THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Philadelphia parade exposes thousands to Spanish flu – 1918


Philadelphia Threw a WWI Parade That Gave Thousands of Onlookers the Flu | History| Smithsonian Magazine

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Scientists Have Recreated World’s Deadliest Flu Virus

Via Mercola

spanish flu virus recreated

Story at-a-glance

  • Scientists in the U.S. and Canada have resurrected the Spanish flu virus through reverse genetics. Not surprisingly, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are involved
  • The scientists appear frustrated by the fact that their reverse engineered Spanish flu virus — even at the highest doses tested — was not lethal enough to kill the macaque species selected for the experiment. They argue we need to make a more dangerous version of the Spanish flu to be able to make better vaccines for it. This despite the fact that, until they resurrected it, it no longer existed in nature
  • The argument that we need to create dangerous viruses “just in case” Nature comes up with something similar, so we can create vaccines for said viruses in advance, simply doesn’t hold water. This is science gone mad, and it must be stopped
  • Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the product of gain-of-function research, and a number of U.S. institutions need to come clean about their work, including the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), the University of North Carolina (UNC), the University of California at Davis (UCD), the NIH and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • All of these agencies and institutions have conducted and/or collaborated on research that may be able to solve the mystery of where SARS-CoV-2 came from. But instead of transparently sharing their data, they’ve merely declared that they’ve “not been involved in any experiments that could have resulted in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.” Blanket denials are no longer enough. They must produce the data for independent review and analysis

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the product of gain-of-function (GoF) research. Indeed, attorney Tom Renz will soon release the results of a major legal investigation, which he claims will demonstrate — beyond a reasonable doubt — that SARS-CoV-2 was created as part of a GoF project.1

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In Part One of this article I detailed the criminal enterprise that constitutes the leadership of this country. The facts are clear. We’ve been screwed over by those who were supposed to represent us. Now it is time to look in the mirror and decide whether we will continue to bow down before our keepers or step up and be accounted for in this coming fight.

Trayvon Martin Analysis: It's time for all Americans to look in ...

Corporate executives who recklessly loaded their companies with debt, while utilizing the proceeds to buy back their own stock, in order to boost their stock price and outrageous compensation packages, left their companies vulnerable to an entirely predictable downturn. After frittering trillions away on their overvalued stock, they now demand bailouts from the taxpayer, and their spineless captured congress lapdogs have obeyed their corporate masters. The 96 – 0 vote in the Senate is truly a disgusting example of the corporate fascist One Party system that reigns in the swamp. Corporate socialism is alive and well.



“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” – Alan Moore – V for Vendetta

Coronavirus is close to becoming a pandemic, WHO warns - The ...

“Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade.” – Alan Moore – V for Vendetta

I wrote an article called V for Vendetta – 2011 just over nine years ago on the day after the Tucson shooting where congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot by a psychologically disturbed lunatic, with six dying. At the time, I thought of the scene from the V for Vendetta movie where someone did something stupid and all hell broke loose. I expected a similar result from this act, but those in control of our society were successfully able to put a cork in the bottle, preserving their façade of order.

We learned shortly thereafter, through the patriotic efforts of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, how the government was using the vilest of schemes to surveil every American through their abuse of the Patriot Act. The government has become an enemy of the people.

The Immelman Turn » Blog Archive » Giffords Assassination Attempt

It is interesting to go back and view my conclusion from nine years ago and assess its accuracy as of today:

“This country has not reached the level of control and fear seen in Orwell’s 1984 and V for Vendetta, yet. We are moving relentlessly in that direction. Surveillance, monitoring, spying, censorship, secret prisons, predator drones, and conforming to state rules and regulations put citizens further under the thumb of an all-powerful state. The freedom to dissent, the freedom to be left alone, the freedom to speak out against injustice, the freedom to disagree with your government, and the freedom to present your ideas without fear of retribution or penalty are essential in a democratic society.

The next phase of this Fourth Turning will surely include another downward spiral in financial markets as un-payable debts accumulate to a tipping point level. When ATM machines stop spitting out twenties, food shelves are bare and gas stations are shuttered, social chaos will ensue. The government will react with further command and control measures. In V For Vendetta, the government creates a terrorist incident in order to gain unquestioned control over the population. Americans will need to be more vigilant than they have been over the last ten years in keeping an eye on their government.”

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Medical Malpractice Caused the 1918 Spanish Flu Deaths

By Gerold

We may be overdue for any number of disasters, but another Spanish Flu pandemic is NOT one of them. That’s the good news. The bad news is that medical malpractice caused that pandemic, not a virulent flu virus. Western medicine continues treating symptoms rather than disease, and that’s what turned an ordinary flu virus into a global Spanish Flu pandemic.

2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. The exact death toll is unknown, but estimates range somewhere between 20 million and 100 million deaths worldwide. It was considered “the deadliest pandemic in modern history” [Link]

At the turn of the 21st Century, there were reports [Link] that scientists planned to exhume some of the frozen victims of the Spanish Flu from Alaskan permafrost.  Their research determined to answer the headline question, “What Made the Spanish Flu so Deadly?” [Link] Scientists had hoped to learn why the Spanish Flu was so virulent so they could prepare vaccines against that virus if it again resurfaced.

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