Almost two years ago SSS made a prediction………..

Taken from:


Posted on 11th January 2014 by SSS

“Legal marijuana sales in Colorado, undoubtedly spurred by the initial high demand, is already selling for 2-3 times the price you would pay on the black market. Just like New York and NYC, which enjoyed an initial explosion in cigarette tax revenues when they enacted Draconian taxes, this will not last. The Mexicans who control the marijuana black markets in Colorado will see to it. “In 2012 the Mexican Competitiveness Institute issued a report saying that Mexico’s cartels would lose as much as $1.425 billion if Colorado legalized marijuana.” That’s not pocket change, and the people you’re trying to take that money from carry guns. Guns with high capacity magazines, which are against the law in Colorado. Heh. Don’t you just love the irony?”

“I have said repeatedly in the past that these violent organizations will not go quietly into that good night. Over time, I will be proven right. And it will be sooner rather than later because the stakes are so much higher. Avoid the rush and express your appreciation for this keen market analysis with your effusive praise as soon as possible.”


Well, well, well! I wasn’t going to address the price aspect of weed because my own personal experience with weed prices is a bit dated. I intended to address the Big Bad Mexican Drug Cartel influence on legal weed that SSS claimed would come to pass. I’ll get to that in a moment but since it’s so easy to destroy his “price of weed” nonsense I’ll do that first.

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