Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

On Saturday morning after chores we set up on the dock of the sugar house and prepared to slaughter turkeys. We started out with 20 poults this year. In April we slipped them into their pen under the deck of the milk house and watered and fed them twice a day until they were old enough and fast enough to let loose in the orchard. We lost one about three days in when it managed to get itself stuck between the heat lamp and the brooder wall, another one a couple of days later when it jumped up onto the rim of the water bucket and then fell in and drowned. The last one disappeared from the count around the middle of June and we wound up with a final count fully grown birds ready for Thanksgiving, 7 hens and 10 toms between 12 and 35 pounds.

Doing the turkeys is one of my least favorite annual rites; the birds are heavy, the feathers difficult to pull even when they’ve been scalded and it’s a cold time of year to be working all day with water. This year I had plenty of people ask if they could help, but none of their schedules lined up the right way so I found myself having to do the work by myself. The air was crisp, the sky so blue that it was hard on the eyes, but you could see the first of the distant contrail lines being etched across its surface, and invisible jet cursor like the one on an etch-a-sketch, leaving a scar on the face of the day.

If you work out of doors you get to be very familiar with the weather, especially in a climate where the seasons dictate the cycles of life. Certain kinds of clouds precede specific types of weather, the way the wind comes in ahead of a front carries smells with it that tell you what kind of rain it will be, or how heavy the snow will fall. If you pay close attention to the variety of clouds, their density and the speed with which they cross the sky you can almost set your watch by the arrival of a cold front, or a break in the patterns. On some days, not all mind you, the jets that leave the trails will cross the sky repeatedly, zig-zagging back and forth across the sky, usually they begin in the south, from east to west and slowly as the day progresses they will rise up across the horizon from somewhere in Massachusetts until they are directly above us.

These delicate scrimshaw drawings on the horizon will bleed into bands, whitish at first but then oily looking, like gasoline on a puddle, leaving sun dogs and attenuated curtains of wispy fog across what was only moments before crystal clear. I have watched them often enough now to know the difference between normal air traffic and these deliberate actions. Though they are more often seen in the daylight, there are times when they come out after dark. From the front of the house you can see, on a clear night, 75 miles or more.

You get to recognize the normal air traffic far to the south, the back and forth at certain elevations and the direction where they originate and where they vanish. Normally you might see three in an hour, maybe four, never more, day or night. On the days when they fill the sky with their scrim of clouds from dissipated trails there are usually three or four aircraft working together, one behind the other at slightly different altitudes, back and forth, rising higher by the hour back and forth until the sky is completely obscured. One afternoon we watched as one jet made repeated loops at thirty thousand feet, leaving circular trails above us that linked into a chain before it finally headed off to the seacoast, the blurry ovals melting into each other until every last trace of clear sky was utterly gone.

Lately whenever you hear some authority figure mention the term climate change they have begun to amend their lecture long enough to repeat the refrain that it is “settled science”. Sometimes they will give the percentage of scientists who say that this is so and the number is always north of 97%. Their voices will lower, deliberately, I suspect, and they will often repeat that phrase for emphasis. “Settled science” in the way that a parent will tell a demanding child that the matter is no longer up for discussion- “it’s settled.” they will say with the same gravity, as if the pronouncement itself has decided the matter rather than the merits of the argument. I find that kind of rhetorical posturing to be a kind of signal, not that the argument is definitive, but rather that the door of inquiry is no longer open.

Our betters have decided, for better or worse, that the bothersome population needs to move on to other topics still open to free discussion, like favorite TV shows or which platform is superior, Samsung or I-Phone. Politically it is settled, of course, a tax is coming and we are going to pay for it through increased costs for the most fundamental services to the most obscure behaviors. There is no democracy when it comes to revenue, only compliance and anyone who points out that it looks more like a money grab than a solution had better keep their head down. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. The United Nations, one of the leading proponents of the political solution to climate change is located in on an 18 acre complex that sits on the East River of Manhattan Island.

Unknown to most of the members is that several blocks west of their headquarters there sits a massive stretch of exposed bedrock known as the Roches Moutonees, where ten thousand years earlier massive glaciers once scraped their surfaces under the pressure of a half mile thick body of ice. Were it not for global warming the rooftop where the elites land their luxury helicopters prior to attending their climate summit would, at just over 500 feet, still be some 1500 feet beneath the top of the glacier that once buried the entire northeastern seaboard. On that particular point, the science is settled.

Preparing a turkey for Thanksgiving is a task that most people will never undertake in a lifetime. Everyone eats turkey, but getting one from the field to the table is a process better left to others. My son, bless his heart, gave up his day to give me a hand with the birds and we set up a system to behead the turkeys, bleed them out and scald them before beginning on the plucking. A 35 pound tom turkey will not lay his head on the chopping block as dutifully as a Carmelite nun and the sounds that accompany this task create a cacophony that sets the rest of the flock into responses and calls of their own. Turkeys signal each other through a complex system of vocalizations, a chirping from the hens that always sets off in unison at the smallest sounds around them and a gobble from the toms in concert to establish their presence and availability.

Once the slaughter begins the sounds change and the toms lead and the hens stay silent. Towards the end the flock grows quieter until there are no sounds whatsoever, a deafening silence. We talk while we work, stopping to warm our hands in a bucket of hot water, changing latex gloves as they tear or fill up with a pink mix of blood and water. The process takes all day, about forty minutes per bird no matter how fast you are. My wife had told me about her last trip to the grocery store and stopping to check on the prices of turkey there, “Fifty-nine cents a pound”, she told me.

I tried to figure it out in my head, how you could even feed a turkey for 59 cents a pound, never mind the associated costs of labor getting it to harvest weight, the slaughter, the transportation, refrigeration, the stocking and the markups at every step along the way before it made it to the conveyor belt at the checkout. It simply isn’t possible, under any circumstances to provide that price for that commodity and not lose money. Unless there is some massive subsidy somewhere along the way where money is pumped into the system in order to suppress the price, it simply cannot be done.

That of course is coming from someone who has done this often enough to have a fairly good idea of what is involved. Since turkeys are not widgets, it’s inconceivable that any kinds of shortcuts can be taken to trim the price down to that degree. To get a thirty pound tom turkey you need 100 pounds of feed. At the rock bottom prices the cost of feed exceeds the cost of the turkey by 41 cents a pound without factoring in any other cost or process. Like all things in America these days, there is a disconnect between reality and perception. The mechanisms behind this are open to debate, but the reality is what it is.

I have noticed that while the official organs of the State and its apparatchiks are unanimous when it comes to climate change, they are equally on board with debunking the aircraft I see routinely blotting out the blue sky with their vapor trails. I see what I see and I’m not the kind of person who can deny reality no matter how many scientists agree on a particular topic. If climate change is a concern I would suggest they start with the most obvious source available and that’s whatever those planes are painting the heavens with every month, every year. I understand greenhouses and how that effect has supposedly determined the temperature of other planets, notably Venus, so pretending that a cloud covered sky isn’t a contributing factor is a kind of denial you wouldn’t expect from this crowd, but deny they do.

I don’t speculate on what it is that comes out of the back of these aircraft, that is for other people to determine, what I do know is that they alter the weather when they operate, if clouds are part of weather, that is. Maybe they too have been redefined and clouds no longer count in the world of meteorology, but whatever the purpose or intent, the outcome is undeniable. Man made aircraft can change the weather from a cloudless sunny day to an overcast one filled with horizon to horizon cover that blocks the sunlight and does whatever else it may.

When you’re all done with turkeys the last thing you want to do is eat one, that feeling goes away in a day or two when your hands no longer smell like feathers and feet and that’s when you start to think about how those birds were able to convert grass seeds and crickets, apples and pumpkins, corn meal and earthworms into a meat so juicy and flavorful, so packed with L-tryptophan, a precursor to seratonin, that literally tens of millions of Americans drift off to sleep before kick-off on the last Thursday of November. We like to part our bird into breast and leg quarters and brine them for a couple of days. We slow roast them at 200 degrees for about twelve hours until tender and then coat them with sea salt and fresh ground pepper and set the roasting pans under high heat until the skin blisters and browns.

The finish is beautiful, each section cooked to perfection and the quality of that bird unlike anything I have ever eaten in my life, even at 59 cents a pound. My son and I finished working in the dark and above us the coverage of the sky was complete. Not a star was visible in the sky, only a blanket of hazy, milky whiteness and a rising half moon surrounded by a ring, like Saturn. When I was younger my Grandfather used to tell me that this was a sure sign of snow, but that was before the planes with aerosol dispersal systems criss-crossing the sky whenever the mood strikes.

I’m not a scientist and I don’t claim to be one, but I know that CO2 isn’t a pollutant as the Settled Science Climate Change Affirmers, it’s a bi-product of living breathing creatures and I do know that whatever is coming out of the back of the airborne dispersal systems of if it is for our benefit or detriment, but I do know that it is definitely unnatural and controllable if someone is looking for a place to start that isn’t in my wallet. I don’t usually include links to other websites on the Internet because I can only vouch for my own words and don’t want to discredit or endorse someone without their tacit approval, but hey, it’s almost Thanksgiving and I’m grateful for their work in supporting what I see.

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November 22, 2015 12:32 pm

When politicians, movie, music, and sport stars, etc give up their multi-mansions and private jets, then I might listen to climate change theory.

November 22, 2015 12:39 pm

This might give you some answers as to what is going on and why:

Skyception – Deception & Psy-Ops

Skyception – Chapter Two

Skyception – Chapter Three

November 22, 2015 12:46 pm

Dear, dear HSF,

I thank you with all my heart and soul for your essay.
Thank you and thank you again!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your.


PS: I have to control myself not to cry when I see the sky
turning milky. A beautiful blue and sunny day can turn
around within an hour or two. At night, instead of a sky
of twinkling stars? “Overcast.” I am driving to do an errand
and I see the puff-trails. My heart sinks, tears well up.

I paid .57 cents for a Jenn-o turkey yesterday. The Butterball
turkey was .99 cents. I may even be afraid to eat it.

November 22, 2015 12:47 pm

HSF…yours/your family.

November 22, 2015 12:48 pm

Good post HS…. I have never done a turkey myself but used to help out my dad’s friend with chickens when I was a teen. They were a hand full of work, so I’m guessing a turkey would be a chicken times 10!
All I remember was it was cold and a lot of stinking work.

Which leads me to your comment on the price at .59 a lb. Ya I don’t get that, just like I don’t get how they deliver a pineapple from 4000km away to the Seattle area for $2, AND MAKE A PROFIT!!.
The math just doesn’t add up……

November 22, 2015 1:17 pm
November 22, 2015 1:28 pm

Trying to figure out what the hell turkeys have in common with contrails. Weird post.

I do know that according to empirical data derived from measuring the anatomy of female sheep, that their vaginal structure is essentially the same as Homo Sapien females. So, if HF raises sheep perhaps he can write about that.

starfcker gets married …

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 22, 2015 1:49 pm

You humor monger you…
the post was perfect, like yourself in fact.

November 22, 2015 1:56 pm

Star- Stucky has a strange interest in animal vaginal areas……..interesting. Horses are his favorite.

HF- Thanks for shedding light on the poisoning of our air with aerosols, most people choose to act as though it does not exist. Look up sometime folks.

November 22, 2015 2:02 pm

I’m certainly not going to buy a grocery store turkey! At 59 cents a pound I hate to think what they have been feeding them! And while there is some “conversion” going on if they’re feeding them crap you’re eating crap! I’m sure that the factory farmers get some sort of a price break because they’re buying the feed by the tractor-trailer load but I’m also sure it’s GMO corn or worse. I don’t know what sort of feed HSF buys, but I buy organic chicken feed for my chickens and geese. A 50 pound bag is about $30 at Blue Seal. So if a 30 pound turkey eats 100 pounds of feed that’s $60 just for the feed for one turkey!

Stucky, having butchered chickens outside I know exactly what butchering turkeys has to do with chemtrails. No matter how much attention you are paying to the job at hand you occasionally stop and look up – even if your intention is only to stretch your back for a bit before you start the next bird. You can’t avoid seeing the chemtrails if they’re spraying that day.

November 22, 2015 2:08 pm


Funny (and tragic) video.

Water? Better get some, store some, be able
to have some source. An easy way to get rid
of people is to disappear water.

November 22, 2015 2:08 pm

And I live close enough to HSF to know that the chemtrails planes were out in force yesterday where he lives because I remarked on it myself.

November 22, 2015 2:20 pm

It is so arrogant to think that mankind can control the climate and even more arrogant to try with chem trails, assuming with some evidence that that’s what’s going on. While the climate scientists write in terms of a fraction of a degree in average global temperature over decades, the real world thinks in terms of tens of degrees over the span of one year, as a function of the length of the day and the angle of the sun. Straightforward, but apparently the sun’s activity is insufficiently arcane for the “scientists” or for government, both of which want to take. From us. And CO2 is indeed not a pollutant, it is plant food, which is what I tell my brother whenever the global warming nonsense comes up.

November 22, 2015 2:48 pm

In the retail trade there is something called “a loss leader”, a product sold at a loss to get people into the store. Buy the $.59/lb. turkey and load up a cart full of high profit processed junk. The $12 turkey brings in another $100 or more in sales. Supermarkets tend to work with thin profit margins on very large volume.

November 22, 2015 3:21 pm

HSF, your feed cost looks nothing like the feed cost of a large producer. Feed, and fertilizer, are choke points to production. If you want to crush small producers, raise their choke point costs. You have to pay, or you’re out of business. But if you pay, well, you might be out of business because your margin has been stolen from you

November 22, 2015 3:32 pm

Mr. H Scrabble

Thanks again for another perfect essay. You top yourself with each new offering.

To the commenter above who doesnt grasp the binding theme i got it immediately as soon as you browched subject of sky activity. We are all turkeys for letting this crap be done to our world and accepting lies of our :leaders

November 22, 2015 3:39 pm

Probably what they are undeniably depositing up there is to humans what roundup is to “weeds” and being applied for comparable objective.

My family mock me each time i point it out. I agree large swaths of mankind are so much earthly effluent. Still who appointed these elites as gods?

November 22, 2015 3:45 pm

Gryffyn is right about the “loss leader” as these .57 or so prices are only valid if you buy $25-$50 on other grocery items. My wife & I bought our Tgiving supplies yesterday and the bill was about $110 including the Jenny-O 14 lb turkey.

And regarding those vapors in the sky, HSF those are chemtrails, which we frequently see here on the West coast as well. Here’s a link to a site that covers the topic in detail.

Chemtrails: The BIGGEST Coverup of All Time

November 22, 2015 3:52 pm

Ah, Penn & Teller’s take on leftards signing petitions to ban “dihydrogen monoxide” – “And we’re not talking a handful of dopes. We’re talking HUNDREDS!”

Citing physicist Jeff Glassman (“Conjecture, Hypothesis, Theory, Law: The Basis of Rational Argument,” December 2007):

“Anthropogenic Global Warming is a crippled conjecture, doomed just by these principles of science never to advance to a hypothesis. Its fate would be sealed by a minimally scientifically literate public.”

Ain’t got none of that “scientifically literate” stuff at that there – even in the head organizer of this rally.

November 22, 2015 4:02 pm

Were the B-17 and B-24 bombers of the U.S. 8th and 15th Air Forces drawing “chemtrails” over Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II? Those unavoidable results of aircraft engines operating a high altitudes under certain weather conditions were TERRIFYING – but not for the citizens of the Third Reich down below.

They scared the hell out of the bomber crews, not because of any kinds of chemicals in those streamers, but because they marked those U.S. aircraft as targets for anti-aircraft artillery (“Flugabwehrkanone” or “Flak”) and Luftwaffe fighters.

Contrails aren’t necessarily “chemtrails.”

November 22, 2015 4:10 pm

I dont think the chemtrails have anything to do with army air corps of ww2. The reptilian aliens are spraying them now — everyone knows that. They use flying saucers. The cover up is that norad sees rthe flying saucers on radar but cant tell civilians thyre powerless to shoot down the saucers

November 22, 2015 6:37 pm

Yep, I agree. I live in NE PA and send a lot of time outside and no longer trust what I think I know about the coming weather based on the clouds in the sky. Does anyone else remember how clear the sky was 9/12 when all planes were grounded? I have been outside on a beautiful clear morning and seen the sky turn an ugly yellow green tint and the sun dissappear with a sore throat by the afternoon.

Chuck Dennis
Chuck Dennis
November 22, 2015 7:44 pm

I’m voting for Handscrabble Farmer for President!!

November 22, 2015 7:50 pm


You were observing contrails (frozen ice crystals from aircraft exhaust at high altitudes), not chemtrails. This is a chemtrail.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 22, 2015 7:54 pm

Chuck Dennis- I’m with you. Hardscrabble Farmer has more sense than all of the dipshit candidates rolled into one. If anyone would stop this program of poisoning, it would be HF as he loves the land and nature.

November 22, 2015 8:17 pm

HSF, if you dislike your slaughter technique, try CO2. Put the turkey in a plastic bag, in a trash can, run the air out of the bag with your hands, put the hose in, fill the bag with CO2, the CO2 replaces the oxygen in the bloodstream. They nod off in a few seconds. I think it is required in the EU. quick painless way to put down any small warm blooded critter.

November 22, 2015 8:22 pm

I also have seen these blatant chemtrails–miles and miles from any airport or air traffic lanes.

I actually have some pretty amazing vide on my cell phone I took one day when we were strawberry picking as a family with some other friends….I pointed out the 8 to 10 evenly spaced lines stretching across the sky with obvious started stop points to the group I was with. They all stared up with blank expressions and askance towards me.
I explained that when I was young, airplanes had “tails” of vapor behind them and that this is how we drew them in our elementary efforts at art. I told them that we were being sprayed but I did not know for what purpose that the spraying was done or what they actually sprayed.
Everyone looked at me as if I had just grown a second head—I told them, “ a half hour or so they will start crisscrossing and making a giant checkerboard. Sure enough after the 10 or so planes went back to wherever they come from and reloaded…a beautiful checkerboard was painted in the sky and slowly spread wide until it was a complete blanket on our blue day—now everyone was looking at me but with a glint of fear and uncertainty–I think there was also a bit of anger towards me from awakening them from their blissful ignorance.

November 22, 2015 9:36 pm

The one thing I have not seen answered by opponents of climate change is this; Scientists who believe in climate change supposedly publish their positions in science journals. Then, those who dispute the science used to arrive at those conclusions have the opportunity to dispute their conclusions in those same peer reviewed journals. That is how these questions get answered, by this back and forth: I claim something to be so and here is the math. If you do not concur, show me where I went wrong in my math and my conclusions. If they have, there should not be an argument Either we come to a conclusion using science and math or we do not.This is as close as we can hope to get to the truth. Do those who deny anthropomorphic climate change dispute the science use by climate changer proponents in peer reviewed journals or not. If not, why not? When it comes to science, opinons should not mean shit, IMO When it comes to issues of science, I don’t care what Rush Limbaugh might think about it. I want to hear the scientists in that field. Logical to me.

November 22, 2015 9:51 pm

Here’s one web site that collects the scientific and mathematical arguments against anthropogenic global warming:

New Science 19b: A Synopsis

They don’t think much of the peer review process because the peer review process will not review any anti anthropogenic global warming arguments because they’ve been told not to – it’s settled science so why should they allow anyone to refute it?

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
November 22, 2015 10:53 pm

Peer-reviewed journals…..if you wanted a way to ensure confirmation bias reigns, you couldn’t think of a better way. “Experts’ in the chosen field, who have made their careers out of the prevailing bias in said field, get to “review” all work. Guess what happens if it refutes the prevailing bias, and therefore endangers their careers?

Yep, it’s “settled science”. No dissidents need apply.

November 22, 2015 11:03 pm

“One afternoon we watched as one jet made repeated loops at thirty thousand feet, leaving circular trails above us that linked into a chain before it finally headed off to the seacoast, the blurry ovals melting into each other until every last trace of clear sky was utterly gone.”
—HSF in his article

What y watching was an aircraft in a holding

November 22, 2015 11:13 pm

This will be the first year we have a wild turkey for Thanksgiving. I’ve never cooked one from the wild before, but am not afraid. Am looking forward to it, but have a small ham on the side.

Just. In. Case.

November 22, 2015 11:16 pm

Oh, and Stucky… puhleeeeze. HSF makes perfect sense with his article about the price of turkey and climate change.

November 22, 2015 11:29 pm


What you were watching, HSF, was an aircraft in a holding pattern, which is used when there is a delay (congestion, weather, etc) at the arrival destination. Air Traffic Control advises the aircraft to hold at a specific point and altitude until it is cleared to descend and land.

I am curious as to how you knew the aircraft was at 30,000 feet. You said “it finally headed off to the seacoast.” From where you live in New Hampshire, the seacoast is toward the EAST, and the aircraft was probably headed to Boston, Portland, or some other destination to the EAST of you.

Aircraft flying above 18,000 feet MSL (mean sea level) fly at ODD altitudes when headed in an easterly direction and EVEN altitudes when flying in a westerly direction. THAT’S AN FAA REGULATION, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Thus, the aircraft you saw could have been flying at 29,000 feet or 31,000 feet, but not 30,000 feet. More importantly, how in the fuck did you “know” the plane was at 30,000 feet, which I have just disproved, when you were just watching it from the ground? Like to explain that? I’ll bet you won’t.

November 22, 2015 11:48 pm

Yesterday we slaughtered six goats from our milking herd. Each goat was separated and moved around the barn and quickly dispatched with a 22 shot to the back of the head, then bled out. None knew what was coming next. There was no thrashing around or bleating.
We love and respect our animals and do everything to help them have happy healthy lives, and stress-free painless deaths. Obviously not everyone has similar standards.

Throughout all this the sky was clear and the few high altitude jets left contrails which evaporated back into water vapour like they usually do.
In some parts of the U.S. it appears that some devious forces are dumping chemicals into the stratosphere directly over confused and paranoid rednecks for reasons unclear but it seems to be part of a diabolical plan to have the UN take over America and confiscate the redneck’s guns.

For even more opaque reasons these cognitively-challenged citizens are willing to believe in chemtrails based on the flimsiest of evidence (usually found on youtube) while dismissing the science behind the concept of anthropogenic global warming (backed up by a mountain of peer-reviewed scientific literature). These same people will board a jet plane and fly across the country at 35,000 feet at 600 mph – an impressive technological achievement made all the more astonishing because it is repeated thousands of times a day all over the world with almost perfect safety. This high level of reliability is achieved because aircraft manufacturers, designers and parts suppliers use the same scientific method as all serious scientists, including climate scientists.

Most of the commenters on this posting wouldn’t dare fly in a plane designed by an unaccredited blowhard on youtube, but they’ll happily believe an ignorant politician or a corporate whore about a climate phenomenon that threatens to make wide swaths of the planet uninhabitable and disrupt global food supplies such that hundred of millions of people will probably stare to death.

Why the hell is that?
The simple answer is that when people are faced with a strong evidence that their lifestyles are destructive to themselves and others and a team of credible experts tell them they will need to make serious changes to their behaviour while one quack tells them that the problem is caused by other people and that it really isn’t a problem anyway the weak minded majority will go with the quack.

November 23, 2015 12:07 am

A little reading suggests 80% argon 20% CO2 (a common welding gas)as more humane. I will check into it further

November 23, 2015 12:30 am

Cdubbya says:
“while dismissing the science behind the concept of anthropogenic global warming (backed up by a mountain of peer-reviewed scientific literature)”

The reason there is a mountain of peer-reviewed scientific literature favorable to AGW is that several activists set out on a campaign to intimidate the climate journals into not publishing the critical articles. They were successful, but boasted about it in the East Anglia Emails – you know, “hide the decline” and “the Medieval warming period is a problem”? You may have (conveniently) forgotten about those emails, but we have not – and you just lost any credibility you might have had.

It’s like when I was a kid down South in a solid Democratic county – you could run for office as a Republican, but you couldn’t win – the system was solidly stacked against you. Climate critics can write any article they want to with data showing no temperature increase, but when activists control the journals none will get published. Care to explain the current NASA data showing increasing ice in Antarctica? Course not, you’re an environmental religious nut – preach your revisionist science elsewhere.

November 23, 2015 1:11 am

Socratic Dog writes: “Peer-reviewed journals…..if you wanted a way to ensure confirmation bias reigns, you couldn’t think of a better way. “Experts’ in the chosen field, who have made their careers out of the prevailing bias in said field, get to “review” all work. Guess what happens if it refutes the prevailing bias, and therefore endangers their careers?

“Yep, it’s ‘settled science’. No dissidents need apply.”

Well, there’s not only that much. True peer review – HONEST peer review – is an editorial process by which “blinding” is maintained (neither the author(s) nor the reviewers know the identities of anyone else participating in the process; manuscripts, comments, and responses are sent to the editorial office of the publication or conference and are appropriately distributed thence).

When blinding is broken – the reviewers and the author(s) learn each others’ identities and not uncommonly communicate directly – that’s called “PAL review.” It makes a total joke of the adversarial process of scrupulous error-checking that USED to make the expression “peer-reviewed” a hallmark of scientific validity and best practices.

To claim “peer review” and then perpetrate “pal review” is to deceive the readers as to the reliability of the materials published, from Abstract to References.

What the hell can you trust anymore if the editors of the journal – even a “high-impact” publication like The Lancet or The New England Journal of Medicine – go “in the bag” for quackery?

November 23, 2015 1:34 am

Writes B:

The one thing I have not seen answered by opponents of climate change is this; Scientists who believe in climate change supposedly publish their positions in science journals. Then, those who dispute the science used to arrive at those conclusions have the opportunity to dispute their conclusions in those same peer reviewed journals. That is how these questions get answered,

First,let us consider “Scientists who believe in climate change” – presumably anthropogenic global climate change caused by atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from the purposeful combustion of petrochemical fuels. effected as global warming via a “greenhouse gas” effect.

You’re honestly using the word “believe” in this context? Not “have proved” or “support with hard evidence” or “have ruled out all other significant causes of,” but “believe.”

Wow. Majored in Art History or Political Science or some kinda “Studies” blart-‘n-bonkus, didn’tcha?

Second, let’s look at the decades-long suspicion that high-impact periodicals not only in the sketchy discipline of “climatology” (journals established or taken over by the “climate catastrophe” clowns to publish their blather) but also generally – like Science and Nature – had not only been either co-opted by True Believers in the academic “long march through the institutions” or were edited by people who were subject to schemes of extortion concerted by such propagandists masquerading as “climatologists.”

The “policy advocacy” work of the politically (if not scientifically) correct catastrophe-mongers would get published. The submissions of “skeptics”?

Circular file or death in a perpetual “holding pattern” while the “peer review” process was spun out ad ifinitum.

Those suspicions found absolute and undeniable confirmation in the e-mail communications of the Climatic Research Unit correspondents when they hit the ‘Net on 17 November 2009 as (also known as “Climategate”). It was to confirm those suspicions that the C.R.U. e-mail archives had been sought in a United Kingdom Freedom of Information Act demand that the University of East Anglia had been criminally stonewalling in the years before the Climategate release.

Oopsie. Can you say “suppressio veri, suggestio falsi,” boys ‘n girls?

This is how “these questions” get EVADED.

And thus the perpetration of the greatest and most materially damaging fraud in history.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 23, 2015 2:08 am

The Antelope Valley has great visibility, if you were smack in the middle between Phoenix and Tucson you couldn’t tell the difference. It was the beginning of Autumn here when the skies were clear and the days in the cool 70’s.There were several chemtrails or contrails crisscrossing the skies. The climate didn’t change and the weather did not appear to change either. I have noticed a few more gray hairs on my head, I’m not sure if there is a correlation.

November 23, 2015 3:56 am

I am not settled opinionwise on the chemtrail versus contrail debate. I see contrails that seem to linger and disperse in unusual patterns, but can’t seem to correlate weather issues with them directly. However, James’s comment on peer review triggered a memory for me.

I once researched and wrote an article which I submitted to a state historical society journal on a federal action in the early 20th century. (I’ll not use specifics, since I just might update it with new comparison photos and offer it here.) The editor replied to my submission that they were interested and if I could REVISE the article so that it had an environmental impact slant rather than pure history and could get it PEER REVIEWED, they would publish.

Well, at the time I was a grad student and I only cared about the history of the event. I didn’t have a clue about environmental impact, nor did I care. It happened 100 years ago and how in the world could I research the environmental impact a century after the fact?

And, since I was a student rather than a professor, I laughed about the peer review and asked a few of the undergrad students I knew if they would be my “peers” and review the article.

Pompous shitheads. It was a good article.

November 23, 2015 6:13 am

What a bunch of idiots!! The contrails are “CONDENSATION” trails because the moisture in the air CONDENSES due to the heat of the jet engines. They ARE NOT spraying anything! This has been going on since aircraft were able to reach the higher altitudes of 25-30000 feet and higher. They first started in WWII when American B-17s bombed Europe. You can watch many WWII movies showing thousands of contrails as the bombers flew at high altitude. The other thing is the C-17 and AWACS are way higher than 6000 feet. contrails don’t occur at that flight level.

November 23, 2015 6:35 am

@ nardo you stupid > or young ? this is not the way it used to be .

Look at really old movies and about 50% of them have been doctored to show that this is normal .

I have lived almost 50 years and the contrails versus chemtrails is sooooooo very noticeable

Why does monsatan have a patent on aluminum resistant crops ?

Why does the sky actually look so goddamn different from when I was a child ? I see the criss crossed sky and it din NOT look like this when I was young !!!!!

When I was younger there were no checkerboard patterns criss crossing the sky.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 23, 2015 6:51 am

By way of response.

I make no claim as to what the trails are, as I said that is for others to do. What I said was that clouds are part of weather and whatever these trails are composed of will- on specific days- alter the days weather from sunny and cloudless to completely overcast. This is an example of anthropomorphic weather modification that even a five year old can apprehend. Since I am not the one doing it, rather those in charge of the FAA, the logical conclusion would be to ground those flights first rather than to seek a tax to place on the people beneath those clouds. I used logic to come to that conclusion rather than rhetoric, take note.

I also have a fairly good idea of altitude because I have flown extensively in my lifetime, been trained to recognize altitude of aircraft while in the service, understand the use of air corridors, and have a close friend who was, until last year, the third highest ranking commercial pilot in the US in flight hours and have discussed the matter with him at great length. 30,000 feet was an estimation, not a declaration, indeed it could have been 29,000 feet or it could have been 31,000 feet. I would hope the point of the story didn’t hinge on whether my range estimation was precise or approximate.

I know where the seaboard is located and that it is east of me. You could drop me in most places blindfolded and within a few minutes I would be able to suss out the cardinal points, ditto the approximate hour of the day within 10-20 minutes. It isn’t magic, but rather based on a lifetime of experience and observation. I also know which direction Boston is and what altitude holding patterns for landings take place and the plane I described was not likely to have been in a holding pattern for a landing at Boston.

The ice crystals story has been thrown out there an awful lot, the traffic volume and pattern along with the results point to something else, but at the very least you are looking at a deliberate operation- what is never mentioned is the number of patents for aerosol dispersal systems from commercial aircraft and any inquiry as to why. I could provide the links but they are available if someone is really interested. I’m telling a story based on my observations and experience, not trying to lead a movement.

The hypocrisy of those who champion the concept of anthropomorphic climate change and their behavior is really all you need to know. They fly the most, they consume the most energy, they do not engage in any local level carbon sequestration projects, i.e. gardening, the drive- or are driven- in the most fuel inefficient vehicles, in fact they live entire lifestyles at complete odds with their stated mission and demand that those who do the exact opposite foot the bill for their policies. The proof they offer is from a system that is based on the scientific method, yet they ignore anything that contradicts it, traffic in fraudulent data, suppress critics, ridicule opponents, make claims about the future that cannot be proven, ignore obvious climatic alterations that have occurred without the input of mankind and claim that the only solution is to tax populations without debate. In short, if you were to use the simplest form of observable behavior, they are running a long con. You cannot promote half degree warming scenarios for a distant future based on falsified data while at the same time denying that aircraft trails are blotting out the Sun and expect to maintain even a shred of credibility.

If you are comfortable with that, then my anecdotal observations on life as I experience it will have little to offer. I don’t have a platform, a party or a candidate. I offer no programs or solutions, I push no agenda, submit no grievances, belong to no movement join no organizations and hold out no hope for the future beyond my solemn pledge to make today a little better than yesterday through my singular efforts on a small piece of land where I raise my family. I share my story as openly and honestly as I am able to do through words as a penance for any harm or damage I may have done in the past and to make an example of my life that yes, you can make a change for the better and that you can do just fine with less, do whatever you need to for yourself and by yourself and that by doing that you can depend far less on governments and institutions, experts and professionals, specialists and theorists. Our own eyes and ears are more than adequate to understand the world we live in if we put them to use and if we start there then we are on the road to our own recovery.

November 23, 2015 7:22 am

@HSF… I applaud you and agree that the contrails of my youth here in the countryside, far from any airport were so rare that we countryfied kids would stand and watch them being made, knowing there was a plane up there. We would marvel at how straight it seemed or how the contrail dissipated when a turn was made.

Now, the puffy things stay almost all day sometimes. It is different, for sure.

And AWACS usually flies around 31K to 33K for optimal radar coverage. I can tell when a plane is around that altitude as well. And am not sentient, just observant, like you.

November 23, 2015 7:34 am

Whether or not humans are currently responsible for perceived climate change, consider that there was a massive ice melt between 15,000 and 12,000 years ago. Glaciers that were thousands of feet thick and extended over parts of the northern hemisphere melted away. They left behind massive boulders called “erratics”, some on the farm where I grew up in southern Connecticut. It has been estimated that sea levels rose as much as 400 feet in a very short time. A book titled Noah’s Flood suggests that the Black Sea was once a fresh water lake that became flooded with sea water pouring in from the Mediterranean Sea. Core drillings have produced fresh water mollusk shells beneath salt water shells. Tales of the great flood are common to several cultures and scientists have traced migration paths back to the Black Sea area.
In any case, there was an historical major warming, which we still
enjoy, and it was not caused by billions of humans burning fossil coal, gas and oil.

November 23, 2015 7:59 am

“I don’t have a platform, a party or a candidate. I offer no programs or solutions, I push no agenda, submit no grievances, belong to no movement join no organizations and hold out no hope for the future ….” ———- HF



November 23, 2015 8:05 am

Ya know …. scientists can tell us with great degree of certainty the composition of Pluto’s atmosphere, billions of miles away. Actually, they even know the atmosphere of stars LIGHT YEARS from us.

Yet, none of the contrail believers have figured out a DEFINITIVE PROOF of what contrails are just thirty thousand feet above us?? Jeesus, gimme a break.

Here’s a million dollar idea; rent a fucking airplane and go collect the contrails and analyze them! So simple a caveman could do it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 23, 2015 8:14 am

Stucky, you know that it has been done, you know that the data is available with the click of a mouse, you know that any evidence that contradicts the positions of the State are either suppressed or attacked with the full weight of the established order at every level and you obviously know what your experience is when it comes to the legitimacy of the elite’s policies and programs, but you’re willing to question what you can see with your own eyes without DEFINITIVE PROOF?

Did I miss anything?

You are far more discriminating than you give yourself credit for, put it to use.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 23, 2015 8:19 am

NASA pdf.

1966 US Government Document Outlines National Weather Modification Programs And Implications

Because it’s worth noting that your government has been engaged in weather modification for at least half a century and is willing to put such programs down in writing. Stupidity or hubris, your call.

FOIA is your friend.

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