The markets are attempting to rally on the “unexpectedly positive” retail sales numbers for April. The bullshit is getting so deep in this country, you have to wear hip boots. Even though I’m a trusting soul and know the MSM and our Wall Street economist “experts” will tell me what I need to know, I decided to go directly to the report. Here is a link in case you want the actual data:


Here are my observations about the “strong” retail sales:

  • Through the beauty of seasonal adjustments the actual 2.7% decrease in retail sales in April versus March becomes a .09% increase, which is rounded up to .1% by the MSM. The government drones would never use seasonal adjustments to make numbers look better than they really are. Right?
  • Even with seasonal adjustments, retail sales only went up $377 million. The subprime financing scam being run by the Obama owned Ally Financial and the other government subsidized Wall Street shysters resulted in a $783 million increase in auto sales. Therefore, retail sales excluding this government use of your tax dollars actually declined by $406 billion.
  • The MSM is crowing about the lower gasoline sales which are benefitting the American consumer. If you look at the 4 month trend versus last year, you see that retail sales at gasoline stations is down 1.1% versus last year. Let me remind you that last year was the highest average price for gasoline in history, so a 1.1% decline is not exactly a windfall to the consumer. Do you see the MSM reporting the facts on this chart?

  • The first four months of retail sales in 2013 have sucked. Overall, they are up 3.3%. Subtracting the government boosted auto sales and the increase is 2.5%. Even using the government manipulated CPI yields basically flat retail sales with 2012. Using a real inflation rate of 5% reveals that real retail sales are declining by 2.5% in the first four months of 2013.
  • If there is a real housing recovery how could retail sales of furniture, electronics and building materials be languishing in the -0.7% to 3.6% range? How can general merchandise sales (Wal-Mart, Target) be 3.4% below last year?

The fact is that real retail sales are falling. The Obama tax increases and Obamacare insurance premium increases have sucked the life out of the consumer. Gas prices have risen 10 cents per gallon in the last two weeks. The busy driving season is coming. The Middle East is a powderkeg. Hurricane season isn’t far off. Companies are cutting the hours of their employees. The savings rate is already at 2.7%. Consumers are reducing credit card debt. There are 10,000 people per day turning 65. Sounds like a recipe for strong retail sale growth. Right?

Maybe a government drone economist could chime in and explain the extreme wide variation in seasonal adjustments over the last ten years. Shouldn’t seasonal adjustments for the same month be fairly consistent over time? Inquiring minds want to know.


Notify of
May 14, 2013 6:45 pm


So true. With the feminazis it is all around. With me, it goes further then disagreeing with them on politics. I like to be feminine, not sexy. Many don’t get that. They typically go to an extreme. Either a dyke, or overly sexual. That is not feminine at all. Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Eva Gardner, Bette Davis, Jane Russell, and Jean Harlow were sexy because of their femininity. Growing up after the feminist movement is a burden. Women are no longer allowed to be what women always were. Feminazis tend to forget, that their ideas have only been around for 50 years, a very small time frame. They want all women to be like them, if you want to be the woman that comes naturally to you, then you must be a dense bimbo.

May 14, 2013 7:13 pm

AWD get you a paint horse and hit the show circuit

Kate Upton competed on a national level in the American Paint Horse Association and won 5 world titles on her horse Roanie Pony.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2013 7:22 pm

I always said the millenials would go to the underground economy to avoid being tax slaves to support the oldies. It’s the only thing they can do really. Why should they sacrifice their lives to support a system we all know is corrupt and unsustainable?

Calamity, most people aren’t really even aware of how bad the system screws them, because a man named Milton Friedman got the bright idea of taking people’s money from their paychecks before they ever got to hold it in their hand. It was not always so…They gave that little prick a Nobel Prize, btw.

A grassroots movement to end payroll deductions might be a nice place to start in taking back your rights as US citizens. If working people had to write a check to the IRS for their tax tab like business owners do, there would be more political involvement from more people concerned about how the government spends your money.

May 14, 2013 7:34 pm

I always said the millenials would go to the underground economy to avoid being tax slaves to support the oldies.

Eddie, I am glad you posted this when you did. I am currently writing my next post, you will be quite pleased to know that it is based on this idea of an underground economy. I believe many people will be going that direction. Not just because of taxes and and how taxes are spent, but to make a living at all. Only a fool wouldn’t know that a black market economy is emerging. The government can only tax as long as you have an official job. With Obamacare going into law, and people working well under a full time hours, many are going to find extra work through networking connections.

May 14, 2013 7:41 pm

@AWD says: “SAH, a feminazi” ? ….Are you kidding? So, obviously you don’t know me any more huh?

Lets see…. the combination of soliciting prostitution (Stucky did encourage Calamity to engage in paid sexual acts, I believe it was a blow job, offering to be her 2nd John after Llpoh, apparently Stucky likes sloppy 2nds?) and then later stalking the girl’s blog and posting her picture here…. yeah, that is just normal, gentlemanly behavior… its just normal “paying a compliment” to solicit prostitution, and only a Feminazi would find unseemly or creepy. Yep. Actually, all of you GUYS here are the biggest bunch of Feminazi POSERS… Before Feminism removed the social boundaries of polite society none of you pigs would be casually posting semi-pornography here on a daily basis and soliciting young girls for prostitution in mixed company and still be able to consider yourselves respectable gentlemen. And furthermore, 99% of the time all you guys post are pictures of FAKE SILICONE WOMEN. I’ve hardly ever seen you guys post a real tit (implants), ass (Brazilian butt lift surgery) or hair (extensions) on here. So, yes I find the fact that you all obsessively post pictures of COMMODITIZED BODY PARTS (literally commoditized – since they are purchased body parts) coupled with offers of paid prostitution (again, literally commoditization) to be abhorrent and disgusting. Why bother with any biological content at all. Here, I will help you guys out these are 100% silicone and can be legally bought and sold:


May 14, 2013 7:44 pm

[imgcomment image&imgrefurl=http://www.wordpress.tokyotimes.org/%3Fp%3D3197&usg=__3MQE93VtjaZAmloFCt_4o81SlHE=&h=558&w=840&sz=157&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=zit85ZQ5EE03uM:&tbnh=96&tbnw=145&ei=CsySUbHVB6j4igLNyIH4Bw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlove%2Bdoll%2Bsilicone%26um%3D1%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hl%3Den%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CDIQrQMwAw[/img]

May 14, 2013 7:46 pm

arghh… wordpress doesn’t like silicone love dolls.

May 14, 2013 7:55 pm

HOW do you know for sure the body parts are manufactured, can you say with 100% certainty kate upton was not born with that chest.

May 14, 2013 7:59 pm

SAH OK tell me, are these real or manufactured?

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2013 8:00 pm


I enjoy your posts, although I don’t agree with the COMMODITIZED BODY PARTS comment. Women are a thing of beauty, God made ’em that way. it is in human nature to appreciate that beauty and God’s good work. We don’t post any pornographic images at all. I try to never post siliconized breasts, which I can’t stand. Men, in general, are pigs, and we are no different. Maybe you need to look at yourself and see what makes you so irritated,. Berating men for being men will get you nowhere, and you are free to post all the men (sans actual penis’) that you wish. In the meantime, quit your belly aching.

May 14, 2013 8:08 pm

SAH- I didn’t respond to your comments so far, because I let things slide, the biggest reason I didn’t engage when Ole Lollihop when he gave me the chance to give him the slam he had coming. You have gone too far with your “I am woman, hear me roar” babble.

I am not a woman that gets offended by being whistled at on the street. My actual response to this action is to make eye contact, smile, and say thank you. I don’t get offended when a guy calls be sweetie, dear, or even shorty. Those are compliments. I am not ignorant about that, unlike you. I don’t get offend when a guy likes how I look, or says I have a pretty face, or nice booty. Again, those are compliments. Women for centuries got preferred treatment due to their apppearence and demeanor. Is it childish, yeah it is, but it works. I’m not too arrogant to think that the rules have changed since the latest wave of feminism.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but women in history had somethings very good. I will not bow don’t and accept the boomer ideal of feminism is the right answer. It has a short history, that isn’t good or flattering. All 60s feminism gave us was divorced, damaged children, body image issues, and unhappy over achieving women. There is nothing glamorous about feminism. It has done a lot of harm.

I posted my own picture on the internet. It is on my facebook and on my blog. I forgot that I had put that as public access, but I did post it. I made the choice to connect my own image with my writing. I’m not some poor girl who is being exploited. In case you didn’t notice, I made jokes too. I made jokes about being attractive, prostitution, and “servicing troops” for free. You took most of this too literal. Am I a slut or whore in real life? Um no.I actually have strict moral views on sex. Humor seems to escape you.

As far as the vulgar post of the men of TBP. All the power to them. In case you didn’t now, pin up girls were highly offensive in the 1940s. It was indecent to take photos of young women in that matter, so artists use to draw them with pastels. They became highly popular with troops during WW@, for good reason. Most men were going to die in that war. Looking at naughty art pictures was no bug deal considering what awaited them. Did anybody call them perverts? Nope, they were young men that could be killed by Nazis. Not the Pin up is considered actual art. It empowers femininity and good looking women. A lot of pin up art is in galleries. Many tattoo artists copy Sailor Jerry’s style. Hell, Sailor Jerry is a major brand now days. He is now a historical figure and Ed Hardy (I believe it is grandson) is a bigger brand.

Before you speak, don’t include me in the victim mentality. I am a beautifThe men of TBP didn’t exploit that, they confirmed it. I like being told I am pretty. It makes me feel good. Is it shallow? No, it is natural. Humans (both sexes) like beauty. Is it vain? Not really, they back up that I am pretty. I am quite proud to be young and attractive. It won’t always be the case. So I will be flattered while I can.

BTW, my inconsistent comments earlier was because I downed a full 750ml bottle of wine. Not only does it make me happy to be a wino, I also like to talk about politics with wine.

May 14, 2013 8:13 pm
May 14, 2013 8:13 pm

@Sensetti – No, I believe Kate Upton’s boobs are real. She is a literal genetic freak. I have seen her walk the runway for different bikini lines and the “Jello” type wiggly-bounce is natural boobs. However, poor girl is only 18 or 19 right? By the time she is 25 gravity will be pulling those sweater puppies down. Also the ONLY REASON Kate Upton is tolerated in the modeling industry with the amount of belly fat / love handles that she has is because her boobs are real. Losing fat would lose the boobs, and her size of real boobs is so unusual as to make the modeling industry give her a “pass” on being WAY over the pudginess standard in the rest of her body. However, real or fakeness of one set of boobs here on TBP, does not change the fact that sexual commoditization goes on here daily and the people who do it are indignant about being “gentlemen” and “anti-feminism” and yet it is exactly feminism that allows these men to treat women in a sexually impolite manner that would have been grounds for public censure in pre-feminist times. It is also feminism which allows these men to argue the pro-abortion feminist mantra with me… because it actually is expedient for MEN to be able to fuck sluts who will have abortions. Again, there is a lot of hypocrisy here. A lot of men here frolic in the post-feminism lack of decorum and open sexual market which requires no traditional family or commitment for sexual activity and they openly celebrate pornography, prostitution, surgical mutilation of women’s sex/reproductive organs, slutty behavior and resulting abortions. My disapproval of the situation in no way makes me a “feminazi”. In fact, I disapprove precisely because I am not a feminazi.

May 14, 2013 8:14 pm

SAH, you need to post more often.

May 14, 2013 8:18 pm

Thanks SAH well said

May 14, 2013 8:20 pm

SAH- I may not be correct, but I have a feeling that you lost your own feminine qualities. You speak like someone who either isn’t attract to men (which case, you have not right to talk about being exploited) or lost their way.

You might be middle aged and quite dumpy. No longer knowing how to be a woman, maybe a few pounds over weight, and taken advantaged by a system that favors young women. I do feel a bit sorry for your position. It is easier to blame men then to get a treadmill. To get a good hair cut, buy pretty clothes, get a mani and pedi, learn how to have a genuine smile, how to cook and be an major influence in your family. SO sad that you would rather put down other women, then to learn their secrets. How horrible it would be that you maybe blaming for dropping the ball and turning your back on being a woman.

May 14, 2013 8:21 pm

My goal 50 posts back was to redirect this thread, Mission accomplished.

May 14, 2013 8:27 pm

@Calamity – tsk tsk tsk. Poor ignorant thing. I am sad for you, as the more you say the more painfully obvious it becomes that you don’t understand what you are doing. Your defense and participation in the sexual degradation of women is not making you part of the “boys club”. In fact, it is making you a typical casualty of feminist dogma. The current culture of Female Chauvinist Pigs is a result of feminism embracing male behavior as ideal – including the sexual commoditization of women and reckless slutty sexuality, pornography & sex tapes, children “sexting”, and wholesale abortion for any and all reasons. There is absolutely nothing “traditionally feminine” about entertaining degrading behavior – it is a sign of just how sick and wretched our culture has become. Yes, men have always celebrated beauty, but in pre-feminist times of greater importance was a woman’s character and good deeds. Because in pre-feminist times courtship was for the purpose of marriage and reproduction, men put much more value on a woman’s moral character, chastity, temperament etc. Now everything is about easy, no-commitment sex, and superficial looks… being cat-called and solicited for prostitution is not a compliment, poor thing. Maybe you should just be quiet for a bit until the wine wears off because the more you say the less impressed I am.

May 14, 2013 8:37 pm

Maybe you should just be quiet for a bit until the wine wears off because the more you say the less impressed I am.

But that is part of my charm. You know charm. Nevermind charm school was over decades ago. No reason you no longer act lady like. Maybe you should get offend about the use of wine. Like the prudish church ladies that brought about prohibition in the 1920’s. I saw pictures of those women, they were ugly too. Though the sin of their men was alcohol. Naw, the sins of their men was they didn’t have anything to look at once they got home.

Maybe you could look into teaching home ec. Schools don’t have those teachers anymore, you could bring it back. Maybe learn through teaching what being a woman is again. Then maybe you could make good meals and keep a man. BTW- there is a website that may help with that. http://www.pinterest.com.

Good reference, you may even be able to learn something about being warm and having a warm home.

Mary Malone
Mary Malone
May 14, 2013 8:51 pm

Geeze, Louise. Progressives take the fun out of everything.

They have managed to destroy:
– The joy of eating a great meal (which must include butter, meat, and wine and of course a yummy desert)
– Driving a hot car in the fast lane (God forbid we exceed the speed limit, turn right on red, or can the seat belt)
– Having a freakin drink, cause you cannot drive home after having a glass or 2 of wine, a gin and tonic or a couple of beers without the fear of being pulled over by state trooper who will destroy your life with a DUI

Now, they take all the fun out of men noticing a pretty woman. For cry’in out loud –
-Sometimes a steak is just steak, a beer is just a beer, a fast car is just fast and a woman is pretty.

Can we please put a lid on making an issue out of EVERYTHING that is fun or brings an ounce of joy before the whole damn country collapses?


May 14, 2013 8:57 pm

Stucky- I never thought you were stalking or creepy. I thought you were aware of my about page. Then decided to post my pic, because, hell I know, I look surprisingly pretty for my writing capabilities. No harm, like I said, I was the one you made the photo available to begin with. Thanks again for the compliments.

Mary Malone- I like you more and more every post lol. Not only giving me really good advice and references. You have a great deal of sense. I 100% agree with your assessment of life. Blown away by you again!

May 14, 2013 8:59 pm

Wow, you are an ignorant little bitch. Enjoy your youth, because once it fades you don’t have the intellect capacity nor the ice water in your veins necessary to be a traditional woman. You are so far off base and I am so out of your league that I shouldn’t even have to respond to you. But for the record, I am 35 – does that make me old? I have been working for 22 years, I paid off all of my college loans on my own by age 28, I have been monogamous with the same man for 11 years and married for over 8. After paying my college debts off I had 2 children in wedlock and I am a dedicated wife and mother. I still weigh the same amount I did at age 16 (125lbs). I own a gym as a hobby. Professionally, I am in Legal Services for nearly nearly a decade now. I have been precious metals investing for about 12 years. I keep a lovely, comfortable and functional home. I have been doing gardening and food preservation for about 7 years now, and generally home pressure can about 144 quarts of home grown produce each year. I am in the slow food movement and basically cook a paleo homemade diet for my family. They are also fit and trim. I just don’t have time to post on TBP like I used to. By the way, not only is being solicited for prostitution not something to take as a compliment, but being a wino is not something to be proud of either. Poor ignorant thing.

@Zara – nice to bump into you here, and thank you. I mostly just read the articles now and stay out of comments.

May 14, 2013 9:01 pm


Your post about women and femininity was right on the money.

Ignore the two thumbs down. They were both from SAH.

Remember how you ignored me once not so long ago? That might be the best remedy for SAH. She’s like a pimple … annoying as hell, but it will go away if left alone.

You weren’t here when she first arrived. She hates EVERYONE who disagrees with her … or with those who don’t measure up to HER standards. I made a list of her name calling and insults, and boy was it a doozy! Consider yourself in good company.

I am not kidding or trying to be funny when I say she is THE angriest poster ever here on TBP. I love messing with her. Why? Because it’s so damn easy. And try as she might, she can’t hang with me. Hell, I even ran her off a couple times. lol

But, you? A sweet feminine lady? Remember the pimple.

I Love Cat Fights
I Love Cat Fights
May 14, 2013 9:03 pm

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May 14, 2013 9:05 pm

The Calamity post at 8:08 is perfect. As for SAH trying to indoctrinate her into politically correct “woman thought” is a fucking joke. Somehow, despite all the liberal progressive thought control schools, media, and fellow female brainwashing, Calamity remains a true female, comfortable with herself and the admiration for her, and of sound mind. Truly Amazing, imagine the battles she’s had to fight with women like SAH and all the other disturbed, women really should be men, and men are really the enemy kooks out there. It is so refreshing to see a real female, a real woman, there are so few left. Most throw everything back in your face, kick you in the nuts, and look askance at any admiration or affection. And so, Calamity not withstanding, the war of the sexes rages on as 95% of the brainwashed pseudo women enlarge and protect the chip on their shoulder. Fuck ’em.

May 14, 2013 9:07 pm

SAH- Sure, you sound very happy. Wait, no. You sound found very bitter. Maybe something isn’t working out for you anymore if you have that level of hostility. Maybe your husband doesn’t give it to you good anymore. That is so, so sad. If I was in your position, I would upgrade to 2 bottles of wine with over 15% alcohol content. Or you such at cooking your Ragu Spaghetti and he knows he is being ripped off.

Like I said, those were jokes. You know, ha ha funny. Never mind you just want to be offended. BTW being thin isn’t the same as being pretty. I have seen plenty of thin women who were dumpy and didn’t know how to be sensual. They were just as homely and unhappy as you sound.

May 14, 2013 9:08 pm


Actually, SAH was funny …….. ONCE.

I made a joke about choking the chicken, or something like that …….. and henceforth she called me Sticky. That’s some funny shit right there.

Now all she’s got is “you are an ignorant little bitch”. Not funny. Not even creative. Just B-O-R-I-N-G.

May 14, 2013 9:13 pm

In the interest of EQUAL TIME … I, Sticky el Grande, perused the worldwide web to find a picture of SAH.

SAH, October 2012, at the Men Are Fucking Pigs State Fair
[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2013 9:17 pm

Stucky- Bitch is so over used that I won’t go crying to the man that hates my Ragu spaghetti over it. Oh wait that is her, that can’t cook good food. Maybe she can cry on him, snot bust his button off his shirt, and be exposed as a womanly fraud once she exposes herself as too stupid to sew it back on.

BTW- With the wine, Yesterday I had a bottle of Yellow Tail Pinot Noir with Tortollini and Tomato meat sauce, and garlic butter french bread and later I made cookies.Tonight in was Naked grape Pinot Grigio with Nacho flavor egg wraps (cream cheese, jalapeno juice, cheddar, and black olives) dipped with sour cream.

I think I win the woman challenge. I can write, cook, and drink the right wines. Oh and I am pretty 🙂


May 14, 2013 9:19 pm

It’s really not a cat fight.

Calamity cautiously approaches the venomous sah-snake. ….
[imgcomment image[/img]

….. and then eats it.
[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2013 9:19 pm

SAH- Sure, you sound very happy. Wait, no. You sound found very bitter.

Most women are bitter. Somebody sold them a bill of goods that they should be unhappy, that they were oppressed, that they are forever victims and deserve some kind of reparations, which are never forthcoming. Sound familiar? The civil rights movement and the women’s “liberation” movement occurred about the same time, with the same effects. Women that never seem to get liberated are bitter. The are entitled, damn it, and every fucking thing wrong in their life is the fault of various and sundry men, especially men that actually admire them. Because being admired is a sin, a sign of oppression, and something to be fought against. Well, keep fighting, don’t ever stop, and don’t ever be happy for crissakes. Keep believing what those women’s libers told you, they must be right. Someday you will get what you’re entitled to. Keep taking women’s studies classes. Meanwhile, actual women, feminine women are getting what you never can, and never will. They are smart enough to know better, while feminists eventually give up and start carpet munching. We’ve heard it all before, and like Stucky said we’ve had our fill, way more than our fill, and we’re sick of it.

May 14, 2013 9:38 pm

I am not a woman that gets offended by being whistled at on the street. My actual response to this action is to make eye contact, smile, and say thank you. I don’t get offended when a guy calls be sweetie, dear, or even shorty. Those are compliments. I am not ignorant about that, unlike you. I don’t get offend when a guy likes how I look, or says I have a pretty face, or nice booty. Again, those are compliments. Women for centuries got preferred treatment due to their apppearence and demeanor. Is it childish, yeah it is, but it works. I’m not too arrogant to think that the rules have changed since the latest wave of feminism.

That’s awesome of you. Most guys don’t have the courage to say nice things to women for fear of saying it to a SAH and having it misconstrued. I have complimented many in my time only to make their day. I live in a small town and really have no ulterior motives.
I just know that it behooves them because they are wondering what it is I might want, plus it happens so seldom it’s fun to watch them have a proud moment.

May 14, 2013 9:44 pm

I, Stucky da Judge, in accordance with TBP’s Rules of Shit-Flinging, Paragraph, 3.1.2, titled “Debating With Really Angry Women Who Might Also Be Ugly”, do now judge the aforementioned shit-flinging between opponents, 1) SAH and, 2) Calamity, and do hereby award the GRAND PRIZE EPIC BEATDOWN OF THE AGES to ………….. Calamity.
——- (crowd cheers and applauds my wisdom)

I, Stucky, the sometimes hotheaded poster, do regret ever getting mad at Calamity for the perceived sin of ignoring me.

May 14, 2013 9:51 pm

I think we ran her off.



May 14, 2013 9:52 pm

That’s awesome of you. Most guys don’t have the courage to say nice things to women for fear of saying it to a SAH and having it misconstrued. I have complimented many in my time only to make their day. I live in a small town and really have no ulterior motives.
I just know that it behooves them because they are wondering what it is I might want, plus it happens so seldom it’s fun to watch them have a proud moment.

I hate that shit.Look I use to work in a bar. I learned more things about men and life working their then I did during college or any part of like. Most women encourage being cat called by their attitudes. I have heard of women being offended by a guy telling her to smile, btw that is the facial expression of women that is the most inviting and beautiful. I don’t get offend because most of the time, men just want to be. It isn’t the fault of the younger women, all they know is the post 60s feminism. But they do know something is wrong. It took me years to figure this out. I was never too sensitive to begin with, but sad to say, I had to work in a hyper sexual night club to realize these lessons in life. I don’t regret knowing this at all. My life has been 100% better, and I make more money waiting tables and bartending because of it.

May 14, 2013 9:53 pm

I’ll bet llpoh is reading this …. and DYING to get a word in.

He really likes SAH.

May 14, 2013 10:05 pm

Stucky- Nah, I think he was more then pissed. Those 344 dislike probably chipped away his ego big time lol.

May 14, 2013 10:39 pm

I am watching you Stucky

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May 14, 2013 11:41 pm

A wonderful home baked meal, a bottle or two of wine and Hot Calamity. Now that’s the real deal….

But then there’s fine chilled food, ice cold vodka and cold Steely SAH. Hell, I could dance with that too.

By the way Stucky find us some pictures of Hot Mary Malone.

John A
John A
May 15, 2013 12:37 am

Calamity after her fight with SAH. She likes sharp-dressed men and Coca Cola.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Full Bore Stupid
Full Bore Stupid
May 15, 2013 12:38 am

1. If this becomes a pickup site I’m out of here.
2. I’ll give you two Clammytitties for one Lone Wolf.
3. Wake up, Stucky, the dominatrix has you.
4. Regarding Stuck’s sweet barroom talk @9:01 – get a room, Silvio Berlusconi

May 15, 2013 1:06 am

This thread has gotten a lot more interesting. Nice work, Sensetti. I have thought for some time that the females of TBP, as a group, are smarter and more insightful than the average guy here. Thanks to all the “Women of TBP”. Glad to see Calamity is keeping up that tradition. And in a different way, so is SAH. I hope Hope comes back.

May 15, 2013 2:14 am

Holy shit, it works! Hope has returned. Now I hope llpoh reconsiders. (What the hell-it’s worth a try).

John A
John A
May 15, 2013 6:33 am

This comment thread isn’t any sillier (or off the mark) than hundreds of others that I have read here at TBP. Nobody is required to add comments or graphics under any article. Anybody is allowed to take break for a while or leave anytime they want. This is the premier web site on the net for discovering/uncovering the truth and to find unbridled/hysterical humor. It is so only because people are allowed to be unmerciful and brutally honest. All of us can thank Jim Quinn for that.

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Full Bore Stupid
Full Bore Stupid
May 15, 2013 6:36 am

Stucky says:

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John A
John A
May 15, 2013 8:02 am


If (when) things get really bad, there will be no more free internet: just government approved web sites. I know this is also coming. The truth is becoming much too dangerous to the elites you see.

Your first priority is your family. If you shutdown TBP tomorrow, I would understand.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 15, 2013 8:19 am

IMHATEO, pushing the femi-nazi versus traditional filly argument aside , Calamity is a ditz when compared to the intellect of SAH.
Cutie pie blah blah is fine for horn dawgs like Stuck , but in the real scheme of life has no rational purpose outside of entertainment.

May 15, 2013 8:32 am

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May 15, 2013 9:00 am

Wow, llpoh, hope you come back….soon. 🙁 You would be sorely missed if you left TBP.

May 15, 2013 9:27 am

This thread’s direction has been interesting – although IMO a bit too “either/or” – total woman or femi-nazi and not much in-between.

I don’t believe how an individual incorporates/displays/embraces their gender is as straight forward and deliberate as this thread implies – innate temperament and environment both play a role.

I watched Madmen this winter – I was born in 1960 when the show begins – and I think it does a remarkable job capturing what life was like for women at the time.

Some of what Calamity talks about is there – pretty, feminine, happily married housekeeping mothers with a strong man that make it all possible – but so is the ugliness and repression, the politics of ownership, women purposefully kept financially and emotionally childlike as a means of control.

Perhaps (as usual?) the pendulum swung too far into femi-nazi territory, but perhaps Calamity’s youthful ability to be all female all the time and lecture the rest of us about it was built upon the foundation created by the choices women made before her time.

Perhaps not all of the choices made by the women who came before me were as wise as I would have liked but then I wasn’t walking in their shoes either.

My two cents.