Oh, SH*T!! Democracy Is Coming To Macedonia

Just one more country for the mighty USA!USA!USA to destabilize. Why the fuck not?  It’s working so well everywhere else.

I know we have NATO … a marriage of convenience for the F.S.A. and EuroPussies.  But, is there any non-Anglo speaking country that truly loves Amerika?  I’m betting most of the world secretly wants to see the Fascist States of ‘Murika be relegated to the dustbin of history.

Now we’re fucking with the Macedonians.

And guess who has a hand in it? “Fuck You” Noodleman!

Bye bye Macedonia. It was nice knowin’ ya.


It has started or Wise up Macedonians!


Demonstrations in Skoplje are linked to uncovered evidence that connects Victoria Nuland and her team with the leaders of the protest.

On Monday a group of 50 armed men blocked the Islamic Community building in Skoplje. The attack was a consequence of the conflict between the former Skopje mufti Ibrahim Shabani and Reis of the Islamic Community Suleiman Regep.

The conflict of religious leaders of the Islamic community culminated with the intrusion of Shabani’s armed supporters into the headquarters of this religious community. Shabani, whom Regepi dismissed from position at the recent secret meeting, took over the management of the Islamic religious community by force, and it all started with the conflict around the money. The Islamic community in Macedonia is allegedly without a superior because current management is no longer legitimate. Macedonian media reported that the religious community will be guided by resolved Skopje mufti Ibrahim Shabani, until, it is said, peace and law are restored to the Islamic community.”

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