to usher the collective masses into the next epoch of our spiritual and metaphysical journey. Each successive ritual ensconces humanity deeper into the web of occult deception, further devolving the unwitting masses into beasts of mindless burden; forever a slave to their passions and emotions. The Nuclear Age is perhaps the most devastatingly effective mass ritual conducted to date, not only for its potency, but also for it’s sheer longevity. I have discussed the why’s, the how’s, and the method’s of this luciferian madness in previous articles in The Coincidence Zone series (see the links above), so I will not belabor some of the finer details of that process in this essay. Suffice it to say, the dark sorcery of societal control is down to an exact science, and the sooner we recognize that fact, the better.


“You can never rebel against us peons, we have nukes!”


While the occult symbolism embedded into the Trinity Test and subsequent atomic rituals is staggering in it’s own right, there are numerous substantive issues with the official story of both nuclear weapons and their usage in Japan:

The first and most glaring contradiction is the pattern and amount of radioactive materiel produced, a pattern which does not conform with a singular blast of plutonium based weaponry. The physical evidence suggests an intentional release of nuclear waste or the usage of “dirty bombs”, an explosive device designed to contaminate a large area with unrefined radiological waste. Additionally, the scientific literature on nuclear fallout and radioactive isotopes describe materials that are extraordinarily lethal and highly carcinogenic. Yet, the Trinity Test site is now a tourist attraction and Bikini Atoll is a thriving vacation spot. Neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki are irradiated wastelands. Already their fear mongering stories don’t withstand the slightest critical scrutiny.

Secondly, while there are cases of what could be deemed “radiation sickness”, there are a number of irreconcilable issues with the admittedly sparse medical literature. A number of victims, particularly those within .5 mile of Ground Zero, were exposed to “theoretically lethal radiation levels”, yet they remained totally unharmed. This is acknowledged in medical reports by Army physicians Oughterson and Warren, who admit it is “difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in… people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.” If by difficult they mean it is strictly impossible, then yes, it would be quite difficult to reconcile this fact alone with the official narrative of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. These hyper lethal radiation levels were supposedly only released during the instant of detonation; nevertheless, a significant percentage of the victims who died of “radiation sickness” contracted it only after entering the bombed out city. This fact alone blows the myth of Fat Man and Little Boy apart. The reality is that every single wound pattern in the medical literature can be explained by the usage of both mustard gas and napalm; both have been shown to induce genetic damage and the U.S. had a copious supply of each compound.

Thirdly, firebombing terror campaigns had already decimated 67 Japanese cities, including both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The destruction witnessed in these two cities, while horrific, is really no different than that seen in many other European or Japanese cities, as the photographic evidence makes clear. Researchers at Cornell have noted this as well, stating that “the destructiveness and lethality of nuclear mass fire often — and predictably — greatly exceeds that of nuclear blast.” General Shunroku Hata, the former Japanese minister of war who was stationed near Hiroshima and witnessed the aftermath, remarked that “in his view the atomic bomb was not that powerful a weapon.” The photos of Ground Zero back this up, and in particular destroys much of the mythology surrounding the supposedly world ending capabilities of “The Bomb”. There are thousands of survivors within the blast radius which should have been killed instantly from the air pressure alone. How did so many victims, most famously a convent of 8 Jesuit priests, manage to survive within a blast zone that should have “instantly vaporized” them or bathed them in life ending radiation?


“I am become DEATH, the destroyer of worlds.”

— J. Robert Oppenheimer


As with all mass rituals, the confluence of symbols and numerology reveal it’s purpose and intent. The Trinity Test and subsequent nuclear rituals are awash in invocations to the Hindu gods in particular. The name itself, trinity, is a symbol imbued with deep occult significance. Christ and the Holy Spirit were with the Father from the beginning of creation, as such Lucifer has forever attempted to defile the Holy Trinity through his occult ones. We see pagan trinitarian godheads in many world religions for this reason, such as the Greek Hecate. Hinduism has two major trinities, the female Tridevi and the male Trimurti. Both of these trinities contain a deity that is the arbiter of destruction, Kali and Shiva respectively. Shiva the Destroyer — the symbolic representation of the Sun god — makes numerous appearances, and is alluded to by the practitioners of this ritual repeatedly (such as Oppenheimer’s infamous quote seen above).

Before the alleged Trinity Test, a different test was performed at Alamogordo, colloquially called the 100-Ton test. In actuality the test used 108 tons of TNT, a very intentional obfuscation, as 108 is an extraordinarily important number within Hinduism and Eastern philosophies. Shiva and Krishna are both attended by 108 servants. Shiva has 108 names. Vishnu has 108 temples built in his honor. The Sudarshana Chakra has 108 serrated edges. The malas prayer bracelets of Hinduism have 108 beads for this reason, although that number is seen in many Eastern religions, such as the number of steps in Buddhist temples. In yoga, 108 is the number of spiritual completion.

In the Western world 108 has great occult significance as well. The Numbers 10 and 8, or Ace’s and Eight’s, is known as the Dead Man’s Hand. In Copernican cosmology, the distance from the Earth to the Sun (roughly 93 million miles) is said to be 108 times the circumference of the Sun. The pentagram consist of five angles, each of which measure in at 108-degrees.

Now precisely 21 days after the Trinity test, Hiroshima was bombed. In occult numerology 21 is the number of success and completion, yet another invocation of this kind. In Tarot the last major arcana is 21, The World, the symbolic representation of the Goddess. And of course 23, the number of bombs dropped at Bikini Atoll, is a number steeped in esoteric symbology.

Even the shape of the nuclear payload itself has a symbolic significance. The payload was in the shape of a dodecahedron, a 12-sided solid with pentagons for it’s faces. It is one of the five perfect divisions of the sphere, the other four being the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, and the icosahedron. The dodecahedron was viewed by the practitioners of the Mystery rites of Babylon as the symbolic form of the ether, or the quintessence, the mystical essence of creation. Unlike the other four Platonic solids, the fifth symbol was a closely guarded secret by the Pythagorean cults for centuries. The number five itself is heavily laden with occult and numerological symbolism, as it is the representation of both Ishtar and Venus. As with so many other major historical events this century, the Trinity ritual is not just awash with occult symbolism, but it is a specific invocation to specific spiritual forces; in this case the destroyer god, the Sun god, success, and the primordial forces of creation.


— Statue of Shiva the Destroyer, located at CERN.


The psychological priming of the populace is a critical aspect of these mass rituals as well, most commonly called Revelation of the Method or Predictive Programming. Therefore the nuclear bomb’s genesis in fictional works should come as no surprise to those who have read previous entries in this series, or to those familiar with the modus operandi of our criminal overlords. The first documented appearance of what could be construed as an atomic weapon or nuclear device is seen in H.G. Wells’ 1895 book, The Time Machine. Wells would later coin the term atom bomb in his 1914 book, The World Set Free. In his book Wells describes a device that once detonated would start an uncontrollable and never-ending chain reaction. The 1936 film The Shape of Things to Come, based on a Wells novel, would famously include these weapons being launched via aerial bombardment. His books would seemingly predict many technologies that exist today, such as Direct Energy Weapons, cell phones, and TV’s.

The technological prophet of the future is a character that the Mystery religion has deployed to staggering effectiveness the past century; look no further than Elon Musk for an example of a modern fulfillment of this archetype. While the mainstream hails H.G. Wells as a visionary figure, his history is an exceedingly dark one and typical for those loved by this world. His membership in one of the most infamous secret societies in history, his vocal support of the New World Order, and his infatuation with the occult says all we need to know about the true allegiances of this man. How much of H.G. Wells “predictions” were merely predictive programming? We know these rituals are planned decades in advance; it was no accident that the Twin Towers were constructed 33 years before their fateful demise, and it was no accident that Wells would continually presage the very thing his masters would later unleash on humanity.


— The 108 ton test, commonly referred to as the 100 ton test


“If the radiance of a thousand SUNS were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.”

Bhagavad Gita (XI, 12)


Photographing and recording the first apocalyptic outburst was apparently an exceedingly difficult task. NPR details the lengths that government scientists went to record the Trinity Test:

The dangers of shockwaves and radiation required the camera to be placed 7 miles from the detonation site on a tower some 75 feet in the air. Exposure time was one-hundred-millionth of a second. The exposure time was so small that no conventional mechanical shutter could be used. A magnetic field was created around two polarized lenses that were rotated, permitting light to pass through an optical system.


The incongruities with this story and future tests such as Ivy Mike or Bikini Atoll not withstanding, the lengths that the Manhattan Project engineers went to shield their equipment does not jive with the shoddy safety measures seen below. Radiation is simultaneously a powerful force that can mar film or destroy electrical equipment, but it’s not dangerous enough to protect yourself from? For all the care taken to capture this historic event, you’d think they would bother explaining the wild incongruities between pictures of that same event, seen below.


— The Trinity Test, the first seconds of the “Atomic Age”.

— Oppenheimer and Graves near the base of the tower used to hold The Gadget device. Source: The National Archives.

— (Top) An aerial view & (Bottom) ground view of the same alleged blast site, also from the National Archives. Note the complete lack of protective gear.


Firstly the most obvious issue is that these pictures, all obtained from the National Archives, look absolutely nothing alike and The Regime doesn’t even care to hide or explain that fact. Secondly, the protective gear here is legitimately laughable. Radioisotopes, the primary nuclear threat to humanity, would still have been present and little white booties aren’t gonna help you against them. As their records make clear, it’s not that American scientists were unaware of these dangers. So why such cavalier attitudes by the Manhattan engineers? Perhaps they know something we simply don’t, like say the atomic sleight of hand charade being perpetrated here.

A nuclear bomb with a payload of 25,000 tons of TNT supposedly just exploded a mere 30 meters above the point that these men are standing. According to their literature and fear mongering propaganda we should expect to see a gigantic crater, easily hundreds of meters in depth and width. The nuclear fireball of the Gadget device was roughly 600 feet in diameter — much larger than the photographs depict it as — which should have resulted in a very deep crater. Windows 120 miles away were allegedly shattered by the blast. These dirt piles above are pitiful. My tractor has done more damage to the dirt than their alleged “doomsday weapons”. And as for the rebar seen in pictures #2 & #3 above, how can rebar withstand temperatures of 560,000 degrees Fahrenheit, the alleged temperature of the nuclear fireball captured above. Does that sand look like molten glass or charred beyond recognition to you?

Don’t ask questions peon, just Duck & Cover!



Every single piece of footage depicting a nuclear blast that has ever been seen by the American public was processed inside Lookout Mountain studios, a location with it’s own sordid history. Lookout Mountain was the world’s first completely self-contained movie studio, as Dave McGowan details in his ground-breaking book (emphasis mine):

Over its lifetime, the studio produced some 19,000 classified motion pictures – more than all the Hollywood studios combined (which I guess makes Laurel Canyon the real ‘motion picture capital of the world’).

Officially, the facility was run by the U.S. Air Force and did nothing more nefarious than process AEC footage of atomic and nuclear bomb tests. The studio, however, was clearly equipped to do far more than just process film. There are indications that Lookout Mountain Laboratory had an advanced research and development department that was on the cutting edge of new film technologies. Such technological advances as 3-D effects were apparently first developed at the Laurel Canyon site. And Hollywood luminaries like John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe were given clearance to work at the facility on undisclosed projects. There is no indication that any of them ever spoke of their work at the clandestine studio.

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon

The sheer volume of films churned out at this studio is simply staggering, and the list of Lookout Mountain’s Hollywood collaborators is indeed storied. If the government was so inclined to fabricate or doctor footage of nuclear tests, this facility sureee does sound like the perfect place to pull that off. A feat mind you that would have been more than possible to pull off with 40’s and 50’s technology. Director Christopher Nolan has just recently demonstrated this for us with his recreation — via practical effects — of the Trinity explosion for his upcoming film, Oppenheimer. Lookout Mountain’s pioneering technological advances were then laundered through Disney and other studios to obscure their origin (much like In-Q-Tel & Google Earth, or DARPA & LifeLog/Facebook). I can see how people from the 1950’s fell for this garbage seen above, they had never witnessed modern special effects before these movies, errr, I mean test footage. As for those of us today, we have much less of an excuse.


— Warning sign at Alamogordo, New Mexico.


The most ubiquitous myth surrounding nuclear weapons and nuclear fallout is that of it’s longevity and lethality. This has been the primary excuse on why such weapons can never be used again, lest we waste away the Earth in a toxic haze of irradiated dust. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the topic of nuclear fallout:

Fallout comes in two varieties. The first is a small amount of carcinogenic material with a long half-life. The second, depending on the height of detonation, is a large quantity of radioactive dust and sand with a short half-life.

All nuclear explosions produce fission products, un-fissioned nuclear material, and weapon residues vaporized by the heat of the fireball. These materials are limited to the original mass of the device, but include radioisotopes with long lives. When the nuclear fireball does not reach the ground, this is the only fallout produced.

— Wikipedia

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were detonated about 200m above ground, therefore the only fallout produced should have been radioisotopes. We will find this is not the case in Part II, but these isotopes are what theoretically pose the greatest threat to human life. What do we know about their degradation? Apparently, not much:

Radioactive decay is a random process at the level of single atoms: it is impossible to predict when one particular atom will decay…

The range of the half-lives of radioactive atoms has no known limits…

— Wikipedia

Plutonium-239, the primary fissile material used in nuclear weapons, supposedly has a half life of 24,110 years. And yet, according to the EPA, “very little radioactivity from weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s can still be detected in the environment now.

This lack of fallout and long term damage is evident at both Bikini Atoll and the Trinity test site, locations that were bathed in significantly more nuclear radiation than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Areas that theoretically should have been uninhabitable for millennia are thriving ecosystems and tourist attractions. Even the New York Times reported on this odd fact several decades ago:

After the 23 nuclear explosions that the United States conducted on this remote coral atoll in the 1940’s and 50’s, one almost expects to visit today and find just a few charred islets surrounded by brackish water emitting an eerie glow. So the amazing thing about Bikini is how alive it is: a white sand island full of coconut palms swaying over a perfect turquoise sea, fish and sea turtles swimming languorously by the beach. There are also a few tourists, and many more are expected, because Bikini is now once more open to the public.

The New York Times, March 5th, 1997

This also raises the question of why no trinitite-like substance can be found at Bikini Atoll. Trinitite is a kind of glass, supposedly created by the high heat and pressure of a nuclear blast. Once sold as a jewelry, it’s export from Alamogordo has been outlawed. While an interesting novelty, it’s non-existence at one of the most nuked locations in the World begs the question of whether this substance is simply another shiny trinket in order to hoodwink a gullible public.

These facts leave us only two options in regards to the truth of nuclear fallout, neither of which are mutually exclusive: either these tests were staged, or nuclear fallout and radiation is nowhere near as dangerous as we have been sold.


— Radiated wasteland you say? Yeah, not so much.

— The Trinity Test site monument at Alamogordo, New Mexico. Naturally it is a black obelisk, a symbol revered by occultist’s of every epoch.


“The atomic bomb certainly is the MOST powerful of all weapons, but it is conclusively powerful and effective only in the hand of the nation which controls the SKY.”

— President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Freemason


Before we delve into the anomalous physical evidence of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Part II, perhaps the most glaring issue with the nuclear scam must be addressed. That issue is the fact that no nuclear weapons have ever been used in combat again, either by state actors or rogue groups. Much like the alleged Moon landings, this admittedly incredible technology has been essentially mothballed, never to be used again. This simply defies logic, as no other legitimate technological advancement has ever worked like that in human history. The first precept of actual science is repeatability. The Federal government has made reproducing or transmitting technical plans of functioning nuclear devices a felony, laws which can only stop the curious from exposing the farce of nuclear Armageddon.

Less than 50 years after the first manned flight Chuck Yeager was breaking the sound barrier. The first TV cost thousands of today’s dollars; in less than 50 years they would become so cheap you could put one in every room. Yet for some inexplicable reason two of the most “miraculous” inventions in human history were never to be replicated again. Taylor Wilson built a functioning fusion generator in his garage at just 14 years old, but somehow entire teams of Iranian scientists haven’t figured out how to weaponize theirs.

Mutually Assured Destruction does nothing to explain why these weapons have not been used in say Vietnam, Iraq or Korea. From 2003 to 2006 the Iraq War consumed anywhere from 655,000 to a million Iraqi lives, the vast majority of which were innocent civilians. Approximately 7,662,000 tons of explosives were dropped on Vietnam in the course of that war. The lingering after effects of Dioxin and depleted Uranium ammo still haunts these places while Bikini Atoll is a paradise. So let me get this straight, burning at least 100,000 Tokyo citizens alive was totally kosher, but “nuking” and “instantly” killing 60-70,000 people in Hiroshima & Nagasaki was the bridge too far these folks?

Neutron bombs are said to be able to release only lethal radiation, theoretically capable of wiping out armies in moments without even destroying buildings. They are basically a weapon with no downsides. If The Regime could end wars with a few bombs, why wouldn’t they? Why wouldn’t they use these tools if they actually had them at their disposal? The people who drone children or bomb wedding processions suddenly grew a conscious? What limiting principle have these monsters ever shown in regards to violence and mayhem?

No, as the evidence demonstrably shows, these devices have not been used again because uncontrollable nuclear explosions are quite simply put, a thing of fiction.

Continued in Part II…


— Marvin Minsky, the godfather of AI and associate of Jeffrey Epstein


“The only thing we have to FEAR is FEAR itself.”

— President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 33° Freemason

Further Research

The Nuclear Hoax by theTRUman
Top-Secret Military Film Studio in Hollywood (Lookout Mountain Exposed) by Underground Knowledge

The Power of Ritual in Prehistory by Dr. Brian Hayden

Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax by Dr. Akio Nakatani

Hiroshima Revisited: The evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the atomic bombings by Dr. Michael Palmer

Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream by David McGowan
The Nuclear Hoax by Miles W. Mathis
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June 13, 2023 12:24 pm

nice work, GV. detailed and interesting

June 13, 2023 1:13 pm

burning at least 100,000 Tokyo citizens alive was totally kosher, but “nuking” and “instantly” killing 60-70,000 people in Hiroshima & Nagasaki was the bridge too far these folks?

Tokyo population density 1945 was
100,000 per square mile.
16 square miles firebombed in one night, deadees should be around 1,600,000.

The allies increase the number of zeroes when accusing others of war crime.
But remove zeroes from their actual accomplished war crimes.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2023 1:15 pm

For 80 long years, mankind has harnessed the primordial forces of the universe. We have finally acquired the power of the gods — nuclear fission — the very power of the Sun or the Big Bang, capable of annihilating all sentient life with the flip of a mere switch.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
June 13, 2023 9:50 pm

Actually you hit on almost all of the salient points, I just couldn’t resist the response to hyperbole.

I feel bad that most of humanity is unable to discern both the nature of reality and the depths of human guile. So much of what people believe is false and it hinges on those two misperceptions. They neither know, nor are able to discern the difference between truth and lies.

For those who do understand this paradigm, a godlike level of control is not only possible, it is inevitable.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
June 13, 2023 1:22 pm

Still reading the article. When I got to this

The reality is that every single wound pattern in the medical literature can be explained by the usage of both mustard gas and napalm; both have been shown to induce genetic damage and the U.S. had a copious supply of each compound.

I came down here to comment that we had a prolific commenter here who insisted that this was the case but he got railroaded outta here–22 winmag

June 13, 2023 1:43 pm

When I look at the post atomic photos of Hiroshima/Nagasaki I am literally shocked at all the flammable materials the bomb burned up. Sitting there, plain as day. How do they burn up and yet remain?
It must be a Festivus miracle?


Toyota “The Sarcasm is strong in this one.”

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
June 13, 2023 1:47 pm

What else have they lied to us about? & How deep do the lies go?

Everything and all the way down. Want truth? Open a KJB.

  grace country pastor
June 13, 2023 2:46 pm

Is that the ‘final’ edit?

Did they leave a page out? 🙂

  grace country pastor
June 13, 2023 4:01 pm

What else have they lied to us about? & How deep do the lies go?


Everything and all the way down.

Would the KJV Bible possibly be in the “Everything and all the way down.”?


June 14, 2023 11:25 am

The lack of answers is telling.

June 13, 2023 2:40 pm

Exactly. They could bomb a city and SAY it was nuclear (wear a mask lol) and everyone would believe their ‘footage’. Sort of like a cgi blue spikey ball of a plandemic.

June 13, 2023 2:41 pm

9/11 was my big wake up call to how grand the manipulation was of the masses. Later I delved into the Moon Landing stories and had to admit some serious issues with the narrative ( the ridiculous lander and re-docking from moon to space is the most ridiculous claim).
Later I did some reading on Laurel Canyon and the immense part that place and those people played through the 60’s and 70’s changing our culture..

MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, Nazi Scientists essentially running NASA… the mindphuck goes on and on.

Now this–and just on the surface I can see massive inconsistencies from what we have been told our whole lives vs the thriving coral reefs of Bikini Atoll.

Question everything appears to be all inclusive.

June 13, 2023 3:07 pm

Trance formation of America

goes into detail on the mind control in the USA

Page 83 is brutal, I had to stop, went back a few hours later

June 13, 2023 4:06 pm

Who told you?
Who benefits?

Two good questions for every story.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 13, 2023 3:01 pm

The McGowan book is one deep rabbit hole.

June 13, 2023 3:34 pm

Very nice that you are submitting original articles. I mean that. It lightens Admin’s load, and original works from TPBers are usually more interesting than from authors we don’t know or interact with. I hope you submit more and often. That being said …

This is not an “essay” it’s a mini-book, especially if all the Parts are included.

Lots of good FICTION, too!

You probably gave HF a massive erection. He, and quite a few others believe nukes are fake.

But, I bet the 9 countries with about 13,000 nukes between them don’t think it’s fake. How in the hell do you get scientists, physicists, politicians, Generals, MSM, etc etc etc IN THE ENTIRE WORLD to go along with this single deception?? Crickets.

Seriously, you certainly are highly creative. Not kidding. You should run for office cuz not only are you creative, you sling bullshit like a pro.

Hopefully you have 20,000 word “essays” on two other topics several TPB nutters, err scholars, like to debate; 1) we never went to the moon, and 2) the Earth is flat. Oh, what a joy that would be.

Have a nice day. BTW, I’m not going to argue with you or anyone else about the REALITY of nuclear weapons! I’ve been through that so many damn times these past many years and I’m not going to mount battle every time a new crazy-person shows up. mmkay?

Anyway, have a nice fucken day.

June 13, 2023 3:58 pm

Wow. Stuck really stung you, huh?

June 13, 2023 4:01 pm

Don’t be a reverse thumb sucker. H/T to Daniel Horowitz, Conservative Review.

June 13, 2023 4:11 pm

“But, I bet the 9 countries with about 13,000 nukes between them don’t think it’s fake. How in the hell do you get scientists, physicists, politicians, Generals, MSM, etc etc etc IN THE ENTIRE WORLD* to go along with this single deception?? Crickets.”

*See: Religion

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2023 9:54 pm

How in the hell do you get scientists, physicists, politicians, Generals, MSM, etc etc etc IN THE ENTIRE WORLD to go along with this single deception?? Crickets.

That’s simply not true, we’ve covered this in detail numerous times.

You want a refresher or are you going to drag that cannard up every time?

June 13, 2023 7:12 pm

funny that this posted today —

last night i was meeting with a guy & we were talking about ukraine & he told me about a documentary he had seen about cherynobyl –you’ve probably all seen blurbs on the news over the years about how the wildlife goes in & out of there at will but that they are all contaminated & man can’t go into the contamination zone —
he said that the documentary he watched stated that no insects can survive in the contamination zone,which if true shows what a fallacy it is when they say that after a nuclear war the only living thing will be the cockroaches —

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
June 13, 2023 7:18 pm

Thanks GV.

Always good to have someone connect the dots thru the continuum.

Admin posted an article here not long ago about the “miracle” that is Chernobyl, and how plant and animal species are thriving (and healthy!) now that those pesky humans are gone.

In less than 30 years, no less.

June 13, 2023 7:20 pm

The issue, as always, is where to get off the conspiracy elevator. Do you no believe that fat Man and Little Boy were exactly as stores have said? Do you believe nbuclear weapons exist but are not as destructive as most belieev? Do you not believe that 7 countries have nuclear waepons? Do you not believe that anyone has nuclear weapons? Do you believe in nuclear exposions, period? Do you not believe in the Weak and Strong Forces? At some point, you get to what Phillip K Dick said “Reality is that which, when you stop believing, doesn’t go away.” As I understand matter, and I don’t understand it very well at all, but still far better than the average person on the street, the Weak and Strong Forces really don’t give a shit whether you believe in them or not…they just go on holding the atoms of your body and everything around you together no matter your beliefs.

The government, all governments, lie as a matter of course. They lie to compel, to cover up, to persuade and I imagine just because they can and they want to.

The issue, is that lies about a subject, any subject, say exactly nothing about the truth of that subject.

SO many in this space, recognize the rampant lying nature of our rulers and then make the illogical leap to say that the opposite of everything they say is the truth. Unfortunately, the truth is nuanced, complicated and must be carefully teased apart and still then there are endless, infinite mysteries in between everything.

But that is the task fi you choose to try and find the elusive thing known as truth.

June 13, 2023 7:28 pm

Oppenheimer and Humphrey, quoted above, were members of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has controlled US policy and the media since WW2.

War Secretary Stimson, who oversaw the “Manhattan Project” and the bombing of Japan, was a CFR member. Every chairman of the post-war Atomic Energy Commission was a CFR member. Most of the NATO commanders, starting with Eisenhower, have been CFR members. Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have been CFR members. Likewise for the secretaries of State, Treasury, and Defense.

Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the “Biden team” include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and ‘Homeland Security’. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.

But, hey, it’s just a coincidence…

June 13, 2023 8:04 pm

How many CFR members are Jewish?

June 13, 2023 11:05 pm

100 percent, what do I win?