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“FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”—Which means that the unresolved 2020 election theft makes Biden a POTUS imposter……

Via State of the Nation

…and the 2024 POTUS electoral
process already illegitimate due to
the premeditated lawfare fraud and calculated malicious prosecutions of Trump conducted by the communist-run Democrat Party to keep him off the ballot. 

Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

— United States Supreme Court
* “Vitiates” in a legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates

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AMP Media’s Coverage of the 2020 Election Sting Operation and Bankrupt USA Inc.

Guest Post by James Grundvig, American Media Periscope

On January 19, 2021, the eve of the Biden regime taking center stage in the wake of a rigged inauguration, John Michael Chambers and I discussed the reality that President Trump dissolved the United States Corporation (“USA Inc”) a minute before Joe Biden would be sworn in the next day.

The 1871 Act, codified into law by the 41st Congress, created the District of Columbia, turning Washington into a maritime port city controlled by the British Crown. The legal bridge, which forced Americans to pay off the Civil War debt to England, put the United States of America into a corporate bond, a hostage under the thrall of the foreign empire.

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Election fraud in America: the evidence

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Once you open your eyes to the possibility that the systems you trust aren’t as trustable as you were led to believe, you start to see things that you could never before consider possible.

A US Senator suggested I view “SELECTION CODE: The Movie.” It’s excellent. I recommend everyone reading this take an hour to watch it, especially the last 15 minutes. Please promote it on social media after you view the film.

It seems to have escaped notice by all the mainstream media. Are you surprised?

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Caught in a Trap: We Can’t Go On Together With Suspicious Minds

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

A few months ago, one of my offspring texted and asked if I had read or heard anything about the new Elvis movie that was playing in theaters at the time. When I said “no”, they responded back that they had seen the film, that it was very good, and these words: “I didn’t know Elvis was that big of deal back then”.

So allow me some latitude as I’m going somewhere with this…

In my mind, I thought: “Really? How could my kid not know? Elvis Presley was considered the “king of rock and roll”.

On the other hand, maybe it wasn’t so odd. After all, Elvis music was not played around my kids when they were growing up; and I, personally, have only considered the man, vaguely, as an American historical icon.

I considered my own cognitive associations involving Elvis:

– My dad had some Elvis gospel and Christmas albums.

– I have heard most of Elvis Presley’s songs at one time or another.

–  I eventually learned that many Elvis songs were first performed by other musicians and blues singers.

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Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ May Be Most Important Film Of Our Lifetimes

Via The Blue State Conservative

By now, it is obvious to nearly everyone except the most die-hard election fraud denier ostriches and Politico propagandists that there was something seriously wrong with the 2020 election.  The D’Souza movie 2000 Mules is only the latest in a long series of investigations showing the existence of massive fraud in battleground swing states as well as every other state.

That leaves us with only two realistic possibilities: first that Trump won by a landslide but the election was stolen by fraudulent ballot dumps, or two, that due to the all the fraud, we have no idea who actually won.  It is unlikely in the extreme, that the current pretender to the office of President actually won fair and square, despite Leftist assurances that the 2020 election was the most secure and fair in history and that any instances of fraud were minor and had no effect on the outcome. Continue reading “Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ May Be Most Important Film Of Our Lifetimes”

2000 Mules Documentary Provides Compelling Evidence That 2020 Election Was Stolen

Via American Greatness

Movie Viewing: 2000 Mules Tickets, Sat, May 7, 2022 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite

After the 2020 election, government officials and their allies in the media repeated the mantra that the election was the “most secure in American history,” Dinesh D’Souza pointed out before the premiere of his new documentary film 2000 Mules at Mar-a-Lago, Wednesday night.

But how would they know that? D’Souza wondered. Even if they couldn’t prove the election was rigged, “it still doesn’t follow that it was the most secure election in history,” he said. “The only way you could prove that would be if you were to compare the amount of fraud in 2020 with 2016, with 2012, with 2008, with 2004, and show that there has been less fraud now than in any of those elections.”

D’Souza’s question is a good one.

Did election officials study the security of every election prior to 2020 to make the determination that the 2020 election was “the most secure ever”? Or were they just spinning another false narrative that benefits one side of the aisle?

The movie 2000 Mules handily answers that question.

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