“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson


I think Hunter S. Thompson is being proven right by revelations becoming obvious daily. I’m a natural skeptic, so I rarely believe anything I’m told without verifying facts, analyzing data and understanding the motivation of those making declarations and assertions. For most of my life I thought I generally understood how the world worked.

Doubts about my understanding began to creep into my mind between 2000 and 2008, as I watched my government cover-up the truth about 9-11, use it to institute an Orwellian surveillance state through the Patriot Act, invade Iraq based upon a false narrative of WMD and links to 9/11, and watching those controlling the Federal Reserve create the bubble and follow it up with a housing bubble – all done to benefit Wall Street banks, billionaires, connected politicians, and Deep State apparatchiks.

Continue reading “THIS WAS A TEST, AND WE FAILED”

Second Stage Terror Wars

Guest Post by Edward Curtain

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
William Casey, CIA Director, Feb. 1981

It is well known that the endless US war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks.

The invasion of Afghanistan and the Patriot Act were immediately justified by those insider murders, and subsequently the wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.  So too the terrorizing of the American people with constant fear-mongering about imminent Islamic terrorist attacks from abroad that never came.

It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped the report from start to finish.

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COVID Deaths Plummet As Excess Mortality Falls To Pre-Pandemic Levels

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In any given year during the past decade in the United States, more than 2.5 million Americans have died – from all causes.

The number has grown in recent years, climbing from 2.59 million in 2013 to 2.85 million in 2019. This has been due partially to the US’s aging population, and also due to rising obesity levels and drug overdoses. In fact, since 2010, growth rates in total deaths has exceeded population growth in every year.

In 2020, preliminary numbers suggest a jump of more than 17 percent in all-cause total deaths, rising from 2.85 million in 2019 to 3.35 million in 2020.

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Are Covid Fatalities Comparable with the 1918 Spanish Flu?


On April 23, 2021 The New York Times published an article titled “How Covid Upended a Century of Patterns in U.S. Deaths.” The article lays out some data regarding the unprecedented uptick in the US death rate that occured in 2020.

Death Rate in US Over Time

As shown in the graph provided by the New York Times, US death rates have been steadily declining over the past century, likely due to advances in technology and living standards. Last year certainly signaled a noticeable break from this trend with a sizable increase in deaths, but not nearly the same as the 1918 Flu which is a universal benchmark for a killer influenza virus.

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What Have You Got to Lose?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

When you’re dying and have tried everything else, it is understandable to try anything – to keep from dying –  including experimental treatments that haven’t been proved to work and the risks of which are largely unknown.

Because what have you got to lose?

But it would be considered odd for someone not dying – or even seriously sick – to sign up for coffee enemas in Honduras to cure what they haven’t got and would be unlikely to die of if they did get it.

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Where Did the “Covid Pandemic” Come From and What Is Its Purpose?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

First of all, Covid is a real virus.  The evidence is strong that Covid is a product of illegal bioweapon research.  Research on making viruses more transmissible began at the University of North Carolina and was transferred to the laboratory in Wuhan, China, where it was partly funded by Dr. Fauci at N.I.H.

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In Part 1 of this article I documented the never ending false narratives used by those shaking the jar to keep us at each other’s throats. I will now show how 2020 was a turning point in history, with an accelerating decline of our empire in progress.


The numerous examples of how those holding the jar shake it to generate conflict and chaos to achieve their Machiavellian ambitions pales in comparison with what they accomplished during the fateful year of 2020. They began shaking the jar at hypersonic speed by weaponizing the annual flu, giving it a scary name and then faking data to scare the entire world into lockdowns and mandatory masking, even though “science” said neither of those “solutions” worked against viruses. And the science was right.

Continue reading “WHO IS SHAKING THE JAR? (PART 2)”


“If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti-Mask. Vax vs. Anti-vax. Rich vs. poor. Man vs. woman. Cop vs. citizen. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar… and why?” Shera Starr

Who's Shaking the Jar? - The Thinking Conservative

A few weeks ago, I saw the above quote in Jeff Thomas’ article Learning from Ants, and it has been reverberating in my mind ever since. It is a perfect analogy for what has been happening in this country for years, with the jar lately being shaken at a rate faster than a Biden vote count increase at 3:00 am in a swing state. Everyone in this country, and the world, is at each other’s throats. Who is shaking the jar? Why are they shaking the jar? Why do they want us fighting each other?

If they keep us focused on fighting each other, they believe we will not notice their reprehensible criminality, as they manipulate the masses through psychological engineering and the employment of propaganda techniques to push their desired narrative. If you ask someone – who is shaking the jar? – they will likely answer based on the standard left vs right, liberal vs conservative, white vs black paradigm which has been created by those benefiting from conflict. It is always a safe bet to follow the money when trying to identify the culprits.

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What have we become? This flu doesn’t rise to the level of a pandemic. The past year has been a pandemic of idiocy, fear mongering, government incompetence, and listening to pompous assholes like Fauci and Gates. Even the .03% is fake. Only 6% of all the deaths can actually be soley attributed to this flu. We are a nation of scared sheep being sheered by those in control of this false narrative.

How We Beat Weaponized Hypochondria

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Why does the Left win? The main reason is that the opposition – such as it is – agrees with the Left.

There are many examples of this, including among others agreement in principle with such moral atrocities as “taxes” – i.e., the euphemism for the taking by force of other people’s property – which the opposition doesn’t oppose as such but merely seeks less of, or for different purposes.

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CHINESE ATTACK: Was Covid a Bioweapon?

Via GenZConservative

was covid a bioweapon

The Question the World Must Answer: Was Covid a Bioweapon

Although I believe the general threat of Covid to healthy people has been greatly exaggerated, it is undeniable that it has killed many people and has placed a great strain on western nations. America’s formerly booming economy was decimated by the virus and our reaction to it, commerce around the world has slowed dramatically, and the cost of responding to Covid has been enormous. Because of those immense costs, it’s important to determine culpability. The question of from where it came is obvious: China. How it was released is still undecided, which brings us to the next most important question: was Covid a bioweapon?

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The False Choice Society

Guest Post by The Zman

The false dichotomy, sometimes called the false choice, is one of the most popular rhetoric tricks used in liberal democracy. The point is to frame the debate in such a way as to either avoid some unpleasant topic or narrow the scope to the benefit of one party in the debate. “We either do X or we allow this terrible thing to continue” is an effective way to compel action. After all, everyone knows that doing nothing in never an acceptable action. Only monsters choose that option.

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