What Your Politicians Are Trying To Cover Up! Michael Yon & Ann Vandersteel

This is a very good interview and well worth your time.

Here is the link to the Chinese generals speech in 2003 that is discussed in the video.

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On the Violence in the Middle East…

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

Like most of the world, I have been considering the Israel / Gaza slaughter with fascination and a sense of dread.   Did Israel allow the events of October 7, 2023 to happen? It appears so. Were the savage acts of Hamas sickening? It appears so. Have the ensuing actions of Israel in Gaza been devastating? Yes.

Have the reactions of the general public in nations around the world, and on the internet, become increasingly polarized? Definitely.

Geopolitical expert and former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter has predicted Israel will lose this war, and deservedly so.

At the height of the hysteria during the build-up to Operation Desert Storm®, and in the jingoistic fever of the newly coined War on Terror®, Ritter claimed Saddam Hussein had zero Weapons of Mass Destruction®.  Ritter was right back then, so, now, I pay attention whenever he addresses global tensions.

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“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”General Smedley Butler

I don’t need your civil warIt feeds the rich while it buries the poorYour power hungry sellin’ soldiersIn a human grocery store

Guns N’ Roses – Civil War

Whether it is a distinguished general who came to his senses in 1935, after doing the bidding of the monied interests by initiating conflict throughout the world to fill their coffers with blood money, or a rock & roll star fifty years later writing a hit song about the exact same theme, the song remains the same. The wealthy always benefit from war, the poor always die in their wars, and politicians are bribed to continually foment conflict, hate, and railing against whoever their puppet masters choose as the enemy of the moment. This is not a recent development, it has spanned centuries, just the sums of money feeding the military industrial complex are now astronomical.

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“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”George Orwell

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.

Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928) pp. 9–10

“Axis of Evil” seems to be interchangeable, based upon who the Deep State needs to be the enemy at any given time. Bush junior first coined the phrase in his January 29, 2002 State of the Union speech when describing Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Of course, we know his Deep State handlers then falsified claims of 9/11 involvement and WMDs, to take out Sadaam and steal his oil. The barely cogent doddering old fool senator McConnell this week declared Russia, China and Iran as the new “Axis of Evil”. You notice Iran is still in the club, but they now consider two nuclear armed superpowers to be evil and enemies. Kim Jong Un must be so disappointed at being kicked out of the club.



Hold tight
Wait ’til the party’s over
Hold tight
We’re in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Talking Heads – Burning Down the House

A summer storm in 2012 that may approximate Rockaway's current mood.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re in for nasty weather. The swirling winds of a cloudy Fall day, as darkness descends upon the world, portends the coming vicious storms approaching our shores. Winter is coming. The gathering storm in the Middle East, with sides being chosen, alliances formed, enemies provoked, military’s mobilized, and the U.S. military industrial complex arming all sides, is just one of multiple potential inflection points poised to set the world ablaze if one of the psychopathic world leaders, installed to advance the globalist reset agenda, lights the fuse and ignites a global conflagration.


The Chinese Connection


Our trusted media bombards us daily that China and Russia are our enemies, yet I notice both of them have profited enormously from Western policies blatantly designed to destroy the US. When CONVID hit, both countries developed their own “vaccines” against it, and are still developing them with no end in sight.

However it was decided that China would be the heavy in this con game, I have no idea. Yet I suspect it is because of its massive population, and that the “smart city” infrastructure already existed there to contain big ones like Beijing; and also that it would be fool to believe the Chinese do not have state-run agencies filled with crisis actors too, like we have in the US, and ranked with just as many Communists.

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The folly of the expansionist blathering of Wu Flung Dung

The Chinese movement of border expansion across the Straits to Taiwan after hundreds of years of being dominated by outsiders provides an interesting puzzle.  Pride of self and of country are large motivators of the Chinese people. They are quite convinced they are the superior culturally and intellectually to everyone.  The feeling that dastardly western trash have been tolerated much too long in many sectors is rampant. Insular attitudes are deeply imbedded in the country.

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Guest Posts by Martin Armstrong

Chinese Hackers Target US Infrastructure

The US National Security Agency (NSA) issued a warning to all members of the Five Eyes organization that China has launched a cyber attack against the US. “Private sector partners have identified that this activity affects networks across U.S. critical infrastructure sectors, and the authoring agencies believe the actor could apply the same techniques against these and other sectors worldwide,” the report states. They are attributing the attack to a state group by the name of Volt Typhoon.


China is too structurally weak for world domination

Consideration of the calorie problem is always the strategic imperative. Food is the basis for economic policy in primitive countries because political stability arises from food security. The Chinese obviously import a significant portion of their food from abroad. The US and the UK are the worlds’ largest food exporters and there is not possible to eliminate this Chinese structural difficulty.  Their attempts to buy farmland across the world are a testament to this reality.  We have recently seen the bird flu, swine flu and a wheat fungus further attacking their food stability.  The Chinese agriculture minister said in March of 2022 that this could be the worst winter wheat crop ever.  He was correct.  The Chinese President began a campaign to “clean your plate” in restaurants to help address the problem of food waste in the middle class with a catchy that political phrase. We have no word on its’ level of success.

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On the Opium Wars, then and now

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The Chinese experience proves that countries do not have to tolerate drug use; the United States is currently under siege from a disastrous campaign to prove the opposite.

Hola, amigos! I know I haven’t rapped at ya (as the literally legendary Jim Anchower used to write) in a few days – I’ve been busy working on a couple of pieces that are taking a bit longer to come together.

In the meantime, I thought I’d offer two Twitter threads about drugs and drug use I wrote this morning (as I mention in one, I was working on a book about drugs when Covid hit and lockdowns supercharged the American crisis). If nothing else, they’ll give those of you who follow me here and not there a look at the rather different tone I use on Twitter.

1/ Funny story about opiates. Put it in the weird but true category! China had a big ol’ problem with opium in the 19th and early 20th centuriues. Our fault (okay, the Brits too), we shoved opium down their throats. Fought a war to make them import it. I know, not nice…

2/ But hey, the Chinese had all this tea and silver and silk, and it was ours for the taking if we just got them hooked on the shit. Anyhoo, we pretty much ruined China, the whole ruling class was too high to function, dynastic collapse, civil war, famines, whatevs…

Continue reading “On the Opium Wars, then and now”

USA vs China

These two short vids explain ….. everything, about everything.




DC China Hawks Will Virtue Signal This Country into Poverty

Guest Post by The Worm

Bipartisanship is foolishly celebrated. It often comes in the form of banal red tape, expansion of the sacred welfare state, but worst of all is good old-fashioned war. Warfare makes the job of a politician easy: pious speeches, self-affirming pats on the back, and vague saber-rattling without repercussions. DC lawmakers get to masquerade as freedom-fighting patriots while enticing our country’s largest lender and supplier of goods into a Cold War. Bipartisanship is dangerous.

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China’s Turn

Guest Post by Mike Whitney

Ukraine is the first flashpoint in a great power struggle between the United States and China. After years of shifting its industries to low-wage locations around the world, the US finds itself steadliy losing market-share to a faster-growing and more resourceful China. By most estimates, China’s economy will overtake the United States by 2035 at which point, Beijing will be in a much better position to shape international trade relations in a way that promotes its own interests.

With growth, comes power, and that rule will certainly apply to China as well. China has emerged as an industrial powerhouse that sits at the very epicenter of the most populous and fastest growing region in the world. It is for that reason that the United States has initiated a series of provocations on the island of Taiwan and in the South China Sea. The US has abandoned all hope of prevailing over China through conventional free market competition. Instead, the US plans to engage China militarily in a desperate attempt to drain its resources, garner broader support for economic sanctions and isolate isolate China from its regional trading partners.

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Doug Casey on the Rise of China… And What it Means for the World

By Doug Casey

Rise of China

International Man: Lee Kuan Yew, the former leader of Singapore, once said:

“The size of China’s displacement of the world balance is such that the world must find a new balance.

It is not possible to pretend that this is just another big player. This is the biggest player in the history of the world.”

What is your take?

Doug Casey: China has united 1.4 billion people into a single political entity, so of course they have a lot of weight. But simply having masses of people under your political control doesn’t mean as much as it used to.

China would still be a poverty-stricken non-entity if it hadn’t been for the reforms that Deng Xiaoping made starting in 1980. Masses of uneducated, desperately poor peasants are more of a liability than an asset in the modern world. Deng transformed China’s economy into something that functions pretty much like those in the West. But now, Xi Jinping seems to be returning to the philosophy of Chairman Mao, with much more centralized control. That’s very negative for the country.

Continue reading “Doug Casey on the Rise of China… And What it Means for the World”

MLB-China Partnership Sending Ballplayers to U.S.

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

The New Year we’re moving into this week under the Chinese Lunar calendar is the Year of the Rabbit, considered the luckiest of the 12 animal signs to be born under in the Chinese zodiac. While some may be born to it, others’ luck is made through lucrative CCP deals.

In 2021, Major League Baseball extended its contract with Tencent, a Chinese tech company that broadcasts NBA games and has an audience of more than 1 billion. Through its international WeTV service in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, Tencent’s viewership will expand. China’s baseball interest is at unprecedented levels, and intensifying. Baseball is played in more than 80 Chinese colleges and universities, and dozens of new baseball facilities have been built in recent years by local governments and individuals. Continue reading “MLB-China Partnership Sending Ballplayers to U.S.”