Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Russia-bashing is a bi-partisan activity in Washington. Both parties think it makes them look “tough” and “pro-America.” But while Republican and Democrat politicians continue to one-up each other on “risk-free” threats to Russia, they are increasingly risking a devastating nuclear war.

It’s all fun and games until the missiles start flying. And in this case we are risking total destruction over who governs eastern Ukraine! Has so much ever been risked for so little?

The problem with all this tough talk is that politicians start to believe their own rhetoric and propaganda. As a result they don’t make sound decisions based on objective facts, but instead make rash decisions based on faulty misinformation.

When US politicians talk about Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border, for example, they leave out the fact that these troops are actually inside Russia. With US troops in some 150 countries overseas, you’d think Washington might pause before criticizing the “aggression” of troops inside a country’s own borders.

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81 Research Studies Confirm Natural Immunity to COVID ‘Equal’ or ‘Superior’ to Vaccine Immunity


‘Miraculous’ ivermectin approved for use in the US for the treatment of COVID-19


Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine

Continue reading “TOP TEN MOST VIEWED ON TBP IN 2021”

Observations from an experienced nurse about the COVID vaccines

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

One of my nurse friends forwarded this note to me. It was originally written by a nurse, but the source is unknown, probably out of fear of retribution.

8 Steps To Work As a Nurse in the U.S. as a Foreign-Educated Nurse

Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, meningitis, flu, and pneumonia, and tuberculosis) I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated.

I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.

I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.

I never saw discrimination for those who didn’t.

Continue reading “Observations from an experienced nurse about the COVID vaccines”

Will the Omicron Wave Carry Us Onto Endemic Beach By March?

Guest Post by Dr. Pierre Kory

Although this article’s headline may be one of the worst ever in COVID, it holds one of the most hopeful messages yet.

Woke up last Sunday to a text forwarded to me by my wife. It was a series of notes taken by a good friend of hers which summarized the main points heard on a conference call with the International Head of Infectious Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital (i.e. “Haavaad”). This is what it looked like:

I found it remarkable on a number of fronts given that this information;

  1. Comes out of the Top of the Ivory Tower of Ivory Towers (Harvard)
  2. Comes from the Director of International Infectious Disease

Continue reading “Will the Omicron Wave Carry Us Onto Endemic Beach By March?”

FOIA docs reveal Pfizer shot caused avalanche of miscarriages, stillborn babies

Via LifeSite News

Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021.

Featured Image

Netflix reality TV star Maya Vander told her fans last week of her devastating grief after she delivered a stillborn baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy December 9.

“Yesterday was the hardest day of my life,” Vander, 39, posted on Instagram, with a picture of new baby clothes in a memory box she was taking home from hospital instead of her baby boy. “I always heard of it but never imagined I’ll be part of the statistics.”

Vander, a Beverly Hills real estate agent who stars on the show “Selling Sunset,” had posted a photo of herself in November from a pregnancy shoot and looked the picture of health. Described as “fully vaccinated,” by US magazine, Vander has two other children: Aiden, two, and daughter Elle, one.

After her loss, she wrote in Insider magazine that she had felt less movement from the baby a few days before she learned her baby had died and also that her husband and two children were COVID-positive, although she had tested negative. She said the baby, who was “perfect” and weighed seven pounds and four ounces, would be autopsied.

There was a flurry of sympathetic news coverage about Vander’s loss, but not one article dared to ask burning questions: did COVID shots during her pregnancy have something to do with this baby’s death? Or did COVID have something to do with it, and the COVID shots failed?

Data Pfizer didn’t want you to see

When a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency asked Pfizer to share the raw data from their COVID vaccine trials and post-marketing surveillance that was used to license the injection, the pharma giant linked up with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to refuse the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. In fact, the FDA (meant to serve and protect public health) hired Justice Department lawyers and went to court to shield the pharmaceutical giant from having to reveal its data – for 55 years. That’s right. The FDA and Pfizer did not want anyone to see the numbers behind their COVID vaccine until 2076.

Continue reading “FOIA docs reveal Pfizer shot caused avalanche of miscarriages, stillborn babies”

Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in its Omnipotence?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This — https://www.rt.com/russia/546270-us-promises-response-moscow/ — makes it clear that the CIA rules America.

The Russians called a security conference with Washington and NATO. The Russians explained that security is a joint undertaking and that security only exists if every country feels secure. The CIA responded with accusations against Russia handed to the CIA-puppet Biden regime and the CIA-puppet US media. The national security advisor read the script to us peons: Russia intends a false flag attack on its own troops so that it will have an excuse to invade Ukraine.
The national security advisor is so stupid that it does not occur to him that if Russia wants to invade Ukraine Russia will. Russia needs no excuse, and there is no one in Washington or NATO who can do anything about it.

Continue reading “Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in its Omnipotence?”

The Supply Chain Nightmare Continues – China Shuts Down Ports Thanks To COVID

Via The Blue State Conservative

During the 2020 presidential campaign, talk show host Sean Hannity, the investigative reporter, and author Peter Schweizer, plus countless others, warned America about Joe and Hunter Biden’s support and involvement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Following Biden’s election a year ago, the administration’s mismanagement of COVID via vaccine mandates has made it difficult to find the labor to operate shipping ports. In addition, the truck drivers are staying home in protest of the vaccine mandates, hampering the movement of the products when eventually unloaded.

In reaction to the much less deadly Omicron variant, the CCP has nevertheless decided to shut down major shipping ports, which is guaranteed to significantly disrupt the global supply of everyday products worldwide.

Zero Hedge reported on the coming Biden crisis on Thursday.

And, as we have also discussed in recent weeks, one place where this growth slowdown is emerging – besides the upcoming deterioration in US consumption where spending is now being funded to record rates by credit cards before it encounters a troubling air pocket – is China and its “covid-zero” policy in general, and its covid-locked down ports in particular.

But what until recently was a minority view confined to our modest website, has since expanded, and as Bloomberg writes overnight, the effects of restrictions in China as the country maintains its Covid-zero policy “are starting to hit supply chains in the region.”

Continue reading “The Supply Chain Nightmare Continues – China Shuts Down Ports Thanks To COVID”

This Is Your Last Chance

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

This is Part One, Part Two will be posted 1/21.

The indictment is long and strong. A cabal of politicians, governments, courts, medical authorities, pharmaceutical companies, multinational agencies, the mainstream media, academics, and foundations, particularly the World Economic Forum, have concocted responses to a virus and its variants that have robbed the people of rightful liberties, are a mechanism for the imposition of global totalitarianism, and have amplified rather than reduced the virus’s dangers, inflicting severe injury and death that will last years, perhaps decades, and afflict millions, if not billions, of victims (See “The Means Are The End,” Robert Gore, SLL, November 13, 2021).

This is their last chance. They can reverse course and pray to whatever demonic deity they pray to that it’s enough to prevent the retribution they deserve, or they can perish in the destruction they’ve created. They will reap what they have sown, their time is up.

Continue reading “This Is Your Last Chance”

WHO Crushes Biden COVID Plan, Says “No Evidence At All” That Healthy Kids Needs ‘Booster’ Jabs

Via ZeroHedge

The Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization has just crushed what little credibility the Biden administration’s COVID response team had by confirming what most parents’ common-sense already told them – that there is no evidence that healthy children need booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said Tuesday that “there is no evidence right now that healthy children or adolescents need boosters. No evidence at all.”

“The aim is to protect the most vulnerable, to protect those at highest risk of severe disease and dying. Those are our elderly populations, immuno-compromised people with underlying conditions, but also healthcare workers,” she said.

Watch her full statement here:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The Howard Dean scream – 2004

Via History.com

At an energetic rally on the evening of January 19, 2004, Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean emits a noise that many will claim ended his career in electoral politics. The “Dean Scream,” as it quickly came to be known, was a unique and revealing moment in early-21st century American politics.

A former three-term governor of Vermont, Dean was seen as the candidate of the Left and was the only Democrat who openly criticized the Iraq War in his campaign for the party’s nomination. He was considered a frontrunner despite conservatives’ attempts to depict his campaign as a “left-wing freak show,” but finished third in the Iowa Caucuses. Despite losing the first contest of the primary to John Edwards and eventual winner John Kerry, Dean took the stage the night that night with enthusiasm. He ended his remarks by fervently cataloguing the contests yet to come, concluding with a shout of “…and then we’re going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! Yeah!” His voice cracked on the final “Yeah!,” turning the word into a bizarre yelp that was broadcast and, before long, replayed hundreds of times on news programs all over the country.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The Howard Dean scream – 2004”

Jeffery Epstein And Bill Clinton: 8 Young Women Were Brought To White House During Visits

The Blue State Conservative

A recent bombshell report by the Daily Mail has revealed that between 1993-1995, the now-deceased convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein brought a total of eight young women to the White House while he was meeting with then-president Bill Clinton.

Previous visitor logs from the White House have confirmed Epstein visited the White House a total of 17 times. His first visit to the White House was in 1993, shortly after Bill Clinton was inaugurated, and after that day he visited the White House 16 more times and also brought young women as guests.

The White House logs confirmed that three of those trips to the White House were to attend a dinner with Bill and Hillary Clinton in the Blue Room with dozens of other wealthy guests in attendance, too. There is no other information on what Epstein did during his visits to the White House, but it was reported he would go to the same wing where Clinton spent most of his time.

The White House logs are not the only evidence that Epstein was granted access to the White House. A video that police took when they raided his home in Palm Beach Florida also shows several pictures of Epstein and an unidentified woman at the White House standing at the podium where Clinton’s Press Secretary would stand to give briefings.

Continue reading “Jeffery Epstein And Bill Clinton: 8 Young Women Were Brought To White House During Visits”

Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This Diaper Report is personal – and anecdotal – but from what I have been able to gather and based on what I and people close to me seem to be experiencing – there may well be something going around.

But it’s not the ‘Rona, moronicon or otherwise.

I’ve not been sick – in terms of coughs, sniffles or worse – throughout this sickness. Neither has my girlfriend. Neither have friends of ours, all of us never having “practiced” any of the aberrant rituals associated with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. We don’t wear the Face Diaper. We haven’t locked ourselves away in the basement, to hide from the putative plague.

But over the past six or so months – interestingly coincident with the “spread” of the “vaccines” – all of us have experienced an unusual feeling intermittently “off.”

A kind of vague,low-grade vertigo, a sense of “lag,” if that makes any sense. Nothing incapacitating or remotely close to being so.

Just  . . . not quite right. It comes – and it goes.

And it came just recently – over the past several months. Never before, at the height of the cases! the cases! back in the summer of 2020 (it seems like much longer ago than that because it feels as though this weaponization of hypochondria has been going on forever) did any of us feel “off.”

Now we do.


Initially, I thought it was just me – and maybe due to my own strange practices, which include rising in the middle of the night to work while drinking at least a pot of coffee before I eat anything. But then others in my circle began to report feeling similarly, intermittently. And these feelings seemed to come – and go – according to how close and how long one stayed within proximity of “vaccinated” people.

It may all be in my head. But all of our heads? The same off feeling of “offness,” intermittently? Evidence accumulates it may not be in our heads. Certainly, it is possible I and others in my circle are collectively feeling fatigued – the result of having to deal with the Cult of Sickness Abiding. It wears on one, the constant – the daily – having to see the Face Diapered zombies, an external world gone insane. It tends to drive one insane. How long can one live in an insane asylum without becoming an inmate in more than just the bodily sense?

And yet, it’s very strange.

Never before in my life have I felt intermittently “off” like this.

Some believe these feelings are caused by what is styled shedding by the “vaccinated” – of some toxic thing, which gets picked up by the not-“vaccinated,” via inhalation or touch. Supposedly, work has been done on developing “vaccines” that can be transmitted – without being “vaccinated,” in the traditional way. Apparently, this shedding has been admitted to – by the drug makers (and pushers) themselves.

Physical proximity seems to be the key.

The crazy thing, in these crazy times, is that if this is true then we – the not-“vaccinated” – have good reason to lock ourselves down, to anti-socially distance ourselves from those who have been “vaccinated.”

The very thing the people terrified of getting sick accused the healthy of being the source waters of could now be the thing the sick are spreading to the healthy.

The wearying thing is, we’re all on our own as there is no sound way to know – or rather, to know whom to trust – because practically everything emanating from what were in former times more-or-less reliable sources of reasonably accurate information is now outright disinformation. Going to see the doctor-who-does-not-practice medicine to get medical advice is like going to Lehman Brothers for financial advice.

You’re a sucker if you do – but where does that leave you?

The entire medical apparat has been corrupted by money, politics and corporatization – all of them etiolations of the same basic thing.

Once upon a time, doctors practiced medicine and the money they earned was an incidental part of their practice. My allergist grandfather and general practitioner father were under no pressure from a centralized “health” apparat as far as how they ministered to their patients. What occurred within the exam room – which was a room in their homes, where their practices were located – was between patient and doctor. There were no government-health-maintenance-organization-corporation middle men.

Drugs were not sold on TV. Most people – not counting Elvis – weren’t taking prescription drugs. There were no “drug reps” peddling drugs to doctors to peddle to their patients.

Doctors could afford to practice without bending knee to the companies that made these drugs and who today send reps to buy doctors with lunches and drinks at fancy restaurants.

They had a nurse-receptionist, perhaps. Not a whole office full of DMV-clone health insurance paper-pushers. There was a semblance, at least, of public-interest oversight at the federal level, if only by dint of the fact that, pre HMO (thanks, Tricky Dick) the federal government was a remote presence in the examination room. Medicine was in those days practiced mostly by doctors rather than politicians and “health care” bureaucrats such as the doctor-who-has-never-practiced medicine.

The medicinal hard-sell was all-but-unknown, in part because it was a more humane era and also, perhaps, because there was no power to  vivify it, as now abounds. You could, accordingly, more or less trust what you were told – as opposed to being told what you’ll do.

Now, we’re very much on our own – in terms of more than just our health. We are obliged to ferret out the truth, ourselves – and act accordingly. Trust what you know and do not trust just because someone says so. Particularly someone who has a vested interest that runs contrary to your own.