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Rittenhouse Trial

Guest Post by The Zman

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has gone to the jury after both sides presented their closing arguments and the state presented its rebuttal. Wisconsin stacks the deck against the accused by not only allowing the state the final word but giving them a chance to address the closing argument of the accused. That means before the jury got the case, they had to sit through a long day of the state making unfounded claims about their case as well as the case of the defense team.

Putting that aside, the trial has not exactly riveted the country, but it has become a symbol of the problems facing America. For example, there were the howler monkeys of the new religion writhing in agony whenever the judge enforced the basic rules of criminal procedure. Immediately they labeled the judge a white supremacist fascist and issued a fatwa against him. The death threats came pouring in and he is now under police protection. Welcome to America.

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As America Braces For The Rittenhouse-Verdict Unrest, Profits Soar

By Matt Taibbi, published via SubStack

The Mayhem Watch is on. Closing arguments in the trial of “Kenosha Shooter” Kyle Rittenhouse are expected Monday, and after weeks of hype, the country is primed to explode again. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers announced 500 National Guard troops will be on hand for potential post-verdict “unrest,” which seems almost guaranteed, no matter the result.

As with all major news stories lately, the Rittenhouse case saw idiosyncrasies wash away as coverage accumulated, with pundits pounding the trial into yet another generalized referendum on American culture war. Prestige media made Rittenhouse a stand-in for the Proud Boys, January 6th, school board protests, anti-mask protests, QAnon, Blue Lives Matter, Trump, “Domestic Terrorism,” fascism, school shooters, and every other naughty thing, with everyone from then-candidate Joe Biden to The Intercept blithely declaring him a white supremacist. The efforts to cast Rittenhouse as a symbol of racism and white rage have been awesome in quantity and transparently, intentionally provoking, with even leading papers like the New York Times standardizing a practice of underscoring Rittenhouse’s race (“white teenager”) while leaving the identities of those shot out of coverage. Glenn Greenwald pointed out that his old outlet, The Intercept, noted Rittenhouse’s race 20 times in one piece while keeping schtum about the color of those shot. This has gone on for so long, we’ve seen a foreign newspaper misreport that the two people killed in the case were black. In the public consciousness, they might as well have been.

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Prosecutors Move For Mistrial As Jury Has Been Tainted By Clear Video Evidence Of Kyle Rittenhouse Defending Himself

Via The Babylon Bee

KENOSHA, WI—Prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial have asked the judge to declare a mistrial after the defense team produced clear video evidence of Rittenhouse defending himself against a wave of violent Communists.

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This Pedestal is Reserved

Guest Post by Galicant Wiseword

You probably will not like what I have to say about Kenosha Kyle so maybe we should start with some common ground.

Do you love your nation?  Do you hate tyranny and big government shuttering your business and church  to perpetuate a lie?  I do.

Do you think police should be held accountable when they act dishonorably?  Do you think that black life matters but realize that BLM is a billion-dollar front of a Marxist revolution?  We agree.

Do you think some kid who has either trained extensively with his rifle or got extremely lucky should be heralded as a national hero because he wasted two commie pawns?  Do you think his character and intentions that night are irrelevant compared to his ability to clear a jam while being assaulted by a skateboard?   Let’s talk.

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Submitted by CCRider

Tim Pool is a lefty with a brain. He’s announced his support for Trump due to the democrat’s destructive behavior and the cover they get from the corporate press. Here he cites several sources, including the New York Times on what actually happened that night.

Did you hear Kyle is a white supremacist (their favorite slime for any white person)? Did you hear he had no business being by that car dealership, or that he crossed state lines with a weapon? Did you hear he gunned down peaceful protesters? On the other hand, did you hear he had a job in Kenosha? Did you hear he brought a medical kit to help anyone who was hurt or that he loved his country?

When the facts emerge through the smokescreen an awful lot of people are going to get another example of a fine young man, like the wonderful Nick Sandmann, who is a model of decency and goodness smeared by these evil jackals.

Support Kyle without GoFundMe

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Kyle Rittenhouse just defended himself from a brutal attack by multiple members of the far-leftist group ANTIFA – the experience was undoubtedly a brutal one, as he was forced to take two lives to defend his own.

Now, Kyle is being unfairly charged with murder 1, by a DA who seems determined only to capitalize on the political angle of the situation. The situation was clearly self-defense, and Kyle and his family will undoubtedly need money to pay for the legal fees.

Let’s give back to someone who bravely tried to defend his community.


Optics Matter

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the timeless lessons of this year has been that the future is always going to be full of surprises. To start the year, no one could have predicted the Covid panic and the rise of local tyrants using the panic to push people around. A month ago, no one would have predicted the recent events in Kenosha. It just seemed like these ruling class riots would continue in the same manner until the election. Then suddenly we have video of a young white kid fighting for his life in the streets.

It is way too soon to know how the story of Kyle Rittenhouse ends, but there is no doubt that this event stands out from all others this year. It does not fit the standard narrative the Left likes to jam all events. Public reaction to it has thus far been much different than we have seen with recent events. There is a good chance that this event may be the inflection point in the coming election. Even though we are still early in the story, there are several good lessons to be drawn from this event.

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