Via Townhall


Bernie Sanders has surged ahead of Hitlery in the latest New Hampshire polls. Is it because people are beginning to realize she has never accomplished anything of note in her entire existence on the planet? Or is it because they realize she should be in a jail cell, not the oval office? Or is it because she is crony capitalist whore for Wall Street, government unions, and the free shit army?


Third Degree Bernie

Guest Post by Stilton Jarlsberg

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, black lives matter, michael brown, bernie sanders, protestors

In what is quite possibly the most delightful news story Hope n’ Change has read in years, Socialist presidential candidate Bernie “Share the wealth” Sanders had to involuntarily share (and eventually forfeit) the stage with idiotic protestors who commandeered his microphone.

Before we dive into the actual events – which are so delicious that we don’t have to make up anything – let’s all take a deep relaxing breath so we can truly savor each delightful detail of this hilarious fustercluck. Ready?

It all began in Seattle, the very Mecca of Liberalism, where Bernie Sanders was scheduled to speak to (in the words of the Huffington Post) a “massive” rally of dozens of liberals, staged by a group called the Social Security Works Coalition. The event was a celebration of entitlement services, complete with a tacky cardboard birthday cake – presumably in commemoration of the many years that people have been getting taxpayer-funded cake.

Sanders took to the microphone and drew cheers when he thanked Seattle “for being one one of the most progressive cities in the state!” Which turned out to be his last word on that or any other subject because the microphone was quickly snatched out of his hands by protestors from Black Lives Matter.

Activist (we’d never use the word “extremist”) Mara Johnson then accused the alleged crowd of covering themselves in “white supremacist liberalism” and demanded four and a half agonizing minutes of silence to mark the sad one-year anniversary of violent cigar thief Michael Brown becoming a speed bump in Ferguson, Missouri.

Continue reading “Third Degree Bernie”

Could Trump Win?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Could Trump Win?

The American political class has failed the country, and should be fired. That is the clearest message from the summer surge of Bernie Sanders and the remarkable rise of Donald Trump.

Sanders’ candidacy can trace it roots back to the 19th-century populist party of Mary Elizabeth Lease who declaimed:

“Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master.”

“Raise less corn and more hell!” Mary admonished the farmers of Kansas.

William Jennings Bryan captured the Democratic nomination in 1896 by denouncing the gold standard beloved of the hard money men of his day: “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

Continue reading “Could Trump Win?”

Forget Trump and Bernie: Here’s Why Clinton or Bush Will Be the Next President

Guest post by Kurt Nimmo

Political elite has absolutely no fear of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders


Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are rising in the polls and seemingly pose a threat to the political establishment.

Come the 2016 primaries, however, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton will likely be at the top of the pack.

The oligarchy that has controlled American politics for generations is still firmly in control despite the illusion of change. In no way do Trump or Sanders threaten this control despite the corporate media’s fascination with them and polls that appear to show them gaining favor among potential voters.

A CNN-ORC International poll conducted between July 22-25 demonstrates the dominance of the establishment’s candidates. While Donald Trump matches Jeb Bush, his unfavorability rating is high. Clinton’s is higher, but despite this she remains solidly at the top of the pack.

Trump’s brash commentary has pushed him up in the polls, but many believe he has reached his peak. Diehard Republican insiders hate the real estate mogul.

“The McCain smear and giving out Graham’s cellphone? What an asshole,” a New Hampshire Republican insider told Politico. “Trumpism does not represent some deeper sentiment within the party, nor has he tapped into something a more conventional candidate can now co-opt. His candidacy has as much substance and meaning as cotton candy. I didn’t like him before. Now I loathe him.”

Continue reading “Forget Trump and Bernie: Here’s Why Clinton or Bush Will Be the Next President”

Bernie Sanders … Worse Than Obama, Hillary, and Krugman, Combined?

Bernie is a Senator from Vermont who has made self-proclamations that he is the most Progressive (read, Liberal/Socialist) member of CONgress. Honestly, prior to today, I couldn’t tell you much more than that about him.

He is drawing huge crowds. So, I wanted to know more about him. I didn’t consult any opinions about him. Rather, I went directly to the source, Bernie’s website;  

I think it’s important to know who he is. I do not buy into the idea that he has “no chance” for the nomination. Eight years ago a no-name, no-accomplishment, black (well, half-black) state senator from Illinois dropped out of the sky, and became the leader of America. Anything can happen … including Bernie being the next POTUS.

So, who is this guy? The green italic quotes below are directly from Bernie’s web page titled; “AGENDA FOR AMERICA: 12 Steps Forward”. I appreciate that the man is telling you exactly who he is. Seriously, that’s refreshing from a politician. Just like “Mein Kampf” was when Adolf wrote it. As you read what Bernie has planned for America ask yourself these three simple questions for each platform;

 —- Will this make the government bigger or smaller / more, or less, powerful?

—- How will this affect our enormous debt?

—- WHO will pay for this?

I will make brief comments in blue.

Continue reading “Bernie Sanders … Worse Than Obama, Hillary, and Krugman, Combined?”

Trump and the GOP Border War

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

In the 2016 race, June belonged to two outsiders who could not be more dissimilar.

Bernie Sanders is a socialist senator from Vermont and Donald Trump a celebrity capitalist and legendary entrepreneur and builder.

What do they have in common? Both have tapped into what the bases of their respective parties believe is wrong with America.

Bernie is the Willie Nelson of national politics, a leftist voice of a working class whose jobs and factories have been exported and whose wages have stagnated as banksters and the Davos-Doha crowd amass mammoth fortunes by playing games of three-dimensional Monopoly.

The 73-year-old Sanders may have no chance of beating Hillary. But the size of his crowds testifies that he speaks for millions.

Trump’s success comes from the issues he has seized upon — illegal immigration and trade deals that deindustrialized America — and brazen defiance of Republican elites and a media establishment.

By now the whole world has heard Trump’s declaration:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Politically incorrect? You betcha.

Continue reading “Trump and the GOP Border War”


“It’s a very radical idea: we’re going to tell the truth. And the truth is that, for forty years, the middle class of this country has been disappearing. And there has been a huge transfer of billions of dollars from working families to the top one-tenth of one percent. And what the people of this country are saying is, ‘Enough is enough, our government, our country, belongs to all of us, not just a few billionaires.'”

Bernie Sanders

Who Is Bernie Sanders?


Independent Vermont senator and self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders officially declared his candidacy in the 2016 election Thursday. Here’s what you need to know about the presidential hopeful:

  • Given name: Bernice
  • Nickname: The Vermont Bonecrusher
  • Media Strategy: Name plastered all over countless rejected Senate bills
  • Biggest Political Liability: Completely out of touch with the average American corporation
  • Campaign Promises: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here
  • Key Endorsements: Burlington Free Press; Brattleboro Reformer; Vermonters for Schools and Community
  • Campaign Slogan: “One percent of this country owns 38 percent of the wealth. The bottom 60 percent owns 2.3 percent. We are essentially living in an oligarchy, one that is headed for the edge of the cliff if we do not address the social and economic inequalities that are propelling this downward spiral. How can we ever expect to reclaim the respect and support of the international community when we are starting wars in the name of democracy? When in our own country we are handing out $285 million-dollar severance packages while millions of Americans, even with the Affordable Care Act, remained uninsured? I’m telling you, the warning signs are here, and we must act. My name is Bernie Sanders.”
  • Previous Occupation: CEO of Altria
  • Potential Forthcoming Signature Ben & Jerry’s Flavor: ‘Corporaisins Are Not Pecan-ple’ Crunch; Single-Payer Heath-Care; Undelectable Candydate
  • Daily Workout Routine: 180 lbs. deadlift (3 sets x 10 reps); 160 lbs. shoulder press (3 sets x 10 reps); 90 lbs. bicep curls (5 sets each arm x 12 reps); 110 lbs. skullcrusher (2 sets x 10 reps); 320 lbs. bench press (2 sets x 8 reps)
  • Campaign Donations: Non-refundable
  • Vermont Public Radio Show: Power Of Darkness Bernie Sanders Metal Hour
  • Dangerously Radical Fringe Views: Reform Wall Street, avoid costly and ineffective conflicts in Middle East, help working families prosper

Via The Onion