“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

The chart below was posted by Jesse a few weeks ago. It accompanied a post titled Gathering Storm. He doesn’t specifically refer to the chart, but his words reflect the ominous view of the future depicted in the chart.

“When gold and silver finally are able, through price action, to have their say about the state of Western fiscal and monetary policy actions, it may break a few ear drums and shatter a more than a few illusions about the wisdom and honesty of the money masters. Slowly, but surely, a reckoning is coming. And what has been hidden will be revealed.”

The title of the post and the chart both grabbed my attention and provide a glimpse into the reality of our present situation. The Gathering Storm was the title of Winston Churchill’s volume one history of World War II. Churchill documents the tumultuous twenty years leading up to World War II in The Gathering Storm. The years following World War I, through the Great Depression and the rise of Hitler were abysmal, but only a prelude to the approaching horror of 65 million deaths over the next six years. What appeared to be dark days in the 1930’s were only storm clouds gathering before a once in a lifetime tempest. In my view we stand at an equally perilous point in history today.

The graph represents the standard progress of a three act drama in literature. In the three-act structure, act one has the least tension, since it is only establishing the characters and the settings. The catalyst triggers an increase in tension with the revelation dramatically escalating the pressure as you approach the climax. The intensity remains high in act three as the final confrontation and resolution play out. Every Shakespearean tragedy follows this general pathway to a final denouement. It peculiarly parallels the path of a Fourth Turning.

A Fourth Turning’s three acts are the catalyst phase, regeneracy stage, and climax. The plot of this Fourth Turning crisis revolves around the core elements of debt, civic decay and global disorder. The 2008 global financial crisis, manufactured by the Fed and their Wall Street puppeteers, was catalyzed by hundreds of billions in bad debt issued as part of the largest control fraud scheme in world history. The brunt of this banker formulated disaster has been borne by the former working middle class and senior citizens dependent upon interest income to survive in an inflationary world. The initial threat of full-fledged collapse was deferred through extreme monetary and fiscal actions by the establishment vassals, as they created trillions in new debt to fill the vortex produced by the trillions in bad debt.

We are only in the early stages of Act 2 of this tragedy we call The Fall of the American Empire. The tension triggered in 2008/2009 by the Federal Reserve/Wall Street created subprime debacle subsided, as the ruling class was able to expand their wealth (rigging the financial markets), while crushing dissent (OWS, Tea Party), expanding their surveillance state (as revealed by Snowden), waging undeclared wars around the globe (Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen), adding $10 trillion to the national debt, while distracting the masses through propaganda, electronic bread and circuses, and trivial societal diversions. While the public is busy arguing about gay marriage, wedding cakes, transgender bathrooms, safe spaces, triggers, SJWs, Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner, and apes rights, the ruling class pillages the remaining wealth of the nation and forges ahead with their plans to control our lives.

Despite knowing a Fourth Turning generally ebbs and flows over a two decade time frame, it can be frustrating watching the corrupt crony capitalist pigs running this shitshow continue to flagrantly disregard the rule of law, the Constitution, and abusing the citizens of this country. But the temporary lull in intensity is coming to an end. We are now eight years into this Fourth Turning with at least a decade to go before the climax. The regeneracy has been slow in coming, but it appears the mood of the country has been catalyzed by the anti-establishment campaigns of Trump and Sanders. They have begun the process of regeneracy against the ingrained, corrupt, immoral establishment.

The people are collectively revolting against the existing social order as they are finally realizing they have been used and abused by the ruling oligarchy as pawns in their game of world domination. The obscene wealth of the .1% has been absconded from the working class through abuse of the tax laws, trade deals, regulations, monetary policy, public school indoctrination, peddling of debt to the masses, and relentless propaganda. The systematic manipulation of the financial, monetary, political and commercial markets by the money masters has left the country like a mighty diseased, hollowed out, rotting oak tree – one storm away from collapsing and splintering into a thousand pieces. A gathering storm approaches.

The mood of the country has turned dark. The political parties are splintering. The elites in NYC, DC, and LA are appalled the peasants in flyover country are not following orders and voting for the hand-picked lackey candidates. If Clinton can avoid indictment, she’ll represent the establishment versus the anti-establishment Trump in the upcoming election. The establishment is using the power of the press to try and discredit Trump and Sanders. It’s failing. The mainstream media is now trusted and respected on par with Congress – lower than whale shit.

The establishment is now resorting to paying thugs to violently disrupt Trump campaign events. This ploy is backfiring, as the white silent majority gravitates toward Trump every time an illegal immigrant burns an American flag or a young woman is assaulted by Black Thugs Matter paid rioters. With the economy in freefall, rigged financial markets immensely overvalued, debt levels at extremes, global tensions rising, and an increasingly angry American populace desperate for change, it appears the stars are aligning for a Trump presidency. He is a flawed human being, with a huge ego, no filter, and no experience governing. But none of that matters. He has captured the zeitgeist of this moment in history.

At this juncture in a Fourth Turning the public is ready to dump leaders who have downplayed the vast problems facing the country (unfunded liabilities, illegal immigration, entitlements, debt, wars, jobs, bankers) in favor of leaders who are willing to amplify and tackle those problems head on. A new civic ethos of addressing and responding to threats is taking hold. The generational configuration is aligned and the mood of the country is ripe for a prophet generation Boomer, like Trump, to be the Grey Champion who will lead the country through the darkest most perilous portion of this Fourth Turning.

As this Fourth Turning careens towards its climax, the intensity will escalate. Bold decisions will need to be made requiring a leader who displays tremendous confidence and strong leadership. Political correctness will be cast aside. The previous two Grey Champion leaders – Lincoln and Roosevelt – are despised on many levels by many people, as they both ignored the Constitution on many occasions while attempting to do what they thought best in leading the country through desperate times. Their policies and executive actions during those dark days of the Civil War, Great Depression, and World War II left a long lasting impact on the country and play a major role in our current crisis. As Strauss and Howe predicted almost 20 years ago, the regeneracy is solidly under way.

“Soon after the catalyst, a national election will produce a sweeping political realignment, as one faction or coalition capitalizes on a new public demand for decisive action. Republicans, Democrats, or perhaps a new party will decisively win the long partisan tug of war. This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention. The regeneracy will be solidly under way.” Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

It is difficult for the vast majority of people to comprehend the likely chaos, pain, bloodshed and war which will overspread the nation and the world during the final two acts of this tragic play. The discomfort most people are feeling is just their cognitive dissonance telling them everything will be fine as they experience a steady decline in their standard of living. Harkening back to Jesse’s original chart, the Fourth Turning regeneracy is aligning with the Revelation in Act 2.

The day of reckoning will arrive when Trump is elected and that which has been hidden is revealed. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the increasing intensity of the rhetoric, opponent interactions, and media responses will be blind-sided by the coming storm. The days of delusion, denial and debt are going to revert to dismay, depression and death.

There is no more room to increase leverage. Americans are up to their eyeballs in mortgage, credit card, auto loan, and student loan debt ($17.4 trillion). Corporations are stuffed with record levels of debt ($14 trillion) they used to buy back their stock at all-time high prices. State and local governments are drowning in trillions of debt and unfunded pension liabilities. The Federal government is $19.3 trillion in debt, with unfunded entitlement liabilities exceeding $200 trillion.

It is mathematically impossible for this debt to be repaid with a rapidly aging developed world and a debt saturated developing world. With financial markets as overvalued as they have ever been, the next crash will leave all the heavily indebted parties with no assets to repay the debt. The losses will make the 2008 financial crisis look like a stroll in the park. And the Fed shot their load years ago, without having the guts to reload. Their credibility is shot and their $4 trillion balance sheet is insolvent. The Wall Street banks are zombies sustained by 0% interest rates and accounting fraud.

I know the last few years have been frustrating for the “doom and gloomers” who actually have critical thinking skills and understand the nature of our dire economic situation. Much like Michael Burry, as described so well by Michael Lewis in The Big Short, your facts may be 100% correct but markets and people can remain irrational for longer than you think possible. By having the courage of your convictions, you must be prepared for scorn, ridicule, and mocking.

As the unpayable debt has expanded to ever greater heights and monetary authorities across the globe implement wildly desperate measure like negative interest rates and buying financial assets to prop up stock markets, the public has become more unquestioning of reality and deluded by the seeming stability of financial markets. Record low interest rates and rising stock prices reinforce the normalcy bias of most people.

Many smart, normally skeptical, people have thrown in the towel. Because the gathering storm has not struck as predicted, they begin to believe it will never strike. This same mindset existed in 1860, 1929, 1940, 1999, and 2007. It easy to be lulled to sleep by the propaganda media machines, lying politicians, and extreme monetary schemes portrayed as normal by the money men. Things are not getting better. We are not at the end of this crisis.

We are in the midst of a Greater Depression, with the most trying times still ahead. Fourth Turnings never de-intensify. They intensify into a chaotic whirlwind, where the future of our civilization hangs in the balance. The climax of this play is a long way off. The election of Trump in November will trigger the transformational change that always happens during a Fourth Turning. An ill wind is beginning to blow. You can’t avoid the coming storm, but you can mentally and physically prepare. Our choices will make a difference.

“The seasons of time offer no guarantees. For modern societies, no less than for all forms of life, transformative change is discontinuous. For what seems an eternity, history goes nowhere – and then it suddenly flings us forward across some vast chaos that defies any mortal effort to plan our way there. The Fourth Turning will try our souls – and the saecular rhythm tells us that much will depend on how we face up to that trial. The saeculum does not reveal whether the story will have a happy ending, but it does tell us how and when our choices will make a difference.”  – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

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June 5, 2016 10:17 pm

Looks like we are less than half way through this 4th turning. Arithmetic is not on my side to see it through. To bad I want to see a lot of traitor sons of bitches get what they have coming.

June 5, 2016 10:18 pm

Every time I read one of these pieces I find my pulse faster at the conclusion. It feels like reading Revelations and actually believing its depictions are at hand. I have to remind myself that the Fourth Turning is only part of a theory, not a sacred prophecy, yet I cannot help but believe it to be true. Times that try men’s souls are just about upon us,

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 5, 2016 10:49 pm

Read it twice. I’m not sure what to expect anymore. In a world where Hillary hasn’t be indicted yet and corpses can vote I don’t have a lot of faith that anyone can predict what will happen around an election anymore.

I sense desperation from the elite just like you do and as we well know desperate men can do desperate things. If they do, I predict it won’t be 10 years until the shit hits the fan.

We’ll see come November.

Great piece of writing btw.

June 5, 2016 11:29 pm

Dang, Admin. Reading this one made me feel like this:

[imgcomment image [/img]

June 5, 2016 11:45 pm


I’m not a blog commenter except rarely (I think maybe once here at TBP) but I always enjoy your take on Strauss and Howe’s theory of a fourth turning.

Your latest essay prompts a brief response: I am glad to see that your viewpoint has solidified behind the prospect that the causes of the ongoing Fourth Turning are rooted in the domestic rather than the foreign. For some while I thought that you were distracted by the potential foreign element. Each day that passes shows that there is little evidence in favor of foreign causes and more in favor of the domestic scenario – although the latter will surely spill over in an attempt to influence the former at some point – probably a USA attempt to start a foreign war that will substantially dwarf its current military actions in the Ukraine, the southern Mediterranean and the Mideast.

I am also encouraged that your use of tense in this latest posting (“You Are Here”) recognizes some of the impending events are now neither potential nor speculative ; they are probable if not inevitable – e.g. your phrase, “….The election of Donald Trump…”).

The further that one experiences an unfolding sequence, be it a price move in a market or a socio-political transfornation, the more certain is he that the potential course of events is inevitable (that’s why, to take a simple example, that the masses are bullish at the top of a market cycle). Presently, only a minority sees the reality in your writings. We have a long way, and probably a seemingly improbably long wait, to go before this Turning completes.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 5, 2016 11:59 pm


I ditto Axel’s comment, but add that I HOPE things come to pass as the 4th Turning prophesies, because it’s the only way forward. To continue the status quo another 10 years seems improbable and interminable. The current MIC/economic/political structure must be dismantled entirely, and it won’t happen voluntarily through self-reform by those in power.

The video below is set to a point in the X22 Spotlight Report part where James Perloff gets to the heart of our struggle against the world elites, whose endgame is to bury national sovereignty and institute a world government, which will surely come to pass if Hitlery wins over Trump. It probably would have happened already except for the 2nd Amendment, which these elites desperately want to dismantle.

June 6, 2016 12:27 am

A good piece, thought provoking. It sure will be interesting to see how this plays out. We have a country full of SJW infants who throw constant tantrums over the most trivial shit, and a government that insists on importing increasingly violent third world animals who will NEVER become productive citizens, and likely won’t even attempt to. Those two categories alone will cause a lot of problems once this starts to unravel.

As far as the debt goes, look to japan. They have been carrying a debt to GDP ratio higher than I would have thought possible for years now. That this comes unglued, I have no doubt. I just wouldn’t want to put a date on it. I have a feeling this clownshow can go on for longer than most of us would think possible.

I will be interesting to see how this plays out with trump, though. While I agree with you about his faults, and don’t count myself among his supporters, he is doing the country a great favor for exposing the left as the violent, overgrown children we all knew them to be. He is also highlighting the behaviour of the immigrants we have allowed into this country, fed, clothed, housed, etc who respond by demanding ever more accomodation, going so far as to fly the mexican flag at an American political event, demanding we allow moar of them into the country to suck off the teat. His election could result in a meltdown like we have never seen.

June 6, 2016 12:38 am

The longer this crisis can be prolonged the more time we all have to prepare. As one who is having some health issues it would be wise for the rest of you to get into shape physically. Maybe start by walking every day then maybe joining a gym later on.If you lose your health during the worse part of this 4th turning you will be in a world of shit .Take good care of yourselves.

Good job Admin . I always look forward to your posts about the economy.

June 6, 2016 2:48 am

I read the 4th Turning when it was first published. I’ve never had any particular disagreement about societal behaviors as new generations arrive.

I’ve watched the monetary can-kicking. I’ve learned enough about the effects of monetary policy that I long ago arrived at the idea, “a slow motion train wreck”.

I’ve no idea how long we’ll keep muddling along. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just more time available for prepping. No big deal for me; my lifestyle for over thirty years has essentially been that of prepping.

One thing about being ancient: Perspective. Many of the news squibs I see in Google, Yahoo, Drudge and many others are often like items I’ve read during the past twenty to fifty years. “Only the names have been changed, to protect the guilty.” Not much new news.

Interesting times…

June 6, 2016 5:46 am

That’s really good, jim. Every once in a while someone accuses you of writing the same article over and over. That’s hardly the case, and certainly your dominance over on ZH would support that. This one is particuarly clear, and while sober, not really a doom and gloom piece. I see this as a very realistic snapshot of the moment. We are here, here’s what’s got to happen next. It’s not fun, but we’ve got to do it. Buckle up.

Count Zero
Count Zero
June 6, 2016 7:36 am

A Plea To Reason

Listen up, all you professional politicians. You are NOT going to disintegrate our country because of your petty bickering, pandering and posturing. You who have been sent to our nation’s capitol to represent and serve us—the very men and women we elected to get us out of this mess—cannot seem to tie your own shoe laces, much less offer a solution to our economic problems. Instead, you have sold our votes cheaply to those who would profit from your political ineptness …. The banksters, lobbyists and corporatists. But NO MORE!

We The People are coming together in a coalition as diverse as the left-leaning Democrats and the conservative Tea Partiers to sweep you and your oligarchical cronies into the dustbin of history. We are slowly arising to take back our Republic, to reestablish our constitutionally guaranteed Rights and the Rule Of Law …. with Justice.

And the first order of New Business will be to revise the size and complexity of our institutions and practices of governance. Nothing should be “too big to fail” if it means that our beloved country falls as a result. You, the politicians, could have led in this renewal effort, but to your everlasting shame you have not. So we say to you, NO MORE!

Go home and be replaced by those who are no longer constrained by either ideology or political obligation, by those of our fellow citizens who will sit down in the spirit of compromise and find solutions for the good of the whole country and its citizenry. It CAN be done. It MUST be done.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 6, 2016 8:11 am

Great, as always.

When someone is diagnosed with cancer one of the first questions asked is “how long do I have?”

The same mindset exists with calling the bubbles. People want a firm date. It’s human nature to want experts to give them firm and specific answers. Life, on the other hand, moves at its own pace in its own time. It will happen when it happens, but the diagnoses is not debatable, the systemic dysfunction is no longer chronic, it is fatal and the end is coming. That there is no set date doesn’t make it less so, it only prolongs the agony.

Thank you for writing these, they remind me of a ship’s log or a soldiers diary.

June 6, 2016 9:08 am

Fabulous ….. and I’m not talking about the gay dude by the same name who now posts here.

I should have said awesome, as always.

I just hope the end waits for another year. IU is already a pre-season Top 10 … and I think I’ll win the TBP-pool this year.

June 6, 2016 9:10 am

[Jim_N says:
I’m not a blog commenter except rarely (I think maybe once here at TBP) but I always enjoy your take on Strauss and Howe’s theory of a fourth turning.

Your latest essay prompts a brief response: I am glad to see that your viewpoint has solidified behind the prospect that the causes of the ongoing Fourth Turning are rooted in the domestic rather than the foreign. For some while I thought that you were distracted by the potential foreign element. Each day that passes shows that there is little evidence in favor of foreign causes and more in favor of the domestic scenario – although the latter will surely spill over in an attempt to influence the former at some point – probably a USA attempt to start a foreign war that will substantially dwarf its current military actions in the Ukraine, the southern Mediterranean and the Mideast.

I am also encouraged that your use of tense in this latest posting (“You Are Here”) recognizes some of the impending events are now neither potential nor speculative ; they are probable if not inevitable – e.g. your phrase, “….The election of Donald Trump…”).

The further that one experiences an unfolding sequence, be it a price move in a market or a socio-political transformation, the more certain is he that the potential course of events is inevitable (that’s why, to take a simple example, that the masses are bullish at the top of a market cycle). Presently, only a minority sees the reality in your writings. We have a long way, and probably a seemingly improbably long wait, to go before this Turning completes. 5th June 2016 at 11:45 pm]

Congratulations, Jim N! your comment now reads as follows:

[[[Your latest essay inspired me to respond. While I agree that the ongoing 4th turning will have been “caused” by domestic issues, I can’t help but point out the interconnectedness of the domestic and the foreign. I do hope you acknowledge that the domestic issues that will start the crisis are heavily rooted in foreign influence? I suspect there will be another need to spread Freedom and Democracy soon that will require a draft that will include women, TGs, Zhe and Hir notwithstanding and the brand new troops will be so confused about what they are supposed to call their drill sergeant on the days he comes in to work wearing heels that they won’t notice they are invading their own countrymen’s homes and haven’t even been told why.

I think the End Game is here.

The further one moves into an unfolding sequence of events, whether talking about societal change or the domino effect certain movements trigger, i.e., a bumped glass of water leads to an elbow knocking over a candle in response, which leads to a fire which leads to … “an unfolding sequence/series of events” that follow a certain logical pattern , the more the sequence leads to something inevitable. I am willing to bet that only a minority of your readers accept the reality in “You Are Here.”.

The next sweep of the “unfolding” will probably be the beginning of the “end game” and the majority will be searching for safe harbor.”]]]

It isn’t plagiarism if #1 You tell the person from whom you borrowed the original thought and #2 You are a good enough wordsmith that even the person from whom you borrowed the main idea would not recognize it as their own original thought.

I believe I have done both, but want Jim N to know that I really liked his comment.

June 6, 2016 9:21 am

“Lincoln and Roosevelt – are despised on many levels by many people, as they both ignored the Constitution on many occasions while attempting to do what they thought best in leading the country through desperate times.”

It’s tempting to ascribe good motives to appallingly bad actions by those two men, but the evidence just isn’t there when I try to find it. I see it as more likely that those two lunatics were simply reveling in their power while doing the bidding of people who had an interest in their actions.

Both were clearly under the influence of bankers and social engineering zealots. The blatantly criminal actions they undertook may even appear to some people to have been done under the influence of demonic powers.

To me, it’s more likely to have been purely human influence; evil, but still just acts of pure human fuckery as manifestations of greed and the lust for power over other people came to the forefront.

June 6, 2016 9:26 am

Ms. Rand predicted all of this during the last High. To see patterns emerging and slow degeneration become the rule rather than the exception was extraordinarily prescient on her part.

Will Donald Trump turn out to be our ‘John Galt’?

June 6, 2016 9:32 am

Ten years at the most, we have lost it. I am 73 y.o. and I do not see the USA getting it act together. The empire is dying.

June 6, 2016 9:36 am

Stucky, please let us know where you get that IU stuff you are smoking. IU! really? That is really going out on a limb.

Chris P
Chris P
June 6, 2016 9:42 am

Very good article thanks

June 6, 2016 9:43 am

Why have I never heard any of this before? It reminds me of calculus limit problems, whereas I more pictured a sine wave. I don’t like it.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
June 6, 2016 9:53 am

From the chart: “Anyone who’s been warning about this debt build-up for 3 decades has been completely justified.”

Yes, we are. Relative to production, this global debt build-up is the largest in history. It could only be enabled by central banking and fiat money. It’s collapse will have all the earth shaking consequences predicted by Strauss and Howe, Robert Prechter, Jim Quinn, SLL, Michael Snyder, Ayn Rand, and David Stockman, among others. For the psychological impact, yesterday’s post “Where Will You Be When the End Game Begins?’ is an excellent primer.

It is my contention that Act 2 began in 2000, with the tech wrech, a point I made in “The Humungous Depression,” which many of you read and commented on. Thank you. These kind of turning points are obvious decades before they happen. Haven’t we arrived at the dystopia Ayn Rand foresaw in Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957? There is no shame in being early in these predictions. The shame is with those who don’t see it coming, or, more execrably, with those who do and fail to warn of it or who believe they can use it to increase their own power and wealth.

Thank you, Jim Quinn, for seeing it coming, steadfastly warning of it, and providing a forum for those who contribute who are trying to do the same. There can’t be too many warnings, a point that will be obvious as the fourth turning unfolds. Thank you for giving my warnings a forum in addition to SLL, and obviously I will repost this article there.

June 6, 2016 10:05 am

Admin thanks for the update, well-done as usual.

Every day that passes now without a major catastrophe (there are many possibilities) I consider a gift. One day everything will change and there will be no going back. I am beginning to grasp how past generations tried to go about their daily lives as a spirit of ominous, inevitable tragedy clouded their futures. You’re standing on the track and the train is rolling towards you, but you are not sure of its speed. So you just keep on keepin’ on and say your prayers if so inclined.

Dickweed Wang
Dickweed Wang
June 6, 2016 10:46 am

When you consider what is going on in the USA right now even the most skeptical person would have to admit that Strauss and Howe really nailed it when talking about how the 4th Turning would come about . . . particularly when one considers the rise of Trump’s popularity (i.e. a Boomer outsider that comes in to shake things up for the “good” of the country). If they were that prescient about that issue then the future doesn’t bode well for the USA considering what their other predictions say.

June 6, 2016 10:58 am

“Stucky, please let us know where you get that IU stuff you are smoking. IU! really? That is really going out on a limb.” ———– overthecliff

Blow me and fuckoff.

Pre-season Top 10

1. Duke
2. Kentucky
3. Villanova
4. Kansas
5. Oregon
6. North Carolina
7. Michigan State
8. Indiana
9. Virginia
10. Arizona

June 6, 2016 11:08 am

Jim, I’m begging you…..write more about this. Pure Gold. For those of us with a macro view finder, there just isn’t enough of this mental nutrition out there.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 6, 2016 11:15 am


Great piece as usual. I suppose only thing to be done is get a good seat for coming catastrophe. Like Suzanna said People are partying like it’s 1929 and here were are wondering when the door will slam shut. 10 years at most like Welshman said above seems like good for over under.


How are you feeling these days. Just wondering if health has improved.

June 6, 2016 12:06 pm

@Fabulous, it is a sine wave, just with a much higher amplitude than you might have imagined and a timeline on the order of lifetimes instead of years. It does seem like The Powers That Be (TPTB) have been instituting some drastic delaying tactics this time around, and instead of helping things they’re just making the amplitude that much higher which will cause the crash to be that much larger as well. If you haven’t already started now would be a good time to start “prepping”.

Muck About
Muck About
June 6, 2016 2:40 pm

The more that things progress, the more that I marvel at Strauss and Howe’s perception and predictive capabilities – very like Asimov’s Foundation Series and Hari Seldons’ physohistorical analysis.

I was born in 1938, just before the Climax Phase of the last Fourth Turning (WWII). I was hoping to exit stage left before the next peak of the next Climax comes along – but I begin to wonder if I’ll still be here when the SHTF. I’d love to watch what happens but don’t really want to live through it! But since a 4th Turning is a four generational driven phenomenon (each generation being about 20 years), depending upon any slippage (it’s impossible to predict the timing of a Climax as it can slide out a few years or start early) all that we know is that we are far to far into the Fourth Turning to try and change course.

The longer things progress within the Fourth Turning, the more it shows plainly what is coming up for – this time – the entire world.(just like the last Fourth Turning. This time, there’s a nigger in the woodpile we didn’t have last time around. NUKES.. This increases the chances as nuke powers feel more and more threatened that the Genie may pop out of the bottle and rip our poor world asunder. I truly hope that doesn’t happen – but never underestimate the panic reaction of a threatened dictator with nukes at his disposal.

One thing is absolutely assured. This Fourth Turning Crisis will be significantly bigger and farther reaching and very much nastier than the last one – if you can believe it.

Prep the best you can – be aware that people with money in banks stand a good chance of having a bunch of confiscated in a ‘Buy-In” as desperation drives Washington to ever and more vicious thrashing about to keep the Ponzi running. Cash may be made worthless by a stroke of a pen. Some Bags of circulated silver coin (dimes and quarters) and both small and to a lesser degree, larger denomination American minted gold coins cannot be degraded and will stand you in good stead, not if, but when the Fourth Turning hits the knee in the curve and the crises is upon us. Good tools and a good how-to library are essential as well because the supply of old timers (like me) with broad knowledge gained over a lifetime will likely be the first ones to be eliminated.

But don’t worry about the timing. Just slowly start taking action (like a lot of TBPer’s have already done), live you days to the fullest, fill them with love, care, joy and productivity always slanted toward the future a bit. Love a woman or a man (depending on whether you are a man or women!!), have kids if you want and bring them up _right_. (See HSF’s writings and his WEB SITE) We don’t know how long it will be before things fall apart and one may as well enjoy life to the fullest in the mean time.

With our current culture of instant communication and instant gratification, it may happen sooner that we think or want.

Best to all TBPr’s and to those who lurk and don’t comment, shame on you! Stick you’re oar in and let us know what you think and what you’re doing!


June 6, 2016 3:28 pm

EXCELLENT article.. +100

June 6, 2016 4:26 pm

Great article. The “Big Short” reference was really astute. Everything’s going to shit, and yet, the system keeps chugging along.

A question: Our Hero Generation, meaning the Millennials, will they ever live up to their name? Or will they continue to be coddled, safe-space-seeking Social Justice Warriors? Yes, I know they’re not all like that. But sometimes, as I consider this Fourth-Turning, I wonder if this current cycle will follow the pattern of our last Civil War, which had no Hero Generation.

The only hope, it seems, is the Alt-Right, which shows real bravery in confronting the evils of our day.

June 6, 2016 4:41 pm

This turning stuff is bs. Just like cycles. The facts are that most wars are premeditated and planned by banksters, at least for the last several hundred years or so. Not only that, financial expansions and collapses are planned and manipulated by banksters, not the cyclical price of tea in China. But please, keep looking at cycles and turnings for answers when they are mere camouflage for those behind the scenes.

June 6, 2016 4:54 pm

These elitist globalist bastards will do anything to start WWII:

Yesterday we were there. Now we are here. And soon, we’ll go there.

We were warned by Strauss & Howe. We were warned by Quinn.

And now, the in words of Walt Whitman:

Beat! beat! drums!—blow! bugles! blow!
Make no parley—stop for no expostulation,
Mind not the timid—mind not the weeper or prayer,
Mind not the old man beseeching the young man,
Let not the child’s voice be heard, nor the mother’s entreaties,
Make even the trestles to shake the dead where they lie awaiting the hearses,
So strong you thump O terrible drums—so loud you bugles blow.

June 6, 2016 5:27 pm

Mr. James Quinn, you are wise beyond your years.

I was lucky enough to find TBP years ago when I began questioning the status quo and began my search for answers (little did I know at that time it would take years to even scratch the surface and change my perception). This web site / your writings ‘resonated with me’. I, like many I presume, are feeling the strain of a government and a society out of control – and in many instances beyond repair. The forth turning for America is indeed soon to be upon us.

We are indeed at an inflection point as a society.

At 57 I am running harder and faster than ever before. I have tried to plan, to budget, to save for the future my entire working life. But at every corner along the way I’ve been kicked down and had to pick myself up off the floor and regroup – of couse only after I ripped through my life’s savings did my ‘next carreer’ take off. Some times I admit my predicament was the result of errors and ‘self inflicted’ mistakes – but most times not.

In August of 2011 I moved to DIMOCK, PA to work in the natural gas drilling & fracking industry. Well, in the spring of 2015 it all went to hell. For financial survival reasons I had to leave an area that I found to be beautiful and wanted to call home.

Just yesterday I got a text message from a former co worker – it seems that CABOT GAS & OIL CORP is now starting up again on a much reduced scale. Instead of paying the 3rd party truck owners per hour of service as was industry standard, CABOT has decided to now pay BY THE TRUCK LOAD OF WATER. Speeding, spills, unsafe operation and shortcuts taken at every opportunity are now the normal mode of operation.

It’s a RACE TO THE BOTTOM FOLKS, in case you haven’t noticed.

I’m now on Cape Cod working with my brother doing audio / video installations for wealthy people. I can say from a boots on the ground view point that these people are spending INSANE amounts of money on this shit. The average surf may only be getting ten dollars per hour for their effort but damn the torpedoes, a 200 K audio / video system for my summer house that I may only reside in a few weeks per year is money well spent.


June 6, 2016 5:40 pm

These presently WEALTHY persons are spending money on their houses like IT’S 1929 or1999.

POP GOES THE BUBBLE ! Only unknown is WHEN.

June 6, 2016 5:44 pm

Prepping? Like a go bag in case of a wildfire or earthquake or do you mean something different?

I read a good portion of this book today. I find it uncannily accurate and unnerving. I have been thinking I was pretty in touch with the world around me. Then I clicked through a story on gay marriage, and it’s myth. Now I’m stuck knowing this, and that the U.S. is goading Russia towards a global conflict. Care to ruin my day with any more doom.?

June 6, 2016 5:47 pm

OH YEAH, I almost forgot – Timmy GEITHNER is building a brand new McMansion in Eastham, MA. (Cape Cod). Probably paid for IN CASH with his speaking fees received or as a bonus from the powers that be for helping to ‘save the system’ by fucking over the tax payers of the USA.

June 6, 2016 5:55 pm

As I was composing these posts I am listening to PANDORA radio. A ‘REVOLUTIONARY’ song came on and frankly it was quite pleasant, quite inspiring. I may start a REVOLUTIONARYSONGS.COM web site to try to get the masses festered up.

June 6, 2016 5:56 pm


There is always a top end market. It never has a recession. Ever. If you are ever selling something, and it becomes to expensive for your customers to own, simply raise the price. You will tap the next higher dollar market. My father’s shop started making real money when he started catering to the ultra wealthy. And he became ultra wealthy. Why paint a Toyota in a grungy shop, when you can install marble floors and paint porches and helicopters in the Taj Mahal. Sell and install overpriced product in a luxury environment and you will prosper. So if 200k stereos become to expensive to sell, raise the price. Works in cali. Works in nyc. Anywhere upscale.

June 6, 2016 6:20 pm

Josh- That you have the temerity to suggest cycles are bullshit is breathtaking. In fact one must wonder how you managed the reading comprehension required to navigate the article and discover the word cycle within. Bravo chap, bravo.

Carla Angelo
Carla Angelo
June 6, 2016 6:31 pm

Another excellent piece on the 4th turning, thank you.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 6, 2016 6:54 pm

@skinbag…how about Kinda catchy, no?

June 6, 2016 7:12 pm



June 6, 2016 8:02 pm

@Fabulous, Muck About up at 2:40 gave an excellent overview of what financial prepping for a 4th turning looks like. Gaye over at has a series of posts “12 months of prepping” which is excellent advice for the beginning prepper, but you might want to speed up the time scale. I think everyone posting here preps to some level or other, it just depends on what you decide you’re prepping for and how much time, money, and space you have to put into it. Pretty much the last thing you want to do is bug out unless you live somewhere the riots are going to start when the power goes out. Why leave the comfort of your home and all your stuff if you don’t have to?

The biggest problem is that nobody knows exactly what is going to happen or when. You make your best guess and prepare for that. People are saying the 4th turning may take another 10 or 20 years to get really bad, but it’s better to be 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late.

Prepping is not just for “end of the world” stuff, it also works in everyday disaster situations. About 10 years back we had an ice storm that knocked out our power for 2 weeks. If we hadn’t been into prepping we would have run out of food, water (we have a well), heat, etc. The forced hot water heating pipes in the house probably would have frozen making a big mess. We would have had to go stay somewhere else for those two weeks, but where would we have stayed that would take us and all our pets? Since we were preppers we just started up the generator and life was pretty much back to normal – plenty of food in the freezer, plenty of heat out of the wood stove.

June 6, 2016 8:06 pm

Admin, it can’t possibly be that bad. “Surely, you must be joking!” Admin, “I’m not joking and stop calling me Shirley.”

Don’t lose yooooooour sense of humor. It might be the only thing that maintains your sanity in the coming trials and tribulations.

I’m stocking up on the Marx bros movies.

I’d be stocking up on food and I know a lot of you dear readers are investing in gold and silver to weather the storm, but…. I read where the government is investing in lead. Homeland Security bought 45 million rounds of ammunition. I wonder how that is going to work out for ya. hmmmm!

If these 1%ers are smart enough to con you, I think they’re smart enough to try and keep their ill gotten gains, your objections, not withstanding.

With the exceptions of a Swedish banker and the aristocracy during the French Revolution, few are held accountable for their misdeeds. Crime pay and it pays really big, at least some crime.

Every time governments go to Fiat Currency It always ends up being a disaster for the common man and untold riches and power for the government and their cronies, WITHOUT EXCEPTION!!!

“Who do ya call”…er, I mean blame for this misstep into this hellish Wonderland that Admin is screaming about at the top of his keyboard. THE PEOPLE WHO WATCH THIS HAPPEN FOR THE LAST 100 YRS, that’s who.

I find it hard to blame those bumpkins before the second world war. They were ignorant and poorly educated and trusted their government, after all, the people were the government as the song and dance went. But…we were better educated in the ’50’s, ’60’s, ’70’s, ’80’s, ’90’s, etc. yet, there was nary a protest nor anyone even lending an ear to those brave souls telling the truth about bankers, the government and fiat currency. So, who do you blame? The 1% that created and took advantage of opportunities or the, too stoopid, couch potatoes watching CNN and thinking they are being informed and looking for their next gov handout? Thinking that voting in the Presidential elections once every four years for their bought and paid for candidates was the extent of their civic duty.

So, point your finger at the Bankers and 1%. But as I was always told that when you point your finger at someone else, three fingers are, always, pointing back at you. We are all culpable for our negligence and we will, all, suffer the consequences of our inaction.

The 1% have already planned their escape.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 6, 2016 8:50 pm


Quit worrying about what some jerk wrote about gay marriage 🙂 and don’t worry too much about the doom. When we were kids growing up on the northern prairies most of what we call ‘prepping’ today was just called ‘living’ back then.

Nobody knows how the future will play out. You just need to be able to take care of yourself. Even if the shit never hits the fan it doesn’t hurt to know how to be more self sufficient. Big cities are bad places to be. Get out of them. That’s a good start no matter what the future holds. Then go from there. I personally like gardening. It’s satisfying growing and eating your own food. It’s also good for you. If you can do that and get along with your neighbours that’s a big part of it.

June 6, 2016 9:51 pm

Ed says:

“Lincoln and Roosevelt – are despised on many levels by many people, as they both ignored the Constitution on many occasions while attempting to do what they thought best in leading the country through desperate times.”

The banksters never had enemies as potent as Lincoln and Jackson. Jackson soundly defeated them for a time, Lincoln beat them at their own game, but they got their revenge in the end.

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” -Abraham Lincoln

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe. [As a most undesirable consequence of the war…] Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.” —Abraham Lincoln

June 6, 2016 9:55 pm

ottomatik says:

“Josh- That you have the temerity to suggest cycles are bullshit is breathtaking. In fact one must wonder how you managed the reading comprehension required to navigate the article and discover the word cycle within. Bravo chap, bravo.”

Hi Otto, I have to ask, do you resort to augury and astrology too? Those go well with cycles and turnings.

June 6, 2016 10:09 pm

Back in ’96 or so I was living in Memphis (actually Germantown, a snooty suburb to the east). There came an ice storm, not unknown but relatively rare; Poplar Avenue (a main drag) was ice all the way from Germantown to the Mississippi River. Lots of things shut down, and more should have; lost a few idiots who were forced to go into work when a few days off would have hurt no one.
We lost power for three days. We heated water for cooking and bathing in the fireplace, and we had a gas grill outside to boot. The whole family slept together (the oldest was 9 or so) in the living room, heated by the same fireplace. We sort of figured out from that experience not to expect perpetual electricity, heating and even natural gas; things happen.
Prepping is second nature after one or two of those. Have enough on hand to weather a storm – even if it brings unemployment and lasts three months. Not got enough on hand for that? Now you have a goal ….

June 6, 2016 11:33 pm

What can I say? You have once again laid bare the hidden hand behind this fiscal madness. Is it too late to repair the damage done to America? Thanks for post Jim!

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