MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated’

It’s true that we have a hard time reconciling the “vaccine” being shoved at us while at the same time being told we should start masking up … again. There are the reports of serious reactions resulting even in death from the jab. So, for my part, I didn’t just spontaneously reject the idea of a “vaccine”, especially with it coming from the efforts of President “Warp Speed”. Nope.

As a Guillain-Barre` survivor (1998) I was told, during recovery, unequivocally, “Do not ever take another flu shot again. Your immune system is considered to be compromised and you could possibly experience a relapse from a “flu shot”.

‘Turns out that is  standard warning given to Guillain-Barre` survivors. Of course, I’m sure that is based on the understanding of what a normal vaccine is, i.e., developed from the actual virus that is causing the infection. That warning was not based on a “vaccine” developed with a spike protein package replicator/generator function. But it’s a “vaccine” and I ain’t taking it. And that’s that, if for no other reason than I believe it’s a legitimate personal choice.

All that said, this “medical exemption” I claim to have alleviates some of my political prejudice and allows me to step outside the argument and notice the way the pro-vaxxers seem to be just not listening to the vax hesitant crowd, who are bombarded daily with the pro-vax message. They have the same data available, but reach different conclusions about it’s necessity.

Then I came across this article. It doesn’t reconcile whether you should or shouldn’t get the jab, but it does a pretty good job of explaining why the two sides simply cannot seem to see the problem the same way. It might help you tailor your argument, no matter which side you’re on. Go read it.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 18, 2021 8:31 am

I saw a piece last night where those who are vaxxed are getting angry at the non-vaxxed and blame them on the mask mandates coming back. BOLO for mask mandates to make a return in dem controlled cities to spur on the animosity towards those who believe in choice.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  TN Patriot
July 18, 2021 8:47 am

Once again the complete absence of logic. If vaccines immunize you against a virus, how can someone who is immunized possibly be at risk from someone who is not? What is the purpose of a vaccine if not to protect you?

More to the point, where is agency? Do we or do we not have any say in our own life choices or are we subjects of other men?

If they were to simply articulate this without the duplicity it would establish a baseline for society that we could all understand. As it is there is nothing but an endless string of contradictions and hypocrisies that are impossible to unravel.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  hardscrabble farmer
July 18, 2021 8:59 am

I see the next mask mandate not being based on “cases” so much as fomenting the anger between the vaxxed and the un-vaxxed in an effort to coerce the unwashed masses to come around to the Truth, as they tell it.

I find it quite humorous that 3 of the TX legislators who flew to DC and have been vaxxed as now being diagnosed with the WuHuFlu. It shows you the true efficacy of the jab.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  TN Patriot
July 18, 2021 9:16 am

If we accept the story at face value.

I thought that the tests had been discredited, are we shifting timelines again?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  hardscrabble farmer
July 18, 2021 9:29 am

It is all narrative and I try to see where they are pushing the herd. TPTB have never accepted the fallacy of the PCR tests and continue to push the “increase of cases” in their narrative.

Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
Harrington Richardson: Maglulas Are Swell
  TN Patriot
July 18, 2021 2:05 pm

The guy who invented the PCR test said it wasn’t designed to test for this type of thing. Guy who invented MrnA stuff says nobody under 50 should get it. We are so far down the Rabbit Hole that we are about to break through to the other side.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot

H R – We may be far into the rabbit hole, but TPTB are still on the surface performing the same old song and dance and their audience is eating it up. They will do ANYTHING to get the rest of us to “voluntarily” take the jab, even if it means demonizing us to the ends of the earth.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 18, 2021 11:24 am

Agency and autonomy are core Christian concepts. What religion is most under attack?

  hardscrabble farmer
July 18, 2021 1:06 pm

They wouldn’t make any sense even if you were to unravel them. And they don’t need to. It’s just marketing and PR for whatever goal is in play at a given time.

July 18, 2021 11:22 am

MIT lied about PCR tests. What else will they lie about? Their rationale for CT counts was just pure sophistry.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
July 18, 2021 9:08 pm

This afternoon my wife got a call from her cousin in Florida. Total libtard through and through. She called because she was ‘concerned for our safety,’ being in the virus hot zone of AZ. Anyhow I heard the wife’s side of the convo and she made the most eloquent well reasoned arguments as good or better than any Ive heard here.

Apparently her cousin cant sleep at night if we don’t get the jab. She told us she wanted to see us but it would be impossible if we don’t get the goo. As it is we stayed with her in December and she was so ridiculous we ended up getting a motel after a day of her walking around her own house with a mask, wanting us to do the same.

I guess the point of my meandering wobble is these people will never stop. If they truly held a deep conviction in their SCIENCE they would be happy to be jabbed, move on, and leave the rest of us alone.

The best thing I took from today was looking at, my wife, what a good woman she is and what a lucky man am I. I am truly and richly blessed to a degree greater than I deserve.

P.S welcome to TBP Sensop, good to have you.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
July 19, 2021 11:35 am

Auntie thinks, after all of the logical arguments have been made and the emotional appeals entertained that the best retort for one’s “vaccine” hesitancy remains: