Where to Hide – & What to Consider

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

This turmoil that we are heading into is global. There really will be no country that will not be affected in some way. The US Congress just passed legislation anticipating a Trump victory that is intended to PREVENT any president from withdrawing from NATO unilaterally as Trump had vowed. The politicians throughout the West are pushing us into World War III, and there is nothing we can do to stop this insanity.

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Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22 Continue reading “Where to Hide – & What to Consider”

The Light At the End of the Tunnel

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

That is part of the WEC. I have laid out that there is hope ahead. But what you must understand is that the turmoil we are going through over the next few years is what causes the change. Republics are far worse than a Monarchy, for the Monarch cannot be bribed. Here, all the Pharmaceutical companies bought their absolute immunity even if they deliberately kill you as an experiment.

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WEC 2023 – The Road to 2032

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no human being could have possibly made on such a consistent basis. Sure, someone can luck out and claim to have forecast one thing, but so many consistently is just not humanly possible.

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The 2032 Paradigm Shift

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Look, the vast majority are simply the herd. They prefer not to think analytically. They feel comfortable thinking the government really cares. They still want to live the dream that Santa Claus is real. I would estimate that this represents at least 70% of the population, and at times it has risen to as high as 85%. I based that on simply looking at the election cycle. No president has ever won even 70% of the popular vote. The real decision makers, I would put at about 10%. They are the independents who vote on issues and will vote for either party. The rest are core Democrats and Republicans.

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You Have 8.6 Years Left – Politics of Fools

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Being Trump’s running mate would be the only way I would see DeSantis as having any real influence. As I have said, I was asked if I would talk Trump out of running and join the advisory team for DeSantis last year. I declined. I replied that everything has changed and that they would just eat him for lunch as they did to Trump when he first walked into Washington.

Washington has declined so much so, that the fools on the Hill now think just switching to a Republican will make it all better. The Biden administration has inflicted so much political damage as well as division among the people, the USA must fall. It cannot stand as one nation with such division. And it is not even Biden – who is the real symbol of the Fool on the Hill. He is only the puppet just like the last emperors of Rome.

Continue reading “You Have 8.6 Years Left – Politics of Fools”

The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have warned that the Economic Confidence Model and how markets even trade themselves is always fractal. We are completing the end of the BIG ONE. I think a lot of people are starting to see this too. The End of the World is by no means the END. It is just the point in history where it all begins again. We can see that Biden is probably the instrument of death, or should I say those who write his executive orders and cheat sheets. They are obsessed with climate change and are deliberately trying to destroy our capacity to produce and use fossil fuels. 

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Australian Tyranny Growing?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Some readers in Australia are reporting that the government is now trying to block access to our site. You can usually circumvent that with a VPN. I find it very interesting that we are NOT blocked in China or Russia, but in Australia? This is only an indication of the Decline and Fall of the West.

The forecasts of our computer are NOT my personal opinion. Many have written in saying our forecast that the USA will break up and no longer exist post-2032 nor will the EU, which may have seemed unthinkable at our WECs until now.

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In Part One of this article I detailed the criminal enterprise that constitutes the leadership of this country. The facts are clear. We’ve been screwed over by those who were supposed to represent us. Now it is time to look in the mirror and decide whether we will continue to bow down before our keepers or step up and be accounted for in this coming fight.

Trayvon Martin Analysis: It's time for all Americans to look in ...

Corporate executives who recklessly loaded their companies with debt, while utilizing the proceeds to buy back their own stock, in order to boost their stock price and outrageous compensation packages, left their companies vulnerable to an entirely predictable downturn. After frittering trillions away on their overvalued stock, they now demand bailouts from the taxpayer, and their spineless captured congress lapdogs have obeyed their corporate masters. The 96 – 0 vote in the Senate is truly a disgusting example of the corporate fascist One Party system that reigns in the swamp. Corporate socialism is alive and well.