Demographics Is Destiny

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

There is a collapse coming.

We can either try to mitigate it or not.

Either way its going to be bad, but if we do nothing — or worse, do more destructive things or continue those we’re doing now, it will be catastrophic.

Its simply the mathematics of the problem; at a 1.6 fertility rate (when 2.0x is required) in 20 years you’re in trouble, and in 40 you’re in really, really serious trouble.

No, you can’t fix it with immigration. That’s a trope and it doesn’t work because if the situation that led to it is still present bringing in more, new people simply result in them making the same decisions in a generation or two and you’ve accomplished nothing.

You have to change the paradigm in a way that reverses the disincentives and threats.

It takes a full generation before what you do will bear fruit.  Why?  Because that’s how long it takes for the generation growing up now to reach adulthood and have a good childhood themselves, and thus want to have children.

Musk is crowing about screwing like a rabbithe has the analysis correct but he’s one successful sperm in a vagina and thus the odds of him personally making a difference, even if his mantra was to catch fire with every other billionaire, is zero.  He’d do a lot more for humanity if he managed to get every such billionaire to tell the government of the United States to stop importing people via both illegal immigration and H1b/H2 visas and shut down all deficit spending, collapsing both asset prices and the cost of living or else he and the rest of the billionaires will take their money and production to a nation that does.

Of course he won’t do that because his little fiefdom and billions requires said outside people and schemes, all of which are a disincentive for ordinary folks to have kids as those “imported” bodies compete for jobs, drive up housing costs by presenting additional demand for same and slam downward wages — and every one of those actions makes the calculation for all thinking people of ordinary intelligence and gifts, when it comes to the decision to have kids, worse.

But for those things he wouldn’t have any money at all — and he knows it.

Let’s face facts folks: Nobody who you want to have children will bring said children into a world where they believe said kids will get screwed.

That doesn’t mean kids won’t come anyway; they will, for some.  Some adults don’t care what happens to their offspring, some actually use them as meal tickets and more.  Some people are also always going to be eternally optimistic and therefore none of this will factor into their decisions.  And some will have “accidents” and for personal or religious reasons decide to bear and attempt to raise said kids.  But none of that changes the basic facts: People who are of decently-competent intellect and of good character, in a world of technology where one can choose when and whether to reproduce, will only do so voluntarily if they believe it makes sense AND their offspring will get a fair shake.

Destroying the fiscal health of the nation by emitting 8% of GDP in unbacked credit via deficit spending is the exact opposite of such.  Simple mathematics tells us that this results in you losing half your standard of living in less than ten years and it takes about 20 years to decide to have a kid, have said kid and raise him or her to adulthood.  Run those fiscal deficits and you’ve told all the thinking adults that child’s standard of living, when they reach adulthood, will be one quarter of yours today assuming your children are as competent and intelligent as you are.

Would anyone who has two IQ points to rub together have children in that situation, when the options facing said kid 20 years hence are privation to this degree or civil war (and the attendant risk of being dead!) to overthrow said government?


Importing millions of unskilled workers who then drop kids who have parents with no skills, and thus no realistic means of learning much from said parents yet are citizens in the gambit to cheapen labor screws the next two generations sequentially.  Oh sure, in two generations or so those kids having their own kids will “outgrow” that but then they are able to compute the same odds and they won’t have children either!  Think I’m wrong?  The data says I’m not; within two generations those who were the children of illegals stop having lots of babies too and its for the same reason, I’ll wager: They’re convinced their children will get screwed and have one quarter of THEIR standard of living — and they remember living eight to a one bedroom apartment!

You think all those glorious “vacation venues” bringing in H2 workers, and all those “tech” places with H1bs, mean parents have a great experience for their kids at lower cost?  Maybe, but in addition they have seen the destruction it wreaks on said kids.  Please explain how many of Americans you saw of college age working scooping ice cream or similar this summer to make enough money to go to college in the fall.  Zero — or nearly so — right?  That’s what I saw all over the country.  Now if I’m 20, and thinking about making some kids, where are my kids going to be in 20 years?  Unable to get a summer job and unable to afford college too.  Many see this, keep their pants on and both Trojan and the birth control pill companies keep having decent quarterly reports.

Good jobs with nice pay tend to be concentrated around cities.  How’s Chicago doing these days?  Yeah, getting mugged while walking around North Michigan Avenue (assuming you don’t get shot, which is of course even worse) is great.  Do you want to expose children you might have to that risk?  Hmmmm….. probably not.  Oh, and speaking of which how are you going to afford a place to live with said kids when the cost of housing and property taxes have skyrocketed by more than double over the last decade or so — and there’s a new round of screwing headed for you in this upcoming year’s bill, all so you can be a “sanctuary” for a bunch of Venezuelan fighting-age men who illegally came to the US!  All of this is very conducive to choosing to bear children, right?  I mean its not like you’re going to have to pay those property taxes at an ever-escalating rate for the next 20 years if you choose to have kids, right?  Oh, wait…. you are!

Think about the process of bearing said kid as a microcosm of the hosing you may well get on an entirely-arbitrary and 100% out of your control basis.  You (or your wife if you’re a guy) is facing an unknowable bill from the hospital for having said kid and you will get GRILLED about whether you own a car seat before the child is even toweled clean!  Answer “wrong” and CPS gets called and crawls up your backside.  Oh, and they will jab said newborn before you can object yet if what they give that kid seriously screws him or her they’re immune from being sued over if it and you are forced to pay that bill too.  That’s the first of seventy such immunizations you must give to said child or they cannot go to school at all, the manufacturer and the doctor are absolutely immune from liability if said drug seriously injures or kills your child and of course you get the bill and possibly a lifetime of needing to care for and support said child if that injury occurs.  If something goes wrong during birth you are looking at an instant six-figure bill and the possibility of being financially ruined; if you already have a kid that event will wreck their life too.  Yes, the risk of injuries or worse is always part of having children and we all know that, but this is a thumb on the scale and a demand that you accept the risk of someone else screwing up and then abusing you financially because they can — not because you did something stupid or accepted a reasonable cost for what was bad luck came your way.  Does that put a thumb on the scale when it comes to your decision to have the child in the first place?

Said child gets to be about six and its time for school.  You’ve been paying property taxes funding said schools all along except….. the kids in said schools are not managing to learn anything.  This isn’t new, by the way — in the 1990s more than eight out of ten who came to try to get a job at MCSNet, all holding High School diplomas or better, couldn’t perform basic arithmetic with a paper and pencil nor write a simple basic English language business letter explaining that a customer had to pay their bill to restore their service.  I gave all applicants those two basic tests and kept all of them in a large file cabinet as it was the only reasonable way to guard against being unjustly accused of “discrimination.”  What is the forward earnings capacity of an 18 year old who can’t do both of those things — other than gang-banging related criminal activity, of course.  Blame this on whatever you’d like but the facts are what they are, so your options are to suck it up and take the risk that your child fails to learn or you pay twice — once in the property taxes and then again for private education.  Meanwhile your neighbor is a school teacher who gets paid and has a nice house to live in irrespective of the fact that you can’t trust your kid to actually learn anything in that classroom and whether its because she can’t kick out the three little monsters who like to throw chairs in class or that she herself can’t make change for a $20 doesn’t matter — she gets paid anyway and so does everyone else who works there even though they repeatedly fail to teach anyone anything at all.

Then you think about the child getting older.  He or she is rather bright and would perhaps like a college education.  You see the bills pile up on those who are there now, and the growth of that price over the last 20 years.  You see $100,000 or more in debt larded up on someone who studies gender or black history and a “professor” who claims that capitalism is horrible — while pulling down a six-figure salary and forcing your child to pay the next kid over’s tuition in Calculus class because you, not your child, have more money than his parents do.  You think “oh, my kid is a math whiz and will study programming” which sounded great 20+ years ago but then you remember the many H1bs that multiple large firms brought in to replace all of their American citizen programmers, forcing said Americans to train their replacements before being fired in order to get any severance at all!  Thus that $100,000 taken on in debt to go to college, you realize, can be rendered worthless by said corporations even if your kid makes good choices as soon as someone from India will do the work for less money.  This wild escalation in the cost of an education is not by random luck either, which would be a risk everyone has to take — three decades ago there was no Internet and colleges were the only real place you could learn a lot of things.  Today anyone can learn anything from literally anywhere with nothing more than a $50 cellphone, a $200 laptop and $50/month for Internet service so why has the cost of learning and proving it at a college level of competence gone up by five or more times in the last 30 or so years instead of costing almost nothing to simply take a set of proctored tests and prove competenceReality is that all of this is due to the deliberate policies and actions of universities, governments and corporations which will screw your child without any possibility of redress when he or she grows up — and there is no evidence that it is slowing down or will be stopped.

You buy another box of Trojans.

You walk into the grocery store and see a single woman with four kids, no Dad, and she whips out her EBT card at the checkout.  She’s got a nicer car than you do and she pays nothing for her residence, nor for her phone and Internet service — all because she dropped four kids with no father she’ll name.  Of course there is a father, probably a different one for each kid.  She gamed the system by using children as an ATM machine.  Even worse the kids are all obese and the cart is full of sugared soda and Doritos, all of which you are being taxed to pay for and she’s probably on six prescription drugs which you’re paying for too.  You contemplate that your skin is the wrong color to get away with that and you recognize that children are best-served by having two parents in the home but actually striving to provide the best possible environment for children to be born into and thrive means you won’t get the EBT, free housing, free medical care or free phone and Internet service and in addition you have been forced to pay for her four births, all the economic tyranny imposed by your local hospital on society for each on top of everything else and thus you don’t have the money to put extra groceries in your cart to reasonably feed even one child.

You buy two more boxes of Trojans and your girlfriend renews her birth control prescription just to be sure.

Never mind the sociological factors — like the quality of the dating pool due to self-inflicted personal health damage that those on both sexes have inflicted on themselves.  In the extreme we have young people being encouraged to take drugs or undergo surgeries that are likely or even guaranteed to permanently destroy their fertility and adult sexual function, but it hardly beings or ends there; that’s just an extreme example but one that we’re all expected to support and acknowledge as “normal” and “good.”  If you don’t “affirm” someone ruining their capacity to ever have an ordinary adult sexual relationship even before they reach adulthood and thus can possibly contemplate what they’re giving up (and produce children, I remind you), in many cases while forcing the costs on either their parents or society as a whole you’re called a bigot.

Look back at the last three years and I’ll give you just one tiny example I can personally cite.  On Halloween night in 2020 a neighborhood girl I’d seen around here, I would guess 10 years of age, came up trick-or-treating.  She had a mask in her hand and asked me (unmasked, handing out candy on the porch — better than half the houses were dark with the people cowering in fear inside!) “Sir, you’re not scared of me?”  I told her “Not in the least; my health is my business and, if it fails me that’s my issue.”  Her reply back to me?  “Its all bullshit.”  Realize that she was being force-masked in school here in this county, in a “red state” and county that is so red you’re wasting your time running as a Democrat, for nearly two years and the people who did it to her, six years from now when she reaches adulthood, will still not have lost a thing.  Some of those in higher office and thus in position to make policy for HER KIDS will likely have been the very teachers and school administrators who forced this ignobility on her; some of them even got commendations for bravery.  Will her knowledge of this and the screwing she personally took with such mandates by those very same people make her more or less-likely to have kids as an adult and will she assume that if she has children her kids are likely to get screwed in the same sort of way or even worse?

What could reverse that belief?  We might decide to hold those people who did all of that accountable by ejecting them from public office and any seat of power on a permanent basis — or even jailing them and confiscating their assets along with passing iron-clad laws prohibiting anything of the sort with a private right of enforcement.  In other words we could give that formerly-screwed kid and now adult woman confidence her kids will not be screwed as she was without warning or cause.  We haven’t and won’t do any of that so there will be another generation of lower birth rates.  This outcome in another five or six years is our responsibility as the adults of today because we’re not about to hold anyone accountable for those last three years!

Now add to this that there are two groups of politicians in “high office”: Those who are geriatric and thus will be dead before the really bad outcomes from their policies occur and those who are narcissists and thus don’t care if you and your kids get hosed as they believe they’ll be immune from the bad effects even though they know you and yours won’t.  If you think that’s just a lawmaker thing you’re dead wrong; my own father, who was a CPA and thus knew darn well what he was advocating and voting for and what it would mean, ran that crap on me during Thanksgiving one year while his grand-daughter was still at the age of crawling around on his living room carpet.  I was disgusted enough to get up from the table, gather our things, along with my kid, and immediately drove a few hours to get back home.

I could go on for hours with this but I think you get the point.  People don’t choose to have fewer or no children because “that’s how it is” as technology improves.  Technological improvement adds choice but society molds opinions and incentives — for good or bad, like it or not.

People make the decision to not have children not because they’re “selfish” but rather on an entirely-rational basis because they look back at their childhood for the baseline and then forward in time and what they see is not improvement but impoverishment, not prosperity but privation, forced compliance and costs shoved upon them while the mandating parties are immune from consequence even when they’re later proved wrong or worse, someone is injured or killed, rampant illegal immigration and destruction of the common person’s standard of living without boundary along with a documented history of forcing the voluntary costs taken by others down their throats along with myriad scams across the board.  When projected forward 20 years they recognize that any child they produce today is highly likely to be screwed blind and has a very low probability of having a good life, say much less a better one than they had.

Indeed if they judge that their childhood sucked they may well expect their kids’ childhoods to suck worse and nobody who actually cares about a child they’re contemplating bringing into the world voluntarily signs them up for that.

The people you want to bring children into the world are those who value children and have reason to believe their children will have at least as a good a life as they grew up with and enjoy now, with hope for even better, never mind a belief that their kids will have a fair shake and rational odds of success if they choose to apply themselves.

All of the policies of the last few decades of both government and industry have demonstrated beyond doubt that none of this is likely to be true and thus only those who don’t give a wet crap about their children’s future, or are so rich they believe they can guarantee it even if everyone else has their standard of living go straight to Hell, choose to reproduce.

Then there’s the inescapable fact that a woman has a window for fertility that peaks in her late teens and early 20s.  By age 30 fertility is on the decline and by the time she’s 35 that decline becomes precipitous; a woman who wants more than one child and is 35 is odds-off to be able to have both, and by 40 you may as well forget it entirely.  Leave aside the fact that most 55 year old people of either sex today can’t possibly keep up with a teen, especially when they have an extra 100+lbs on their body and the risk of death due to said lifestyle choices before you can raise said child to adulthood begins to rise at an unacceptable rate as you pass your 50th birthday.  That, in turn, means that no, you can’t wait another 5 or 10 years to fix this stuff because the women currently of child-bearing age won’t be able to have children by then and if we don’t cut the “healthy at any size” and “destroy your fertility on purpose by surgery or drugs” crazy nonsense today too many of those women who are of reproductive age at that point will be incapable of bearing children anyway.

That’s why we’re where we are, and if we don’t stop it now in another 20 years it won’t matter because for those who today are in their 40s and 50s, say much less older (many of the folks in my bracket will already be dead) there won’t be anyone to pay the taxes that keep the government operating, there won’t be any federal money for health care subsidization (e.g. Medicare) and there won’t be anyone willing to wipe your butt when you can’t do it anymore on your own.

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November 7, 2023 9:37 am

Consider Hungary and their attitude.

November 7, 2023 9:43 am


November 8, 2023 8:31 am

Didn’t read the article, and here’s why. Like most other so-called conservatives and right-wing lecturers, Denninger has lost his mind.

At one point he had some good stuff to say that really hit home with me, especially about the freaked-up medical industrial complex. He was one of the rare commentators who had the stones to actually tell the truth about it. But his problem has always been that he’s a complete arrogant A-hole. But now, it seems all that whiskey has rotted his brain, and he’s become just another bloviating psycho with an alcohol problem who loves to brag about how at one time he was this great entrepreneur providing internet ISP’s. BFD. Go away Karl, and don’t forget to sign up with AA.

November 8, 2023 9:48 pm

Late to the discussion here but…

A very rare (for me) down vote for bad mouthing whiskey! I tried to drink that stuff for years, usually ended up with a black eye or fat lip. It is NOT MY friend, I figured that out all by myself! Took me till my 40’s to find gin, it makes me grin, that’s all I’ll say about that.

Ask any chemist, alcohol IS a solution! A very helpful part of pain management and mental health care .

Peace, L.

November 8, 2023 12:26 pm

Hungry attitude….mmm.

Hey, sorry to bust in, but has anyone else heard about the Digiorno Thanksgiving Pizza scandal?

November 8, 2023 12:43 pm

They are selling 190 Thanksgiving Dinner Pizzas online each Wednesday until the 22nd.

190. Brilliant.

What is "Brilliant"? If You would.
What is "Brilliant"? If You would.
November 9, 2023 5:55 pm
  What is "Brilliant"? If You would.
November 10, 2023 9:24 am

Numerology, Astrology ‘s stepchild.

November 7, 2023 9:53 am

Submitted to cause a TBP cage match:

A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?

As with the ZH commentariat, the comments here are instructive, too:

November 7, 2023 10:07 am

I’ve long thought that the jews invented “The Chosen People.”

November 7, 2023 2:32 pm

comment image

The great tribulation that many Christians talk about, and erroneously believe is in the future, was intended for all the unbelieving Hebrews who had rejected and killed the Messiah.

“Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets.” Micah 3:12

That prophecy came true when the Roman army destroyed the Hebrew Nation, Jerusalem, and the Temple in 70 AD. It was known as the End of the Age of the Old Covenant and of Satan’s dominion upon the earth.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mattthew 28:20

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4

It became known also as the Apocalypse, the Tribulation, the Armageddon, the Desolation, which was prophesied by Christ in the Gospels and by the Apostle John in the entire book of Revelation, and was recorded by historian Flavius Josephus in The Wars of the Judahites.

“Jesus turned and said to them, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.’” Luke 23:28

“But he responded, ‘Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!’” Matthew 24: 2

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21

“Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” Matthew 24:34

“They will be killed by the sword when all of them are made captives by the Gentiles. And Jerusalem will be trampled down by the Gentiles until the period of the Gentiles is fulfilled.” Luke 21:24

“And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.” Revelation 11:8


Whatever Happened To The Hebrew Tribes?

Not Bad
Not Bad
November 7, 2023 5:34 pm

Only incorrect on the vast majority.

November 7, 2023 5:40 pm

Biblicism Inst.? Flash, are you the incessant ZH spambot with a thousand weird handles?

November 8, 2023 9:24 am

Yep … 6 million handles last time I counted, but could be 11 million by now…I dunno’ …I have to run it by Deep Shekels command for confirmation….reeeee

comment image

😇 Cage Match? Au contraire Brother!
😇 Cage Match? Au contraire Brother!
November 7, 2023 5:29 pm

You are Spot ON! Definite Psyop

Clearly demonstrated by: Flippin’ Temple tables, & Saying benign innocuous things like:

““Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

And little subtle hints like:

Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.”

Revelation 3:9  “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

HOWL could ANYONE fall for such a preposterous charade?!

November 8, 2023 7:40 am


November 10, 2023 9:28 am

The Roman empire invented it in the 4th century as a means of standardizing their agreed upon myths and delusions.

That’s right.
It took over Over 300 years after the Main Event, to get the story straight.

300 plus years, to straighten it out, yep.

Perfect Stranger
Perfect Stranger
November 7, 2023 9:59 am

I am a huge pessimist, but this guy who wrote this article is far beyond that. He lives in the land of loser think, and that ethos has permeated the entirety of his writing. Because he thinks like a loser, he will attract more of that bullshit into his life.

Figure something out and make it happen. It has been done billions of times in the past, it is being done right now all over the world, and it will be done billions more times in the future.

Now I would never claim the future is so bright I gotta’ wear shades, but I do know with 100% certainty that only losers sit around and mope about how bad things are.

To hell with this loser who wrote the article.

  Perfect Stranger
November 7, 2023 10:26 am

Demography is not destiny… but it’s close.

If you know the archeological and historical record, you also know that cultures and civilizations go extinct all the time.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
November 7, 2023 7:26 pm

Yep totally agree. Grab a drink sit back and enjoy the decline!

100 -200 years from now some hidden tribes of violent jungle dwellers will notice that there is free undefended land out there and they will repopulate the earth.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
  A cruel accountant
November 8, 2023 5:50 pm

Or maybe the
Planet of the Apes

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
  Perfect Stranger
November 7, 2023 11:34 am

Pat Buchanan wrote a book on the USA’s pending demographics crisis back around 2000. He predicted what Karl is stating.

Pat Buchanan ?
Pat Buchanan ?
  lamont cranston
November 7, 2023 5:38 pm

Well, (channeling ronnie raygun) he was there w/tricky dick on the tarmac in china…And that ‘Event’ was ages in the planning/making.

Inside Scoop.

  Perfect Stranger
November 7, 2023 1:09 pm

Beautifully said. We create our own universe with the way we think. A wonderful 20 page book on the topic is, “As a Man Thinketh.”

November 7, 2023 2:47 pm

I would go listen to Jason Christoffs podcasts. What you think you think may not be you.

November 9, 2023 8:49 am

What you think you think may not be you.
I don’t know who Jason is but…
I do believe, that what many think is truth and real, is just part of their storyline.

November 7, 2023 5:41 pm

“We make the world with our thoughts.”
~ Buddha

  Perfect Stranger
November 7, 2023 6:25 pm

“…I could go on for hours…” and Mr. Denninger usually does. He’s not wrong but the ranting gets old after a while.

November 7, 2023 9:12 pm

Nah…He’s often wrong. His shtick is to grouse about something then blame his readers for not doing anything about it.

He is about as useful as an old man screaming “Stay off my lawn!!”

This guy thinks otherwise than Karl:

(get rid of the “‘s, and you’ll get his article)

November 8, 2023 7:57 am

Fuckin’ A. Except for the fact that he gets into Boomer-blame mode a little at first, that article is pretty incisive. To be as kind as possible, Karl isn’t exactly one of the great thinkers of our time.

November 10, 2023 11:12 am

The “great thinkers of our time” have gotten us where we are. Perhaps not being one of them is a good thing. We could definitely use a new perspective.

  Perfect Stranger
November 9, 2023 3:27 pm

The future IS so bright that you should always wear shades, preferably those with mirror fronts. That way after the nuclear flash in the sky you will be able to see while you run for shelter from the blast.

November 7, 2023 10:02 am

Why must population always grow?
Why does it even need to remain steady? (i.e., replacement level)?
Why can a nation’s population not shrink?
Does population, and general well-being have to be a Ponzi scheme?
Why can a declining population not be a good thing?
Denninger or Musk would no doubt tell me all the horrible things that will befall the nation if population declines; but every one of those horrible things are failures of government decisions ( debt/fiat monetary Ponzi, social security/ Medicare ponzi, welfare, etc).
Stop government Ponzi schemes and a declining population ceases to be a danger.

anon a moos
anon a moos
November 7, 2023 10:27 am

In westernized nations a declining population means a threat to the consumerism mentality and to future social benefits. Its applied across the board in nearly every area of demand, the ever growing market and increased pricing. Its basically a psyop pushing people to consume more, get whats rightfully yours, message.

IMO, this is mostly driven by the middlemen that produce nothing, ie stock markets and bean counters. Speculators that seems to fashion all manner of ponzi schemes.

The need for larger families to help in feeding the family or product for sale is no longer necessary, most due to tech advancements, coupled with hedonistic values over all else.

That said, the threat of population collapse, which oddly clashes with the overpopulation mantras, is most often the excuse for politicals to get the invaders necessary to speed the great reset directives.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
  anon a moos
November 8, 2023 11:36 am

Watching white people being replaced by, whomever, maintaining the Population of the country, doesn’t mean America survives. Unless the replacement population have Western Civilization attitudes and the abilities to create and accomplish the things that the most despised group of people on earth have been doing, ( the eeevil white guy) America is not going to make it. It’s the Culture of the conservative Christian white people that defined America. Destroy that and you destroy what America has been.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 7, 2023 11:07 am

I’m not sure that it’s bad for a population to shrink, but I think people haven’t considered the possibility that the social changes bringing about a falling fertility rate might be unstoppable. The welfare state has made people less dependent upon having offspring to take care of them in old age, but even when the welfare state collapses, we may never revert to where having a few kids becomes a logical, self-interested choice. It’s hard to raise kids. It’s expensive. It limits your choices. Sometimes when they’re grown they don’t even like you or appreciate or even remember your sacrifices. There’s obviously a biological impulse to breed, but now that the connection between sex and reproduction has been severed, it’s entirely possible that the human species could slowly decide to cease to exist. Like some frigid panda bear more interested in eating leaves than mating.

I think God always knew that was a strong possibility and that’s why He had to command people to multiply and forbid onanism and pharmakeia and homosexuality.

"frigid panda bear"?
"frigid panda bear"?
  Iska Waran
November 7, 2023 5:50 pm

Pretty sure ‘frigid’ is applicable to the Fairer Sex?

In reality? Pussy was the Bane of my existence. Had to nickname my little willy. Did NOT want a complete stranger making 90% of my decisions.

However, 👁️ 🎼 Heard it through the Grapevine🎶 that i was referred to as ‘The Panda’ in my Youth.

“Eats shoots and leaves”

Not sure of the punctuation, implication, to this day.

November 7, 2023 11:38 am

Well it can go both ways.
The problem is, while our population is shrinking, some guys with balls but no brains multiply very quickly.
Imagine 90 % of your neighbourhood replaced by them.
If all the populace declined in unison, I would not mind.

November 7, 2023 12:09 pm

Why must population always grow? Because if it isn’t, that means family values are going away. What are family values you ask? Patience, caring, hard work, and more. If a population is shrinking, that means more people are not having any kids at all. That means they probably aren’t even getting married. And that means they are most likely completely selfish, self-centered people. A society will not thrive with those kind of values.

November 9, 2023 11:17 pm

You are missing the primary reason the population must grow, but that’s okay, almost everyone misses it: The debt-based fiat money system requires constant growth or it collapses. Ironically, it’s that same system causing inflation that wrecks the possibility of being able to afford kids for millions of people. Selfishness has nothing to do with it – in fact, it’s a critically important act of selflessness to choose NOT to have children when you can see how awful their lives will be in a system that’s guaranteed to screw them.

November 7, 2023 2:56 pm

Six dv’s at present count but only one explanation of why this is a crisis.

Any other downvoter wish to explain exactly what catastrophe happens if there are only 1.6 births for every 2 people?

Please avoid naming the debt fiat and socialist redistribution pyramid schemes, as well as failures of other unnecessary government systems and programs.

November 7, 2023 8:28 pm

have you seen idiocracy?

November 8, 2023 12:04 pm

The question remains.

Denninger is, first and foremost, lamenting declining numbers and only mentions quality tangentially. Read his closing paragraph.

But, to address Idiocracy:
In what ways are smart, educated people disincentivized to procreate?
In what ways are dumb, ignorant people incentivized?
What entity creates such incentives or disincentives?

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
November 8, 2023 5:51 pm

Life goes on or it doesn’t!

Anon too
Anon too
November 7, 2023 10:47 am

Denninger is an optimist.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Anon too
November 7, 2023 11:10 am

With only one kid.

  Anon too
November 7, 2023 5:57 pm

Denniger likes his readers to praise him. Best column ever Karl, I preed my pants just reading it
He hates disagreement with his thoughts, he has a ban hammer and if you disagree you are out. It is why I quit reading him. Karl would not do well here.

November 10, 2023 9:36 am

Ban hammers are funny.

Instructions for attaining group think:

1. Open up an online comment section.
2. Attack and then ban all who disagree with your views.
3. Yay. Groupthink!

Serves: As many idiots as will fit into the echo chamber.

That said…
I try to bring good info to TBP and provide other angles to view things.
I thank all for their sharing of their views.
And I thank Admin for running the page.
Thank you Admin and all participants here!
~Gavriel [the real Gavriel!]

November 7, 2023 11:00 am

The problem is the majority of humans are straight up stupid, lazy, narcissistic and most of all entitled. Most people think life owes them something. Thank you “modern conveniences”.
Technology allowed Darwinism to go away and let the weak and low IQ survive and over populate themselves and in this country …. vote.
Look at what areas and countries have had the most rapid growth in most recent decades.
Hello…. Gaza strip, Africa, Middle East…..
Total human population was 600 million in 1700, now it’s 8 billion.
That growth is absolutely unsustainable. Says who? Physics and basic math and like Karl says , demographics.
Karl is 100% correct. Be grateful for what you have now because most, if not all of it, is going away in the very near future and there isn’t a God Damn thing any politicians or governments can do about it.

November 7, 2023 11:35 am

“Karl is 100% right.”
So declining population is horrible and population growth is horrible.
Got it.

November 7, 2023 11:38 am

Exactly, either way we are all fucked.
Pick your poison.

November 7, 2023 2:22 pm

comment image

Except for Us. Of Course.
Except for Us. Of Course.
November 7, 2023 6:03 pm

“The problem is the majority of humans are straight up stupid, lazy, narcissistic and most of all entitled. Most people think life owes them something. “

November 7, 2023 7:52 pm

I think Timothy 3 puts it better

3 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.

November 8, 2023 12:31 pm

That not what I wrote. Those bastards in Athens changed it.

Doug grows potatoes
Doug grows potatoes
November 7, 2023 11:39 am

OTOH we might have a lot of little Mormons and Amish leading the country. Which might be very good.

old geezer
old geezer
November 7, 2023 11:56 am

20 years ? my guess is not much more than 10, perhaps less. we’re well past the tipping point and negative societal forces are not simply additive. they are multiplicative and then go asymptotic.

Mr. Denninger writes well and hit all the targets many people have spotted along the last 40 or 50 years.

  old geezer
November 7, 2023 2:24 pm

Bless his heart, Karl continues to be angry and articulate. And mostly right, unfortunately. The demons in Washington and in local governments everywhere have really screwed us and they keep right on doing it every chance they get. At this point, I believe nothing they say, but I do watch what they do even though I am powerless to stop it. I really think only a utter economic collapse and a war on our own soil that we will lose will bring all of this to a shuddering close. Then I hope the FemmiNazi cunts that spewed all this hatred against men and anyone who disagreed with them will get first place in front of the firing squads. And perhaps the Remnants that remain in scattered places will begin the long hard task of rebuilding what was lost..

November 7, 2023 2:36 pm

Have patience queenie. It took a Christian Spanish warriors 800 years to rid Spain of Muslim invaders and a large population of back stabbing Chozenites, too.

November 7, 2023 2:52 pm

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November 7, 2023 2:53 pm

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November 7, 2023 8:29 pm

let’s retake England or Germany.

November 8, 2023 9:26 am

Let retake America from Judeo-Evangitardian first …eh.

November 7, 2023 12:10 pm

What’s the solution? True democracy where everyone has full veto authority. What is a true democracy? Anarchy. Duh.

John Holmes
John Holmes
November 7, 2023 12:13 pm

Women have replaced husbands with government jobs and welfare and state enforced child support and alimony. They replaced the family with their dead end jobs. They replaced raising their own children with daycare, pets, and feeling good about mothering every poor person on earth thru immigration and welfare for the invaders. Women rate 80% of men as below average in attractiveness. We are finding out what happens when woman take leadership of universities, professions like journalism and law. And our entire countries. Women vote more in lock step than men. Women decide elections. Men built western civilization over 5,000 years. Women dismantled it in 100.

  John Holmes
November 7, 2023 9:24 pm

And women wonder why every major religion and civilization has strictly circumscribed their autonomy everywhere, failing to do so resulting in the collapse of said religion or civilization.

Patriarchy: Saving women from themselves for thousands of years.

We are seeing the collapse right now. It will come to full blossom when these strong, independent women discover that they have no retirement or savings, that gov’t has run out of money, and they have no husband or children to fall back on.

“AND in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, take away our reproach!”

Isaiah 4:1

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
November 8, 2023 7:42 am

Where is the reproach, brother?! It’s raining consequences EVERY DAY and there’s STILL NO REPROACH from humanity. We keep supporting this shit no matter how many it puts in early graves.

“we have entered that time when all will turn against us and seek our lives.” – Paul Atraedes, Dune

November 7, 2023 12:15 pm

In summary, yes things are bad and getting worse.

But some groups that stick together and isolate themselves to some degree from the bigger system will survive and possible thrive, like the Amish and Mormons.

November 7, 2023 12:24 pm

Amish preach pacifism, good luck with that down the road.
Mormons have a history of inbreeding and will go extinct from rampant genetic defects.

November 7, 2023 1:46 pm

The Amish will be wiped off the earth at some future point, FOR REFUSING TO DEFEND THEMSELVES.
It….is inevitable.

November 7, 2023 5:09 pm

Or the Amazon natives.

November 7, 2023 1:47 pm

KD misses one factor…might makes right. Eventually the Saxon will get angry. A minority can and will rule.

The Kurgan sends..

“But as usual, Karl is missing the big picture. As is typical of the boomer mentality, that thinks primarily in terms of me, me, me, and even when describing global events is guided by their perennial laser-like focus on how anything affect them in the specific, he seems largely incapable of the very concept of synergism.

It is a rare skill generally, but it happens that some of us (mostly GenX) are naturally talented at it, so allow me to point out the errors of his thinking, starting from the exact opposite direction that boomer thinking begins at: that is, the REALLY big pictures frames first. The ones that ignore us, that is you and me specifically completely. Here we go:

November 7, 2023 2:49 pm

Musk needs to put up, or shut up, go personally plant the flag on mars, or refund the taxpayers’ money.

November 7, 2023 2:52 pm

At the crux of the matter – why is the birthrate declining. It is because of the economy / jobs / taxes /government mandates and excessive spending.

Here in Minneapolis, a small two bedroom house, with a one car garage sells for about $450,000.

Do the math: $450,000 – $50,000 down = $400,000
$400,000 @8% for 30 years = $2,935 a month + $400 taxes + $100 insurance = $3,435 monthly payment.
$41,000 a year for a cracker box home.

Large items: homes / cars have priced people out of the market. Add inflation, green energy dictates (the price of my electricity has gone up 34% in one year).

It’s no wonder people aren’t having more children.

This is how I think it will go – about in 50 years: There will be less and less middle class white people (who pay the most of the taxes.) What will be left are all the illegals / ghetto blacks / Somali’s / welfare moms – all these people breed like crazy. At that point there will be very few taxpayers – and the shit will hit the fax when the gravy train ends.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
November 7, 2023 5:24 pm

So you think the gravy train will continue another 50 years???

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Svarga Loka
November 8, 2023 7:45 am

Wouldn’t THAT be something to see!

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
November 8, 2023 12:28 pm

Dutch, correct scenario–wrong timeline. We’ve got 10 years max.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
November 8, 2023 7:26 pm

“It’s no wonder people aren’t having more children.”

Not all people are so inclined … look at the birthrate for all of the 3d world folks who’ve invaded the US … 

Or look at the ultra-orthodox communities in NYC and the Hudson River Valley that average 7-9 children … but, then, they, too, are on the dole because dad doesn’t work.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
November 7, 2023 4:03 pm

They’ve already turned Denninger’s article into a movie. It’s called Idiocracy.

November 7, 2023 5:32 pm

Why Israel wants to dump Palestinian refugees on a Western nation
Welcome to Canada eh!!

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
November 7, 2023 5:38 pm

hi admin. did you delete my post?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
November 8, 2023 7:33 am

I’m willing to wager that nine out of 10 sheep never give this one moment’s thought. And THAT IS WHY the world has gone straight to shit.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 8, 2023 8:16 am

Great article. Look at history. This shit ALWAYS leads to war. In this case, the war will be fought in our own country against aliens and traitors. Biden call your office.

Gaping sphincter
Gaping sphincter
November 8, 2023 9:17 am

But I thought they wanted to reduce the population? Why the concern.

Mr. Walrus
Mr. Walrus
November 8, 2023 12:03 pm

The real delusion is the mind-virus “alien implant” as Castaneda called it, named Abrahamic Religion. It locks your mind into materialism, reward and punishment, and the ludicrous idea of authority here on earth.

Concern about future population of innocent souls born into a life of tax slavery here in jew world? Gimme a break. The “good old days” are always better and ponder this, ponder the state of the world right now.
The real truth which came out of India in ancient times…. sages and jnanis KNOW that to be born is a calamity and “life” is a jailbreak.

There’s a deep reason why newborns cry, and just a short time in samadhi or dwelling in the pure bliss of the “I am” might give you a clue how naive you were, and how naive the world is.

Let the parasites of the inbred desert tribe inherit the earth, feed off each other, then things will finally be balanced.

  Mr. Walrus
November 8, 2023 12:34 pm

Wow man, like totaly etheral bro…. .. sativa?

November 8, 2023 4:38 pm

Karl, you sound like a guy with no kids. Usually people without kids talk about having kids like they are buying a Corvette. Your cost/benefit analysis is so disconnected from the real benefit of having a family it’s shocking! Family is a dynamic that is exponential in nature. Those on here who have families will understand what I’m saying, while those who don’t will continue to see kids as just another collector’s item. Btw, my experience is the major reason (90%+) people don’t have kids is because they want to play, vacation, pursue their career or otherwise remain unshackled from providing for a dependent human and all of the bodily fluids, sleepless nights and emotional theatrics that come with it. It’s their loss, because nothing I have done in life has brought me the sense of joy and accomplishment as raising good, stable adults has. If we’re poor because of prevailing public policy, that will suck, but it wouldn’t have deterred me then and I don’t think it will deter my children from having kids now.

Archaeopteryx Phoenix
Archaeopteryx Phoenix
November 8, 2023 5:07 pm

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November 8, 2023 9:28 pm

Carl DeNègre

November 9, 2023 7:37 am
November 9, 2023 9:02 am

News next week:
“Communist Rebels Destroyed 100 Wells This Week”

November 9, 2023 4:48 pm

My grandson’s first year algebra teacher COULD NOT DO ALGEBRA!!! Yeah,she was black. She would have them read the assignment.Give them a multiple choice test on their laptop,and the program graded them. She literally couldn’t do 27-X= 13. I taught the boy Algebra 1.

November 9, 2023 11:06 pm

A stunningly accurate essay in all respects. I saw the handwriting on the wall early and got a vasectomy in 1975; nothing since then has made me think I was wrong. Everything has gotten worse, and the kids I’ve seen raised by other people who didn’t figure it out, had an accident, or perversely thought that making copies of themselves was the right thing to do all grew up to be disturbed adults. We hear a lot these days about “empowerment”. People with kids can’t imagine how empowering it is to not give a damn if the world is going to hell in a handbasket because *my* offspring won’t be living in it and I don’t have to put up with it much longer.