THIS DAY IN HISTORY – McCarran-Walter Act goes into effect, revising immigration laws – 1952


The McCarran-Walter Act takes effect and revises U.S. immigration laws. The law was hailed by supporters as a necessary step in preventing communist subversion in the United States, while opponents decried the legislation as being xenophobic and discriminatory.

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Boots On The Ground: Days in the Life of an Average American Nobody

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Up at 6:30 AM.  Showered, dressed, and cooking breakfast by 7:00 AM.  Eggs, toast, fruit, and coffee ingested. Boots on, and laced, and out the door by 7:35 AM.  Drove to the county seat and made two stops there.  Then off to the Department of Transportation (DOT) center located across town by a now near-empty shopping mall.

Slowed onto the highway off-ramp at approximately 10 AM.  While waiting at the stoplight at the bottom of the ramp, a woman was seated on a street meridian just ahead.  She was wearing blue jeans, a hat, mittens, a soiled winter coat, and holding a sign.  The sign was a petition for money and at the bottom, in red letters, it said:  “Any amount will help”.

Near the woman, in a perpendicular line of cars that were about to enter the on-ramp of the highway, an obese lady in a mini-van quickly searched her purse then handed some cash to the sign-holder.  As I drove off, I saw the porcine and smiling driver glowing with the satisfaction of having her sins self-atoned for that morning.  It was a beautiful act of virtue-signaling that I found ironic as I drove by a restaurant less than a block away with a help-wanted sign prominently displayed in its front window.

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The Border Crisis: Taking the Long-Term View

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

In one of her final appearances before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen concluded her testimony by saying that no sane nation would ever devise an immigration system as dysfunctional as that of the United States.

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Swamp Swallows Trump

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

President Trump wants more people to come to the United States! With my own two ears, I heard the President say on back-to-back days that he wants historically high immigration levels, and more people that he foolishly claims “we need.”

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Trump Zig-Zags on Immigration in State of the Union Address

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

In his State of the Union address, President Trump said some of the right things about what he hopes to accomplish to create a more effective immigration system. But his recent actions on the H-1B visa, a long-standing American tech worker job displacement vehicle, indicate that the President’s heart is elsewhere, namely with powerful corporate lobbies.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Immigration act passed over Wilson’s veto – 1917


With more than a two-thirds majority, Congress overrides President Woodrow Wilson’s veto of the previous week and passes the Immigration Act. The law required a literacy test for immigrants and barred Asiatic laborers, except for those from countries with special treaties or agreements with the United States, such as the Philippines.

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Dear President Trump: About that wall ….

Three weeks for CONgress and Trump to avoid another shutdown.

Let’s support Trump … and warn him also.  Will it work?  Who knows? But, it’s worth trying.  It doesn’t take a lot of time to write a short letter.

Mine is below.  Add yours!

I will reformat the responses in a nice manner, and then send it to the White House.  I will share any response they send.

I will only send responses in favor of a physical barrier.  I reserve the right to slightly edit responses for spelling, grammar, profanities … In other words, just be professional.

I will wait until Wednesday in order to give as many people as possible a chance to submit their request.

Let’s git ‘er done!!!

Continue reading “Dear President Trump: About that wall ….”

Who And How Many

Guest Post by The Zman

The immigration debate in America, and maybe the West as a whole, is not much of a debate, at least as far as public policy. Instead, it is something of a meta-debate, in that the facts and important decisions are talked about indirectly. For example, in the US, everyone sort of thinks it is about Mexican immigration, but no one ever explicitly speaks to the facts about Mexican immigration. Details about who is actually coming over the border or gaming the anchor baby system remains a mystery.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – McCarran-Walter Act goes into effect – 1952


The McCarran-Walter Act takes effect and revises U.S. immigration laws. The law was hailed by supporters as a necessary step in preventing communist subversion in the United States, while opponents decried the legislation as being xenophobic and discriminatory.

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Robotic Optical Mail Bombs in the Uncanny Valley

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

To those who are politically and cynically aware, the October Surprise designation has become a misnomer. Instead, these predictable events should now be termed October Inevitabilities, or, even, October Hand-Writings-On-The-Wall.

Just like the hands of an old-fashioned clock count down the minutes in circular certitude, so too do election years churn up the same old tired shenanigans meant to manipulate outcomes via emotions stimulated by media shock and awe.

For over two years, the Orwellian Media has ceaselessly shilled a phony Russian election-hacking narrative, perpetuated by a bogus special counsel investigation; even as both operations demonstrably overlooked the real election collusion between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign, the DNC, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

Furthermore, in Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination debacle, the nation witnessed the self-perceived purveyors of social justice attempt to convict and hang an innocent man.

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Nepotism, Not Merit, Drives Immigration to Record Highs

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

By the appearance of things, no one in the White House, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or any of the other federal agencies that oversee immigration is willing to do the practical math that links their policies to problematic population growth.

The latest annually reoccurring example: On September 17, USCIS celebrated Constitution and Citizenship Day to kick off a ten-day stretch that will feature more than 260 naturalization ceremonies which will grant citizenship to about 45,000 lawful permanent residents.

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High-Tech Companies’ Lobbying Efforts in Full Gear for Foreign Workers

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

A telling Mercury News story pits high-tech industry leaders against the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and its Director Francis Cissna.

According to the story, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Salesforce co-CEO Marc Benioff are among the many tech industry executives pushing back against the Trump administration’s efforts to tighten H-1B visa regulations and possibly cut their aggregate annual number. The visa allows U.S. companies to hire foreign nationals, and in the process denies job opportunities to Americans or displaces existing workers. Silicon Valley wants to increase the official 85,000 H-1B cap.

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As U.S. Population Rises, Environmental Leaders Ignore the Obvious

Guest post by Joe Guzzardi

The Washington Post recently published a column titled “Why do we need more people in this country anyway?” which is making an internet splash among stable population and true environmental advocates.

Michael Anton, a former national security official, wrote his piece in the wake of the recently derailed congressional effort to pass an amnesty that would sharply increase today’s U.S. population, 328 million and rising, over the coming years. The Pew Research Center projected, chillingly, that the U.S. population will reach 441 million people by 2065, and 88 percent of the 113 million person growth will be from immigrants and births to immigrants, the result of federal immigration policies.

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The Immorality of Immigration

Guest Post by The Zman

In all times and all places, the people in charge have certain primary duties, obligations that come before anything else they like to do. It does not matter what form of government is in place, the rulers, for example, have to maintain public order. Being the tribal chief is useless if your people and lands are in chaos. For that matter, having a tribal chief is useless if it means living in chaos. Therefore, one of the primary duties of all rulers in all times and all places is to maintain public order by enforcing laws and local customs.

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President BoomerCon

Guest Post by The Zman

In his most recent podcast, John Derbyshire makes the point that there is little hope of getting any sensible immigration reform out of the current Congress. Paul Ryan is an open borders sock puppet, determined to undermine any effort at reform. Even if the House managed to pass something, the Senate is unlikely to take it up. They have no interest in the topic, beyond amnesty. Just as important, President Trump has largely lost interest in the topic, other than the occasional tough talk about illegals and his promised wall.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Immigration act passed over Wilson’s veto – 1917


With more than a two-thirds majority, Congress overrides President Woodrow Wilson’s veto of the previous week and passes the Immigration Act. The law required a literacy test for immigrants and barred Asiatic laborers, except for those from countries with special treaties or agreements with the United States, such as the Philippines.

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