Natzsofast, Guido…

Via Raconteur Report

Nobody gets the story right in the first 36 hours.

I wouldn’t be quite so hasty to bet the farm that this shutdown was Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg…yet.

As Michael Caine said in A Shock To The System:

“Let’s not all panic. You, you and you, panic. Everyone else, remain calm.”

Least of all at a purported unilateral cave-in from the same guy that hilariously cancelled Queen Alzheimers’ junket less than a week ago.

The Democrats have promised all along to “negotiate in good faith” once the government was reopened.

That bluff has been called.

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Trump Folds at G-20 on Everything

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

Image result for putin and trump g20

I knew there was something wrong with Donald Trump’s presidency the day he bombed the airbase at Al-Shairat in Syria.  It was a turning point.  I knew it was a mistake the moment he did it and argued as such at the time.

No act by him was more contentious.

It cost me hundreds of followers gained throughout the campaign who wanted to believe Trump was playing 4-D chess.  My Periscopes went from being events to afterthoughts.

Those that left needed to believe this because they had invested so much in him.

They had to believe he was playing some deep game with Putin to bring peace to the region.

He wasn’t.

Continue reading “Trump Folds at G-20 on Everything”