Police Murder Because They Are Trained To Murder

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In response to my request for information on US police training
(http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/07/08/why-dallas-happened-paul-craig-roberts/), readers have sent in a variety of information that seems to fit together. I am going to assemble it as best I can as a working hypothesis or provisional account. Perhaps a former or current police officer concerned about the change in the behavior of US police, or an expert on police training and practices, will come forward and verify or correct this provisional account.

First, we know that the police have been, or are being, militarized. They are armed with weapons of war that hitherto have been used only on battlefields. We don’t know why police are armed in this way, as such weapons are not necessary for policing the American public and are not used in police work anywhere except in Israeli-occupied Palestine.

There is an undeclared agenda behind these weapons, and neither Congress nor the presstitute media have any apparent interest in discovering the hidden agenda.

Nevertheless, the militarization of the police fits in with what we know about police training.

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Vladimir Putin Is The Only Leader The West Has

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A Reuters news report under the names of presstitutes Robin Emmott and Sabine Siebold shows how devoid the West is of honest, intelligent and responsible journalists and government officials. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-nato-summit-idUKKCN0ZN2NN
First we will examine the dishonesty or incompetence of the reporters and then that of Western government officials.

Emmott and Siebold describe NATO as a “Western defense alliance.” Since the Clinton regime NATO has been an alliance for waging offensive war, a war crime under the Nuremberg rules established by the United States. Under the NATO banner a number of countries have been bombed, invaded, and had their governments overthrown by Washington acting under the cover of NATO.

These destroyed countries posed no threat whatsoever to the countries of the NATO alliance and undertook no aggressive actions against NATO members. How is it possible that Reuters’ reporters and editors are not aware of this? Why do they call an instrument of Washington’s aggression a “defense alliance”?

Emmott and Siebold report that “Russian aggression” is the reason NATO is deploying 3,000 to 4,000 troops in the Baltic states and Poland. In other words, something that does not exist–Russian aggression toward the Baltics and Poland–is assumed to be a fact that must be countered with military deployments.

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Deranged Black Lives Matter Supporter Shot Dead After Breaking Into St. Louis Police Officer’s Home

Tyler Durden's picture


In one of the more bizarre stories to emerge from the last few days of rage, St. Louis Post Dispatch reports that a former Affton High School football standout forced his way into a South County home and was shot and killed by an off-duty officer inside after a Facebook dispute over Black Lives Matter apparently boiled over late Saturday afternoon.

Tyler Gebhard

As Nox and Friends summarizes the shocking incident, Gebhard had argued with the cop about Black Lives Matter on Facebook. The unidentified cop and Gebhard knew each other through church.  He was shot after he threatened the officer’s wife after she wouldn’t let him in the home and threw a planter through the window.

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Question of the Day, July 11

At this point, should public universities simply be shut down?

Public university now requires applicants pledge commitment to ‘diversity and inclusion’


The University of Cincinnati has rolled out a new policy that requires faculty and staff applicants pledge their commitment to “diversity and inclusion.”

The policy comes at a university with a stated goal of hiring more “historically underrepresented” employees, a benchmark spelled out in its “UC Affirmative Action Plan” that calls for more African American, women, and other “traditionally unrepresented” employees campuswide.

“As of July 1, the University of Cincinnati will request a Diversity and Inclusion statement of all applicants for faculty and staff positions,” the university recently announced. “Faculty and administrative/professional applicants will be asked to submit a personal statement summarizing his or her contributions (or potential contributions) to diversity, inclusion and leadership.”

As part of the new policy, a similar mandate has been announced for those simply seeking hourly jobs at the public university, which receives more than 63,000 applications per year, according to campus officials.

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124 Police Officers Were Killed In The U.S. Last Year

Some more facts that don’t match the hero narrative. Police deaths while on duty are on pace to be at a record low in 2016, down 60% from the peak in 1974. Gun related homicides are also trending towards the lowest levels since 1900. In 1991 there were 24,700 homicides in the U.S. Last year there were just over 16,000 homicides, down 35% while the population grew by 26%. The number of guns owned by American citizens has tripled since 1991.

Does this match the anti-gun narrative of the left and the popos? Does the government want to confiscate our guns because of crime or because they are worried we will use them against a tyrannical establishment? The militarization of police forces isn’t to protect us. It’s to protect them from us.

Infographic: 124 Police Officers Were Killed In The U.S. Last Year | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

Last Thursday night, a gunman in Dallas killed five police officers and wounded eight others, the worst toll on U.S. law enforcement since 9/11. It’s a dangerous job – 124 officers lost their lives last year with 51 dying so far in 2016. Generally, the number of police fatalities has fallen considerably since it peaked at 280 in 1974.

Lit and Sputtering

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

You can see where the trajectory of events is leading. The country will be distracted by racial strife this summer while the global banking system implodes, disabling trade relations and the super-long supply chains we depend on for all common goods from oil to fresh food. Unless the remnants of the Republican Party act responsibly and find a way to replace Trump with a capable candidate, the nation will get what it deserves: a clown in the white house at the climax of the Fourth Turning.

The racial events of recent days resonate in a fog of cognitive dissonance. What really happened in those two incidents involving Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, and Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge Louisiana? Too many people pretend to know exactly why these two men were shot by cops. The video recordings of the incidents are ambiguous. In the Castile case, the recording doesn’t start until just after the deed is done.

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The Federal Reserve’s Grand Scheme Exposed (In 1 Simple Chart)

Tyler Durden's picture

For 138 years, consumer prices in America slightly declined. After The Federal Reserve was created, things changed…

The ‘scheme’ exposed…

Source: VisualizingEconomics.com

But, not satisfied with that shift, in 1971, Nixon unhooked American economics from any rationality, because – as we detailed previously – ‘The 1%’ hate the Gold Standard… between 1930 and 1970, it was only the “bottom 90%” that saw their incomes rise, as can be seen on the next chart.

In other words, the ascent of the non-1% peaked when the Deep State forced Nixon to depart from the gold standard’s constraint on largesse.

Which should also clarify just why to the “1%”, including their protectors in the “developed market” central banking system, their tenured economist lackeys, their purchased politicians and their captured media outlets, the topic of a return to a gold standard is the biggest threat conceivable.

One Thing at a Time

Guest Post by Eric Peters

If you’ve ever restored an old car or a motorcycle – a basket case that needs everything – you know the importance of focusing on one thing at a time. Because it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the totality of the mess.kaw_50_ontruck

The last bike I restored (a ’75 Kawasaki S1 triple) I started with just the frame. I had the entire bike completely disassembled, the parts laid out like the famous skeleton of Lucy, the oldest semi-complete fossil of a distant ancestor of humanity yet found.

Looking at all those rusty, worn out grease-caked parts, the peeling chrome and  pitted metal, made it hard to imagine the “like new” bike I hoped to have at the end of the odyssey.

Which is what makes it hard to even begin.

Which makes it easy to give up.

Our situation, politically, is a lot like this. So much needs fixing, so much is broken, it’s easy to just give up and resign ourselves to the hopelessness of it all.

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Fool’s Errand: NATO Pledges Four More Years of War in Afghanistan


The longest war in US history just got even longer. As NATO wrapped up its 2016 Warsaw Summit, the organization agreed to continue funding Afghan security forces through the year 2020. Of course with all that funding comes US and NATO troops, and thousands of contractors, trainers, and more.

President Obama said last week that the US must keep 3,000 more troops than planned in Afghanistan. The real reason is obvious: the mission has failed and Washington cannot bear to admit it. But Obama didn’t put it that way. He said:

“It is in our national security interest, especially after all the blood and treasure we’ve invested over the years, that we give our partners in Afghanistan the best chance to succeed.”

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There was a certain lawyer in the crowed who offered the appearance of respect by standing up, but sought to test him, saying, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

And Jesus asked him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”

And the lawyer said in reply,
“You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your being,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind,
and your neighbor as yourself.”

And Jesus replied to him saying, “You have answered correctly;
do this and you will live.”

But the lawyer, wishing to make himself feel righteous and define the limits of this interpretation of the the law, asked Jesus,
“And who is my neighbor?”

What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

Authored by Justin King via TheAntiMedia.org,

The airwaves are full of pundits screaming about violence against police officers. These are the same pundits that disregarded the warnings of experts in the field of insurgency when the Ferguson riots broke out and chose to dismiss the rioters as “thugs.” They continued to cheerlead for more police militarization even after the first officers were shot in targeted killings. They are now continuing their efforts to support police militarization. Those of us that warned of this last year, have watched in horror as all of our predictions came true. We are now in the fourth stage of the cycle of insurgency. The fifth stage is open insurrection. It is time for officers to dismiss the pundits on Fox News that have never held a firearm outside of a range and listen to people that know what they are talking about. None of us that have made these warnings did so because these are things we want to happen, we did it in an attempt to stop them from happening. A year after my first article on the subject, every single prediction has come true. Can the pundits on Fox News say that? No, and listening to their rhetoric has caused more cops and innocents to die.

To understand where we are headed, we have to know what has already happened. For a bit of background, review a brief synopsis of the cycle of insurgency from an article written in August of 2014:


Prior to the digital age, pamphlets were the main method of spreading dissent around the world. The pamphlets examined and questioned the authority of the contemporary governments and control systems. In the modern world, pamphlets have been replaced by blogs, memes, social media, and to a smaller degree, adversarial journalists.


Reactive Protests:

Once the seed of dissent is planted, people take to the streets to voice their opposition to the government. These protests occur after the control systems of the era attempt to diffuse an offending incident.


Preemptive Rioting:

Preemptive rioting follows a period of reactive protests that go unanswered by the government. The people begin taking to the streets and destroying private and public property as soon as an offending incident takes place, rather than waiting and hoping for the government to police itself.


Military or Law Enforcement backlash and crackdowns:

These riots and small incidents of resistance trigger a government reaction. The control systems of the country tighten their grip on the people and further curtail civil liberties and infringe on people’s rights. The government crackdown fuels the resistance movement as more people tire of government intrusion.


Widespread rebellion and insurrection:

At some point during the crackdown, an incident occurs that tosses a match into the powder keg of dissent. At this point, open rebellion occurs.

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