The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool

Via Knuckledraggin

1-James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2-Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3-Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.; Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker: 2nd wound documented Prosecutor saw photos of Clinton attorney with possible ‘bullet hole’ in neck; Why was Hillary trying to reach Vince Foster on day he died? Clinton made 3 calls but has never explained urgent efforts to contact him.

And the list goes on and on and on and on….. HERE

No Fly No Buy: Obama’s Last Ditch Effort To Cripple The Second Amendment

Submitted by Joshua Krause via,

There’s one thing that all gun grabbing politicians have in common. They are all quite adamant that they don’t want to take your guns. They’ll tell you over and over again that all they want is a few reasonable regulations. Every once in a blue moon they’ll let their guard down in front of an reporter, and reveal their true long-term intentions, but by and large they’re always trying to put a reassuring face on their gun grabbing agenda.

Obama for instance, has consistently claimed throughout his presidency that all he wants is a few “reasonable” restrictions, and that all he intends to do is keep guns out of the hands of “bad guys.” Whenever he talks about it however, you can read between the lines and find his ulterior motives.

At a recent Town Hall meeting, Obama was put on the spot by gun store owner, who asked him why he wants to restrict gun use for law-abiding citizens. The video has since gone viral among liberals who think that the president gave a stellar response. In reality, he merely showed us his true colors.


“We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upon your faces. The world is ours, we are its lords, and ours it shall remain. As for the host of labor, it has been in the dirt since history began. And in the dirt it shall remain so long as I and mine and those that come after us have the power. There is the word. It is the king of words— Power. Not God, not Mammon, but Power.”

Jack London, The Iron Heel

Facial Recognition Software: Technology to Make Big Brother Drool

Via Activist Post

Iris Scan SecurityBy Kelli Sladick

Government access to biometric data is rapidly expanding, with millions of Americans already in the system. These growing databases, primarily driven by federal policy, pose significant privacy issues.

With simple snap of a photo from a police officer using an iPhone app can search through driver’s license to identify you. Now, facial recognition technology has gone mobile, and it is cross-referenced with other databases. In Sacramento County, the Sheriff’s Department is using an iPhone app built by the same company that makes the department’s license plate reader technology. In a recently released video, an officer was able to find a suspects real identity within seconds with a simple still picture from a phone camera.

Continue reading “Facial Recognition Software: Technology to Make Big Brother Drool”

Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 1

Trump deserves gratitude for mentioning the unmentionables.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

December 2014, SLL posted an article: “Can’t Wait For That Next Election.” The article argued the positions of the two front-runners at that time—Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton—were virtually indistinguishable.

Other than which campaign contributors get paid off, there would be very little difference between the potential presidencies of Jeb and Hillary. Commentators and opinion organs masquerading as news outlets will champion their guy or gal, and hyperventilate about perceived sins of the other side’s gal or guy, but when you get right down to actual policies, there has been little difference between Republicans and Democrats for many years; they are both the parties of government. It gets bigger, spends more, piles new programs on top of failed old ones, sticks its nose anywhere on the planet it sees fit, makes more promises, and goes deeper in debt. None of that is going to change—Jeb or Hillary—and the permanent Washington oligarchy and its dependents are fine with either one.

The first of the article’s two closing sentences was spot on, the second dead wrong.

The prospect of a Jeb-Hillary election should put the body politic in the same frame of mind as a restless teenager, ready to do something rash, dangerous, and destructive, just to relieve the tedium. That, unfortunately, is giving the body politic far too much credit.

Continue reading “Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 1”

A Russian warning

Via The Saker

We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set us on an extremely dangerous collision course with the Russian Federation, as well as with China. Many respected, patriotic Americans, such as Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Cohen, Philip Giraldi, Ray McGovern and many others have been issuing warnings of a looming a Third World War. But their voices have been all but lost among the din of a mass media that is full of deceptive and inaccurate stories that characterize the Russian economy as being in shambles and the Russian military as weak—all based on no evidence. But we—knowing both Russian history and the current state of Russian society and the Russian military, cannot swallow these lies. We now feel that it is our duty, as Russians living in the US, to warn the American people that they are being lied to, and to tell them the truth. And the truth is simply this:

If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States
will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead

Let us take a step back and put what is happening in a historical context. Russia has suffered a great deal at the hands of foreign invaders, losing 22 million people in World War II. Most of the dead were civilians, because the country was invaded, and the Russians have vowed to never let such a disaster happen again. Each time Russia had been invaded, she emerged victorious. In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia; in 1814 Russian cavalry rode into Paris. On June 22, 1941, Hitler’s Luftwaffe bombed Kiev; On May 8, 1945, Soviet troops rolled into Berlin.

Continue reading “A Russian warning”


This story is so despicable, it’s almost beyond comprehension. When you are 34 years old, driving an 18 year old Corolla, and delivering pizzas for a living, your life isn’t exactly roses and wine. But it can get worse in the killing fields known as West Philly. You can get set up by two feral animals, robbed and then shot in the head. No human beings could do that to another human being. These feral dogs roam the streets of Philly looking for innocent people to attack.

They are dumber than dirt. They’re the bastard spawn of ignorant black people. They never meet the scumbags who fathered them. They go to Philly public schools until they drop out. They are so fucking stupid, they think a pizza delivery guy is going to have more than $60 on them. They have no sense of morality, compassion, or humanity. They are nothing more than rabid wild dogs. They will never become civilized. They need to be put down like the animals they are.

This is Philly. The commie mayor is busy creating Muslim holidays while his streets are filled with these dregs killing, raping, and robbing. And as expected the MSM did not mention the race of the perpetrators. That would be raciss.

Pizza delivery driver robbed, shot in head in Southwest Philly

Police are searching for two men who robbed a pizza delivery driver and shot him in the back of the head Monday night.

Detectives believe the 34-year-old driver was set up by the two robbers, who called in an order for pizza, steaks and soda to be delivered to a house on the 5700 block of Beaumont Avenue in Kingsessing, Lt. John Walker of the Southwest Detective Division said Tuesday.

After the driver arrived on the block and got out of his 1998 gold Toyota Corolla to organize the food and call the person who made the order, two men approached him, police said. One pulled out a gun.

They told the driver to stay quiet, forced him into the front-passenger seat of his car, then drove to a wooded area, possibly near Cobbs Creek Parkway and Warrington Avenue, Walker said.

The robbers then told him to get out of his car and forced him on his knees.

The men searched the deliveryman’s pockets and found $60, but told him that was not enough, Walker said. They threatened to shoot him.

One of the robbers got back in the car, and threatened to run the deliveryman over, Walker said.

After the second robber returned to the car, one of the assailants fired a shot at the victim, hitting him in the back of the head.

The Housing Market Will Bounce Back

HAHAHAHA, it must be true because it’s coming from “Business Insider”, lol.

Be sure not to be drinking anything you don’t want coming out your nose when you read this.

This is what will create the next housing boom

Akin Oyedele36 mins ago
© David Sucsy/E+/Getty Images  The next housing boom will be triggered by millennials.Like older demographic groups, the lumped-together cohort of 20- and 30-somethings are interested in getting married, starting families, buying homes and living the aspirational suburban life.The problem is that they are delaying all this, in part to build careers in large metros.In a note Tuesday, William Smead, CEO of Smead Capital Management, discussed why this lag among millennials could be responsible for the next housing boom.

He wrote that their move into “exile” — away from home and college towns — is only delaying what will eventually be a boost for new home construction.

Here’s Smead (our emphasis):

We would argue that many Millennials have removed themselves from their hometown and their college town via their employment and the lateness of marriage. This contributes directly to Ivy’s “elongation.” We find it easy to estimate that the current new homebuilding pace of 629,000 units in 2016 will grow to a 1.5 million unit run-rate within five years. This would truly be a boom and could carry the U.S. economy along with it.

Continue reading “The Housing Market Will Bounce Back”


A population of illiterate, non-thinking morons can’t possibly obtain good paying jobs. This country spends $12,000 per public school student per year on education and this is the outcome? The factual data presented below paints a picture of an empire in rapid decline. We are too far gone. No amount of money or presidential election is going to change this course. We chose this path in the 1960s and now we will reap the consequences.


  • In a study of literacy among 20 ‘high income’ countries; US ranked 12th
  • Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that 44 million adults are now unable to read a simple story to their children.
  • 50% of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level
  • 45 million are functionally illiterate and read below a 5th grade level
  • 44% of the American adults do not read a book in a year
  • 6 out of 10 households do not buy a single book in a year


  • According to the Pew Research Center, the median income of middle-class households declined by 4 percent from 2000 to 2014.
  • There are still 900,000 fewer middle-class jobs in America than there were when the last recession began, but the population has grown significantly larger since that time.
  • According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.
  • An astounding 48.8 percent of all 25-year-old Americans still live at home with their parents.
  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans now live in a home that receives money from the government each month, and nearly 47 million Americans are living in poverty right now.
  • In 2007, about one out of every eight children in America was on food stamps. Today, that number is one out of every five.
  • The median net worth of families in the United States was $137, 955 in 2007. Today, it is just $82,756.



Fade to Red

The Mountain Part II

By Francis Marion

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
– John Lennon –




I followed Peter up a steep trail through rock and brush on the edge of a canyon in the Waterberg mountains of the northern Limpopo. His son, tracker and skinner followed in close quarters behind as we followed a set of bull hartebeest tracks up and up. I reached out in front of me to clear a branch from the trail when I felt a firm hand on my forearm. I looked beside me, the 14 year old pointed at the branch and motioned me to go under. I’d never seen thorns like that before. How did I miss them?

“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Peter asked for the second time as we crested a small ridge onto a plateau overlooking a large valley and a watering hole.

I was staring at my boots. They were covered in a fine ochre coloured dust the likes of which I’d never seen before. My head was heavy with jet lag and I felt disoriented. Everything seemed upside down and almost surreal. I reached down and ran my index finger over the toe of my boot and examined the dust then shook my head and stood up.

Continue reading “Fade to Red”


I’m so proud. I already live in the state with the highest gasoline taxes in the nation and the highest toll rates in the nation. Now I find out my state of PA collects the most sin taxes in the nation. And my new governor doesn’t think we’re taxed nearly enough. He wants to double my income tax rates. Not to be outdone, the new communist mayor of Philly wants to inflict a sugar tax on the masses which will double the price of every beverage with sugar sold in Philly.

Don’t you love how these left wing politicians roll out gambling and taxes that inordinately hurt the poorest people the most. Poor people are much more likely to gamble, smoke and drink soda than rich people because they are dumb. Then they vote for the very same politicians who are screwing them. So it goes.

In total, states collected more than $32 billion by taxing tobacco-related purchases, alcohol consumption and gambling in 2014.

“As political pressure mounts to keep income and property taxes low, state legislatures have often turned to sin taxes to generate more revenue,” writes’s Rebecca Lawrence. She said states have raised taxes on tobacco products 111 times between 2000 to 2015.

Wyoming registered the lowest 2014 tax tally at $26 million, with almost all of it from tobacco. As a result, you can barely see it on the map.

When it comes to alcohol, Texas is the only state to generate more than $1 billion in taxes. In fact, that number dwarfs the $452 million reaped by Florida in the second spot.