Is Trump Mobilizing Military for Vaccines?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Trump has come out and said he will mobilize the military to administer vaccines by the end of the year when they are ready. Many see this as a betrayal of everything he has been fighting against. I have advised many, many governments in times of crisis. What Trump has done is actually necessary. The media has so mentally terrorized the population that you do see people driving in their cars alone still wearing a mask. As one reader put it, they probably also sleep alone at night with both a mask and a condom just to be safe. These people are hopeless. You will never convince them it is safe to go outside without a mask. Even the CDC has come out at stated: “There’s no good reason to use these masks except psychologically you think you’re doing something.” If Trump said get some sunlight it is good for you, they would only go out at night.

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Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Most people are unaware of the EXTREME DANGER posed by the Pharmaceutical Industry and their effort to force vaccines on the entire population by law and at the same time to exempt themselves from any liability. In 1987, Democrat William Herbert Gray sponsored H.R.3545 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. Stuffed in this act was the amendment to exempt the Pharmaceutical Industry from all liability for killing children with even untested vaccines. This is the way corruption flourishes in Washington. It is a major reform we desperately need. They can stick in a bill something that has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of the bill and the law is thereby changed and it is bought and paid for against the people.

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Medical Malpractice Caused the 1918 Spanish Flu Deaths

By Gerold

We may be overdue for any number of disasters, but another Spanish Flu pandemic is NOT one of them. That’s the good news. The bad news is that medical malpractice caused that pandemic, not a virulent flu virus. Western medicine continues treating symptoms rather than disease, and that’s what turned an ordinary flu virus into a global Spanish Flu pandemic.

2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. The exact death toll is unknown, but estimates range somewhere between 20 million and 100 million deaths worldwide. It was considered “the deadliest pandemic in modern history” [Link]

At the turn of the 21st Century, there were reports [Link] that scientists planned to exhume some of the frozen victims of the Spanish Flu from Alaskan permafrost.  Their research determined to answer the headline question, “What Made the Spanish Flu so Deadly?” [Link] Scientists had hoped to learn why the Spanish Flu was so virulent so they could prepare vaccines against that virus if it again resurfaced.

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Paradigm Shift: RFK Jr Goes Off on Vaccine Safety Live on TV, No One Attacks Him

Guest Post by Jack Burns

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr was a guest this week on Tucker Carlson’s show (FoxNews), he said it was only the second show he’d ever been allowed to discuss the topic of vaccination dangers. The reason why, he says, is because shows are paid billions per year by pharmaceutical companies in advertising dollars and they don’t want his message to be discussed.

RFK Jr., like many others, is sounding the alarm with respect to childhood vaccinations. Many of the vaccines are mandatory, and not vaccinating one’s children, as TFTP has reported, runs the risk of having one’s children taken away, and put into the custody of the state. Some parents are imprisoned by the State for not vaccinating their children. Still, others are made to appear unstable for even suggesting vaccines cause autism and are dangerous for the health of children, even though one executive-level Center For Disease Control researcher blew the whistle that the CDC knew they covered up information supporting that case.

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Guest Post by Lonely Libertarian

Teen Queen was born in 1995, diagnosed in 1998.
Baby Queen was born in 1997, diagnosed in 1999.

BQ was easier to diagnose quickly because she never hit the verbal markers of neurotypical kids and we’d just gone through it with TQ. TQ went from talking at 18 months to completely silent and withdrawn at 22 months. Like a switch was flipped in her brain. I know from experience how violent the discussion of vaccines and autism can get. On one side is a group of parents wanting answers and on the other side are a group of people who’ve never lived our lives screaming at us that we’re ignorant, negligent, horrible people who just need to shut the fuck up. The more they scream at us, the more we hate them.

It all hinges on one research project by Andrew Wakefield. Too many years and too many millions of dollars have been spent by the pro-vaccine groups to discredit (repeatedly) this research. Instead of hammering the same nail over and over to protect vaccine interests, why didn’t any of them branch out into research on tangents: vaccines and genetic susceptibility, vaccines and Tylenol toxicity, vaccines and a million other environmental factors. Way back when, the tobacco industry did the exact same thing to us that the vaccine industry (and trust me, vaccines are an incredibly lucrative business) is doing. Stonewalling, gaslighting. The same “if vaccines caused Autism, then every child who was vaccinated would be autistic” echoes the tobacco industry’s favorite argument, “If smoking caused lung cancer, then every smoker would have lung cancer.” What did we later learn? Genetics plays a factor, definitely. Some people who smoke are more genetically predisposed to lung cancer. Some people can smoke 8 packs a day and never get lung cancer. So that argument doesn’t float. There are also people genetically predisposed to lung cancer who never smoke and get it anyway. Does that mean tobacco doesn’t cause lung cancer? No, no it doesn’t.


How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark A Totalitarian Nightmare

Authored by Lee Hieb, M.D., originally published at World Net Daily, via Alt-Market blog,

Gov. Chris Christie has been vilified for making a very simple statement – that parents (and presumably patients themselves) should have the freedom to choose whether to vaccinate their children. I have been asked for years what I thought about vaccination, so let me lay out the issues.

Before getting into the science, lets discuss the philosophy:

1. The voices shrieking to forcibly vaccinate people are the same voices shrieking to support a woman’s right to choose abortion under Roe v. Wade. If a woman’s body is sacrosanct, if she has the right to choose to deliver a child or not, if she has total authority over her body, how can she not have the right to accept or refuse a vaccination?


2. Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization. How can we force vaccination without consent? Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.


3. Science is never “concluded.” Mr. Obama and other ideologues may think the truth is finalized (“The science is indisputable”), but the reality is our understanding of disease and treatment are constantly being updated. Just like Newton’s mechanical paradigm of the universe was supplanted by Einsteinian physics, and physicists today modify that view, medical “truth” is not the truth for long. In an attempt to quantify change in medicine, years ago a cardiology journal discussed “The Half-life of Truth.” cardiologists looked back in their journal at 20-year-old articles to see how much of what was believed then was still believed to be true. The answer? 50 percent. So in cardiology, at least – and in all of medicine to greater or lesser degree – only half of what we believe now will still be true in 20 or so years. The last word on vaccination is not in. It hasn’t even begun to be written.


4. If you believe absolutely in the benefit and protective value of vaccination, why does it matter what others do? Or don’t do? If you believe you need vaccination to be healthy and protected, then by all means vaccinate your child and yourself. Why should you even be concerned what your neighbor chooses to do for his child – if vaccination works? The idea of herd immunity is still based on the idea that in individual cases vaccines actually are protective.


5. If you think the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate people – for the good of society – what is to prevent them from forcibly sterilizing people, or forcibly euthanizing people, or forcibly implanting a tracking device – for the good of society? You make think those examples are extreme (although two-thirds have happened), but the principle is the same. You are allowing government to have ultimate authority over your body.

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