Legal Experts Ask Justice Sotomayor To Recuse Herself From Case Due To Her Being An Idiot


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Legal experts are begging Justice Sonia Sotomayor to recuse herself from hearing further arguments in vaccine mandate case, Biden v. Missouri, because she is “a dumb idiot.”

Earlier today she interrupted oral arguments to ask why the sky was blue. She later grilled the attorney on whether the Pope is Catholic. The Biden administration’s lawyer was taken off guard by this and lost the flow of his argument. Court transcripts reveal this caused the court to cut to a brief recess so he could regain his composure.

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Why Is the Human Being Not Like a Machine?

Guest Post by Jeffrey A. Tucker

In defense of regulatory mandates during oral arguments, the following words were spoken by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: “Why is a human being not like a machine if it’s spewing a virus?” For her, it is a simple matter: regulatory impositions rule the machine world so why not the human one too?

The question came across to listeners (millions heard these arguments for the first time) as shocking. How can anyone think this way? Human beings carry pathogens, tens of trillions of them. Yes, we infect each other, and our immune systems adapt as they have evolved to do. Still, we have rights. We have freedom. These have granted us longer and better lives.

The Bill of Rights doesn’t pertain to machines. Machines don’t comply with Constitutions. Machines have no volition. Machines are things that must be powered by external sources, programmed by humans, and behave exactly as they are managed to behave. If a machine doesn’t do what is expected, it is broken and therefore repaired or replaced.

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