

Indoctrination 101: Oh yes…let’s play the race card again with racial inequality at another progressive university in Madison, Wisconsin. Folks, it’s never-ending and it’s mind-bending madness…insanity I tell ya…pure insanity! Just how much lower can we go when it comes do dumbing-down our youths that attend institutions such as UW-Madison intentionally…hmm?

Here’s the preface before I get to the main story via this site:

A new policy at the University of Wisconsin – Madison states that good grades should be distributed equally among students of different races.

The policy, named the “Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence,” calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”

UW – Madison professor W. Lee Hansen wrote about his concerns with the policy in a piece published Wednesday.

“Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students,” he wrote.

Lee’s piece also points out that being concerned with how many students of each race select a particular major could keep students from picking the major they want.

“Suppose there were [sic] a surge of interest in a high demand field such as computer science,” he wrote. “Under the ‘equity’ policy, it seems that some of those who want to study this field would be told that they’ll have to choose another major because computer science already has “enough” students from their ‘difference’ group.”


Now, Here’s the summary regarding above post via this report. – See if you agree or disagree:

For years we’ve had the liberals shoving down our throats that all races are equal, and that other races – mostly the Black race – haven’t done as well in life because of White racism and White supremacy tendencies – and, because they’ve been held down and held back by the White man.

Cry me a river.

So, now their flawed ideology has come full-circle, with the University of Wisconsin-Madison issuing a policy mandating that professors have to adjust grades each student earns, so that academically weaker and “historically under-represented racial/ethnic students” receive the same grades as the academically stronger students.

Grade re-distribution 101! You don’t gotta learn to get rewarded, y’all!

But, but, all races are equal, so why do they keep going on about the ethnic students – after nearly 50-odd years of the civil rights movement in the USA?

Could it be because, no matter how much money you throw at them, no matter how much you rig the system in their favour, no matter how much you become “inclusive” to appease them, no matter how much you pander to them, no matter how much you lower the standards for them, no matter how much affirmative action and quotas you impose on admissions in their favour – no matter what you do, the “ethnic” students remain ethnically stupid?

And that at the end of the day, they didn’t need to attend university to learn the phrase: Do you want fries with that?

How does that saying go? Oh yes, you can’t polish a turd into gold.

So, now that the liberals have tried EVERYTHING to bring everyone down to the level of stupid, and the stupid are still, err, stupid, their next grand idea is to MAKE everyone level by changing grades so that everyone gets the same – no matter how dumb you are.

You know, because the ethnically challenged have been ‘historically’ disadvantaged.

How much longer you going to give them to become non-disadvantaged, liberals? How many more years – decades – centuries – before you FINALLY admit that no matter what you do to force everyone to be equal, they’re just not going to be equal?

You need another 100 years? 200? 300? Forever??

When are you going to admit that some people were just meant to wash floors?

Capiche?? Simple enough for your tiny brains to understand?

You stupid dumb frigging nut-job liberal retards. You’re a danger to humanity, society, and to the world. You need to be put on your own island, where you can worship Gaia, smoke your weed, sleep with anything and everything you want to, and sing Kumbaya with your ethnic brothers, sisters and fellow liberal wankers, while wearing your hemp-sack clothes and palm-leaf shoes, munching on grass and seeds, while sitting under your bird-murdering windmills.

Now that you’ve successfully dumbed-down America and made the children even more stupid than was ever possible, it’s time for you to go – far, far away from humanity.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/question-day-enough-dumbing-america/#qJgFVi4VzawWOo35.99


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July 22, 2014 9:09 pm

AWD , are you saying you wish you were black?Do you want free shit? If not then whats the point?

July 22, 2014 9:12 pm
Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 22, 2014 9:21 pm

LLPOH will actually be nice to you if you comment on his posts, you can’t get a FU out of him. However, this is about the only time you will get a “GFY” from AWD. Go figure.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 22, 2014 9:35 pm

Your well within your rights and justified, if anyone can’t handle being told GFY, they have never been married.

July 22, 2014 9:45 pm

AWD is unhappy because Obama will be followed by Clinton. It is Gods wrath come down on him for failing to follow the path.

July 22, 2014 9:49 pm

I read the final report from UW-Madison. It is 53 pages of mind numbing feel good intellectual double speak. However I couldn’t find that “quote” used in the article. The Final report is dated May 19 2014.


The agenda with the quote is dated March 5 2009 and does have the “quote”.


While both read like a navel gazing kumbaya singing circle jerk. The distribution of grades by ethnicity doesn’t appear to have made the final draft…..

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 22, 2014 10:25 pm

Where the black shoe polish I will be rich Shit i bee working for it all these years. I will have a daughter a call shanequia. The muslums just need to wait us out we will be stupider as them fairly soon Lol

July 22, 2014 10:37 pm

Not much different than what’s been happening with “gender”, is it? And this gender thing is much bigger than the race thing.

July 22, 2014 11:03 pm

Actually “suppose there were” is correct. A (sic) was not needed. It’s the subjunctive.

July 22, 2014 11:09 pm

We can all agree on this one. The left thinks that blacks are to dumb to make it without affirmative action. The right thinks that they are just to dumb to make it without affirmative action. Surely we can come up with some kind of position we can all support.

July 22, 2014 11:21 pm

AWD ,bless your heart .Life is so unfair.Me wish I could make it all better.

July 23, 2014 12:23 am

Oh come the hell on AWD, this has already been happening for DECADES. This policy just brings the practice into the open, sheds light on it. Maybe now it can be debated, or litigated, and something can change. Long shot I know, but it’s hope.

One should ask themselves if they want their attorneys, bridge engineers, accountants, and doctors, to be gifted good grades? When your life depends on somebody being very good at their job, getting Magna Cum Laude because you are the top student of a certain color is freaking insanity to those of us attempting to find the better guy.

The absolute abysmal quality of our “higher” education is already frightening. What passes for acceptable college level work would have gotten failing grades in my high school, probably yours too.

This is also why the gubment feels justified in importing foreign graduates to compete with our students. American big business, especially tech, education, health care and engineering, steps right over our grads and goes for the foreigners.

This is why.

And we continue to go into debt to pay for it! And are deciding to double down.

*boom* goes the currency will hopefully “fix” it….bwahhaaha

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 23, 2014 12:52 am

Life is competition. People pass me because they want the road ahead. Until the day the government installs three lanes on all surface streets, we are going to see competition and some folks are going to end up at the end of the line. If the government outlaws competition, the 1% will not have access to the best punana. There goes the country.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
July 23, 2014 2:07 am

Here’s what I’d like to know: how does the university determine who gets admitted via affirmative action? I mean, OK, for most it’s obvious. But given the intermarriage between the races of for hundreds of years, there must be a legal definition, correct? Boy, I love to see how they split hairs to come up with it.

The Asians students are going to scream bloody murder over this policy–weighing their grades downward.

July 23, 2014 9:08 am

I love it! Grade Communism! From each according to his academic ability, to each according to his needs! Students of the school, unite! You have only your grades to lose and a diploma to gain!

July 23, 2014 9:09 am

This is just one more reason why higher ed is a waste of time and money. And why degrees no longer matter or confer intellectual/professional development.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 23, 2014 9:41 am

@TE: “…getting Magna Cum Laude because you are the top student…”. Top student honors are Summa Cum Laude, not Magna Cum Laude.

July 23, 2014 12:29 pm

This article needs a little more facts and citations. Doing a search for this didn’t nail down this professor’s concern as fact and policy. I think jc hit the nail on the head although I didn’t read the mind numbing pages he’s referring to.

July 23, 2014 12:38 pm

Rise Up, you are right, of course, but in the context of my sentence it was fine, what I stated was “top student of your color,” which of course would still leave the very top student, of any color, as Summa Cum.

Really, does it matter anymore? Which strata of bullshit not “achieved?”

When they gift grades to some, they destroy credibility for all.

July 23, 2014 2:21 pm

Well I like because the “educated yoots” that normally come out of college brain dead liberal socialists will get a dose of what socialism really is. Redistribution of grades might make them wake up to what redistribution of wealth is all about.

July 24, 2014 1:27 am

Pardon me if this has been discussed recently in the comments, but I just have to say:

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU AWD? I don’t know where you live, but give this race shit a break. It’s getting old.

I really don’t care which race you are talking about… I’ve met “blacks,” I’ve met “niggers.” I’ve met “hispanics,” I’ve met “beaners.” Of all the stereotypes I’ve heard, the only one I’ve yet to see disproven, is that asians can’t drive, but not all of them can add.

Granted, I judge a person based on character mainly, and intelligence as a far distant qualification.

You can teach a dog to shit outside. Niggers and beaners have a few brain cells on dogs (but not many).

July 24, 2014 1:31 am

Actually there is one more thing to say, apparently you havn’t had a whole lot of contact with the Millenials. As a late coming Gen-X, I have huge problems with the “albino niggers” we have coming up the ranks.

They’re just as stupid as the other degenerates.

July 24, 2014 6:39 am

The curious.will always seek knowledge.
It’s not the dumbing down that should be in question, but how much longer can the negative influence on civilized society imparted by the feral be contained under the pretense of public education.

“The feral aren’t the feral because, say, the educational system is defective—although it is defective and fundamentally so, we’re now 24th in the world. Education fails to engage and redirect the feral because it’s built around the fantasy that everybody will be smart and nice if nurtured just so. No they won’t. No amount of education can improve the incurious. They will become what they admire—the stunningly stupid, criminally improvident and violently impulsive. They know it and we know it. The difference is, they admit it and we don’t.”


July 24, 2014 6:53 am

A population of hedonists past the point of stupid can’t be dumbed down .They have arrived.

Last week was a trifecta for Cultural Marxism in the comic-book world. Archie Andrews was shot to death trying to protect a gay senator, Captain America became black, and the Mighty Thor had a sex change


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 24, 2014 7:33 am

The truth of the matter is that it has been this way for quite some time it simply hasn’t been articulated to this degree. I give them credit for openly acknowledging the charade with such confidence. Most people with anything resembling intelligence have long understood that colleges are not a place for an education, but rather a place to become credentialed, i.e. proof that you will put up with and accept the false paradigm of the progressive State and are therefore worthy of acceptance into the fold. When a person can not only be accepted into a modern University, but graduate from one as a functional illiterate, is it any surprise what the intent of that institution is?

People who truly desire an education, to learn new skills, to improve their prospects, build a body of knowledge, master a discipline, innovate, invent, solve problems, improve their condition or simply accrue the necessary information to make life worth living need nothing more than their own desire and a working Internet connection.

We live on the corpse of a dead culture. We didn’t kill it, but we need to understand that our role now isn’t to bemoan the loss, or revive the body, but rather to aid the decomposition so that from it something might one day grow anew. America was a noble concept and it was one of the finest Republics ever to form and flourish, but it is dead and gone. Anything bearing its name is no different than one of those knock off, misspelled Asian copies of a popular brand. You owe it no allegiance, should offer it no support, and most importantly you should do whatever you can to stay out of its way as it collapses.

Anyone you love, care for or otherwise respect should be made fully aware by any means you can think of that to pay for a degree in this day and age is tantamount to purchasing a lottery ticket as a means to succeed. It is a tax on the mathematically challenged, a detour on the highway of life designed to impede, retard, distract and propagandize anyone foolish enough to become mired in the system. It will consume your time, erode your will, darken your future and drain you financially, as it was designed to do.

Free you mind and avoid college at all costs. Your future is too important to waste on this kind of hamster wheel.

July 24, 2014 9:29 am

Higher education is a

Higher education has been captured by FSA intellectuals. A jobs program for crony fascists. You must admire the great job they have done to convince the sheeple that they are neutral objective caretakers of the culture. The most honest of them are those who shamelessly prostitute themselves to the system for personal gain.

July 24, 2014 10:39 am

HF, I had never looked at college in quite that way before, but you are right.

And to think I was just about to enroll for fall semester… I think you just saved me from debt peonage. Thank you.

July 24, 2014 10:53 am

The Upside of Down.
Read it!
Great post, Hardscrabble!

Also, check out Embrace The Decline, by Aarom Clarey.

July 24, 2014 3:24 pm

@HSF….and everyone else for that matter – I know its kicking a dead horse, but college is still a requirement for pretty much any STEM degree.

“need nothing more than their own desire and a working Internet connection.”

I’ve had conversations with many a millenial who insist that they are just as educated as me because they have access to google/wikipedia, that they don’t need to know things because they know where to find the information.

Typically they would be right, but as we all know there comes a point in time where the information is NOT free to access online, and you don’t have to be very deep into the scientific fields before you breach that mark.

July 8, 2015 7:54 am

Yeah, go ahead…predict the future of gen-y fixing the world’s problems…