Someone asked why TBP doesn’t have a share button for each article, so they can be easily shared with others. I had no clue, so I asked The Man With No Name.

And lo and behold, at the end of each article you now have a share function. If you have a Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit account, you just click the button and you can share a link to the article. Send articles you know will annoy liberals and neo-cons. It’s easier to email the link too.

The Scary Timing of October 31, 2016

by Uncola via

Earlier this week I posted an article regarding the Saturday, March 4th, 2017 wiretapping allegations that were Tweeted by Trump. In that essay, I mentioned the timing of the Obama Administration’s two FISA requests to surveil Trump, including one which was approved in October 2016; and I wondered regarding Hillary Clinton’s knowledge of the matter:

Given the recent wiretapping allegations made by Trump, the timing of Hillary’s Halloween Tweet regarding Trump and the Russians now appears to be a very frightful coincidence….

What then, did Hillary know, and when did she know it?

Beginning  at the 4:50 mark in the video below, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager, Robby Mook, claims Hillary’s October 31, 2016 Tweet regarding Trump and the Russians was in response to an article posted by Slate Magazine that day:

Continue reading “The Scary Timing of October 31, 2016”


In Part One and Part Two of this article I revealed how the Deep State’s fake data and fake news propaganda machine can be overcome by opening your eyes, observing reality, understanding how Fed created inflation has destroyed our lives, and why the election of Trump was the initial deplorable pushback to Deep State evil.

“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.”H.L. Mencken

“This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention. The regeneracy will be solidly under way.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

We are now seven weeks into the Trump presidency and it seems like seven years with amount of incidents that have occurred before and since his inauguration. When in doubt, Trump’s brain dead, hyperventilating with hate, opponents either blame the Russians or declare him Hitler. The histrionics displayed by the low IQ hypocritical Hollywood elite, corrupt Democratic politicians, fake news liberal media and Soros paid left wing radical terrorists over the last two months has been disgraceful, revolting, childish, and dangerous.


The Social Media Hive Mind

Guest Post by Scott Adams

You might have clicked on my misleading tweet to get to this page. I had to disguise the content so Twitter wouldn’t throttle it.

Here’s why…

This morning I tweeted a link to a great video that describes in detail how Twitter “throttles” the tweets of any content that disagrees with their political views. The video describes how Twitter gives a fake message that some tweets are no longer available, to discourage you from clicking to them. The tweets still exist, and you can access them by directly clicking the links in the tweets, but most people would not think to do that.

Continue reading “The Social Media Hive Mind”

Trump to Continue “Freaking Mainstream Media Out”, Will “Boldly Use” Twitter For Policy Announcements

Tyler Durden's picture

Having drawn the ire of the mainstream press for his extensive use of Twitter in announcing major developments and policy shifts, President-elect Donald Trump will not end the “onslaught” of posts on Twitter that fed his unconventional campaign, even after taking on the formalized duties of the Oval Office later this month, as Bloomberg notes following an announcement by incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer who said he expects Trump “will boldly use” Twitter to make major policy announcements.

Shortly after his victory on November 8, Trump said in an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he was rethinking his use of social media: “I’m going to be very restrained, if I use it at all, I’m going to be very restrained,” Trump said. That, however, has not happened and since then, during the countdown to Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, he’s shown little sign that he intends to follow that pledge.

In fact, making news and issuing statements on social media sites that also include Facebook and Instagram will “absolutely” continue, despite any prior promises to the contrary, incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

“You know what? The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” Spicer said.


Continue reading “Trump to Continue “Freaking Mainstream Media Out”, Will “Boldly Use” Twitter For Policy Announcements”


I stopped trying to predict markets back in 2008 when the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Wall Street bankers, and their propaganda peddling media mouthpieces colluded to rig the markets to benefit the elite establishment players while screwing average Americans. I haven’t owned any stocks to speak of since 2006. I missed the the final blow-off, the 50% crash, and the subsequent engineered new bubble. But that doesn’t stop me from assessing our true economic situation, market valuations, and historical comparisons in order to prove the irrationality and idiocy of the current narrative.

The proof of this market being rigged and not based upon valuations, corporate earnings, discounted cash flows, or anything related to free market capitalism, was the reaction to Trump’s upset victory. The narrative was status quo Hillary was good for markets and Trump’s anti-establishment rhetoric would unnerve the markets. When the Dow futures plummeted by 800 points on election night, left wingers like Krugman cackled and predicted imminent collapse. The collapse lasted about 30 minutes, as the Dow recovered all 800 points and has subsequently advanced another 1,500 points since election day. Krugman’s predictive abilities proven stellar once again.


Is Twitter Shadowbanning Scott Adams?

Not only is the dying legacy media rigging the election for Hillary, the ultra-libs who run Facebook, Google, and Twitter are using all kinds of nefarious means to slant social media towards a Hillary victory. Scott has over 81,000 followers. Fuck Jack Dorsey and his Twitter for Hillary bullshit. I’m going to lead the fight with my 458 followers.

Guest Post by Scott Adams

According to many of my Twitter followers, Twitter is “shadowbanning” me. If true, that means someone at Twitter has decided to suppress my free speech on the site, presumably because I have said good things about Trump’s talents for persuasion. My tweets do not align with Twitter’s political preferences as I understand them.

Continue reading “Is Twitter Shadowbanning Scott Adams?”

In Surprising Move, Twitter Permanently Bans Conservative Commentator Milo Yiannopoulos

Censorship by the left wingers is alive and well. If Hillary is elected censorship of free speech will intensify and the crackdown on internet sites like TBP will skyrocket. Any speech the liberal left doesn’t like is classified as “hate speech”.  A gay Republican Trump supporter with millions of followers is unacceptable to Jack Dorsey and his left wing Twitter minions. Fuck him.
Tyler Durden's picture

On Tuesday night, in a surprising move, Twitter permanently banned conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from using its service. Yiannopoulos, an editor for prominent conservative website, has been known for making provocative statements on Twitter and elsewhere.

Twitter said the suspension was part of a wider move to block a number of user accounts for abuse and harassment after Ghostbusters actor Leslie Jones on Monday drew renewed attention to the issue and announced she would quit the social media site.

Continue reading “In Surprising Move, Twitter Permanently Bans Conservative Commentator Milo Yiannopoulos”


The stock market has reached new all-time highs this week, just two weeks after plunging over the BREXIT result. The bulls are exuberant as they dance on the graves of short-sellers and the purveyors of doom. This is surely proof all is well in the country and the complaints of the lowly peasants are just background noise. Record highs for the stock market must mean the economy is strong, consumers are confident, and the future is bright.

All the troubles documented by myself and all the other so called “doomers” must have dissipated under the avalanche of central banker liquidity. Printing fiat and layering more unpayable debt on top of old unpayable debt really was the solution to all our problems. I’m so relieved. I think I’ll put my life savings into Amazon and Twitter stock now that the all clear signal has been given.

Technical analysts are giving the buy signal now that we’ve broken out of a 19 month consolidation period. Since the entire stock market is driven by HFT supercomputers and Ivy League MBA geniuses who all use the same algorithm in their proprietary trading software, the lemming like behavior will likely lead to even higher prices. Lance Roberts, someone whose opinion I respect, reluctantly agrees we could see a market melt up:

“Wave 5, “market melt-ups” are the last bastion of hope for the “always bullish.” Unlike, the previous advances that were backed by improving earnings and economic growth, the final wave is pure emotion and speculation based on “hopes” of a quick fundamental recovery to justify market overvaluations. Such environments have always had rather disastrous endings and this time, will likely be no different.”

As Benjamin Graham, a wise man who would be scorned and ridiculed by today’s Ivy League educated Wall Street HFT scum, sagely noted many decades ago:

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.”

Continue reading “ALL TIME HIGHS”


I have no clue about social media. I used to have a TBP Facebook page and I deleted it. I hate Google and Facebook and will have nothing to do with them. I don’t know anything about Twitter, but Avalon recently started an account. She suggested that we create a Burning Platform twitter account and she would tweet whatever articles I think should be tweeted.

When she tried to open it under my email address it seems someone already had an account under my email address for spam, which was suspended by Twitter. So we had to create a new email address and ultimately opened the brand new Burning Platform twitter account. How exciting.

You can follow the Burning Platform here (there is a follow me button on the sidebar):



We thought the monkey was perfect. I have no idea how many TBPers use Twitter. But if you do, start following it today. I’m already up to 3 followers so far – including Avalon. Zero Hedge has 312,000 followers, so I’m not far behind. The first 100 followers get to spend the day helping bb make Fed Ex deliveries.

If this helps get our message out to a few more people who wouldn’t normally read this stuff, I guess it is worth a try.

I hear some people are addicted to Twitter.


The raging bulls were so sure of themselves a few months ago. Valuation measures were for suckers. This time was different. It’s the new Obama economy. Profits are so old school. I suddenly sense a little panic amongst the big swinging dick Wall Street traders. Not too much scorn and laughter being directed towards John Hussman lately.

I wonder if the brainless twits and shills on CNBC will be telling their audience that the S&P 500 is now lower than it was in May 2014. That’s right. Anyone in the stock market over the last 20 months hasn’t gained a penny. The S&P 500 is now down 11% from its all-time high in May 2015. Only 40% or 50% more to go to reach fair value.

Remember the can’t miss hot stocks being touted by Wall Street and their CNBC mouthpieces? The IPOs were being rolled out like crazy in 2015 and the stocks would soar to heights not seen since the good old Dotcom bubble. Let’s take a look at those fantastic can’t miss opportunities of a lifetime:



In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I focused on the economic channel of distress which is likely to be the primary driving force in the next phase of this Crisis. In Part 4 I assessed the social and cultural channels of distress dividing the nation. In Part 5 I examined the technological, ecological, political, military channels of distress likely to burst forth with the molten ingredients of this Fourth Turning, and finally in this final part, our rendezvous with destiny, with potential climaxes to this Winter of our discontent.

We are now in the seventh year of this Fourth Turning. A famous quote from the seventh year of the last Fourth Turning portended the desperate, bloody and ultimately heroic trials and tribulations which awaited generations of our ancestors. What will be our rendezvous with destiny?

“There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt – June 27, 1936 – Philadelphia, PA

Our Rendezvous With Destiny

“The seasons of time offer no guarantees. For modern societies, no less than for all forms of life, transformative change is discontinuous. For what seems an eternity, history goes nowhere – and then it suddenly flings us forward across some vast chaos that defies any mortal effort to plan our way there. The Fourth Turning will try our souls – and the saecular rhythm tells us that much will depend on how we face up to that trial. The saeculum does not reveal whether the story will have a happy ending, but it does tell us how and when our choices will make a difference.”  – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The people have been permitting a small cadre of elitists, billionaire financiers, corporate chiefs, propagandist media moguls, and crooked politicians to make the choices dictating the path of our country since the 2008 dawn of this Fourth Turning. The choices they have made and continue to make have imperiled the world and guaranteed a far more calamitous outcome as we attempt to navigate through the trials and tribulations ahead. Their strategy to “save the country” by saving bankers, while selling the plan to the public as beneficial to all and essential to saving our economic system, has proven to be nothing more than the greatest wealth transfer scheme in human history.  The ruling class is deliberately blind to their own venality and capacity for evil.