Epic Footage: Canadian Police Flinch In Standoff With Truckers Blocking Border

Submitted by Francis Marion

Epic Footage: Canadian Police Flinch In Standoff With Truckers Blocking Border - Miami Standard

After Canadian police gave truckers demonstrating as part of the “Freedom Convoy 2022” protest an ultimatum to stop blocking the Canada-Montana border or be arrested, the grassroots group of working-class Canadians said they’d rather be hauled off in handcuffs than submit.In videos uploaded online by Rebel News videographer Kian Simone, protesters can be seen asking to open up a line of communication between them and senior police officials.

However, police representatives sent to negotiate told them, “If you do not wish to have your truck impounded and be arrested, you are being given the option to move out to your vehicle and leave. Once we start enforcement action, people will be arrested, trucks will be impounded and seized.”

Truckers were given a grace period to move their trucks, and those who don’t will allegedly be arrested.

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Are We at the End of the Pandemic?

Via Mercola

end of the pandemic

Story at-a-glance

  • Many health officials and world leaders are finally acknowledging that the COVID shots cannot end the pandemic and that we must learn to live with the virus. Some have even started speaking out against repeated boosters
  • A major driver for this U-turn in the pandemic narrative is the emergence of the Omicron variant. While incredibly infectious, it causes only mild cold symptoms in the vast majority of people; it’s ripping through populations, leaving natural herd immunity in its wake. As a result, many are now claiming the end of the pandemic is in sight
  • Nearly 100% of COVID cases in the Boston area are now Omicron. In New England, the current outbreak is predicted to rapidly wane and disappear during the month of February 2022. As of early January 2022, Omicron was responsible for about 73% of all COVID cases in the U.S.
  • After two years of repetitive fearmongering, most people have had enough. The general consensus appears to be that people are ready to brave life even if the threat of COVID remains
  • With that baseline of natural immunity that Omicron provides, populations will, going forward, be far better equipped to handle any new strains that emerge, without a significant increase in mortality

For nearly a year, experts have noted that the COVID shots cannot establish herd immunity to end the pandemic, as the gene transfer injections do not prevent infection or transmission.

Continue reading “Are We at the End of the Pandemic?”

Legacy Media Disinformation

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Word on the street is that Spotify is removing Neil Young’s music after he made them choose between him and Joe Rogan.

Choosing freedom of speech over censorship. Well done Spotify!

A Trip Down the Misinformation Memory Lane, brought to you by Joe Biden:

“I wouldn’t demand it (the vaccine) to be mandatory but I would do everything in my power. It’s like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide.” (Pres. Candidate Biden, 2020)

“I feel confident by summer we’ll be well on our way towards herd immunity and increasing access.” (Early 2021)

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” (July 21, 2021)

“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” (Fall, 2021)

“I was in DC this weekend to support bodily sovereignty while Canadian truckers were rallying for their cross-country, peaceful convoy in support of the same thing,” Lilly said. “I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of: violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education, alienation from loved ones, excommunication from society … under any threat whatsoever.”

“This is not the way,” the “Ant-Man” actress continued. “This is not safe. This is not healthy. This is not love. I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems.”

Here is the original story in the Daily Wire

and just like that, Twitter explodes!

Continue reading “Legacy Media Disinformation”

Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking

Via The Blue State Conservative

Covid-19 has been considered the worst epidemic in our generation. Every elected official will tell you how dangerous the virus is, and how dangerous the unvaccinated are. What you rarely hear these people discuss is how human trafficking was impacted by Covid-19. This is an already well-hidden crime, but now that you add individuals were forced to stay home without work, without any way to provide for themselves, what do you think will happen? This raises the question: Was human trafficking impacted by Covid-19? In short, yes. How was modern day slavery impacted by the pandemic? Here’s how:

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U.S. Developing Vaccine Passport System Using Complex Web of Big Tech Partnerships

Via The Defender

Biden says it’s up to private sector to develop digital health tracking technology.

Since its December 2020 launch of COVID-19 vaccines, the U.S. has set itself apart from many other Western countries by not adopting a nationwide vaccination passport, instead using paper vaccination cards issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

One reason for this is that no formal federal database of vaccination records exists in the U.S. Instead, each state maintains its own registry of vaccination records, as do healthcare providers.

But just because the federal government isn’t directly developing a national vaccine database or vaccine passport system doesn’t mean such systems aren’t in the works.

In fact, non-governmental initiatives, such as the SMART Health Card, are vying to develop a de facto national digital vaccination passport.

Additionally, several state-level digital vaccination verification and contact tracing apps have been developed. And state-level vaccination records, including patients’ names, do reach the CDC, though identifiable information is said to be redacted.

Continue reading “U.S. Developing Vaccine Passport System Using Complex Web of Big Tech Partnerships”

Here’s Why This Metal Is Prone to Crisis-Driven Manias… And the Next One Is Coming Soon

Via International Man


The media hated them.

Big Business, numerous federal agencies, and politicians of all stripes hated them too.

Tiffany’s, the famous jewelry company, vilified them in a full-page advertisement in The New York Times, calling them “unconscionable.”

The villains everyone loved to hate were the Hunt brothers. They were critics of the fiat money system and advocated hard money based on commodities.

Continue reading “Here’s Why This Metal Is Prone to Crisis-Driven Manias… And the Next One Is Coming Soon”

NJ gym owner Ian Smith, who stayed open during lockdowns, is running for Congress

Via NY Post

A New Jersey gym owner who famously risked jail and financial ruin to remain open during lockdowns is now planning to run for Congress.

Ian Smith, the co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, tweeted that he will be “formally announcing my campaign for Congress” on Thursday.

“I am truly excited to have the possibility to serve the people of NJ with a platform focused on liberty, small government, and America First policies,” he said Sunday.

Smith became an outspoken critic of strict lockdowns early in the pandemic when he and his business partner, Frank Trumbetti, refused to close their gym in defiance of Gov. Phil Murphy’s orders — even kicking down the boarded-up doors.

Despite facing jail as well as mammoth daily fines and mounting legal costs into the millions, the pair remained open, making it an iron mecca and central figure for those fighting lockdowns and mandates.

New Jersey gym owner Ian Smith, who kept his business open despite COVID-19 regulations, has announced he intends to run for Congress.
New Jersey gym owner Ian Smith, who kept his business open despite COVID-19 regulations, has announced he intends to run for Congress.


It is an ongoing fight for the pair, with Smith revealing last week that they yet again did not have “the outcome we wanted” as they were “sentenced to a one-year term of probation” in the latest court hearing.

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Everything Is Clear From Up Here — (notes on survival)

I know many of you read Lew Rockwell on a regular basis.  Today’s Lew Rockwell edition      has an article titled “Nonocracy and The Montgomery Brewster Option”.  That’s kind of a ridicules title — in the sense that most of us will have no idea what the hell that might be about —  and, so, we’re likely to just skip it.  That would be a shame, because it’s a damned fine article!! Please give it a shot and read it.

The author (“Good Citizen”)  is a truly fantastic writer.  I’ve already read about half a dozen of his articles, and one is better than the next. Really. So, here is a great one,  about surviving in this crazy world.  I know you all love “prepper” type articles so, I hope this one tickles your fancy as it did mine.

I hope the great and mighty TBP Nation clicks on this man’s SUBSCRIBE button.  His voice needs to be heard far and wide.


Everything Is Clear From Up Here

Notes on survival and remaking the future from the top of a fucking mountain.

The Awakened

There are frequent delusions being peddled of an end to the pandemic and a return to normalcy as the lies continue to unravel in the face of a brutal reality and the endless collapsing narratives. For those captives enthralled with this new development hope springs forth to seize attention and satiate their desperate need for optimism. Survival in times of crisis does not depend on optimism or hope, although the latter can be a useful psychological motivator in desperately severe circumstances. Survival requires an acknowledgment of truth and reality, so that reasonable decisions can be made based on accurate intelligence. The acquisition of accurate intelligence is a laborious process these days with rampant censorship and propaganda proffered hourly as authoritative “news”.

Continue reading “Everything Is Clear From Up Here — (notes on survival)”


Lesson: Don’t run out of steak when brothers are in the house
Don’t they put herds of cattle in a corral?
Click to visit the TBP Store for Great TBP Merchandise

EXPLOSIVE New Surveillance Footage of Ballot Drop Boxes


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

How do you lose 170 million dollars on a farm that hasn’t produced a single vegetable?

Use language like this…

“The company expects a full-year net loss between $170-$172.5M, including fourth-quarter non-cash goodwill and an intangible impairment charge of around $60M.”

Ah, the bugbear of agriculture, intangible impairment.

“One of the main drivers for share decline today was delays at two indoor verticle farms. The first was at an indoor facility that grows salad greens and another for tomatoes, and both won’t be fully operational until the end of the year. The company said last August that both facilities would be operational by the midpoint of the year.”


Here’s the new CEO and spell checker-


Martha Stewart-Backed AppHarvest Plunges After Farm Delays

https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/martha-stewart-backed-appharvest-plunges-after-farm-delaysOn Monday, high-tech greenhouse startup AppHarvest plunged as much as 23% to $2.66, a 52-week low after reporting worsening preliminary 2021 financial results and farm delays.

Continue reading “NOT FARMING”

Arizona Sells Over $1.23 Billion of Marijuana During First Year of Legalization

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The state of Arizona saw $1.23 billion in sales after legalizing recreational marijuana one year ago. This figure does not include December’s final reporting. Medical marijuana accounted for $703 million in purchases while recreational produced $528 million. The state will collect over $196 million on those earnings, with a good percentage going to education.

The Marijuana Excise Tax will contribute $92.9 million to community colleges and health departments, while $7.3 million will go toward an education sales tax. “Rarely does an industry produce over $1.2 billion in revenue in its first year. This number shows that the legalization of cannabis is something Arizonans believe strongly in and the many benefits it contributes to the state’s economy,” Samuel Richard, the executive director of the Arizona Dispensaries Association, said in a press release.

Continue reading “Arizona Sells Over $1.23 Billion of Marijuana During First Year of Legalization”

TSA Accepts ARREST WARRANTS as ID for Illegal Immigrants

Via Sovereign Man

Here’s our roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

TSA Accepts ARREST WARRANTS as ID for Illegal Immigrants

Responding to a recent Congressional inquiry, the TSA said that it allows illegal immigrants to board commercial flights without a valid ID, if they present a DHS arrest warrant.

Documents accepted by the TSA include TSA ICE Form I-200— Warrant for Arrest of Alien, ICE Form I-205 – Warrant of Removal/Deportation, and DHS Form I-862— Notice to Appear before a court due to violation of immigration laws.

Continue reading “TSA Accepts ARREST WARRANTS as ID for Illegal Immigrants”


NOTE-I would like to re-introduce TBP QOTD posts. They were always a good time in the past. Join in the conversations, and feel free to send in your QOTD post ideas to me at [email protected]

Is Russia Preparing to Invade Ukraine?

Some of yesterdays headlines:

Russia is willing to go to war and incur sanctions over Ukraine, analysts warn – cnbc

Russia dismisses claims it is ready to invade Ukraine as ‘ridiculous’ – NY Post

Live Updates: U.S. Faces Off With Russia at U.N. as Ukraine Standoff Continues – NY Times

Britain warns Russia of sanctions on oligarchs if Ukraine is invaded – Reuters

John Kirby sounds the alarm: Russian invasion of Ukraine ‘could happen at any time’ – Fox news

What do you think will happen?

Will Russia invade?

Why, or why not?


Biden Commits To Picking A Diversity Hire For SCOTUS Since That Worked So Well With His VP

Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C—Justice Stephen Breyer has announced he is retiring from the Supreme Court, sparking intense speculation for who Biden will be nominating to replace him. In response, the President has pledged to nominate a woman of color for SCOTUS, since diversity hires have always strengthened his Presidency.

“I gotta go with what works, folks. And just like choosing my VP, I will select someone for SCOTUS based solely on her race and her gender,” said President Biden. “I did that last time and look how well it’s worked out for me. Everyone loves and approves of Kamala! She’s got a great laugh, comes across as extremely relatable, and just look at how she handled the border crisis so well!”

According to White House sources, the President is not interested in things such as competency, character, or any knowledge of the Constitution whatsoever. Instead, he’s only interested in immutable physical characteristics assigned at birth.

“What this country and what this court needs right now is a pair of X sex chromosomes and someone with more melanin in her skin,” continued President Biden. “Someone who can call me racist today and praise me tomorrow, that’s what we need!”

At publishing time, President Biden committed to begin the process of replacing all of his administration with diversity hires. He vowed to not stop until his entire administration was a diverse coalition of exclusively black women.