Why Dallas Happened

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Is the Dallas police shooting a false flag affair in behalf of gun control? Is it the result of a war veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder? Is the shooting the beginning of retribution for thousands of wanton police murders of US citizens in the 21st century? Or is there some other explanation?

We will never know. The perpetrator is dead. The authorities will tell us whatever suits the purposes of authority.

We could say that the police have brought this on themselves by their undisciplined and violent behavior toward the public. On the other hand, we can hold the police chiefs, the police unions, the mayors and city councils, the governors, prosecutors, and the Justice (sic) Department responsible for failure to hold accountable those cops who murder and commit gratuitous violence against the public.

When police execute someone, the excuse is always something like this: “He reached under his shirt to his waistband. I thought he had a gun. I didn’t want to leave my children fatherless and my wife a widow.” The murdered victim’s wife and children, if any, are of no consequence.

Conservatives, especially those taught to be fearful of crime, have scant objection to police murders. Their view is always: “The police wouldn’t have shot him without cause.” The same bias in favor of the police is why conservative jurors always convict.

The liberals tend to interpret the shootings as racism, so they want to combat racism.

The real problem is that public authorities do not protect the public from gratuitous violence. Therefore, hatred and disrespect for the police are growing. Routine murders by police–several each day, almost all of which go unpunished–are generating the kind of anger that causes people to snap and to reply to violence with violence.

If the criminal justice system applied also to the police, the police would think twice before they wantonly murder.

Being a police officer is not supposed to be risk free. A police officer should be concerned about the public, not merely his own family. We cannot accept gratuitous police violence on the grounds that the officer’s behavior is dictated by his concerns for his own family. If an officer cannot accept the risks of being a police officer, he should find a different occupation.

Police violence is out of control because mayors, prosecutors, and governors are failing the public by refusing to put a halt to it. According to conservatives, punishment deters crime, but they do not apply this to the police.

Police violence is also out of control because of the revolution in police training which teaches police to protect themselves and to subdue the suspect regardless of cost. A number of former police officers have written to me that the reason they gave up the occupation is that today police are being trained to be killers like soldiers.

If a former police officer or someone knowledgeable about this training would describe it and its history, where it originated and why, I will post it on the website.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 9, 2016 9:17 pm

You can have a peaceful and orderly society or you can have ethnic diversity but you cannot have both.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 9, 2016 10:17 pm

You can have LIMITED ethnic diversity – we’ve had Asians (Chinese first, then later a few Japanese) since before the First World War. They came, assimilated (at least mostly) and their children are pretty much Americans. The Koreans rarely cause any trouble, and I haven’t seen a lot of pain from Phillipinos. The Samoans / Tongans / other Polynesians can have misfits, but I haven’t heard a lot about them (although lately the Tongan Crips may have become a problem). We MOSTLY get along with a fair number of Latinos present (Mexicans, Brazilians, Peruvians, various others) except for the La Raza types and activists; the Vietnamese aren’t dominating the headlines much.
It works until they become a sizeable minority, and start deciding to “fundamentally transform America”. Then it all goes to hell.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 10, 2016 11:28 pm

I’m not sure I agree with you HSF. Beiruit was a highly diverse city that was as far as I can tell a haven of peace, learning, and culture throughout most of the 20th century. Then it collapsed into an internecine bloodbath. I’m pretty sure I don’t fully understand how that came to be, yet it doesn’t eliminate the significant amount of time in which numerous cultures/religions (normally very hateful to each other) managed to leave peaceably. Maybe they are just an outlier.

I submit that if you change your statement to you will be more correct:

“You can have a peaceful and orderly society or you can force ethnic diversity, but you cannot have both.”

My 2¢

July 9, 2016 9:26 pm

It’s not exactly the police, the police are the mere buffer between citizens and government. Our government, local, state, and national is a carnival of con artists. The political ads on TV are nauseating at best and pathologic at worse. The handwriting is on the wall, our republic is beyond repair, I will not vote in the next election, I see no reason to perpetuate incompetence. I will have no right to complain, like it really made any difference in the past!

July 9, 2016 10:50 pm

Quirphuqd has obviously seen the light!

July 10, 2016 8:38 am

“I don’t vote. Two reasons. First of all it’s meaningless; this country was bought and sold a long time ago. The shit they shovel around every 4 years *pfff* doesn’t mean a fucking thing. Secondly, I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around – they say, ‘If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain’, but where’s the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.” George Carlin

July 10, 2016 10:21 am

True but irrelavent! You just gave a vote for Hitlery.

July 10, 2016 9:19 pm

Do not watch TV…it is garbage in-garbage out.

July 9, 2016 10:01 pm

I tend to think it originates with TPTB at the highest levels. Why? Because their ultimate goal is depopulation.

This is not conspiracy because TPTB’s minions are on the record saying it and it couldn’t be any more clear than if it were engraved upon the Georgia Guidestones.


A Civil War would suit their purposes because it would allow them to divide and conquer.

Ordo ab Chao.

Who are TPTB? Fucking fucked up fuckers. Also known as luciferian illuminati cocksuckers. That’s who.

July 9, 2016 11:30 pm

Can you really disagree that there are too any people?

July 9, 2016 11:41 pm

I can disagree. There are places that have become overpopulated, but that has happened by design to suit one purpose or another of those who regard themselves as the elite.

I’m assuming you meant ‘too many people’ rather than “too any people”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 9, 2016 11:56 pm

Merika only has 315 million in population. That is in no way over populated.
China has 1.5 billion…India 1.2 billion, now there is a problem.
Russia is under populated with only 158 million. Depends on where you are in regards to over population.IMO

July 9, 2016 10:47 pm

America was conquered by Whites, settled by Whites, built by Whites, we established our own form of government, we prospered and proved to be worthy of our own opinion of ourselves.

We did it all without the aid or assistance of any other race other than the negroids, who were not engineers, not scientists, not intellectuals, but rather two legged mules.

This is our land.

July 10, 2016 4:30 pm

Then who built the railroads?

MN Steel
MN Steel
July 10, 2016 9:39 pm

the Mick’s and Chinks… and both were indentured, for the most part

July 9, 2016 10:50 pm

“Conservatives, especially those taught to be fearful of crime, have scant objection to police murders.”

Am a conservative and I have a big objection to police murders. I never met anyone who was taught to be fearful of crime. Generally, none of us want to be a victim of crime; we just want to live our lives.

Else, I agree with PCR.

July 9, 2016 11:19 pm

@ kokoda–I agree with what you’re saying. I generally agree with PCR’s premise here that justice must apply equally ( including murderers in uniforms) but that whole paragraph you quoted from was distastefully written, especially the 100% inclusion words-“Their view is ALWAYS: “The police wouldn’t have shot him without cause.” The same bias in favor of the police is why conservative jurors ALWAYS convict.
Makes me want to say FU to him, even while I mostly agree with him.

July 10, 2016 12:04 am

PCR is ignoring or glossing over the other issue with police. It is not just that police get away with murder and violence. The police are now confiscating assets with impugnity. They fine and confiscate with no restrictions in many cases. Woe unto him or her who is caught with cash. It will be deemed proceeds of crime and stripped without further ado and with no evidence of that fact necessary. They are even beginning to strip funds electronically, again without the need of evidence.

Make no mistake – police forces are out of control, and they are not your friends.

July 10, 2016 1:40 am

Llpoh, come on. Two negroes got shot this week, both becausr they possessrd firearms, and refused to follow instructions when confronted by police. First case, police were called when 310 pound felon was threatening others with his gun. And then he chose to fight. That job is no fun. Second case, cop pulled over an armed robbery suspect with a gun in his lap. Those kind of behaviors would get me shot, no question. So i choose not to behave like that. PCR is a moonbat. Cops aren’t out of control. Blacks are.

July 10, 2016 2:06 am

Star – I am not addressing the individual shootings.

But if you think that cops are not out of control, you are out of your mind.

– fines to support govt
– confiscations
– no knock entries, often into the wrong house with little or no evidence
– flashbanging infant
– hundreds killed each year by cops
– untold beatings
– three hours to breach in Orlando
– warrant less searches
– searches based on “dogs signalling” (that is beyond belief – “the dog signalled for drugs so I searched” is total bullshit)
– shooting family dogs one after another
– shooting homeowners defending their homes from police failing to ID themselves

And you are afraid of blacks?

Not me. I am FAR more afraid of police. Blacks are violent. Police are part of the attempt to strip away your freedoms, and they are doing a fine job of it.

July 10, 2016 2:16 am


Full Retard
Full Retard
July 10, 2016 2:20 am

One favorite barracks trick the airmen loved to pull was waving bologna under the door as the drug-sniffing dog passed by.

My roomy kept a bag of weed on top of the dresser by the door. His rationale was, if they say anything, how will they prove they didn’t plant it? Who is going to believe I’d be so dumb to not hide it?

I think he was using the old ‘leave the door open so the storm troopers can’t pull their kicking-the-door in intimidation tactic’.

July 10, 2016 7:19 am

Llpoh, reread anything about them electronically stripping funds. I got pulled in south carolina once going really fast. Being out of state, it worked like this. I had to post a bond right there on the side of the road, and if i chose not to appear in court, the bond became my fine. Great system. The cops are just getting wireless debit card swipes so they an do that sort of thing. Theoretically they could clean you out. I don’t believe that is the intent, and i do not believe it has happened. I think i am in many times more danger of being randomly shot by some random predator/ scavenger negro than any cop.

July 10, 2016 7:57 am

The flashbang in the babies crib should have resulted in some twenty year sentences. The dog shooting policies need to be reversed pronto. But think about this. The black problem can (and will) be solved by turning police loose to do their job. Turning black people loose won’t do anything about the police problem. Blacks may be unpolicable using normal tactics. Look at what is happening in new york now that stop and frisk is gone. New york will become another chicago.

July 10, 2016 7:53 pm

Both groups are out of control…too many threats against
whites by blacks, and too many threats against the general
public by police. Do your best to avoid either group…and
there is a chance you won’t become a target. Be gray, and don’t be there. The rule of law has died. Sad but true.

July 10, 2016 9:21 am

One of them was shot because he was legally carrying a firearm, told the cop he was, and following instructions given him by the cop involved.

A cop that shot him with no hesitation or warning at all when he reached for his ID after being told to present it.

July 10, 2016 10:31 am

Anon, i think you’re a week behind in your facts, and the shooting only happened a few days ago. Pay attention, you are being fed crap.

July 10, 2016 5:02 pm

How so?

It’s pretty much all over the news locations that it happened that way with supporting video and testimony, I haven’t seen any evidence presented otherwise.

You have a link to some (valid) information I don’t have?

July 10, 2016 8:01 pm

You know, we can’t be sure of any of the supposed details
or facts. We live in a propaganda laden environment with
“false flag” or made up scenarios posing as reality. Drills.
Whatever…heck we don’t know unless we are at an event
or bad situation…even then, we could be witnessing a
preplanned propaganda scene. All of which is a total drag and
designed to keep us anxious and confused. Basterds.

MN Steel
MN Steel
July 10, 2016 9:48 pm

Star- ask Jack Yantis’s wife which she is more afraid of…

July 10, 2016 12:43 pm

Yep, and the confiscation of cash is why I’m no longer in the scrap gold/ coin business. If you operate on reputation, as I do, you have to carry a minimum of $5K cash when going out on a buy. The first time someone meets you to sell coins and you don’t have the cash, the word gets out that you want them to go to a bank with you or wait for the money to be delivered.

My policy has always been “buy it all if they’ll take the offer”. Sending someone home with some of the coins they want to sell because you worry about bringing cash is bad for business, so it’s necessary to carry cash. Carrying a few thousand in cash is like asking to be robbed during a traffic stop. Carrying a pistol with the cash is like asking to be murdered during a traffic stop.

I’m out of that business because of the way cops are these days.

July 10, 2016 1:43 am

“He reached under his shirt to his waistband, I thought he was going for a gun!!!!”
Oh for the simple joys of parading around at “Black’s beach” back in the day ….. everybody’s “GUN” (both boys and girls!!!) was in plain view and nobody was scared!! This s#!t is gettin’ outta’ hand!!……………on a different plane…………..Right out of a Robert Rouark Novel,”Tales of the Old Man and the Boy” (or something like that!!) have to dig into my archives for the book but here goes…..Like Robert , my youth was filled with the out doors, fishin’ and huntin’!! GUNZ!!!!?? I was 12 years old when I went to my Grandmother who had my late Grandfathers Parker Bros. 12 ga. double barreled shot gun in her closet and had not been out as I can recall in my lifetime to that date except for when my dad would take it out and clean it!! I asked her for it so I could go hunting with my 13 year older brother!! I got checked out on the use of the gun by my “Elders!!” Today, if that were to take place , my Grandmother, my Father, Brother and probably my mother too would be tossed in jail and I would end up in foster care!!! Jeez!!!!! Thank you Jesus my early days were right out of Roberts’ BOOK!!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I will “Carry On!!” I will tell my story and for all practical purposes I am the “Boy” just like the Author in his book!! READ IT!!! and the sequel especially ch. 8!!
Blue Skies.
Audentes, Fortuna, Juvat!!,

July 10, 2016 9:01 am

“The old man and the boy” Robert Rouark (1953)

July 10, 2016 12:29 pm

I read that as a teenager. “The Old Man and the Boy” and The Old Man’s Boy Grows Older”. Also good was “Poor no More”. The author was Robert Ruark, who was also a popular columnist in NYC (though he came from Southport, NC) who wrote novels on Africa, such as “Something of Value” and “Uhuru”.

Eric L.
Eric L.
July 10, 2016 1:54 am

“You can have a peaceful and orderly society or you can have ethnic diversity but you cannot have both.”

Yup! Samuel Huntington said the same thing:

“Culture and National Identity

Let me conclude with a few words on culture and national identity, specifically American national identity. The question of the conflict or convergence of cultures is a central issue confronting American society. Are we a country with one culture or many? If we are a country of many cultures, what then is the basis of national unity? Historically, America has had a single predominant culture, the product of the original British settlers, and successive waves of immigrants have assimilated into that culture, while also modifying it. Its key elements have been a European heritage, the English language, the Christian religion, and Protestant values. Ethnic, racial, regional, and other subcultures existed within this overarching dominant culture in which virtually all groups shared.

Now, however, the existence and the legitimacy of that core culture is under challenge by devotees of multiculturalism, by some minority group and immigrant group leaders, and by political figures, including the President and Vice President. President Clinton has explicitly stated that we need a “great revolution … to prove that we literally can live without having a dominant European culture.” Vice President Gore has, despite his Harvard education, mistranslated our national motto, e pluribus unum, to mean “from one, many.”

America is obviously a multiethnic and multiracial society. If it also becomes a multicultural society, lacking a common core culture, what will hold it together? The standard answer is that Americans are united in their commitment to the political principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other documents, and often referred to as the American Creed: liberty, equality, individualism, democracy, the rule of law, private enterprise. Most Americans do adhere to these values. Those values are, however, the product of the original unifying culture, and if that culture disappears, can a set of abstract political principles hold this society together? The experience of other societies that were united only by political principles, such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, is not reassuring.

The issue for Americans is whether we will renew and strengthen the culture which has historically defined us as a nation or whether this country will be torn apart and fractured by those determined to undermine and destroy the European, Christian, Protestant, English culture that has been the source of our national wealth and power and the great principles of liberty, equality, and democracy that have made this country the hope for people all over the world. That is the challenge confronting us in the first years of the twenty-first century.”

Keynote Address
Colorado College’s 125th Anniversary Symposium
Cultures in the 21st Century: Conflicts and Convergences
Delivered at Colorado College February 4, 1999 at 11:00 AM
Samuel P. Huntington

  Eric L.
July 10, 2016 3:19 am

Originally, the Americans were fleeing the tyranny and racism that was known throughout Europe for centuries. The re-emergence of such racial or religious divides is not new! it’s a repeat of the history they were fleeing.

13 colonies, each assembled (oddly enough) according to their preference to some sect of Protestantism: to the start of the insurrection AGAINST religion.

They did not come to this area of the world to re-invent the nationalism and religious dominance that they despised, nor the prejudice that they witnessed.

Those that did seek to import the prejudices of Europe created the history that they had the spirit and courage to overcome.

Huntington’s theory has no factual basis, and should never be quoted. There is no religious test, there are no “core beliefs” that replace the test.

The faith in individual freedoms is the only glue necessary to hold the American Dream together.

  Eric L.
July 10, 2016 9:23 am

I’m not so sure it is ethnic diversity that it the problem, seems more like unassimilated cultural diversity is what the problem is.

July 10, 2016 10:28 am

Anon, i couldn’t agree with you more

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Eric L.
July 10, 2016 10:38 pm

That is a great speech. Too bad nobody listened and took heed. It was probably way too late even in 1999.

Thomas Sowell “gets it”:


July 10, 2016 7:21 am

Here is a thought that will more than likely get me some thumbs downs.

There are some here that are full of hate and disgust to those who are not like them. We all like to be angry at the FSA that gets for free what we have to work for. From the point of view of TPTB a hard working white man making over $100k/yr is the same as a food stamp getting, unemployed minority on disability. We are economically closer to that person than we are to the Wall St. titans we love to despise. Although blacks commit a much higher percentage of violent crimes than any other group in our society, I have a nagging suspicion that by spending effort hating them is part of the TPTB plan and that is what you are supposed to be doing. It is a distraction from the true common enemy of them and us – TPTB. I think the goal is to divide us and have us fight with each other, just like the supposed two party system has been working for years. We could be collectively taking our eye off the ball here.

I’ll go ahead and give myself a thumbs down for proposing an idea that is outside the normal groupthink.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 10, 2016 7:40 am

I agree with your assessment that we likely have more in common with the average middle class non-White than a Hillary Clinton, for example- in many ways- but we are also fundamentally different in how we perceive the world (and I’m not going to argue whether it is nature or nurture, only that it seems immutable regardless of the passing of centuries of living together except for statistically small numbers of outliers).

Using words like “hate” is also a distraction caused by the same shadowy players you refer to. I don’t “hate” urban Black culture, I simply have nothing in common with it and no interest in being near it and I would say that the average urban Black feels exactly the same way about me and my culture. I doubt they have ever spent a second thinking about, much less “hating” me for the difference.

We are so contradictory in our approach to social mores that it would take a madman to be able to live seamlessly in our world today. Majority rules, but minorities must be respected even if means punishing the majority. Everyone is equal but some people need preferential treatment. We must respect multiculturalism and plurality and diversity unless you don’t believe in those things and then we must force compliance to this viewpoint so that everyone has the same opinion- I could go on forever, but you get the picture. There’s been a kind of mental breakdown on a societal scale and the vast majority of the public has reacted as if it is mad as well- medicating tens of millions of people for their anxiety or mood, arresting tens of millions for self medicating, imposing a police style state to enforce edicts based on whimsical beliefs in ideologies that change radically in a single generation, accepting every form of perversion as if it were a moral example while punishing any dissent as if it were a perversion.

If there were some way to get back to the original idea of States having rights to determine their own destiny we’d almost certainly have a more manageable society because you’d have a Christian style State or an Islamic State, etc. where they could tailor the laws to best fit the citizenry and where individuals that feel out of place could easily move to where they fit in without having to change who they are or what they hold dear, but you know that’s not going to happen, so we get this draconian police state that must exist to force conformity to a rapidly changing political landscape that routinely alters it’s belief system to suit it’s needs rather than tailor it’s needs to fit its beliefs.

I can’t believe that’s one sentence.

Crazy Town.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 10, 2016 7:22 am

“The faith in individual freedoms is the only glue necessary to hold the American Dream together.”

And you would be lucky to find 10%-15% That are even AWARE of what those freedoms entail (and the associated responsibilities that go with them) never mind adhere to those principles.

The problem with the very modern notion of a doctrine nation is that it must include anyone who accepts the doctrine regardless of where they happen to reside on the planet and exclude those who do not accept it even if they happen to be native born residents. Add to that the fact that beliefs change during the course of a lifetime or aren’t even held by huge swaths of the population simply because they haven’t the mental capacity to even grok those concepts, much less apply them to their daily lives. That makes keeping track of who is and isn’t one of your “countrymen” close to impossible.

Again- you can have a peaceful, orderly society or you can have ethnic diversity, but you cannot have both. The choice has been made for us so its probably best that people accept Dallas style events as a kind of tax for living in a multicultural society. If the piper is going to play, someone has to pay.

July 10, 2016 8:03 am

Star – not saying the black culture of crime is not out of control. Just that cops are a bigger universal threat to freedom.

harry p
harry p
July 10, 2016 9:26 am

Plus, one can mostly move away from black infestation but good luck moving away from police. THEY.BE.EVERYWHERE.

And if encounteredby a few black thugs they can be dispatched with inpunity. Thugs in blue multiply exponentially under the same response to their aggression.

Basically they are all gangmembers (just with different charters and colored garb). Best to avoid encounters with any an all gangs.

July 10, 2016 10:26 am

I understand what you’re saying. But getting this black shit back under control once obongo is gone is going to take some serious, dangerous police work. And i intend to support the men who take that task on.

July 10, 2016 5:07 pm

Or maybe the people the cops work for.

July 10, 2016 9:02 am

We have a government of laws not men and those laws a designed to protect the privileged position of PTB. The police are (to paraphrase Melissa Cunt) from Missouri University) the muscle to enforce that law. They are under no obligation to protect you and in most cases couldn’t if they wanted to. Law and Order is what they are all about. Emphasis on order. Niggers are not orderly therefore they will continue to be ground under. No threat to PTB will be tolerated. The police are not your friend.

July 10, 2016 9:11 am

To each his own. Libertarianism to it’s logical conclusion. The niggers should have their own culture if that is what they want. They should be free to practice whatever tribal customs they wish in their jigaboo jungles without interference from police.

July 10, 2016 9:48 am

@ overthecliff …….I hear you, but I’d like to point out that the niggers DO have their own culture; of ignorance, intolerance, violence, and with the sexual restraint of a troop of baboons.

July 10, 2016 4:46 pm

And Victoria Nuland worked for…who?

July 10, 2016 2:53 pm

I can’t believe the number of people here conflating two separate issues and/or arguing over which is the worst or lesser of two evils. We have policing issues. We have race/multicultural issues. They’re two different things. Arguing which is worse is like spending an hour arguing which is better – an apple or a chair.

July 10, 2016 4:47 pm

Congrats, Annie, you’ve captured the essence of TBP!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 10, 2016 3:25 pm

Police need to have a temperament that is difficult for any human to maintain. Most do how ever when some perp is spitting on you it is reasonable to thump this disrespectful persons skull and most cops don’t so what is the issue ? Easy , we have an extremely ignorant poorly educated group of black people with a piss poor attitude towards everything except gimmie gimmie from someone else’s hard work . In my own area a section 8 family moved in and pow car break ins police presence due to constant complaints from neighbors due to the quality of the people holding that section 8 voucher gee what happened , oh I am a racist because some young black male did not like me locking my car when I got home from work my normal routine get the mail hit the lock button the horn blows and what does black male say ” don’t be blowing dat muthafucking horn at me ! Were I come from we pop a cap in your ass ” I responded perhaps you would be happier going back where you came from ! Wow as it turns out our society would eventually have saved thousands and reduced a number of victims if he would have been the recipient of a cap in his ass !

July 10, 2016 4:26 pm

Annie – we will argue over anything we damn well please. Sticking your nose in is a good way to lose it.

July 10, 2016 4:48 pm

Uh oh! Chomped on by a “big dog”…yikes!

July 10, 2016 6:18 pm

Leftcoaster – chomped? Hardly. That was just a gentle reminder of what we are.