History Repeats Itself As Communists Run Out Of Food

Via The Babylon Bee

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY — History has again repeated itself as communism once again devolved into mass starvation. The commies at Columbia University lasted less than twelve hours before running out of food and pleading for humanitarian aid, setting a new record for the collapse of communist food supply.

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Heroin Deaths In The U.S. Are Skyrocketing

According to analysis by InsightCrime.org, the DEA has indicated that 50 percent of heroin sold in the US is produced in Mexico, between 43 and 45 percent comes from Colombia, and the rest from Asian countries. Almost all of it is supplied by Mexican cartels. I wonder how many of those illegal immigrants pouring over the border are actually smuggling heroin into the country. I think it might be time for SSS to pony up and get back down to South America and win that War on Drugs.

Deaths from heroin overdoses are skyrocketing in the United States, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Between 2010 and 2013, they nearly tripled. Over 8,200 Americans died from heroin overdoses in 2013, averaging 23 every day.

One possible explanation for the increase in overdoses is the abuse of prescription painkillers. 75 percent of people who started using heroin after 2000 previously abused prescription opioids like oxycodone and fentanyl. Many switched to heroin because it was cheaper, easier to obtain and chemically similar to those opioids.

The death rate for males was nearly four times higher than for females in 2013. Indeed, Britain is experiencing a similar trend in terms of drug poisoning, especially in terms of gender. Men are far more likely to generally take risks than women and are more prone to ignoring the dangers of drug abuse.

Infographic: Heroin Deaths In The U.S. Are Skyrocketing | Statista

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