Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”—Ludwig von Mises

The government has shut down again.

At least, parts of the government have temporarily shut down over President Trump’s demand for a $5 billion border wall.

Yet while these political games dominate news headlines, send the stock market into a nosedive, and put more than 800,000 federal employees at risk of having to work without pay, nothing about this government shutdown will diminish the immediate and very real dangers of the American Police State with its roadside strip searches, government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists, imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT team raids, censorship, forcible blood draws and DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red light cameras, tasers, active shooter drills, police misconduct and government corruption.

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Government now wants to seize your car for going 5 MPH over the limit

Guest Post by Simon Black

We’ve discussed this on and off for several years now. Civil asset forfeiture is a legal process that allows the government to seize assets and cash from citizens without any due process or judicial oversight.

You don’t even have to be charged with a crime. You are assumed guilty unless you can somehow prove your innocence.

Of course, not everyone has this ability… if you aren’t local, state, or federal law enforcement, this is called stealing, and you go to prison.

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“The Federals Are Coming!”

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Americans were taught about Paul Revere’s ride in school. He was said to have ridden from his home in the North End of Boston, to Lexington and Concord, to warn the people there that Federal troops had landed in Boston Harbour and would soon reach the townships.

Of course, the story was tarted up a bit for the history books. First, it’s unlikely that he shouted, “The British are coming,” since, at the time of the ride, in 1775, he was in fact British – a British colonial – and would have regarded himself as British, as would the townspeople.

It’s also unlikely that he galloped through the towns shouting, “To arms! To arms!” since a major portion of the British colonists, particular those who were older and had a lot to lose, were loyalists, and taking up arms would be treasonous. (At that time, treason was one of only two capital crimes.)

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“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”

Thomas Reed

“Everything government touches turns to crap.”

Ringo Starr

“Whenever the government is involved, there is an element of coercion.”

Dinesh D’Souza

“The purpose of government is for those who run it to plunder those who do not.”

Thomas DiLorenzo

“Government sponsors untold waste, criminality and inequality in every sphere of life it touches, giving little or nothing in return.”

Doug Casey

“A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul.”

George Bernard Shaw

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One family’s TWO YEAR nightmare of having their child taken by the state

Guest Post by Simon Black

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This one is really infuriating.

It started back in 2016… on April 6th to be specific. A Philadelphia-area mother walked into a clinic because her 7-month old baby was being excessively fussy.

The doctor performed a cursory examination, concluded the baby had an ear infection, and prescribed an antibiotic.

Later that day, the mother noticed what seemed like a bone popping in the baby’s side and thought this might be the source of the discomfort.

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Concerned, she went right back to the clinic to show the pediatrician.

The doctor claimed that he could not feel any popping and reassured the mother that the baby had an ear infection.

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Porsche Evildoer Arrested

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s been reported that Joerg Kerner, Porsche’s chief of powertrain development, has been SWATTED by armed (German) government workers for suspected “cheating” on the government’s emissions tests.

Porsche, of course, is part of the Audi/VW conglomerate and offered TDI diesel engines in the Cayenne SUV. These, too, have been implicated in the “cheating.”

Kerner is being held in a cage, sans bail – having been deemed a “flight risk,” according to reports. Three other “suspects” are also being investigated.

Earlier this week German prosecutors searched around 10 premises in Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg as well.

You’d think someone had been harmed.

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Hidden Taxes

Guest Post by John Stossel

Hidden Taxes

The cable bill was the last straw, says Kristin Tate. “That’s the one that really made me mad.”

Comcast included $36 in charges for mysterious things like “utility tax” and “government access fee.”

That motivated her to research obscure taxes and put what she learned in a new book, “How Do I Tax Thee? A Field Guide to the Great American Rip-Off.”

Rip-off? Even limited government needs some taxes to fund basic functions.

“Yes,” says Tate. “But politicians are cowards. Instead of creating a tax, they magically create these little fees (so) they don’t have to tell their voters they raised taxes.”

Voters don’t often notice the sneaky taxes.

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When the Meter Feeds on You

Guest Post by Eric Peters

You used to feed the meter. Soon, the meter will feed on you. It will also know exactly who you are and where you are – as well as where you’re going and how long you stayed there and also when you left.

Naturally, so will the government.

Which will also be informed that your inspection stickers are out of date the moment they become out of date – in order to more efficiently (immediately) ticket you. For that and any other “violation.” And even if no violation. The Mobile Sentry has cameras – and they aren’t just watching you. They watch – and record – everyone.

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From Shakespeare-For-Dogs To Digital-Puppets, Senator Details 100 Examples Of Government Waste In 2017

Tyler Durden's picture

Late November is a great time of year for a variety of reasons…there is the crisp fall air, the gatherings with your extended family for Thanksgiving that begin innocently and end with restraining orders and death threats and, of course, Senator James Lankford’s annual report on government waste.  And, just like last year, the 2017 report on “Federal Fumbles” is filled with truly infuriating examples of government waste that are sure to get your blood boiling…here are a couple of examples:

First up is a $30,000 grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts for a play, dubbed “Doggie Hamlet” by Lankford, that entailed a group of “artists” running around a field in New Hampshire apparently taunting a group of presumably very confused sheep.

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Land Of The Free? Michigan Man Issued Parking Ticket In His Own Driveway

Submitted by Simon Black via,

The state of Michigan is not exactly known for its balmy weather this time of year.

And residents reasonably do what they have to do to cope with often extreme winter temperatures.

Last Thursday a man named Taylor Trupiano of Roseville, Michigan did what a lot of people do in cold climates.

He walked out of his house, started his car, turned on the heat, and went back inside for a few minutes while his engine and vehicle interior warmed up.

According to Mr. Trupiano, he was only inside for about 7 or 8 minutes.

But by the time he came back to his car, there was already a parking ticket on his windshield– with a fine totaling $128.

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