It seems you shit throwing monkeys do buy shit for Christmas. You’ve bought $5,000 worth of shit in December so far through the Amazon button, netting TBP $300 in revenue. Jeff Bezos is feeling the pain. 

The rest of you cheap bastards need to buy something for your mothers, wives, or kids.

bb – buy something for little bb.

SSS – buy a Golf for Dummies book.

Stuck – buy a book on how to sell a house.

Llpoh – buy a book on how to not get bit by a poisonous snake in Australia.

Bea – buy a book explaining freefall speed.

If you block the ads, here is the link:



I take no part in this made up bullshit. Black Friday was a disaster for retailers. Small business Saturday was surely a bust, as there are virtually no small businesses left. Now the hoopla for cyber-Monday, as if you won’t be able to buy anything on-line at any time for a low price. It’s all a joke. Retail sales will be terrible this year, as the ongoing recession deepens.

So on that note, don’t forget to use my Amazon Button on the right side of the page if you are going to buy shit you don’t need. TBP will get 6% of every transaction.

For those who block the ads and don’t see the Amazon button, here is the link:


Despite all the propaganda and cheerleading by CNBC and the rest of the MSM faux journalists, the stock market has been stuck in neutral for the last year. The S&P 500 stood at 2,089 on December 26, 2014. It presently stands at 2,089 on November 22, 2015. It is trading 2% below its all-time high, reached in July. It’s up a measly 3.5% since the day the Fed turned off the QE spigot in October 2014. And that’s the good news.

Without the ridiculous “internet bubble like” ascension of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google, the stock market would be deep in the red this year. Three of these companies barely make money. They are all overvalued by at least 70%. Most of the stocks in the S&P 500 are trading in the red this year. When the breadth of advancers narrows to a few over-hyped Wall Street superstar stocks (think Cisco, Dell, Microsoft, Enron, Worldcom in 2000) the bull market is on its last legs.

Wall Street is luring more muppets into these FANG stocks before the slaughter commences. These stocks will be trading at least 50% lower in less than two years. Book it.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google created over $440 in value over 2015

In the sixth year of the bull run, the U.S. large cap market has had its ups and downs. The S&P 500 peaked at 2134.7 in the early summer months, and promptly collapsed to 1867 points during the August flash crash.

Today, it’s back in black, but only trading just over 1% higher than it started the year.

The only reason that has made this possible is the legendary performance of four tech stocks: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google (now called “Alphabet Inc.”). Together, the “FANG” stocks have created an impressive $440 billion in market capitalization since January.

For comparisons sake: that’s over 2/3 the size of Apple’s current market cap.

Continue reading “MARKET WILL BE DEFANGED”


Here we go again. The dying legacy media will continue to support the status quo, who provide their dwindling advertising revenue, by papering over the truth with platitudes, lies, and misinformation. I have been detailing the long slow death of retail in America for the last few years. The data and facts are unequivocal. Therefore, the establishment and their media mouthpieces need to suppress the truth.

They spin every terrible report in the most positive way possible. They blame lousy retail results on the weather. They blame them on calendar effects. They blame them on gasoline sales plunging. That one is funny, because we heard for months that retail spending would surge because people had more money in their pockets from the huge decline in gasoline prices.

September retail sales were grudgingly reported by the Census Bureau this morning and they were absolutely dreadful. This followed an atrocious August report. The MSM couldn’t blame it on snow, cold, flooding, drought, or even swarms of locusts. So they just buried the story in their small print headlines. The propaganda media machine had nothing. They continue to spew the drivel about a 5.1% unemployment rate as a reflection of a booming jobs market. If we really have a booming jobs market, we would have a booming retail sector. The stagnant retail market reveals the jobs data to be fraudulent. The 94 million people supposedly not in the job market can’t buy shit with their good looks.


Amazon Chief Says Employees Lacking Empathy Will Be Instantly Purged

Guest Post by Andy Borowitz

SEATTLE (The Borowitz Report)—Saying that he was “horrified” by a New York Times article recounting callous behavior on the part of Amazon executives, company founder Jeff Bezos warned today that any employees found lacking in empathy would be instantly purged.

In an e-mail to all Amazon employees issued late Sunday evening, Bezos said that the company would begin grading its workers on empathy, and that the ten per cent found to be least empathic would be “immediately culled from the herd.”

To achieve this goal, Amazon said that it would introduce a new internal reporting system called EmpathyTrack, which will enable employees to secretly report on their colleagues’ lack of humanity.

The system will allow Amazon employees to grade their co-workers on a scale from a hundred (nicest) to zero (pure evil), resulting in empathy-based data that will be transmitted directly to Bezos.

Then, through a new program called Next Day Purging, any employee found lacking in empathy will be removed from the company within twenty-four hours of Bezos’s termination order.

“We can’t be the greatest retailer in the world unless we are also the kindest,” Bezos wrote in his e-mail. “So my message to all Amazonians is loud and clear: be kind or taste my wrath. Love, Jeff.”


“Things always become obvious after the fact”Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”  – Aldous Huxley

The S&P 500 currently stands at 2,126, fractionally below its all-time high. It is now 300% above the 2009 low and 34% above the 2008 and 2001 previous highs. Most people believe this is the new normal. They are comfortably numb in their ignorance of facts, reality, the truth, and the inevitability of a bleak future. When the herd is convinced progress and never ending gains are the norm, the apparent stability and normality always degenerates into instability and extreme anxiety. As many honest analysts have proven, with unequivocal facts and proven valuation measurements, the stock market is as overvalued as it was in 1929, 2000, and 2007.

Facts haven’t mattered, as belief in the infallibility and omniscience of Federal Reserve bankers, has convinced “professionals” to program their high frequency trading supercomputers to buy the all-time high. If central bankers were really omniscient and low interest rates guaranteed endless stock market gains, then why did the stock market crash in 2000 and 2008? The Federal Reserve’s monetary policies created the bubbles in 2000, 2007 and today. There was no particular event which caused the crashes in 2000 and 2008. Extreme overvaluation, created by warped Federal Reserve monetary policies and corrupt Washington D.C. fiscal policies, is what made the previous bubbles burst and will lead the current bubble to rupture.

Benjamin Graham and John Maynard Keynes understood how irrational markets could be over the short term, but eventually they would reach fair value:

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.” – Graham

“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” – Keynes

Graham’s quote reflects the difference between hope and reality. This explains the ridiculous overvaluation of Amazon, Shake Shack, Twitter, Linkedin, Tesla, Google, and the other high flying new paradigm stocks. Story stocks soar because the herd believes the stories peddled by Wall Street and company executives. Five of these six stocks don’t have a PE ratio because you need earnings to calculate a PE ratio. In the long run the market will weigh the value these companies based upon profits and cashflow. It is the same story for the market as a whole. There is no question who is to blame for what now amounts to a three headed hydra of bubbles poised to burst.


Is This A Blow-Off Top? Four Ways To Tell

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Those who lived through the last two speculative blow-off tops know the impossibility of predicting the final top.

How can we tell if stocks are in the final blow-off stage of a bubble? There are four basic give-aways:

1. Parabolic rises in stocks and speculative debt.

2. The mainstream financial media claims the clearly visible bubbles are justified by fundamentals.

3. Conventional financial authorities insist this is not a blow-off top.

4. The expressions of regret of those who sat out the latest rally become ubiquitous.

In the past few days, I have read two laughably baseless justifications of the bubble in Chinese stocks by conventional financial analysts:

A) China is a “black box,” i.e. unfathomable, so go with what we know, which is that China is a nation of entrepreneurs: this is the green light to buy the bubble here if you want to reap easy profits.

B) The stock market bubble in China is positive evidence of a healthy re-adjustment of China’s financial system.

That neither thesis has the slightest foundation in reality doesn’t matter, as the real agenda of the analysts is to justify their own attempts to join the crowd reaping vast profits in the bubble.

This denial that a speculative blow-off is clearly occurring is a key indicator that a blow-off top is in its final stages.

Continue reading “Is This A Blow-Off Top? Four Ways To Tell”


Amazon reported their financial results for their first quarter last week. They had sales of $22.7 billion and somehow managed to lose $57 million. So you have a company with revenue growth of 13% that is losing money. The stock was already selling at an outrageous price of $385 per share. Wall Street’s reaction to 13% revenue growth and increasing losses was to drive the price up $65 in one day to $450 per share. It is up 56% in the last 6 months, while it was losing $400 million in the last 12 months. If you look really really hard at the chart below you still won’t see the profit bars. Maybe a magnifying glass will help.

This company had a negative operating cash flow of $1.5 BILLION for the quarter. It’s free cash flow was NEGATIVE $2.4 billion. It’s price to book value is 13.4. A normal price to book value is 1.0 to 2.0. It doesn’t have a PE ratio because you need earnings to calculate this ratio. This company is the poster child of the delusion that has overtaken our financial markets. Bezos always promises future profits that never materialize. Wall Street buys on the promises and spins stories about new paradigms, blah, blah, blah. We’ve heard it all before. We heard it in 2000 and we heard it in 2007. It always ends the same way. If you don’t believe me then just borrow on margin and pile into this juggernaut of losses.

Infographic: More of the Same From Amazon | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


I know this site attracts the most frugal, tightwad, non-materialistic curmudgeons on the entire planet. But, if you are so inclined to buy something this Christmas and don’t want to get run over by the obese hoards roaming the malls across zombieland, you can just click the Amazon button on the top right hand side of the page and order the shit you don’t need with the the money you don’t have while sitting at your computer.

I will receive 6% of every purchase and it won’t cost you a dime more. Think of it as sticking it to multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos, who will lose even more money on every sale.

You’d be surprised what you can buy through Amazon. I’ve seen junk silver, ammo, survival gear, and even red dildos (you know who you are ladies) bought through my Amazon button.

So enjoy your holiday season by never having to interact with the ignorant masses, while keeping TBP alive and fighting.

Here is the button in case you are too lazy to look for it on the side.


This should keep Amazon’s Obamacare costs under control. Maybe the BLS can change their jobs definition to include robots now. That could do wonders for the official unemployment rate. Maybe Applebees can add some new dishes to their menu – Sauteed Nuts & Bolts with an Oil Smoothie. That could really juice revenues. These newly employed robots can travel in Google driver-less cars. And you thought the Jetsons world would never arrive. Human beings are becoming obsolete. All hail Jeff Bezos. Who needs profits anyway? I can’t wait for my first drone delivery. I hope it isn’t care of the U.S. military.

Amazon to Add 9,000 Robots to Workforce, Ending Great Robot Depression

It’s a robot invasion!

Robots, robots everywhere (YouTube).

Were you hoping Amazon would go away so you could stop buying things you don’t need solely because they come in two days? Oh well.

Amazon is about to multiply their robot army times 10, CNN reported.

The online retailing giant announced plans to increase their robot workforce to 10,000 by the end of this year. Currently, Amazon employs 1,000 of the wondrous warehouse machines.

The announcement, made by CEO Jeff Bezos in a shareholders meeting this morning, spurred the question of the fate for the actual human beings who package and ship our ear buds and iPhone cases.

An Amazon Spokeswoman assured CNN that the increase in robot workers will have no influence on the number of people employed.

Amazon must know that its robot fleet is piquing people’s interest, because the company just began offering public tours of their U.S. warehouses last month.

If that’s too much trouble, the video below will show you all about Amazon’s leap into the futuristic robot world. What we’re really wondering, though, is where are the damn drones?!


Follow Sage Lazzaro on Twitter or via RSS.

$400 STOCK?

This is the company that is killing bricks and mortar retailers? Really?

This is a company with $75 billion in sales and net income of $265 million.

Their PE ratio is 1,400.

Do juggernauts have this trend in operating margins?


A company like this selling for $400 per share is joke. Cramer says buy.


I know this blog attracts the cheapest bastards on earth and I count myself as a proud member of the frugal army. At one point there were another 20 ads on the right side of the page and the idiot advertisers were paying me $1 to $2 per day to place those ads. They have finally realized that you cheap bastards cannot be lured into buying their shit and have hit the road. After reading my diatribes about shysters and scam artists, you rarely sign up for Casey newsletters. Therefore, they don’t pay me.

Now we’re on the verge of the Christmas season and I’m guessing even you cheap sons of bitches will be buying something. If you hate malls and make your purchases on the internet, consider clicking the Amazon button on the right side of the page. If you make a purchase through that button, Amazon will send me 6% of the transaction amount. It won’t cost you anything more. So, you’ll actually be sticking it to an evil corporation by buying through my Amazon button. And I’ll have some funds to pay Stop the Hacker, Dreamhost and WordPress to keep this two bit blog functioning.

I’ve seen purchases of ammo, bulk silver, red dildos, and lingerie over the years, but I don’t see who buys what. I do have some suspicions regarding the red dildo and anyone who wants to confess can do so on this thread.

Here is the button for your convenience.