20 Things I’ve Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The ‘Pandemic’

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“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson


I think Hunter S. Thompson is being proven right by revelations becoming obvious daily. I’m a natural skeptic, so I rarely believe anything I’m told without verifying facts, analyzing data and understanding the motivation of those making declarations and assertions. For most of my life I thought I generally understood how the world worked.

Doubts about my understanding began to creep into my mind between 2000 and 2008, as I watched my government cover-up the truth about 9-11, use it to institute an Orwellian surveillance state through the Patriot Act, invade Iraq based upon a false narrative of WMD and links to 9/11, and watching those controlling the Federal Reserve create the dot.com bubble and follow it up with a housing bubble – all done to benefit Wall Street banks, billionaires, connected politicians, and Deep State apparatchiks.

Continue reading “THIS WAS A TEST, AND WE FAILED”


In Part One of this article, I discussed the dramatic events that shaped 2020 and will continue to have a major influence on the direction of this Fourth Turning moving forward. The immense power of Mordor on the Potomac seems to be unassailable, but the little people still have a chance if they utilize their skills and intelligence to the utmost.

dc-mordor | Political Film Blog

Now that Trump has been defeated and cast into oblivion by the forces of Mordor on the Potomac, those who have some knowledge about generational theory and the course of previous Fourth Turnings have lamented Trump is not the Grey Champion and they were misled by believing he was their hero. How could he be the Grey Champion if he lost? I do not profess to be an expert, as I am just trying to understand the underlying forces driving this Fourth Turning towards its climax, but losing a battle in a long war does not disqualify Trump as a Grey Champion. The Grey Champion character was born from the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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“Who is this gray patriarch? His hour is one of darkness, and adversity, and peril. That stately form, combining the leader and the saint…could only belong to some old champion of the righteous cause, whom the oppressor’s drum had summoned from his grave.”Nathaniel Hawthorne



“Americans today fear that linearism (alias the American Dream) has run its course. Many would welcome some enlightenment about history’s patterns and rhythms, but today’s intellectual elites offer little that’s useful. Caught between the entropy of the chaoticists and the hubris of the linearists, the American people have lost their moorings.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

This is not freedom': militarized US Capitol a sign of forever wars coming home | US Capitol breach | The Guardian

“The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When I started thinking about my annual beginning of the year article in early January, I tried to formulate a catchy title. Knowing we have entered the thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning, with the intensity of the crisis reaching an unparalleled level since November 4, I decided upon Fourth Turning Detonation. I immediately thought that might be too dire and figured I would change it later. After the first few weeks of the new year, I now think it might be grossly inadequate to describe what is coming in 2021.

It is easy to get distracted by the daily gyrations, ceaseless media propaganda, political theater, false narratives, and delusional beliefs of both the left and right, as this military empire built on debt and deceit spirals towards its fiery cataclysmic climax. Opposing forces have gathered themselves into position focusing on defeating their domestic enemies, with the left seeming to have strategic advantage but led by hubristic dullards, while numerous foreign adversaries circle like hungry vultures ready to pounce on the dying beast of an empire.



In Part One of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter”  narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience.

Now we get to Biden’s campaign slogan, which began to be adopted in August 2020, and was beaten like a dead horse just before and after the rigged election. “Build back better” must have played well among the useless eater, mouth breather demographic, when tested by Biden’s handlers. Biden would pop his head out of the basement periodically to stumble through a teleprompter speech where he was instructed to utter “build back better” three or four times.

Sustainable Development Goals: How can they be a handrail for recovery?

Then the contemptibly compliant corporate media expounded on the narrative as a brilliant plan by the wise statesman Joe Biden to save America from the murderous machinations of the evil orange man. Again, Google Trends reveals the coordinated effort to use this phrase in their efforts to steal the presidential election. If you think this was just a brilliant strategy by Biden’s handlers, you haven’t been paying attention. This is the globalist slogan to change the world.



In Part 1 of this article I discussed how our country has devolved from Huxley’s Brave New World of distraction and irrelevancy into Orwell’s world of Big Brother surveillance and Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. Now I will make the case for joining the fight against the Great Reset.

Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum

As more than half the country sleep-walks into the clutches of Marxism and tyranny, they fail to heed the wisdom of those who experienced the cruelty, oppression, and degradation after a similar revolution in the last century.

“A revolution never brings prosperity to a nation, but benefits only a few shameless opportunists, while to the country as a whole it heralds countless deaths, widespread impoverishment, and, in the gravest cases, a long-lasting degeneration of the people.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Dangerous Chuck Schumer: Now We Take Georgia then We Change the World! – Shore News Network

Schumer’s slip of the tongue about changing the world and then putting on his mask (to push the masks work narrative) and declaring he will change the country when they win the two Georgia Senate seats reveals the global nature of this ongoing coup attempt by the global elites and the Deep State. I was highly suspicious of the engineered hysteria for this China flu back in March when I wrote P for Pandemic and stand by my conclusions reached nine months ago:

“As this incomprehensible national shutdown extends into April, tens of thousands of small businesses will be forced to close their doors for good. Local restaurants, hair salons, delis, hardware stores, and thousands of other small businesses will be involuntarily shuttered for good.

The national chains will collect their government largess, produce PR campaigns to pat themselves on the back, and abscond with the profits of the now deceased small businesses. The corporate fascists will become ever more powerful. Why are we letting this happen?”

Continue reading “TIME TO HEEL – OR FIGHT”


“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.” Letter from Aldous Huxley to George Orwell – 1949

Orwell v. Huxley | Apathy and Urgency

The Search for Scientific Optimism in Speculative Fiction: The Dystopic Worlds of H.G. Wells, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell – Every Word Counts

Huxley’s vision of the future held sway for the next five decades, as generation after generation underwent government social indoctrination in public schools; medicating those who didn’t conform reduced dissent; incessant propaganda from government-controlled media convinced the masses to consume, obey and feel (no thinking allowed); and learned to love their debt servitude.

Orwell’s vision has taken precedence since September 11, 2001, slowly at first, but rapidly in the last year. A population drowning in cultural irrelevancy, ego enhancing distractions, and technological gadgetry making them dumber, are now being corralled using electronic surveillance, totalitarian dictates by government lackeys, the shredding of the Constitution, intense propaganda, Soviet style censorship of speech, and 3rd world style fraudulent elections to install the Deep State chosen puppet leader. The age of Huxley’s Brave New World has degenerated into Orwell’s 1984 and Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.

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For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data In COVID Tests

Via ZeroHedge

We have detailed the controversy surrounding America’s COVID “casedemic” and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, “cycle thresholds” (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

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Some interesting tidbits about our current Covid scamdemic you won’t be hearing from the propagandist MSM. Notice how testing hit a new all-time high of 1.2 million yesterday. It began to skyrocket on September 1 because colleges have been testing their students constantly. With the positivity rate staying in the 4% to 5% range, this increased testing was certain to increase the number of cases. But cases are still down 15% from July and these college kids aren’t getting sick. Hospitalizations are down 38% from July.

And now for the kicker. There were only 456 f**king deaths “with” covid in the entire f**king country yesterday. Oh the Horror!!! We know the average age is probably 80 and they had ten other medical issues prior to getting covid. The left wing pandemic Karens will say that 456 is far too many. Average Americans are so mathematically ignorant they are incapable of putting any data point into perspective.

On an average day in America 7,700 people die. So, 6% of the deaths in the country were with Covid. Over 2.2 million people have died from something so far in 2020, with just over 200k with Covid. That’s 9%. And most of those people would have died within the next year or two anyway.

For this we shut down the country? For this we won’t let people into restaurants? For this we won’t let our kids go to school? The MSM is colluding with left wing billionaires to use this scamdemic to dispose of Trump.



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This isn’t a pandemic. It’s a casedemic. They are now testing over 1 million people per week, whether they feel sick or not. Most is being driven by universities, who are 90% liberal leaning. Despite the massive increase in testing, cases are down 36% since the July peak.

The only metrics that should matter are hospitalizations and deaths. Hospitalizations are down 50% from the July peak. Deaths are down 67% from the April peak and down 33% from the August lower peak. 

The actual data shows a fabulous improvement. Have you heard any of these facts from the left wing mainstream media? Absolutely not. They have a narrative of fear to sell and a president to get rid of. The scamdemic will continue until the left destroys the country.



The Gathering Darkness

Guest Post by The Zman

Steve Sailer famously quipped that political correctness is a war on noticing. By which he meant noticing human diversity. Initially, this started out as a war on noticing bad things about groups of people. Then it slowly evolved into prohibitions on noticing general differences between groups of people. After all, it was said, all people evolved from the same source. This process has continued to the point where it is now forbidden to notice anything about people.

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On the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day and the Coronavirus Scamdemic

Guest Post by Antonius Aquinas

VE Day Coronavirus

The iconic Champs-Élysées and its Arc de Triomphe stand eerily empty before V-E Day ceremonies Friday in Paris.

This month (May 8th) marks the 75th anniversary of “V-E Day” when German forces unconditionally surrendered to the “Allies.”  Numerous articles, essays, and monographs have appeared commemorating the anniversary and while all are mostly laudatory, some have acknowledged that the outcome had its “drawbacks.”

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